Please design a character who can attack air-borne character.......

CCW1208 Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
The vulture is very good character. But I need to say he is too good to be attacked. One championed Vulture just KO my whole team in last PVP. I can't do anything and just watch vulture keep flying. It is not a good game model. Please design special character who can attack airbonred character


  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nerf Vulture!! He has just KOed CCW1208 team in PvP. Way too OP!!!!

    C'mon. One fight goes bad and you call for a special character who deals with seldom used power? We need a toon that blocks passives way more than a guy to deal specifically with Vulture.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    We need a character who has an ability called "Deactivate".
    The power exists. It's called 'Court Death'.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 564 Critical Contributor
    No, it is a rare mechanic and a reasonable one, you just need to follow some of the suggestions above.  Having said that I do think you will see a character that can do damage to airborn characters and that would be a welcomed addition to the  current meta but he is not that difficult to deal with especially if you target first and deny black.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    CCW1208 said:
    The vulture is very good character. But I need to say he is too good to be attacked. One championed Vulture just KO my whole team in last PVP. I can't do anything and just watch vulture keep flying. It is not a good game model. Please design special character who can attack airbonred character
    Vulture is really tricky.  I always try to down him first, because that exact thing has happened to me - I killed off the rest of the team only to have Vulture enter an infinite loop, taking a nearly full-health team to defeat all by himself while I waited around for 4 minutes accumulating hits in PvP.  You need to make sure you can take him out before he starts hopping, or bring something to match away his green tile so he's not damaging you every time he comes down.  Eventually he runs out of AP and you get a turn to smash him with all the AP you accumulated while he was flying around up there.

    That said, I would like to see a specific counter to airborne that cancels out landing effects, including damage taken from Nova or Colossus' bonus power activation.  Then it's complex enough to not just be a direct counter, but something versatile that's situation-dependent.  A weather manipulation (gust of wind, tornado) or gravity-related power would fit thematically.
  • Nikita-K
    Nikita-K Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Vulture is op with his additional destroying (black) special tiles. Especially often used characters like C4ge, C4rol or Nova don't have any chance when he once goes airborne. 6AP are reached too fast and with regaining 4 of them by himself plus destroying he is nearly unstoppable. Against invisibility, all with higher costs, you can use AOE. Against airborne, you can use nothing.
  • CCW1208
    CCW1208 Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Not many players have champion vulture now. I have not seen max championed vulture in 5 star pvp land yet. But the truth is that vulture is so special. I believe there would be more vulture in the future. We will have same problem and complaint.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I find the thought of using Nova to send someone airborne, then a future character that hits the airborne character very funny.  Bring this mechanic on!  It would be better than sitting around making matches while waiting for the last opponent to land so you can finish them.

    I am not sure how the power would work if Gpool sends two teammates airborne (or three with a TU), though.  

    My nomination is Valkyrie, since she has a flying horse.   Plus a cool spear. No spears in game yet. Lots of sticks!  Spoiler:  I have no idea if Valkyrie will ever appear in game, but she is a new Avengerish person that we don't have yet.  She is in Ragnorak (apparently as a major character) but sadly I am not sure she has a flying horse.  Or a spear.  Comic version or MCU version?  Time will tell.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    I mean, if you prevent his team from matching black, he shouldn't be able to go airborne more than twice in a row before he lands and has to gather more. Obviously sometimes the AI gets lucky and cascades into a ton of it, but that could be said of any power.

    This reeks of a total non-issue brought on by "I just want to fire my big nuke and kill everything, please don't make me think."
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bring your own Vulture and play an infinite loop match

    But seriously he has a huge health penalty, kill first, deny black
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since Vulture was released I've said we need a good counter to airborne characters. A power that knocks them down, stuns them, and deals damage. I think it would be a good addition for the game. I've had Vulture take my team out because I couldn't hit him, but more often he is easy to take down if you deny black. I don't think he is OP or anything I just think it would be a worthwhile addition to have a power that targets airborne characters.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had Thor cascade his yellow into so much green that he knocked out my team. Let's nerf him as well.

    Almost any character in the game (barring some pure support ones) can do that in the correct circumstances. And you can't expect to have a direct counter to them all. It's a puzzle game!! Check how he does that and prevent it (stun, deny black, kill faster, destroy the tile - just for Vulture).
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    As much as I like Vulture, I have no issue with the idea there should be some characters/moves that can hit airborne characters.  I see it like rock, paper, scissors.  There should always be a move that nerfs an OP move even if it's good most of the time outside that.  That's how you have balance.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Magic said:
    I've had Thor cascade his yellow into so much green that he knocked out my team. Let's nerf him as well.

    Almost any character in the game (barring some pure support ones) can do that in the correct circumstances. And you can't expect to have a direct counter to them all. It's a puzzle game!! Check how he does that and prevent it (stun, deny black, kill faster, destroy the tile - just for Vulture).
    Can you not separate the difference between "NERF HIM NOW!!!!" and "Hey, a counter to airborne characters would be a welcome addition to the game?????"

    No one here (other than you) has called for a Vulture nerf. Obviously, target first, deny black, etc. are the best strategies to take against him, but (as everyone knows) cascades can happen. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the AI cascades into a pile of one or more colors. I don't think and, clearly, other people don't think it would be a bad addition.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    I never get to fight Vulture in PvP :(
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think Vulture should generate black at all (or cut it by half), everything else seems fine but its problematic because he can stay airborne indefinitely with a bit of luck.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not sure this is significantly different than invisible characters who stay invisible (nearly) forever. You bring the wrong team, or can't get to that tile, you slowly die with nothing else to do.

    I mean, sure, counters to invisibility exist, but it's not like everyone digs out their War Machine every time Prof X, Miles, Sue, or Howard are on the other side.

    Definitely don't leave Vulture for last with a bunch of black AP, though. Drain that away before he's the last one left. (Elektra could be good here, it's possible that Ballet of Death will continue to drain AP even if he's airborne). Peggy presumably makes him a lot less effective at chaining Circling Prey if you can keep her health up.