How would you rate your satisfaction with the current state of the 5* transition process?



  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    I'm almost done with 4* (WM soon to be #52), my plan is to hoard for enough pulls to cover 3 (likely Thor, Gambit and the next one). That's a terrible design... Hoard shouldn't have to be a thing. Not to mention that classics are pretty much a lost cause. 

    4* land looks better/more fun just for variety sake anyway.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    5* transition is bad and always has been.  Rng only with pretty low odds is bad.  Rng only with low odds from very rare tokens or expensive resources is awful.  

    Nevertheless i voted mederately dissapponted because i am confident demi/d3 could maje it worse and i want to keep some room to move my rating down.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Slightly Dissatisfied
    Gambit and PvP changes have soured me a bit.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    Slightly Satisfied
    I'm not so sour anymore since I've finally cashed out on some of my hoard.  But I felt held captive while I waited for the details of each 5 being released.  Not just hoarding and slowing down roster growth during meta shifts in the 4* tier, but waiting for a trio of 5s that were either strong or interesting characters.  

    I'm determined to not let the 5* transition become some hamster wheel where I try to keep up with the latest 5 and it's ludicrous 90 level boost.
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2017
    Slightly Dissatisfied
    I have about 1/2 of the 4*s champed and have no interest in pursuing 5*s really, aside from rostering them for PVE now. I have a fully covered 5* Strange and zero desire to put any real ISO into him. I voted slightly dissatisfied b/c it would be nice to have the 5* tier to look forward to, but right now the game has given me little incentive to do so. Managing the 4* tier is annoying enough, 5* seems an order of magnitude worse.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel like I'm more or less on-pace with what was intended to be the standard progression into the 5* tier.  Only 1 champ, 2 at 11 covers, several at 7-8, and the rest 6 or below.  At my standard rate of acquisition I can more or less cover new 5*s before they leave latests, iff I spend my CP on latest rather than classics.  So that's my plan now.  I'm hoping 5* Thor gets delayed a bit so I can get a few more covers for Spidey (8 covers) before he leaves.  I've got my BH set to my 11-cover characters, and if I ever get those to 13 I'll try to catch up Spidey, et al. 

    I might switch back to classics at some point if a run of undesirable characters comes up, but the current <6 crowd is effectively lost at this point.
  • Avalancher
    Avalancher Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    Extremely Satisfied
    I love it.  I spent enough to champ Thanos, Black Panther, Hawkeye, and StarLord. I use them all every day, and I have no desire to champ any other fives.  I am hoarding for the 500 CP in case I don't pull an essential in the future, I currently have all the other fives rostered.

    I am wondering if the 500 CP would be better spent on packs, I will make that decision when it happens.  20 pulls should get at least one cover, but the safety net is nice to have.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    I would be surprised if I ever made it to the point where I only play my 5*. I don't know if that's good for the game or not, but its not fun for me. Of course, once I get there, then I won't really be able to use any of my other characters, so who knows, maybe it'll be worse?

    Eh, dissatisfied with the process in general.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    I never thought I would make the jump to 5* land, but win-based PvP (and more importantly my decision NOT to play it) coupled with the new and improved set scaling in PvE made me realize there's no point in not leveling them. That said, I've collected almost all CP and LTs on offer as game rewards since their inception, and have managed only to fully cover 4 of them, 3 of which are the original 3. Strange is the 4th, and I have Iron Man at 5/2/5. No one else is close, and most of the ones with more than a few covers are X/X/5 and stuck in the abyss of classics, so I have no hope of finishing them.

    I'm currently hoarding my CP and tokens in the hopes of covering Gambit right before he falls into the abyss, but I gotta say it sucks. I have never hoarded before except for a few weeks before champing became a thing, but that had an immediate and known payoff not based on the whims of RNGesus, so it was easier to swallow. Usually I pull everything as I get it, and as such see small, incremental increases in my rosters strength. Now I'm sitting there looking a almost 800 CP and thirty-some LTs, knowing that I need almost 4x that to have a reliable chance of covering 2-3 new 5*s out of Latest, all while my roster makes zero progress. It's depressing. Add in the fact that by the time I'm ready to actually spend these resources, there's no guarantee that cover swapping will still be a viable option and sucks.

