Token Pull Exploit - CURRENT



  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daiches said:
    A more accurate example than the hypothetical Cyclops would be the 2 months that Vision was broken where his Blue boosted all damage from any source including IF attack tiles. He went from unusable to 90% usage rate by 2-3-4star transitions for 2 months to unused again after fix.
    I was going for crazy-hyperbolic, but sure. That's a real-world example of exactly what I was talking about. Players using Vision for that period were exploiting his new-found (although clearly unintended) power and synergy, but were not capital-e "Exploiting" the game.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2017
    My two penneth here. I'm not going to go into the point about the different odds on classic tokens, that feels like a very different discussion than exploiting a glitch.

    The exploit should be closed and those who have exploited it punished in such a way that it is clear to the players of the game that there is a downside to using such an exploit. 

    If if it were up to me I would do the following. Sweep up all the cheaters, since they know how, then give the cheaters an option to roll back to before they first used the exploit, losing any in-game resources earned since then (theycan keep their purchases), be sandboxed or be banned. Give them a week to choose and then implement the change. Announce on the forum and in-game that the exploit has been closed and those who abused the exploit have been punished. Lastly give a big whack of ISO, CP and HP (and I mean big, the kind of amount that makes the accountants feel slightly nauseous) to everyone else to say thank you and to partially make up for what they lost in placement and progression to the cheaters. 

    Problem solved! You're welcome!
    <goes off whistling that slightly annoying song from Moana, you know the one>

    ***Removed all references to the specifics of how the exploit possibly worked, what exactly it did, and how to possibly fix it - Ducky
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Roll back shouldn't be an option. They have listed in the FAQ section the following 

    "Cheating is not tolerated and is easily uncovered. Because cheating negatively impacts all players, we are diligent about removing those who break the rules. 

    A player caught cheating will be removed from the game. No previous purchases will be reimbursed."

    This is from their FAQ section and all we are asking is for them to enforce this.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Are we asking for too much?  
  • Justice Jacks
    Justice Jacks Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    "A player caught cheating will be removed from the game. No previous purchases will be reimbursed."

    This is from their FAQ section and all we are asking is for them to enforce this.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Are we asking for too much?  
    Maybe the dev's "boot player" screen has the same loading issues as this new update does.  They've been waiting the last 9 months for the artwork to download so they can finally boot the cheaters.
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    ***Redacted - Ducky
    This is the way any online game should be designed. The number one rule of online games is "don't trust the client". All the exploits and many of the problems with the design of the game have resulted from it being poorly architected. Unfortunately, fixing this would surely a large undertaking, and given the frequency with which major game bugs make it to release, I just don't think they have the resources to do so.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    ***If anyone else discusses how or what the exploit was in any type of specifics, I will close the thread. Talking about how an exploit may work or what it does is against the rules, so please refrain from doing so. Thanks!***
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Ducky, I get this but we are tired of this being pushed to the side.  I would venture to say almost the entire Line community knows what this was and how it works. We, or maybe it is just me, want an answer if this will ever be resolved or should we just pay no mind to the cheaters that this company is letting run this game. It is really that cut and dry to me.  It had been almost 6 months and nothing. This is a unbelievable that all in power to resolve this have looked the other way. So i ask again, what is the next steps? I will be following @Justice Jacks suggestion tomorrow. 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    @Ducky, I get this but we are tired of this being pushed to the side.  I would venture to say almost the entire Line community knows what this was and how it works. We, or maybe it is just me, want an answer if this will ever be resolved or should we just pay no mind to the cheaters that this company is letting run this game. It is really that cut and dry to me.  It had been almost 6 months and nothing. This is a unbelievable that all in power to resolve this have looked the other way. So i ask again, what is the next steps? I will be following @Justice Jacks suggestion tomorrow. 
    To your point, it may be against the forums rules to discuss what and how, but nowhere else is it. I have gotten my answer elsewhere. No intention of actually using it, I was just curious what people were doing. They are certainly not stopping the proliferation of the exploit by banning us from speaking of it.

