MPQ at Vulture (7/11/17)



  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Skrofa said:

    I tried them out as well and accompanied them with unchamped baby groot.

    I figured that I won't be using his blue or green since he will spend the fight just hovering there watching from above, so I would need a nice blue/green guy to come along. And baby groot worked like a charm!!
    Make sure you use Rocket's Pack before Circling Prey, then, or he'll just use 10 Blue for you anyways ;)
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Skrofa said:

    I tried them out as well and accompanied them with unchamped baby groot.

    I figured that I won't be using his blue or green since he will spend the fight just hovering there watching from above, so I would need a nice blue/green guy to come along. And baby groot worked like a charm!!
    Make sure you use Rocket's Pack before Circling Prey, then, or he'll just use 10 Blue for you anyways ;)
    Yeap, happened once, didn't make the same "mistake" again though :)
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Man he's fun with Cyke and... wait for it.. Gwenpool. Full color actives, incredible board control with Cyke's blue, GP purple, and the easy AP build. I even used GP 9 black (instead of Vulture's 6) the first time to get her the decent sized protect tiles out early - while sending Vulture airborne to earn AP. She's pretty fragile while tanking all of her own colors. 
    Easy blue is great to accumulate red, and GP is higher level than Cyke so his yellow earns easy purple upon TU matches. GP's green hits so hard for 10 AP. 
    As others have stated, ensure you don't let Vulture spend your 10 blue before Cyke can, unless you have good reason to.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man he's fun with Cyke and... wait for it.. Gwenpool. Full color actives, incredible board control with Cyke's blue, GP purple, and the easy AP build. I even used GP 9 black (instead of Vulture's 6) the first time to get her the decent sized protect tiles out early - while sending Vulture airborne to earn AP. She's pretty fragile while tanking all of her own colors. 
    Easy blue is great to accumulate red, and GP is higher level than Cyke so his yellow earns easy purple upon TU matches. GP's green hits so hard for 10 AP. 
    As others have stated, ensure you don't let Vulture spend your 10 blue before Cyke can, unless you have good reason to.
    Can Gwenpool send out Plot Armor team ups?
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Can Gwenpool send out Plot Armor team ups?
    I believe that's the only TU she can send!  I like the way you think.
  • fork1977
    fork1977 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Anon said:
    Once Vulture has enough for his Black, couldn't he theoretically solo the enemy team?

    He goes airborne, gains ap, puts down green tile, goes airborne, aoe, goes airborne, ad infinitum.

    Possibly,  I don't think you can make a turn when airborne... Not entirely sure. 
    You could solo for a while, but you need a lot of black before you start.  He only generates 4 black while airborne to prevent this kind of winfinity. You would lose two each turn, and his green doesn't hit super hard.  

    Strange could counter act this a bit, Rhulk could decimate it, Hood would impair it.  Plus, you also let the other team gather ap at will so they could wail you the first time you had to take a turn.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    fahq1977 said:
    You could solo for a while, but you need a lot of black before you start.  He only generates 4 black while airborne to prevent this kind of winfinity. You would lose two each turn, and his green doesn't hit super hard.  

    Strange could counter act this a bit, Rhulk could decimate it, Hood would impair it.  Plus, you also let the other team gather ap at will so they could wail you the first time you had to take a turn.
    6641 team damage for 9 AP (of which you generate 8 while airborne) qualifies as super hard for me. No, it doesn't one-shot anyone... but it might two-shot the entire other team (or near enough).

    I agree what you'd really lose here is board presence. Without making matches you're letting the other side get up to pretty much whatever they want. On the other hand, you can also trick the AI into firing powers that can't affect you while you're airborne, provided they have some other effect that allows them to still fire it (board shake, healing, AP steal, etc...). You can also time your airborne turns to avoid nearly any countdown tile.