MPQ Sneak Peek: August 2017 Edition *Updated (8/25/17)



  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards

    Is Galactus going to use the weekly boost list?

    Or will it have it's own? And if so, when will that info be provided? 
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    @Brigby any info additional info on system reboot is?
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    @Milk Jugz @Player1575
    As of right now, I unfortunately do not have any further information to provide. I will reach out to the developers this week to inquire about whether there is additional information I can communicate prior to the events' start dates.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Not particularly looking forward to having two events running in parallel.  Although if System Reboot is a "one and done" mini-event, it shouldn't be too bad.

    Edit: looking at the Space Gem Season character updates thread, this does look like a mini-event:
    Brigby said:

    System Reboot

    An all-new Story event that will run alongside the normal Story events. Complete missions to earn Iso-8 and a random Ghost Rider and Kingpin cover!
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker

    do you know how the recent scaling changes to PVE play through boss events?  Is there fixed scaling on side nodes tied to the round your alliance boss is in?  Is there fixed increments per round refresh?  Is it the same old 24 hour explosion of scaling back to the scaling we all hated as per previous boss events?
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Probably won't change much. Hopefully my alliance will beat it in a day so day two of scaling doesn't give me cancer. 
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    alphabeta said:

    do you know how the recent scaling changes to PVE play through boss events?  Is there fixed scaling on side nodes tied to the round your alliance boss is in?  Is there fixed increments per round refresh?  Is it the same old 24 hour explosion of scaling back to the scaling we all hated as per previous boss events?
    They really shouldn't have anything to do with each other.

    The recent scaling changes were to bring different scaling to different SCL levels.

    Boss events don't even have SCL levels in the first place, so that change shouldn't effect bosses.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    JHawkInc said:
    alphabeta said:

    do you know how the recent scaling changes to PVE play through boss events?  Is there fixed scaling on side nodes tied to the round your alliance boss is in?  Is there fixed increments per round refresh?  Is it the same old 24 hour explosion of scaling back to the scaling we all hated as per previous boss events?
    They really shouldn't have anything to do with each other.

    The recent scaling changes were to bring different scaling to different SCL levels.

    Boss events don't even have SCL levels in the first place, so that change shouldn't effect bosses.

    See I disagree - there are 8 rounds and 8 SCLs and the boss level is fixed to each round so in my mind it never made sense to have an arbitrary time based scaling kick in - would seem to make a lot more sense to me to have the essential pins reflect the scaling of each SCL so when boss level increases so do the side nodes but at a fixed amount so time doesn't become the determining factor of difficulty the round you are playing in does.

    but that's just me - expecting a rational roll out of a model for calculating difficulty across the game - previously side nodes scaling reflected the individual scaling a player experienced everyday in PVE so shouldn't that hold true post the scaling change.  Not sure why you think it wouldn't change (logically) though in practice I'm expecting it won't have changed it would just seem like an oversight if it didn't 
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    I just want to know what the rewards are going to be
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Galactus Hungers event goes live tomorrow, any new updates @Brigby???
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm thinking/hoping it will be 3lektra and C4ge for the rewards. Then do Strange Sights right after. No, D3, you will not do Deadpool vs MPQ after Galactus Hungers. No. I'm putting my foot down. 
  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    Preview up in-game. Coulson/Elektra. 
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    meh. champ levels for my freshly champed Coulson. could be worse I guess
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Well I can't be mad at getting more Coulsons though really was hoping for some C4ge covers. So following the pve after Galactus he should be up to 12 and fighting for my iso along with G4mora, Fist, Gwenpool and Mordo.

    edit: Ow! Took an Ultimate Soldier right to the nose from Peggy. Damn, girl, you been working out with Hulk lately? Yeah you're in the mix too.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *(8/23/17) Brigby - Updated Versus events, Story events, and Deadpool's Dailies
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Seriously the hunt again !?
    Is it just me or have we been cycling through only a handful of pve events
    When was the last heroic ?
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good news - The Hunt will put my Coulson at 4/4/4.
    Bad news - Probably won't get the blue I need from placement in The Hunt so I'd have to throw 120 cp at my Fist to champ him.
    Good news - At least R4G will be boosted so I'll cut through The Hunt like a hot knife through butter.
    Bad news - So will everyone else.
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    when does the new PVP season start
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    evade420 said:
    Seriously the hunt again !?
    Is it just me or have we been cycling through only a handful of pve events
    When was the last heroic ?
    The game only has a handful of events lol.

    It has been a while since there's been a heroic, but I for one don't miss them.  I'd much rather either keep running a small number of events or get new events.