Characters you hate



  • Jsh2014
    Jsh2014 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    I don't think there are any characters I hate in their entirety, but there are plenty that I hate aspects of ....

    Yes, Lord Grumpycat, I listen and obey ....

    1. All the 1s I don't bother rostering, cause .... irritating.
    2. Devil Dino, because they wasted that character on a tinykitty design, then teased us with a whiff of a buff.
    3. Gambit ... fun design, blast to play (cause ... broken) .... still hate that ugly trailer trash in a knockoff ninja turtle getup look. At least I don't have to hear him in this game.
    4. Bagman, for being barefoot, and limited, and a tinykitty design.
    5. 3* Gamora, for being hideous.
    6. 2* bullseye, for that stupid grin, and having 2 worthless powers. Thanks for the shields, tho, shield goon.
    7. Winter Soldier .... Pliskin wannabe.
    8. Agent Venom .... Archie in a baggy tinykitty suit.
    9. 4* SL .... bieber in a Thriller suit. Ugh.
    10. Nightcrawler blue ... whatdaheckizzupwiddat?
    11. Kingpin ... for pointing at people. And doubly so for now having a dependent pointer finger.
    12. Hobofist ... JUST LOOK AT HIM. May he remain forever constipated.
    13. Elektra ... for the accumulated suckage. This was the games 4th 4*? Then the release a 3* clone, and we realize she was just a 3 all along. Lolz.
    14. 4* Blade .... go back to the 90s.
    15. 5thor ... that "cover" is hideous. Shoulda used one of those psychedelic posters. Like the one that popped up in Today's News. Instead, we get a fingerpainting.
    16. Banner ... OK, I like the Hulk. I hate everything, literally everything, about this rendition. Art, character design, effects, that a 5* was wasted on his dungpile ... well, the cover they used is pretty good. That's something.
    17. 5* Bieberlord ... burn that cover. Laser ship is cool tho.
    18. Phoenix ... for the ridiculous cover distribution. 2yrs on, no closer to done.
    19. 2* Marvel ... for the ugly.
    20. Quicksilver ... just ... no.
    21. 3* Ock ... for being useless.
    22. 3* Doom ... for always being underwhelming. Where's the Doom in this "Doom"?
    23. Squirrel Girl ... for the ugly.
    24. 2* cap ... for being sooooooo slow. Stop tickling them with that shield and throw it!
    25. TA Hulk ... that cover is so ugly, I actually bought a copy, so I could have the ugliest comic ever published.
    26. 3* Punisher ... for being a pinpricker, not a punisher. 4 long years of underwhelm.
    27. Beast ... just don't like him.
    28. Psylocke ... sucks.
    29. 2* Daken ... irritating.
    30. 3* Daken ... ugly and irritating.
    31. Moonstone ... that stupid, stupid, time-wasting pink power.
    32. Ares ... just a jerk. Over the hill jock with a drunk on.
    33. Tiny Torch ... for being just that. Until they trolled us with El3ktra, this was the only lazy tiny toon.
    34. Miles Morales ... hate this character.
    35. Bobbygollum ... stillborn art.
    36. Vision ... such an uninspired design for such a classic character.
    37. Sentry ... for all the misery back in 2014 .... blatant health pack suck.
    38. 4* Venom ... insane murderous character rendered as generic tank. Fail.
    39. IM40 blue ... fails to deliver.
    40. IM46 .... for eluding me.
    41. 5* Ock ... for being a joke masquerading as a real toon. Go sit with Howard in the penalty limited box.

    Lmao but it's sooooo true!!!
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I came here to also say "Dark Avengers." Ares aside, I'd hate them as new additions to the game. I especially can't stand that I've been forced to play against them day after day for all of recorded MPQ history. Can we finally retire them as enemies?
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I came here to also say "Dark Avengers." Ares aside, I'd hate them as new additions to the game. I especially can't stand that I've been forced to play against them day after day for all of recorded MPQ history. Can we finally retire them as enemies?
    While I'd enjoy that as well, they'd have to get rid of like half the PVE events we have. Given that we get a new one about once a year, I'm not holding my breath.
  • White_Deth
    White_Deth Posts: 63 Match Maker
    If you think squirrel girl is bad in this look at her original artwork in the comics. It is the stuff of NIGHTMATES!!!! on a personal note i find her kind of cute, that mouth ;p lolol
  • White_Deth
    White_Deth Posts: 63 Match Maker
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    *NIGHTMARES like her mouth..

    Freudian slip? :D:D

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    If you think squirrel girl is bad in this look at her original artwork in the comics. It is the stuff of NIGHTMATES!!!! on a personal note i find her kind of cute, that mouth ;p lolol
    Speaking of mouths - whenever The Hood fires twin pistols i think his teeth are a tache, and suddenly he looks like a very angry geography teacher.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Totally Awesome Hulk. He'll likely sit on my roster, fully covered, at level 70 forever. I have zero interest in leveling him. If I ever do, it'll be because I've champed all the other fours and I do it for completion sake.

    How or why this guy ever made it into MPQ I'll never know.
    He's actually not bad after his remake. Not top tier, sure, but he's not garbage. He hits pretty hard and his countdown passive does some nice trickle damage plus occasional green cascade.

    I hate Sandman. I hate his artwork (when he's in front his jaw is dislocated), I hate his boring moves (He's been boosted this week and his green feels as powerful as I'd expect it to be if it was unboosted), I hate how for the longest time he was 0/0/5 and I kept getting yellows, I hate that I had to scramble to get the ISO for him and managed to champ him with 18 hours left on his covers.

