How Many Rogue Covers Did You End Up With By the End of the SHIELD Training?



  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Borstock said:
    Why do you assume the devs expected you to fully cover and level her? That's what I don't get. I don't understand why people think it's their god-given right be able to complete every last challenge the game presents.

    I think I finished with 6 covers. I completed what I could and then I moved on.
    Probably because to even play the final node, she needed to be at Level 251, i.e., at least 13 covers, because 12 will only get you to level 250.

    Maybe it's just me, but that seems to be a pretty clear expectation from the developers about how many covers and levels we were supposed to have to compete the event.

    And again, may be just me, but it seemed like a nice love letter from them to the whales. Normal players weren't meant to clear the whole thing, as annoying as that is. 

    Oh, and mine sits at 0/2/2. Two from PvE placement, one each from PvP and PvE progression. Still hoping to pull the green cover in my Rogue and Friends vault though. 
  • ProfessorGumby
    ProfessorGumby Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    So there's talk about a Rogue cover at the end of Webbed Wonder, assumingly not the progression reward.  Is this really a thing? I got a Duck.

    No... if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    DarthDeVo said:
    Borstock said:
    Why do you assume the devs expected you to fully cover and level her? That's what I don't get. I don't understand why people think it's their god-given right be able to complete every last challenge the game presents.

    I think I finished with 6 covers. I completed what I could and then I moved on.
    Probably because to even play the final node, she needed to be at Level 251, i.e., at least 13 covers, because 12 will only get you to level 250.

    Maybe it's just me, but that seems to be a pretty clear expectation from the developers about how many covers and levels we were supposed to have to compete the event.

    And again, may be just me, but it seemed like a nice love letter from them to the whales. Normal players weren't meant to clear the whole thing, as annoying as that is. 

    Oh, and mine sits at 0/2/2. Two from PvE placement, one each from PvP and PvE progression. Still hoping to pull the green cover in my Rogue and Friends vault though. 
    ^This right here. What people disliked was the blatant paywall around the content. I mean, what was the 'challenge' the game presented? Buying a vault out multiple times along with the requisite Stark salaries?

    I ended at 1/1/1. 2 from PvE progression, 1 from placement.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    I got nine covers for Rogue (3/3/3).
    • one from SHIELD Training (Red)
    • four from top placement in HoD 
    • one from Alliance placement in HoD
    • one from Close Contact progression
    • one from Webbed Wonder progression
    • one from her vault (Green)

  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:

    Oh, and mine sits at 0/2/2. Two from PvE placement, one each from PvP and PvE progression. Still hoping to pull the green cover in my Rogue and Friends vault though. 
    I got the green cover from the vault! 1/2/2, and how sweet it is.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank you all for your votes.  At this time, about 24 hours after I posted the poll, we've had 169 entrants.  I'd like to break down some of the votes into real-world meaning.

    If we assume that in order to complete the second to last node, you'd need at least 9 covers to get to a high enough level, then that means 19 of 169 participating forum users had the potential to clear that node.  That's a whopping 11% of the vote.

    For the last node, which required all 13 covers, plus actually leveling Rogue, that amounts to 4 of 169 participating forum users.  That equals 2.4%

    88.8% could have gotten up to, but not able to complete, the second to last node.  This is the node that would have unlocked the 10,000 iso prize.

    What should also be considered is that not everyone may have had the iso to level up enough to compete.  There is even a possibility that the 14+ cover people didn't even complete it, but I'd have to say that designing an event that only 2.4% of the (granted this is a skewed data sample), is a little unfair to the broad user base that craves new events/missions/experiences in the game.  

    Also keep in mind that we, the forum users, are probably disproportionately more able to compete and have better rosters than the standard MPQ player (which is total speculation, but then again, I've seen seal rosters, lots of them, and I remember being there at one point almost 4 years ago), which means that the amount of people that could actually complete the mini-event was probably way less than 2.4% of the player base.