    I'd offer ideas for solutions, because I have several, but honestly? Why bother...most have already been suggested (and subsequently ignored) in some form or another by folks here. But people are shelling out thousands of dollars to chase these characters, so the dev team has no real motivation to change anything. If (and this is a big if) they ever place specific 5*s as an obtainable in-game reward, they will be locked behind the highest clearance levels full of AI opponents I have no desire to play against and at milestones so high I have no intention of reaching them.

    For me personally, Story mode only at CL7 has been a great place to settle. The AI levels are low enough that experimenting with new team ideas can be a lot of fun, and removing PvP from the equation has allowed me the time to do so without sacrificing all of my free time to the game. I think I'm going to give CL8 a try next event just to see what it's like, but CL9 looks more frustrating than I want from my game time, so I don't ever see myself playing there. Maybe if I could somehow finish some of my 5*s without relying purely on RNG and worrying about wasted covers for X/X/5 characters, I could break into that CL, but well...yea...

    TL:DR - It Sucks, Fix It. We even haz ideas, just listen to them.

  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    Dilution of classic legends is a huge issue due to the fact that the draw rate for 5* is the lowest in the game.  Since there is not any other way to earn covers for 5* other than RNG, it is really just a demoralizing aspect of the game.   Hoarding is the only viable solution and that really is for latest legends to be effective.  Bonus 5* hero is a joke.  I have maybe received 2 total since that feature began.  5* duplicate covers is probably the most aggravating of all MPQ issues imo. That is what I am hoarding but it is not enjoyable I must admit.  It just makes the most sense at this time for my roster for a variety of reasons.  
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    wymtime said:
    Wow I am amazed at how many people are saying they never want to transition to 5* land.  This just shows how hard it is to transition to 5* land compared to 3* and 4*.  Having everything based on RNG and needing close to 600K iso for 1 5* is brual, but at some point in time when you have all the 4* but maybe the latest 2-3 does the newest 4* make that big of difference?  The process is slow, and and PVP is tougher, but 5* can make PVE as breeze.  I have Peter Parker champed and this PVE at CL9 is a breeze with that buff.  I hope some of you change your mind
    No, this just shows that people have no idea that there IS variety in the 5* tier.
    It just takes forever to get there.
  • freakygeek
    freakygeek Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    Only have good coverage on early 5*'s which are non-competitive these days.  Given my progress on newer 5*'s I don't see any good coverage coming any time soon.  I am level capping the two old 5*'s for the sake of PVP and haven't even bothered leveling my other 5*'s as I am too busy leveling 4*'s.  Maybe when all 4*'s that can be champed are I will look at bringing up some 5*'s but lacking coverage on the characters that count I am seeing a lot of value in bring any of them over 370 as I would be moved into 5* play and be crushed.  As there is no path to coverage other than RNG I don't see how this is going to change.  I don't spend and neither do others in my alliance so acquiring enough CP and LT's to fully cover a current 5 with hoarding is near impossible.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    No, this just shows that people have no idea that there IS variety in the 5* tier.
    It just takes forever to get there.
    I think it's more that the 4-5* transition would require a significant change in my play style, which I'm not willing or able to make. 
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    Doesn't look like the transition has varied much since 5* inception; reliance on the CC resource is even more critical now, since CP was culled from PvP.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,737 Chairperson of the Boards
    Slightly Satisfied
    On the one hand, I have a 13 cover Doc Ock, and 12 for HE, SL, and Spidey.

    On the other hand, I half consider the phrase “5* transition process” to be an oxymoron.

    5*s are the ultimate carrot on a stick in the game.  If It gets easier to get them then 6*s have to come next. And Gambit’s already 5 1/2.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    Slightly Satisfied
    It's frustrating, but 5* acquisition was always intended to be slow.  They said as much when they were first announced, that they want it to be a long-term goal to keep people playing for years so the game will last. 