    He's just.....ugh.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    Quebbster said:
    corytutor said:
    Dino. Really? Why?
    Because dinosaurs are awesome. I would love the Nextwave version. This game needs more Nextwave. It's like Shakespeare, but with lots more punching!
    It's like Goethe, but with lots more crushing!

    On topic, I really dislike Juggernaut, Mac and Eddie Venoms, and Sandman, mostly just on the basis of aesthetics. I don't want to have to look at those guys.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Devil Dino.  Makes me roll my eyes every time I see it.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    I hate any character with self damage (Juggernaut, Ares, etc.) or self team damage (Ragnarok, Sentry, etc).
    I never use them ever unless they are required.  I only ever use Carnage with Medusa and OML so I don't take self damage much.
    It's poor design for one thing.  Self Damage shouldn't be an used to "balance" a power in a game where lost health regenerates over time.
    On the tin foil hat side of things, it also feels like a passive aggressive way for the devs to make you use Health Packs.  And the drawback doesn't really affect the AI, as there is no post-match healing for them to do.

    If I had to pick though, hands down Sentry is The Worst.
    Even pre-nerf way back when I hated him.
    Supernova is my most hated skill in the entire game.  The AI often has it as a Team Up...
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    I dislike characters that do self-team damage for using their powers.

    But I only really hate playing with Thanos with whom you cannot HELP but damage your team. Everybody else, I can, in general, just not use their power. Sentry I practically never fire his powers. I pair him with some strong 4's when he's essential and basically ignore him unless it makes sense for him to "make" the next match and take the damage that's going to result from the countdown tile that's resolving. Thanos? Yeah. Good luck trying to take em all out at one time and avoid the Court Death backlash.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Totally Awesome Hulk. He'll likely sit on my roster, fully covered, at level 70 forever. I have zero interest in leveling him. If I ever do, it'll be because I've champed all the other fours and I do it for completion sake.

    How or why this guy ever made it into MPQ I'll never know.
    He's actually not bad after his remake. Not top tier, sure, but he's not garbage. He hits pretty hard and his countdown passive does some nice trickle damage plus occasional green cascade.

    I hate Sandman. I hate his artwork (when he's in front his jaw is dislocated), I hate his boring moves (He's been boosted this week and his green feels as powerful as I'd expect it to be if it was unboosted), I hate how for the longest time he was 0/0/5 and I kept getting yellows, I hate that I had to scramble to get the ISO for him and managed to champ him with 18 hours left on his covers.

    He's just.....ugh.
    I'll give it up, though, CL9 five-star-essential-node Sandman was an absolute beast. His green nearly killed my whole team in one shot, the one time I let him get it off.
  • BigMike182
    BigMike182 Posts: 60 Match Maker
    The only character that makes me angry is She Hulk. Playing against her, she constantly drains my best powers. Playing with her on my team, she almost never drains the power I want her to. I get so frustrated when she's the featured PVP character.

    I actually like using 4* Elektra (her black power has saved me from losing matches before) but I will never use 3* Elektra unless she's necessary for a match. 

    I don't hate 3* Starlord but I almost never use him. The 4* version is so much better, why bother (unless he's required)?
  • Jsh2014
    Jsh2014 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    I dislike characters that do self-team damage for using their powers.

    But I only really hate playing with Thanos with whom you cannot HELP but damage your team. Everybody else, I can, in general, just not use their power. Sentry I practically never fire his powers. I pair him with some strong 4's when he's essential and basically ignore him unless it makes sense for him to "make" the next match and take the damage that's going to result from the countdown tile that's resolving. Thanos? Yeah. Good luck trying to take em all out at one time and avoid the Court Death backlash.
    I try to use him with someone like  iceman I will work my butt off to make sure icemans green is ready to fire after I weaken all the members of the other team I fire his green and avoid damage :)
  • spiderpool
    spiderpool Posts: 76 Match Maker
    I'm surprised by all the people saying 4* elektra, I'm guessing those people haven't used her since her buff. She's actually very good now,  her purple is awesome against any special time makers now that it doesn't just steal strikes only,  her black can keep her alive fooooorrrrrreeveeer and does damage every time she's triggered, and her red does damage every turn and steals ap every turn to fuel herself.  Unless you all hate facing her and her immortality,  that I understand. 
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    I'm surprised by all the people saying 4* elektra, I'm guessing those people haven't used her since her buff. She's actually very good now,  her purple is awesome against any special time makers now that it doesn't just steal strikes only,  her black can keep her alive fooooorrrrrreeveeer and does damage every time she's triggered, and her red does damage every turn and steals ap every turn to fuel herself.  Unless you all hate facing her and her immortality,  that I understand. 
    Like I said, I personally just hate her as a character. Nothing to do with her skill set. And I don't know what to say about her immortality. I rarely see her and when I do she dies very quickly. She can be annoying at times, but rarely makes a difference on defence. I'm more annoyed with Spider-Woman than her.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,112 Chairperson of the Boards
    Elektra is annoying to play against but not really a huge threat. I hate 2* Bullseye more for damage mitigation - STOP MAKING SHIELDS...GAH!!!!!!!
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,112 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ok, playing a match just now reminds me of another one. Dr. Strange blue. I think it is because it looks so silly with its swirlyness that I always underestimate it, coupled with Doc's low health. "Ah, it's fine, I'll finish him off next round" * swirly swirly swirly* stunned character, I hate you Dr. Strange!