SCL 8 versus 9



  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    I chose SCL 9
    I loved the 515 node.  I want all 10 nodes to be level 515 but requires less clears.  3 clears could be perfect =D
  • BinaryGuy
    BinaryGuy Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I have several 4* champed, but nothing useable in the 5* realm yet.  I liked the thought of SCL9 as I prefer a challenge vs mindless grind, but the 5* node and the higher nodes at 5th clear are just way too hard.  Goons are putting down too many CDs to keep up with the amount of damage and health they have.  I am eating through health packs and losing more games than ever.  This is no longer a challenge, its just not fun.  Now I'm stuck for the next few days, and a good chance I don't get full progression.  Hate to be a whiner, but this is ridiculous.  
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 565 Critical Contributor
    I chose SCL 9
    I placed a little lower than usual.  I am usually in the top 50 this time I was between 50-100.  The mission scale was noticeable but not horrible.  That 5 star mission was rough, I just completed it once each time so I could get the token.  It probably would have been reasonable but I do not have any levels in 5 star Star Lord.  I will continue doing Lv 9 the increased rewards are definitely worth it.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose SCL 9
    I went CL9 in both.  With my roster, the clears took slightly longer than CL8.  In fact, CL9 was still probably lower leveled than the previous version of CL8 before CL-based scaling was fixed.

    However...  The 5* node...  That one is OVER THE TOP.  For instance, Lvl 515 Moonstone with 117k hit points.  Seriously?

    And then throwing in Spiderman?  I don't have him fully covered, let alone above 255.  The 5th and 6th clears of the 5* node in both events so far have been frustrating, rage inducing, and have pretty much drained my health packs down to zero by the time I get that 6th clear (that's of course after waiting half a day to refresh them from clears 1-4).

    I honestly think d3 did great with a modest difficultly increase up to CL9 with all nodes but the 5* node.  I still don't need a single health pack in any of the non5* nodes.  You guys need to rethink that one.  Goons that do 20k+ damage is difficult to combat.  Unless you get a good starting board, you're probably going to lose at least one character, if not all of them in the attempt.  One enemy character should not have more hit points than the combined hit points of your entire team!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    IMO CL9 has one purpose: late sniping now offers 4* covers for modest effort.  Otherwise, it's pretty hard to swallow fights against enemies with almost 2x as much health for a few k more iso, some HP, and 10ish extra cp a week relative to CL 8. 

    It was amusing (the first time) to see my 5* node scale up to 2015 levels for clears 4+.  Phoenix with 90k health is like something from the bad old scaling days of early 2016.  For a one-off challenge every now and then it's fun, but as a 7x daily node on top of the other 9 nodes (+ extras)?  No thanks.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose SCL 8 or less
    From what I've read here, it seems like the difficulty scale is appropriate.  I would think that scl 9 ought to be to a 5* roster what scl 7 is to a 4* roster, difficulty-wise.  Whether the rewards are commensurate to be attractive enough for those high-level rosters to abandon "easy" wins remains to be seen.  In my relatively late scl7 s1 bracket only two of the top 10 are champ 5* rosters and I'm used to seeing 5-6 of them.  Next event if that number hops back up then the challenge:reward ratio is too high.
  • BinaryGuy
    BinaryGuy Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I like the idea of having a level for 5* rosters, but my roster is not 5* yet the game thinks I'm ready for SCL9 based on my SHIELD rank.  I think they need to readjust that mapping. I don't think its fair that a 5* roster can play a lower level (the rich get richer) , and its not right to offer me a level that destroys my roster, and has opponents that are 100 levels higher than mine.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 565 Critical Contributor
    I chose SCL 9
    I am by no means in the 5 star area, I actually just got my first 5 star finished on Monday.  This event was still very reasonable.  That one 5 star node sucked but I did it (SS/Carol/Hulkbuster) you could still reach max rewards only doing it once and still place in the top 100.  Do you have most of your 4's leveled.  I really feel this is one of the reasons people run into problems in the game they are not getting the benefits of the boosted characters because they are not spending the time to cover everybody.  Those boosted character are essential for success especially if you are not firmly planted in 5 star land.  Yes the rich get richer, but you have to remember how difficult it was even 6 months ago to progress quickly, all of these additions have been great for iso, HP and cards.  I am maxing a 4 star every week or so and raking in about 1000 HP a week.  It used to take months to do the same thing.  PVE has become fun again.  I will reserve judgment on PVP I am getting hit with scaling effects a little bit but I can still hit 575 points and get my cp without eating too many health packs.  As long as I can place in the top 100 I will keep doing CL9.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose SCL 9
    BinaryGuy said:
    I have several 4* champed, but nothing useable in the 5* realm yet.  I liked the thought of SCL9 as I prefer a challenge vs mindless grind, but the 5* node and the higher nodes at 5th clear are just way too hard.  Goons are putting down too many CDs to keep up with the amount of damage and health they have.  I am eating through health packs and losing more games than ever.  This is no longer a challenge, its just not fun.  Now I'm stuck for the next few days, and a good chance I don't get full progression.  Hate to be a whiner, but this is ridiculous.  
    The 5* node isn't calculated for how much you need for progression.  Just do 5 clears of all of the other nodes, and you'll be fine.

    Um, you did see the levels of the enemies before you picked CL9, right?  What did you expect from level 515 enemies?  You need a little more than clever tricks and several 4* champs to handle CL9.

    I never thought I'd hear anyone say this, but thank God for Riri in this event.  She's my highest level 4*, boosted to 435 for this PvE and is a frikin powerhouse against even level 515s.
  • BinaryGuy
    BinaryGuy Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    The previous event wasn't that bad, but this first day was horrible.  The Muscle on the last node put down too many CDs to keep up and his damage afterwards was so insanely high.  Not too mention that after 2 1000+ strike tiles , and Hitman does 10K damage,then the AI uses its Mordo Team-Up power and nukes Hulkbuster (champed).   I was able to clear the previous StarLord event 3 times (though the last one I used Whales) but I could not get enough purple (with boosts) to win one time with Spidey.  The second sub is going much better.  I was definitely whining.  Also I did review the enemy levels, but in a forum post they don't see much higher - when you actually go up against them, then it feels like much tougher.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose SCL 9
    CL9 brings a old issue back into light,  goons have ridiculous match damage on all colors
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose SCL 9
    fmftint said:
    CL9 brings a old issue back into light,  goons have ridiculous match damage on all colors
    Everything lvl 515 has ridiculous match dmg. What values are you seeing? 

    Its nothing like the old broken Sentries. Those were nuts health anx match wise.
    398 on all colors compared to Rag and Venom who's off color damage is 55-65
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose SCL 9
    Miles is one of my more recent 4* champs, this is my first time using him boosted. Even though he is level 368 and Riri is 401, it's Miles that has become my all-star, especially in the 5* node. I've been using him and my 454 Phoenix with my 4/4/1 345 Parker to no wipes, so far. A few matches I've only had Miles left, but if you control the AoE powers he is all you really need. Not sure what I'm going to do when he isn't boosted next week...... But for now I'm having a lot more fun using him than I thought I would!