Please design a character who can attack air-borne character.......



  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Milk Jugz said:
    I'm not sure this is significantly different than invisible characters who stay invisible (nearly) forever. You bring the wrong team, or can't get to that tile, you slowly die with nothing else to do.

    I mean, sure, counters to invisibility exist, but it's not like everyone digs out their War Machine every time Prof X, Miles, Sue, or Howard are on the other side.

    Definitely don't leave Vulture for last with a bunch of black AP, though. Drain that away before he's the last one left. (Elektra could be good here, it's possible that Ballet of Death will continue to drain AP even if he's airborne). Peggy presumably makes him a lot less effective at chaining Circling Prey if you can keep her health up.
    There is a significant difference between Vulture going airborne and others going invisible. AoE powers still hit invisible targets, that alone is pretty significant. So, while War Machine has a very nice counter to destroy invisibility tiles, there are other options to damage them. Airborne Vulture has no option to damage him.

    On a side note, Vulture, also, can destroy invisibility tiles.
    All true. I believe it's very difficult for the AI to do this, however, unless it ends up with 20 Blue AP at the beginning of the turn, since it will fire Hybrid Tech Slicer first, and Circling Prey second. 

    He also has an aoe (which the AI can actually use).

    As I said, though, I still don't feel it's significantly different than fighting a lone invisible character, especially one like IW who can gather yellow AP and fire invisibility while remaining (more and more) invisible. If you thought you could handle her without strong team damage or Invis tile destruction, you could be staring down a 20 minute long match that you can't realistically win.

    Has anyone tried using an AP steal power (team up if you have to) like Aggressive Recon on an all-airborne opposing team? AP steal doesn't seem to "target" per se, from what I've experienced in the past.

  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Milk Jugz said:
    I'm not sure this is significantly different than invisible characters who stay invisible (nearly) forever. You bring the wrong team, or can't get to that tile, you slowly die with nothing else to do.

    I mean, sure, counters to invisibility exist, but it's not like everyone digs out their War Machine every time Prof X, Miles, Sue, or Howard are on the other side.

    Definitely don't leave Vulture for last with a bunch of black AP, though. Drain that away before he's the last one left. (Elektra could be good here, it's possible that Ballet of Death will continue to drain AP even if he's airborne). Peggy presumably makes him a lot less effective at chaining Circling Prey if you can keep her health up.
    There is a significant difference between Vulture going airborne and others going invisible. AoE powers still hit invisible targets, that alone is pretty significant. So, while War Machine has a very nice counter to destroy invisibility tiles, there are other options to damage them. Airborne Vulture has no option to damage him.

    On a side note, Vulture, also, can destroy invisibility tiles.
    All true. I believe it's very difficult for the AI to do this, however, unless it ends up with 20 Blue AP at the beginning of the turn, since it will fire Hybrid Tech Slicer first, and Circling Prey second. 

    He also has an aoe (which the AI can actually use).

    As I said, though, I still don't feel it's significantly different than fighting a lone invisible character, especially one like IW who can gather yellow AP and fire invisibility while remaining (more and more) invisible. If you thought you could handle her without strong team damage or Invis tile destruction, you could be staring down a 20 minute long match that you can't realistically win.

    Has anyone tried using an AP steal power (team up if you have to) like Aggressive Recon on an all-airborne opposing team? AP steal doesn't seem to "target" per se, from what I've experienced in the past.

    That's probably the best suggestion in this thread. Both 1* and 2* BW Aggressive Recon TU will steal 4 ap of each color at 5 covers. Don't need it to target, it tries to take all colors!
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor

    Has anyone tried using an AP steal power (team up if you have to) like Aggressive Recon on an all-airborne opposing team? AP steal doesn't seem to "target" per se, from what I've experienced in the past.

    Just tried, and it works. Used Riri to throw 2 enemies airborne, then Coulson to steal ap before they landed.
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Just to keep the spirit of the thread, I think Angel/Archangel would be a good character for countering airborne characters.  Good luck getting X-Men characters, but he would make the most sense.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    While this is only tangentially related, I feel it's worth mentioning that I sold, like, my fifth blue cover for Vulture today and it's really *tinykitty* me off that I can't use him for lolairborne shenanigans.

    *Removed inappropriate language - Ducky
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    Straycat said:

    Has anyone tried using an AP steal power (team up if you have to) like Aggressive Recon on an all-airborne opposing team? AP steal doesn't seem to "target" per se, from what I've experienced in the past.

    Just tried, and it works. Used Riri to throw 2 enemies airborne, then Coulson to steal ap before they landed.
    Excellent. So, new strategy: Use AP steal/drain effects that don't do damage or stun or whatever, get him well below 6 Black AP before he lands. Waste him.

    OJSP said:
    So.. can Bucky or Fury shoot him and do something useful.. or do they need to be able to target an opponent?
    As a guess, Bucky should work, as the power affects the board. No damage will go through, but you should be able to destroy the tile and steal the AP.

    Escape Plan probably won't fire while Vulture is airborne, but if the CD tile is already out, it should steal the AP (and make the strike tile, of course) when it expires, regardless of whether he is airborne.
  • champg0951
    champg0951 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    edited September 2017
    Imagine going against a team like Vulture/Riri/C&D or 4Clops/C&D/Vulture NOOOOOO thank you!
  • robertbah
    robertbah Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I personally won't fix it at this moment. However, one way to fix this is to create the countdown tile for airborne. That way, he won't be invincible anymore and there will be tons of counter for his airborne ability. 

  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2017
    I find it weird Cap Marvel, Falcon, Nova etc can't target an airborne character
  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Airborne has been a part of MPQ for 3 years now in various capacities. Invisibility has been a component for almost four years. Invisibility can be dealt with via AOE, there are characters who can deal specifically with invisibility tiles directly and there are others who have powers who can get rid of them by luck.

    There are methods to deal with a single character specifically, but other than characters with the ability to send someone airborne there is no one with an ability to deal with a character while they are airborne. I believe Colossus was a September 2014 release when the mechanic was first introduced, Invisible Woman introduced the invisible tile around eleven months previously.

    For me, a fun mechanic would be to have a character airborne someone into the air and another character smashes them down to the ground again. Or smash someone into the ground who airborne them self.

    Cool, yeah, there are teams you can use to circumvent situations. But there's also janky overkill characters who have been created to compensate for other characters powers who reap the rewards. Asking for at least one character who can give an offensive\defensive early resolve to a three-year-old mechanic other isn't asking that much.

    Damage to enemy\damage to team\negating airborne... Why are people so incredulous to a defensive ability to this mechanic?
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Seriously though, anybody who has ranged powers ought to be able to attack airborne characters. What, Cyclops can't look up or something? :p
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    snlf25 said:
    Seriously though, anybody who has ranged powers ought to be able to attack airborne characters. What, Cyclops can't look up or something? :p
    He's too busy looking back at the camera, making sure it captures his "good side".