    I think the biggest thing that sped up my own 5* rate was when championing was introduced.  A lot of LTs and CP come from championing lower tiers.  The best thing you can do if things are feeling slow is champ everybody and your roster progress will snowball as you do so.  I suspect this is working as intended.
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    My first instinct was to vote somewhere on the Satisfied side. I'm not doing terribly personally with 11 of the current 5* characters champed. It can't be that bad, right? Then I thought about the stuff that bothers me or I think should bother anyone trying to break in to the tier...

    Classic dilution - I'm struggling with this one even with how complete my 5* tier is. Six of those eight remaining characters (for now) are Classics in various states of completion and (unwanted) duplication. I've been putting them together from the time Surfer dropped. I can't imagine trying to complete a few of them from scratch now.

    The CP and progression change in PvP - resources are everything in the in this tier, especially CP. The wins-only progression made them really difficult to obtain. I've spent, but I'm nowhere close to a whale. Not a single Stark purchase to my name. I've got where I am mostly by playing. A LOT. Of all the changes I've experienced in the last few years, this one alone makes it feel like too much. In addition to that...

    The new 5* release buff - this one... just... I get their intent I guess, but it is way overboard. God-mode Gambit everywhere is making the change in PvP that I might be willing to adapt to too much to swallow. What is the point of a having a deep 5* bench if anybody that completed the most recent 5* can't be touched by your squad? How do you attempt to hit 40 wins if you can't find targets because MMR is so tight and those with Gamboost don't have to shield? It's infuriating.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    Extremely Dissatisfied

    I have all 5 star. I have 1 promoted 5 star and 5 chars with 5 levels on one power. I also have 5 repeated chars with  the same repeated powers, some powers repeated 3 times. For example, Green Goblin 1 on 5/4/3, Green Goblin 2 on 3/0/0. Bravo.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    Moderately Dissatisfied
    I transitioned into the 5* tier starting last summer.  I had Logan and Phoenix in the mid-300s for almost a year, trying to get them champed at the expense of newer 5*s.  I finally spent 720CP to champ Logan in February, because he was 5/2/5 and I was already ticked at having to sell a few Surfer covers.  A couple of weeks later, I got lucky and snagged my 13 Phoenix cover.  For a few weeks, I was thoroughly enjoying PvP, and hitting 1200 without too much trouble.

    Not a month after I champed Logan, however, Demiurge made the massively unwise decision to kneecap him (and that's the most diplomatic way I can put it).

    So now, for the last 9 months, I've been thoroughly in the 5* tier for the purposes of MMR, but with a **** Logan, while seeing nothing but the champed 5*s of the current meta.  Which were infinitely harder to keep up with, because it was now nearly impossible for me to reach 1200 without spending 400-500 HP on shields every PvP.  The only saving grace was being able to hit 900, and 4* champed covers were giving me a trickle of CP and LTs.

    Now, with the insanely high win totals, I just can't devote the time and resources to play both 40 PvE and 20+ PvP matches a day.  So now I'm losing ground at a slightly more accelerated rate.  Bonus heroes are laughable at the 5* level, I've seen two in the entire time it's been active.  So the only thing that's really helped is the 5* HfH store, and even then I'm waiting until I can buy the 13th cover for one of my 5*s at 12 covers - most likely Panther or Thanos.

    Although if they finally decide to nerf Thanos after I spend 250CP to champ him, that will be the day I quit playing this game.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Extremely Dissatisfied
    I'm at the end of the 4 star champ phase, and only have Phoenix fully covered. Other than her, just cap and banner in double digits. Everyone else ranges from 9-3 covers.

    I have no plans to move into 5 star territory as besides finishing my few remaining 4s, I'm starting my 3 star farm.

    But even if I wanted to move into 5 land, it is just too frustrating a process based on hoarding and pure luck. That isn't fun.