Category-5 PVP information from S4



  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    As always it's the luck of the bracket. 
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017




  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    I can't really comment on placement since I don't play PvP normally.  I think I was in a noob bracket because of this.  I decided to give the 40 wins a try with the change and I needed that Mr. F cover so I went in.  I barely hit the 40 wins and while it wasn't hard, it reminded me of PvE, very grindy.  I don't think I will be playing the new system for 40 wins normally unless I really need that 4* cover.  In addition since I am a PvE player, I would sometimes hop in to play and win 8 or 9 matches and grab the 10 CP.  Now I think it takes 16 or 18 wins for the 10 CP?  I don't see myself even doing that very often going forward.  As posted in above posts, I do think they should put the final progression CP back in (even though I won't come close to sniffing it).  

    In the PvP I was in S5 (noob bracket) SCL 8 and placed 17 with just under 900 points.  
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks @Colognoisseur

    @Warbringa there are no noob brackets.  That went away with SL. You can't tank to get into a noob bracket.  
  • In my 3.7 bracket we had top 10 from 3272 to 2043
    17th was still over 1.2k with 1257
  • zahria
    zahria Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    It's sad that those that want to play PvP but don't have the time to play can no longer just go for progression to get the CP & then # out & be done.  Now everyone is fighting for placement to get the all-important CP.  I've seen some of my alliance teammates be frustrated by this due to their time constraints. While I personally had no issues making the progression & T5, I very clearly remember how important that CP was to growing your roster. THis means that those the can afford to work hard & play the full event will get the progression & placement.  Those with weaker rosters or those in transition to 5* will probably miss out on the CP.  This means that newer players will fall behind unless they spend money to get CP & those with the stronger rosters will pull ahead.  It will likely eventually create a two-tiered system that further separates the haves & have-nots.I think that D3/Demi really needs to reevaluate their progression & how easy it is to get CP.  If not, this will likely slow down the number of new players that play PvP & MPQ in general. And that's the point for D3 - to get new players to help build the base to increase their revenue. 
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    I went to scl5. I didnt want covers just cp. Our t5 was above 1200. On a new release. On regular events t10 in scl5 may be way higher from now on
  • DaBeast911
    DaBeast911 Posts: 77 Match Maker

    I have been very vocal about the changes in PVP and how removing the CPs from progression and into placement rewards was a bad idea.  If you know me, I play S4 PVP at a higher level, even if you don't play the same way I do you know I am here all the time.  This information is about trying to show why this was a bad idea.  Everybody says, "Show the data" when making an argument against or for this change, well I got the data.  Here is a breakdown of what S4 looked like last event.  This isn't about the scores, it is about who missed out on the CP's at 1200, which was a bad move.
    Top 5 score492730104370422544072231352234983912214118302542
    Top 10 score129312211913275323791597141822082322187312491422
    Lowest we can see with 12001293122112801254132015051328126812451378made 1200 ended with 11891250
    Rank of lowest above 120010th10th14th24th15th12th11th22nd22nd13th10th11th

    As you can see, we had 42 people hit 1200 (CP's in the old system) and not get top 10 for the CPs for placement.  Also, none got top 10 without 1200.  We had only 6 brackets for SL8, 3 for SL7, 2 for SL6 and 1 for SL5.  in SL 5 there were duel champed 5* players in this bracket.  In SL5 since it never had a 4* cover before (same as SL6), D3/Demi decided to push these CPs down this far so they can say "Hey we are giving more out.  Well, some players will make sacrifice for less rewards to get the CPs which in turn will not let lower rosters in SL5/6 get the CP's.  This is not the players fault, this was forced onto us by D3/Demi with this change.  I think I might track this data from S4 for the season if I really feel like it.  So, here is the data on why this was such a bad idea and why this will hurt the players long term growth in the game. 

    P.S.-Yes @gmp72 is did this while grinding PVE. LOL

    This is PhantomSniper, Dabeast911 is my alter ego. If the developers needed anymore data, here you have it. Thanks for compiling this Rockett. This new PvP format is absolutely dismal, at best. I could complain and post all reasons but as we all know, the developers don't listen, at all. If they did, they would address all previous issues that we, as there base, have had. Exploits, pull rates, bugs in the game, etc. i can't, for the life of me, figure out why I continue to spend money on this game. if it weren't for the LINE camaraderie and friends I know in real life who play this game, I would've stopped playing months ago. Developers, your player base is dwindling and if you REALLY cared, you'd post here, in the forums, instead of on Discord, where a lot of people don't even know about or have access. I've never seen a company more disconnected with their player base than Demiurge, D3 or whatever the hell they call themselves, I can't keep up.

