MPQ at Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (6/30/17)



  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Brigby it says he goes into tokens July 6th.  Are we talking latest tokens or just a special Spidey store?  I know I personally was looking forward to another 4 weeks of hawkeye to try to finish him, and this doesn't really jive with other 5* releases, being in a specific store and then into latests weeks after.
    @Welcome Death The Marvel article was referencing the "special spidey store". :p  Spider-Man (Peter Parker) should enter Legendary Tokens approximately 2 weeks after his featured event, just like any other 5-Star character.

    Philly484 said:
    Brigby I think us veteran players would like a truthful reasoning as to why introduce another Spider-Man variant especially since we already have a 5* Peter Parker. Whether it's symbiote spidey, or Iron-Spider, or even Dusk or Prodigy, it's still another Peter Parker. This year there has been a complete flux of variant characters, and there is no real reasoning behind the decision. Just curious as a veteran player and avid Marvel fan not understanding why they are keeping their character pool so little when their is so much for them to work with.
    @Philly484 A lot of the times we work with Marvel to introduce characters that closely tie-in with what's currently going on in entertainment media; for example, a new MCU movie (Spider-Man: Homecoming) or a new Netflix show (Iron Fist). Having said that though, we do try to add as many unique, new characters to the mix as we can.

    For instance, we introduced Sandman in the previous update, and following 5-Star Peter Parker, we'll be introducing Vulture to MPQ.  While they are still tied to the Spider-Man universe, both villains are unique characters that MPQ has not had before.

  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Philly484 said:
    @Brigby I think us veteran players would like a truthful reasoning as to why introduce another Spider-Man variant especially since we already have a 5* Peter Parker. Whether it's symbiote spidey, or Iron-Spider, or even Dusk or Prodigy, it's still another Peter Parker. This year there has been a complete flux of variant characters, and there is no real reasoning behind the decision. Just curious as a veteran player and avid Marvel fan not understanding why they are keeping their character pool so little when their is so much for them to work with.
    The reasoning is simple.

    Spider-Man is the World's Most Profitable Superhero.

    And this game makes money by pushing new characters and causing people to chase those characters. 5*s are harder to acquire, and thus, more profitable.

    In all honesty, NOT doing a 5* Spider-Man would have been a completely baffling decision.

    And as far as variants go, I think it's still a crime that there's no 4* Peter Parker (and it's a shame that adding another 5* Peter exacerbates the variants issue without making the character available across a broader stretch of the game).

    It is what it is, and I don't think there was any avoiding it, honestly. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,177 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    From the article on "He will also be rewarded in the Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six event that starts Thursday, July 6 as well so just in time to experience some Spider-Man fun as you get ready to see the movie."

    Hold up. Are y'all saying that the final progression reward for this event will be an actual, specific cover, the way we could get 5* Cap or Iron Man the first time Civil War ran? Or are you saying that it will be a token for his specific store that gives a 10 percent chance of drawing him?

    The way I read it, it sounds like the event will reward an actual, specific cover, or at least a randomized cover. But a cover nonetheless, not just a token for a chance at a cover.

    @Brigby, any clarification on this issue? Or should I wait for the thread detailing the event itself? 

    Thanks for clearing up the confusion regarding the token store and when 5pidey will enter Latest Legends, btw.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    @DarthDeVo The final individual progression reward is a Homecoming Legendary Token. You can read more details about the event here: Upcoming Event: Spider-Man Vs. The Sinister Six

  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,177 Chairperson of the Boards
    A cover would have been cool, but Civil War definitely seemed to be the exception, not the rule. 

    Cool man, thanks for clearing that up and letting us know. 
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2017
    Edit: my math was all wrong and the timing appears just fine.  Disregard entirely. 
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    With 1, 2, 3, 5 Spider-Man, Miles, Gwen, and now movie Spider-Man, we now have Spider-people from four separate universes. I hope we soon just go full Spider-Verse.
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    With 1, 2, 3, 5 Spider-Man, Miles, Gwen, and now movie Spider-Man, we now have Spider-people from four separate universes. I hope we soon just go full Spider-Verse.
    4 star spider-ham confirmed
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dayv said:
    spectator said:
    With 1, 2, 3, 5 Spider-Man, Miles, Gwen, and now movie Spider-Man, we now have Spider-people from four separate universes. I hope we soon just go full Spider-Verse.
    4 star spider-ham confirmed
    I'm hoping for the Japanese tokusatsu Spider-Man that also pilots a giant robot because of 1960s Japanese TV show reasons.
    Supaideru-Man confirmed!
  • Philly484
    Philly484 Posts: 173 Tile Toppler

    Philly484 said:
    Brigby I think us veteran players would like a truthful reasoning as to why introduce another Spider-Man variant especially since we already have a 5* Peter Parker. Whether it's symbiote spidey, or Iron-Spider, or even Dusk or Prodigy, it's still another Peter Parker. This year there has been a complete flux of variant characters, and there is no real reasoning behind the decision. Just curious as a veteran player and avid Marvel fan not understanding why they are keeping their character pool so little when their is so much for them to work with.
    @Philly484 A lot of the times we work with Marvel to introduce characters that closely tie-in with what's currently going on in entertainment media; for example, a new MCU movie (Spider-Man: Homecoming) or a new Netflix show (Iron Fist). Having said that though, we do try to add as many unique, new characters to the mix as we can.

    For instance, we introduced Sandman in the previous update, and following 5-Star Peter Parker, we'll be introducing Vulture to MPQ.  While they are still tied to the Spider-Man universe, both villains are unique characters that MPQ has not had before.

    Thanks for answering. I understand the reasoning to a degree. I still feel like there should still be a push for more newer characters and not just variants. Such as with the Guardians Event. Love the new 4's, but some in the community still seen missed opportunities like not introducing Nebula or Mantis. Maybe there are plans for them at later times. Thank you for giving me an answer though, I do appreciate it.

    JHawkInc said:
    The reasoning is simple.

    Spider-Man is the World's Most Profitable Superhero.

    And this game makes money by pushing new characters and causing people to chase those characters. 5*s are harder to acquire, and thus, more profitable.

    In all honesty, NOT doing a 5* Spider-Man would have been a completely baffling decision.

    And as far as variants go, I think it's still a crime that there's no 4* Peter Parker (and it's a shame that adding another 5* Peter exacerbates the variants issue without making the character available across a broader stretch of the game).

    It is what it is, and I don't think there was any avoiding it, honestly. 
    I think by introducing the same character 2x in 5* land just makes some players leary that they will do the same with already said 5*'s now. Such as I mean in all honesty if they want to do 5* Hydra Cap they could, which would be another variant. I get Spider-Man is probably Marvel's most popular character. He for me personally doesn't rank in my top 20 favorite Marvel heroes, but I do have to admit I think some of the villains in spider-verse are by far the most interesting, and have seen Marvel over the years take great liberties with them. So I am glad for the introduction of Sandman and Vulture, to add more villains finally to the mix.