    I'll agree with rockett and say something needs to be done. The only way it will be completely stopped is if something is done about it.....
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Ducky said:
    jamesh said:
    What's the position on discussing problems the developers have said they've fixed?  Such information could only be used for cheating with the help of a time machine.
    ***Discussing exploits, past or present, is against the rules as discussing the nature of them can lead to others trying to figure out new and improved exploits by learning how they worked in the past. So please do not discuss how to do any exploits, even if they have been fixed. Thanks!***
    Why not explain what happened and punish the cheaters? What are you hiding? 
  • Mercator
    Mercator Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    That's the thing tho ... the developers SAID its fixed  .... but is it?????
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Forum pariah, that's me. Have to watch what I say from now on.

    in an odd way I see it as an achievement that my idle theorycrafting is seen as a threat to the integrity of the forum. In other news, I don't actually want to be banned so it's back to my usual reverie. 
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Darknes21 said:
    Ducky said:
    jamesh said:
    What's the position on discussing problems the developers have said they've fixed?  Such information could only be used for cheating with the help of a time machine.
    ***Discussing exploits, past or present, is against the rules as discussing the nature of them can lead to others trying to figure out new and improved exploits by learning how they worked in the past. So please do not discuss how to do any exploits, even if they have been fixed. Thanks!***
    Why not explain what happened and punish the cheaters? What are you hiding? 
    You do realize I'm just a player volunteer, right? I don't actually work for any of the companies on the forum and don't know anything more than anyone else posting in this thread. Heck, I've probably reported more people for cheating than anyone else in this thread. I don't like cheating anymore than you do. 
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Mercator said:
    That's the thing tho ... the developers SAID its fixed  .... but is it?????
    One way to know for sure. Those who know the exploit wants to try it and see if you get away with it?
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Ducky said:
    Darknes21 said:
    Ducky said:
    jamesh said:
    What's the position on discussing problems the developers have said they've fixed?  Such information could only be used for cheating with the help of a time machine.
    ***Discussing exploits, past or present, is against the rules as discussing the nature of them can lead to others trying to figure out new and improved exploits by learning how they worked in the past. So please do not discuss how to do any exploits, even if they have been fixed. Thanks!***
    Why not explain what happened and punish the cheaters? What are you hiding? 
    You do realize I'm just a player volunteer, right? I don't actually work for any of the companies on the forum and don't know anything more than anyone else posting in this thread. Heck, I've probably reported more people for cheating than anyone else in this thread. I don't like cheating anymore than you do. 

    Mercator said:
    That's the thing tho ... the developers SAID its fixed  .... but is it?????
    It's fixed sure.....hahahahahahahahahahah....a lot of people running around with their 490+  5*! ....i
    wish i
    Ducky said:
    Darknes21 said:
    Ducky said:
    jamesh said:
    What's the position on discussing problems the developers have said they've fixed?  Such information could only be used for cheating with the help of a time machine.
    ***Discussing exploits, past or present, is against the rules as discussing the nature of them can lead to others trying to figure out new and improved exploits by learning how they worked in the past. So please do not discuss how to do any exploits, even if they have been fixed. Thanks!***
    Why not explain what happened and punish the cheaters? What are you hiding? 
    You do realize I'm just a player volunteer, right? I don't actually work for any of the companies on the forum and don't know anything more than anyone else posting in this thread. Heck, I've probably reported more people for cheating than anyone else in this thread. I don't like cheating anymore than you do. 
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I am pretty disappointed that AXP_isme's post was censored, which I quoted. It had no specifics about the exploit at all. I'm surprised that the forum doesn't have an automatic notification when a post of yours is edited though.

    I am under the impression forum mods get compensation from D3 Go! for their (admittedly underappreciated) work. Even if they are not, they must moderate the forums as D3 Go! desires to continue hold their position. Moderation is not unbiased, and this is to be accepted. Let's stay on topic.

    It seems clear that little productive will come out of this thread. D3 Go! has been made aware of the exploit but is unable or unwilling to properly address it. The details of the exploit are well-known to those on Line, and even without being told, it's a fairly obvious vulnerability for anyone with experience in such things.

    I suggest taking the discussion back to Line where we can talk freely about the exploit and consider the appropriate action to take.