  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 5.8 bracket had:
    5th place at 1317
    10th place at 1008
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I will get exact numbers this PvP but it’s at least helpful for an idea...

    i was in S1.8, as usual, and hit 1313, for 22nd. There were a number lower than me, I’ll try and write it down next time.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for all the feed back. I will do this again for the next event 
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker

    T1  2721
    T5  2540
    T10 1893
    4 players got 1300+ and missed out.
  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    I always take the first time slot and I had a littlr over 1200 I think and finished 11th. The one thing I will point out though is that the system encourges HUGE scores so its not exactly fair to say all these 1200+ people wouldve still hit that mark in the old system. Im a good example, Ive only hit 1200+ maybe 4 or 5 times and thats only when I have a max essential 3* and 2 solid boosted 4*. With this PVP I hit 1200+ from 800 (that was my float, typically its around 600) without getting hit once. Easily couldve kept climbing but wasnt seeing anything but singlr digit wins so I shielded out. It is absolutely true that there were plenty of usually 1200+ folks who just stopped at a specific progression level though.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    I usually went for 1200 in the past (that's recent, though, just the past 2 or 3 seasons) but didn't see any point in going past my alliance minimum of 900. That got me T50 in 1.8, where it would normally have earned me T25, but this was a release event so the numbers were always going to be unusual. 
  • Justice Jacks
    Justice Jacks Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    My initial climb before first shield this last event was 59 wins and I shielded at nearly 3.3k.  I was well over 2.5k at 40 wins.  Ended event at 77 wins and 4.3k only having to put up two shields.

    Yeah, I bet this system is functioning exactly as D3 intended.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    I think this new system is great, dont change a thing!  I got t5 with 1350 or so and 67 wins.  Needing 40 wins meant I used a variety of teams, actually used every 5* I have, which was nice as well.  Scoring 4000 points in a pvp doesn't make someone good at pvp.  It makes them good at spending hp on shields and/or having friends that do and will play nice and let you get there too.  Overall more players are getting cp, which is a good thing.  I also dont see the big deal with 40 wins, especially if you're hitting cupcakes all day to get it, but that may be just me.  Either way, I was happy.  Great work d3/demi!
  • Justice Jacks
    Justice Jacks Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    Overall more players are getting cp, which is a good thing.
    I think we've largely established that that isn't the case.  So if you still believe it after seeing the above data, I'm going to have to ask you to show your work.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Overall more players are getting cp, which is a good thing.
    I think we've largely established that that isn't the case.  So if you still believe it after seeing the above data, I'm going to have to ask you to show your work.
    So one set of samples from 2 clearance levels in one event constitutes fully establishing a fact now?  In s2 only 2 or 3 used to make cp in each bracket.  Last pvp that was all t10, so that's a 70% increase.  In s5 only 4 or 5 make it, last event all 10 got cp, so that's at least a 50% increase.  Never mind lower cl in those shards where 1 or 2 would get it.  Not to mention the fact that s5 by itself experiences 12 bracket flips on average.  Also, people in cl1 are getting cp now, too.  How many in t10 in cl1 made cp before, do you suppose?  More players definitely are getting cp now. Just not necessarily your friends driving scores up to 5,000 points.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Overall more players are getting cp, which is a good thing.
    I think we've largely established that that isn't the case.  So if you still believe it after seeing the above data, I'm going to have to ask you to show your work.
    So one set of samples from 2 clearance levels in one event constitutes fully establishing a fact now?  In s2 only 2 or 3 used to make cp in each bracket.  Last pvp that was all t10, so that's a 70% increase.  In s5 only 4 or 5 make it, last event all 10 got cp, so that's at least a 50% increase.  Never mind lower cl in those shards where 1 or 2 would get it.  Not to mention the fact that s5 by itself experiences 12 bracket flips on average.  Also, people in cl1 are getting cp now, too.  How many in t10 in cl1 made cp before, do you suppose?  More players definitely are getting cp now. Just not necessarily your friends driving scores up to 5,000 points.
    Less people in my 1.8 bracket got CP than they would have in the old system. There are quite a few people posting similar results. So, including the OP breakdown it's more than one set from 2 CLs
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Milk Jugz said:
    Overall more players are getting cp, which is a good thing.
    I think we've largely established that that isn't the case.  So if you still believe it after seeing the above data, I'm going to have to ask you to show your work.
    So one set of samples from 2 clearance levels in one event constitutes fully establishing a fact now?  In s2 only 2 or 3 used to make cp in each bracket.  Last pvp that was all t10, so that's a 70% increase.  In s5 only 4 or 5 make it, last event all 10 got cp, so that's at least a 50% increase.  Never mind lower cl in those shards where 1 or 2 would get it.  Not to mention the fact that s5 by itself experiences 12 bracket flips on average.  Also, people in cl1 are getting cp now, too.  How many in t10 in cl1 made cp before, do you suppose?  More players definitely are getting cp now. Just not necessarily your friends driving scores up to 5,000 points.
    Less people in my 1.8 bracket got CP than they would have in the old system. There are quite a few people posting similar results. So, including the OP breakdown it's more than one set from 2 CLs
    That's your personal experience.  Everyone in my bracket got cp in cl8.  6 wouldn't have in the old system.  Also, I'm talking in terms of the playerbase as a whole, which is how the devs are looking at it.  How many players in cl1-5 used to get cp?  They're all getting it for t10 now, even if its small amounts.