    Nobody (or at least not me) is asking for handouts.  What I believe the community is asking for is a chance at competing for the reward without a paywall being introduced.  For example, the first Ant-man mini-event was HARD.  It took me days to try and win that last node.  I felt a wonderful sense of accomplishment at completing it.  I didn't complain that it was too hard, even if others who outclassed me at the time had no problem with it.  I earned it.  I would like to have been able to earn this mini-event rewards as well.

    @Brigby TLDR: Whales are always gonna whale and that's ok because it helps the game economy and they should be rewarded for their efforts, but requiring a pay-wall for casual, FTP, or non-whale paying customers is greedy and fosters ill-will amongst the community.  We just want to play a game after all and have fun, even if it is hard sometimes.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Getting Rogue fully covered and completing every node (for frankly, meager rewards) wasn't the griping issue for most players. It was having XFW/Prof X/Cyclops sufficiently covered and leveled to play at all.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Getting Rogue fully covered and completing every node (for frankly, meager rewards) wasn't the griping issue for most players. It was having XFW/Prof X/Cyclops sufficiently covered and leveled to play at all.
    This is my bigger beef with the event. I've been playing 519 days. Wolverine is champed; Cyclops has the covers, I just would have had to pump ISO into him to get him to 209.

    But RNGesus has not been kind to my 2/2/1 Level 111 Professor X. I'm struggling to remember if he's even been featured in PvE since I've been playing. He maybe was shortly after I started playing, but I'm fairly confident he hasn't been since I started seriously dipping my toes into 4* land back in February. Shoot, he was even vaulted away for the better part of this year. 

    So yeah, it's a little annoying to miss out on the random cover through not only a required character gate, but a level one in top of it. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    pheregas said:
    If we assume that in order to complete the second to last node, you'd need at least 9 covers to get to a high enough level, then that means 19 of 169 participating forum users had the potential to clear that node.  That's a whopping 11% of the vote.
    8 covers was more than enough to unlock and finish the penultimate node, at least for me who had a 1/3/4 build. That probably affects your numbers a bit...
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    I got the most I could with my roster:

    2 from top50 Hearts of Darkness (#29)
    1 from 900 checkpoint PvP
    1 from Webbed Wonder progression 
    1 from Rogue & Friends vault

    Unfortunately, my alliance didn't get any covers. Hitting number 29 in cl9 was very good for my roster. Getting the cover from the vault required 64 pulls, but I have her at 1/2/2 so I'm happy with that. 
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017
    I would have far preferred if they did the gating by difficulty. Keep the opponents the same, remove the level restriction.

    Manage to beat the final node with your 6 cover Rogue? Well here's your reward.
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards

    3 covers (1/1/1)
    1 - T200 SCL9 personal PvE placement
    1 - SCL9 PvE progression
    1 - Vault

    So no chance of getting very far in the Nightcrawler training as well.

  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor

    1 from the SHIELD Training (I had Cyke, ProfX, and XWolv championed so I could finish the top part)
    1 from WW progression.

    I work weekends, so getting any form of placement in the PvE or PvP events that run over the weekend is impossible for me.

    I've done the 9 nodes I can do in this SHIELD Training already.  There's no way for me to get my Rogue any higher than the level 78 she already is.  So I'm basically up a sewage stream without a means of manual propulsion.

    Nightcrawler looks fun, but I guess I'll have to wait 6 months for him to hit the classic vault and pray to the RNG Demons to get him.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    abmoraz said:
    Nightcrawler looks fun, but I guess I'll have to wait 6 months for him to hit the classic vault and pray to the RNG Demons to get him.
    Nightcrawler is a 4*. He will be offered as placements in the current pve, as placements in a pvp, in a vault, as a progression in a pve next week, as well as in various tokens at start of next season, in 4wks.
    Just like Rogue was... and I got none of for the reasons stated in the earlier post.  All of the release events are over weekends.  It's just the way D3 does stuff.  At best, I'll get the single cover from progression in next week's pve and, if I'm REALLY tinykittying lucky, a random pull from a token.  Not enough to make him even remotely usable at any event.

