5* BH pulls?



  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Chicago said:
    Daiches said:
    Beer40 said:
    Chicago said:
    Also, PSA: I recommend against ever buying from the new-character store. I'd been hoarding LTs and CPs for months and, as Daredevil is my favorite Marvel character and the Hornhead store had 15 percent odds for 5-stars, I decided to open a ton there. I had no Daredevil or Peter Parker; I do have a 7/1/1 Black Panther but stupidly assumed they'd treat the Hornhead store the same as the latest store should I get any more black BP covers.

    You can probably guess the rest of the story yourself. They closed the ticket last night; I was very polite but they just weren't going to budge. I'm debating whether I should open another ticket or add to my 2/0/0 dupe.
    This is good info. Hornhead store should be a "Latest" store but by adding a "Classic" 5* in Black Panther into the mix, they gave themselves an out to not honor cover swaps. Seems like poor design/implementation/customer service all on that one...

    I wonder if you'd over pulled Daredevil or Spider-Man if you'd have been treated the same? That's info we all really need to know.
    BP is in Classics. Hence not swapped.
    Spidey is in Latest. Hence swapped 
    Daredevil is new and soon Latest. Hence swapped.

    no change in policy.
    Customer service specified that they would not have honored a request for a Daredevil cover swap had RNG put me in a situation where it would have helped. They explicitly said they only swap characters presently in the Latest Legends packs, meaning Spider-Man is the only one of the three that would have been swappable.

    So I'm not suggesting there's been a change in D3's policy, only that there could be other players who, like me, might not be aware of the finer details of the developer's aggressively arbitrary and punitive swap policy for 5-star characters.
    So either there WAS a change in policy...or that's always been the policy and no one knew it? Seems like a change in policy to me because I believe people on the Forums mentioned getting Thanos covers swapped during his store (could be wrong on that one though).

    Regardless, they pretty much just made the new cover store irrelevant.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chicago said:
    Daiches said:
    Beer40 said:
    Chicago said:
    Also, PSA: I recommend against ever buying from the new-character store. I'd been hoarding LTs and CPs for months and, as Daredevil is my favorite Marvel character and the Hornhead store had 15 percent odds for 5-stars, I decided to open a ton there. I had no Daredevil or Peter Parker; I do have a 7/1/1 Black Panther but stupidly assumed they'd treat the Hornhead store the same as the latest store should I get any more black BP covers.

    You can probably guess the rest of the story yourself. They closed the ticket last night; I was very polite but they just weren't going to budge. I'm debating whether I should open another ticket or add to my 2/0/0 dupe.
    This is good info. Hornhead store should be a "Latest" store but by adding a "Classic" 5* in Black Panther into the mix, they gave themselves an out to not honor cover swaps. Seems like poor design/implementation/customer service all on that one...

    I wonder if you'd over pulled Daredevil or Spider-Man if you'd have been treated the same? That's info we all really need to know.
    BP is in Classics. Hence not swapped.
    Spidey is in Latest. Hence swapped 
    Daredevil is new and soon Latest. Hence swapped.

    no change in policy.
    Customer service specified that they would not have honored a request for a Daredevil cover swap had RNG put me in a situation where it would have helped. They explicitly said they only swap characters presently in the Latest Legends packs, meaning Spider-Man is the only one of the three that would have been swappable.

    So I'm not suggesting there's been a change in D3's policy, only that there could be other players who, like me, might not be aware of the finer details of the developer's aggressively arbitrary and punitive swap policy for 5-star characters.
    That's very weird of them, because they have swapped every single Daredevil request I've seen so far. And they have swapped every single new release since the Latest policy started.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Honestly, one of the worst CS companies outside of digital river. 

    I mean, really, is alienating paying customers really more important than allowing cover swaps for the rarest prizes in the game.

    I get it would be extra work for CS, but don't care. That's part of the job that they are paid to do.
    STERLING21JJ Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    5* bonus hero whats that, I've pulled over 200+ lts and cp pulls. Only to have one bh 5*.......pretty sure I have one of the worst draw rates.  The ship should right itself hopefully soon.  If the game is about averages.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,177 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    I honestly could not tell you how many 5* covers I've drawn since BH started (probably not that many) but I know I've pulled at least two BH. I don't think it's been more than that. 
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Beer40 said:

    Regardless, they pretty much just made the new cover store irrelevant.
    Dramatic much?

    Denying swaps increases the expected CP cost to be reasonably certain of covering the character by up to 46%.

    Changing the offer from 10% odds of a single 5* to 15% chance of 3 possibilities increased that CP cost by 100%. 

    It seems they decided these stores were too easily whaled by minor cetaceans and hoarders.
    I don't think so. I'm just stating the obvious, as are you. I agree with most of what you say (even tho I can't confirm the numbers. I haven't run them myself.) The point still remains, it now appears that waiting until the new character hits LL is the clear best option (to non-whales) whereas before, a case could be made for either LL or the new character store.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    0 from 161 pulls of bags of tricks when bonus hero was meant to be 16% instead of 5% (I did get over two dozen Peggy but no 5*). I've been hoarding since so still 0 5* bonus hero
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2017
    Went 4 (5*)for 45 on this new cosmic token....no bonus heroes! 

    Anyone have any better luck? 
  • Talestummy
    Talestummy Posts: 66 Match Maker
    Went 1/4 on cosmic plus one bh.