How would you rate your satisfaction with the current state of the 5* transition process?



  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    In a few weeks, 84% of all 5* characters are virtually unachievable.

    I think that says it all. Only reason I'm still at moderately dissatisfied is because they've not yet stopped CS swaps for the latest 3.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Slightly Dissatisfied
    I’m only slightly dissatisfied currently. PvE gives me a decent amount of CP and ISO, which is as important as CP to me, give it’s 550k per character. I’m also sad about the fact Classic 5* are almost impossible to cover now, but you can get the 5* in Latest at least quite efficiently.

    As it’s been mentioned before by a few people, I enjoy playing with my max levelled 5*. Sure, it’s hard in PvP just now, but PvE is pretty much trivial on all nodes, and, at least to me, I wanted the challenge. I had the 4* level ‘down’, and could get 1200 without using any Line groups etc, and wanted to push further and make the game different. Not saying it’s the same for everyone, or it even makes sense to everyone, but I enjoy it!
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Slightly Dissatisfied
    I'm in the middle ground where I don't get enough 4* covers in placement and progression for hoarding to make sense, but have only really gotten a quarter of the way into my 4* champs, so I'm not quite at a point where considering the 5* jump makes sense yet either.  I have a bunch of 5*'s ranging from 1-7 covers, but none are particularly viable as anything more than a meat shield.  As it stands right now, the 5* progression is something that may never happen at the current rate of release for me, so I've come to accept that 3*'s and low-champed 4*'s are my ceiling in the game unless I drastically change how often I play and/or spend.  
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    I went with moderately dissatisfied. While I don't think most would argue that 5* acquisition is reasonable for the FTP player, I'm a moderate spender and if I hadn't shortsightedly sold a few 5* champs shortly before SCL scaling, I'd have five champions now. As it is, I've already champed two more and am currently racing against the expiration clock on a Daredevil cover to make him my third.

    Black Widow and Gambit will be close behind, needing one and two more covers respectively. Logan is one of the ones I sold, even, and he's already back to 4/3/4 thanks to those buggy Mes Amis odds.

    So while it's an excruciatingly slow process, it's definitely not impossible. I think another 5% odds bump on Classics (they used to be 10%, remember) would make it downright reasonable. You'd still take a while to cover Classics, but you'd get covers reasonably regularly, and they ARE supposed to be the cream of the crop. The only real issue I have with 5*s in general is that Thanos gives such a ridiculous advantage in PVE, and the stupid MMR function in PVP that means you never get an advantage by having a strong roster.
  • Landale
    Landale Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    I'm only moderately dissatisfied in that it will take me a looooooong time to get a 5* champion.  I'm more than halfway through champing all the 4*s, and the most covers for a single 5* I have is 8 (...and it's Doc Ock... =P).

    But, more importantly, I don't really care that much about 5*s right now anyway.  I'm having a lot of fun in 4* land, and I'll likely get all the 4*s championed (excluding most recent releases) before I get even 1 5* at 13 covers.
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    The only 5* have actually pursued is 5* Spidey because he is fun to team with Spider Gwen and pretty much the only useful way to use her.  This is the first time I have ever actually spend CPs on Latest Heros, normally I get tired old heros and some 5*s creep in. LOL

    Thanos is good for low level quick clears but other than that none of them have shown powers that interest me and I no interest in climbing that IO hill anyway.  I will camp all 4*s (even the losers) first then decide if I want to keep playing.

    Frankly this game needs a "non-monkey on your back mode".  Like Deadpool daily but with a bit more meat on it.  So people can play when they want or have time and get rewards without the constant time pressure.  I tend to get fed up with games that require me to be there every day and leave then come back after an extended period.
  • Jsh2014
    Jsh2014 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    I have been playing for over 3 years and I still don't have a fully covered 5*  
    Spidey 2-4-5
    Rodgers 1-2-4
    Black panther 2-2-3
    Star lord 3-2-2
    Black widow 0-4-1
    Phoenix 2-3-1 
    Black spidey 4-0-1
    Strange 0-3-2
    Banner 1-3-1
    OML 3-1-1
    Dare devil 0-2-2
    Goblin 0-3-0
    Thanos 0-1-2
    Doc Ock 0-0-2
    Surfer 0-0-2
    Hawkeye 0-1-1
    Iron Man 1-1-0
    Black Bolt 0-1-0
    Gambit 0-0-1
    Thor 0-0-0

  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    I am EXTREMELY DISSATISFIED! I am ENRAGED! Previously, I can get the 4* cover at 900 in PVP. Now, I have to double my effort if I am to get the 4* covers. I nearly always get T50 in PVP ever since I finished my transition to 3* land, no it is only with supreme effort that I can get there. That means less 3* covers to add levels to my 3* champs. I track my progress with mpqcompendium, and I can see that I move much more slowly after the new PVP scheme was introduced.
  • Dax317
    Dax317 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    I am neutral for now, but as I get closer to doing a full transition it will be extremely dissatisfied because there no reliable way to get classic covers. I believe once they hit 25 5 stars they should start a 5 star store only for 100 cp per pull and maybe a chance to get tokens on rare occasions. Before anyone says anything about covers costing 250, 500, or 720, those are for specific covers. This would be a normal rng chance for any cover from all 5 star covers. Then make a 4 star store and leave it at 20.