    So it will be 6 months when he enters the classics vault and I can spam pulls with him as a favorite.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017
    abmoraz said:
    Nightcrawler looks fun, but I guess I'll have to wait 6 months for him to hit the classic vault and pray to the RNG Demons to get him.
    Nightcrawler is a 4*. He will be offered as placements in the current pve, as placements in a pvp, in a vault, as a progression in a pve next week, as well as in various tokens at start of next season, in 4wks.
    Also, saying "placements" is a way to get him is disingenuous at best.  Placements is a "zero-sum game".  There are only so many covers offered in placement rewards.  If I get one from placement, then someone else doesn't get one and ends up in the same boat I'm in.  And despite the roster I've gotten in the 1000+ days playing this game, working doubles on weekends has pretty much prevented me from ever getting placement of any value in any PvE that matters.  (I quit trying on PvP over a year ago when the only viable strategy became "Spend a butt-load of cash to shield hop")

    Progression is not a zero-sum game.  If I get one from progression, it doesn't affect anyone else.  No one has ever been denied a cover because I got one from a progression reward.

    Progression rewards is just another way to keep the player base fractured between the "haves" and the "have nots".

    *deep breath.  relax.  calm down*

    My real frustration is not with the fact that nearly every PvE of note happens over a Saturday and Sunday (my occupation shouldn't be a driving concern at D3, though it would be nice if they got off the "all events are 3day/4day pairs + a 7 day event" so that it always lines up with the big ones ending on a weekend), but with the new "Required level" wall.

    The required level wall has turned the game into a true Pay-to-win structure for reasons that have been expounded upon by many others in this thread (and the other thread about the new SHIELD Training node).  But even then, it is functionally impossible for all but 0.02% of the player base to play even half of this event because it is impossible to pull the covers necessary to even level Rogue.  Even if I spent $10,000 in purchases, the best I could do would be to get my Rogue to 0/5/0 because I can't by new powers, just improve the ones I already have covered.  And at 5 covers, I can't level her enough to participate in any meaningful way.  I am utterly locked out of participating.

    /I've spent ~$700 in the 3+ years of playing.  Now it's just VIP and I'll probably be stopping that after it expires this month.  I'm not paying any more if I can't play the events.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    abmoraz said:

    So it will be 6 months when he enters the classics vault and I can spam pulls with him as a favorite.
    Again .... in addition to being offered in various ways in various events—including as a progression in a pvp next week when you presumably aren't working—Nightcrawler is a 4*. He will be in various tokens (Heroics, Latests, Classics, and some vaults and events) in 4 weeks (not 6 months).

    Rogue will be in tokens today (if not already...)

    No need to worry about SHIELD Training. It's just an optional side quest for bonuses. It isn't your only opportunity. Its existence or requirements are in no way hindering your progress or enjoyment of the rest of the game.

    You will only be able to avoid these characters by not playing and hoarding all tokens.

    Seriously, the game will be shoving them down your throat, like it or not.

    Ye gods, the density. So hellbent on complaining, can't be bothered to absorb information, even when presented on a platter!
    You are arguing a completely different point.  We (at least the players like me that seem to be filling this board) WANT to play the SHIELD Training events.  We want to play them for the exact reasons you are stating: because there is no Placement or Competition.  It's simple "do node, get reward". 

    The best events in the game are the Alliance Events (Galactus, Ultron, Boss Rush, SInister 6, Civil War, Apocalypse), the Gauntlet (even with it's laughable rewards, it's still better than every other PvE event), the single character events (AntMan and Cho), and presumably SHIELD Training... but 95% of us will never know cause it's absolutely impossible to play it because of artificial walls put up by the games. 

    I don't give a tinykitty if NightCrawler and Rogue are going to be available in a month or a year.  That will be long after the good event(s) are over.  Rogue being available today is useless because I don't have a hoard of tokens or points to pull hundreds of covers to get the chance at her.   Without her, no NightCrawler until he hits packs (yeah, yeah, I'll get 1 cover from progression next week... BFD.  A single covered character isn't useful at all except to unlock nodes in any event NOT named Shield Training)

    Demiurge and D3: We run MPQ like Cartmanland... So much to do in the SHIELD Training event, but you can't come!

  • Arix90
    Arix90 Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    Why is there no zero option? I still have no rogue covers