In-game Character poll. Who did you choose?



  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    New: Gambit (but was so divided between him and Rogue - deceided on him because Rogue already has a better chance - she is implemented in Marvel Future Fight, while Gambit isn't).

    Variant: Spider-Man (in the hopes of a strong 4* Peter Parker - Homecoming could solve this issue).
  • aura
    aura Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    New: Nightcrawler

    Variant: Iceman
  • Melac
    Melac Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    New: Red skull (Needs more villains!)
    Variant: Psylock (a great character, who's only version is ruined by the power creep. Plus, it'd be nice to get a 3rd X-force 4*, for a team.)
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    I had a little sophia's choice when I had to pick which waifu I'd rather have but I ultimately chose Black Cat over Rogue

    I chose Doom for variant because I really want the Infamous Iron Man, because I love Doom and I love Iron Man and I wish it was a bigger deal
  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    New: Jessica Jones. She needs to be in this!
    Variant: Yelena Belova  ;)
  • Königsmacher
    Königsmacher Posts: 61 Match Maker
    First off, seeing so many mutants on the list (almost) brought a tear to my eye. Hopefully some of them make it into the game at some point. (Hello Cable and Domino released in time for DP2...)

    But I'd love to see a pure support character in the 4* realm, someone who is the evolution to Loki. Board manipulation, AP shehanigans (AP gaining, AP stealing, AP blowing up in your opponent's face... take your pick), maybe a power working like C4rol's green, but when you make a match in your strongest color, the enemy loses some random AP.
    And the best fitting character for this role is Mysterio. (I know, I'm a dreamer)

    Variant: A new Magneto.

  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    I have an issue with voting for Juggernaut, that is his relevance. Just how long has it been since he's been a thing in ether books or movies? I mean, for all Marvel's attempts to back-burner the X-Men there were still tons of X-Men characters very active during that time even outside the actual X-Men titles (Rogue being part of the Uncanny Avengers being a notable example).

    That being said, I went with Doom. My fondness for Doom aside (I honestly might have voted for him even if he wasn't as relevant as he currently is) there's just so much that could be done with Doom and it's shameful that he's currently stuck as a 3*.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have an issue with voting for Juggernaut, that is his relevance. Just how long has it been since he's been a thing in ether books or movies? I mean, for all Marvel's attempts to back-burner the X-Men there were still tons of X-Men characters very active during that time even outside the actual X-Men titles (Rogue being part of the Uncanny Avengers being a notable example).

    That being said, I went with Doom. My fondness for Doom aside (I honestly might have voted for him even if he wasn't as relevant as he currently is) there's just so much that could be done with Doom and it's shameful that he's currently stuck as a 3*.
    If it were simply a matter of relevance, we would get even fewer villains than we do already. A character like Kingpin gets 1 or 2 issues of doing something, then fades out until a writer decides to do something with him. Maybe a villain or group will get a good arc of being a problem, but then may not show up for years. Occasionally, one may get a series or mini series, but typically, the characters that are "relevant" are heroes in ongoing series. So then, we look to the classic and iconinc characters. Doctor Octopus is iconic, with his only current "relevance" being that people know he's one of Spider-Man's oldest foes. Sandman too. Juggernaut is nothing if not classic and iconic, and deserves a spot in the MPQ line up better than a one star that becomes almost completely unused once you're into 3* territory.
    Yes, Doom deserves a more powerful version as well, but he maintains his relevance as a useable character longer than Juggernaut does. Juggernaut can be sent as a team up, but Doom can be used as a character, both as an alternate black battery to Iron Fist, and potentially as a burst damage with that nasty Diabolical Plot. There aren't a whole lot of 3*s with the kind of potential burst as DP when you get the traps generated.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    New: Mysterio -- MCU available, I know, but he could be interesting
    Alt: Beast. Maybe the cat version.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2017
    zodiac339 said:
    Juggernaut is nothing if not classic and iconic, and deserves a spot in the MPQ line up better than a one star that becomes almost completely unused once you're into 3* territory.
    Even all that being said, and while I don't disagree with you on a fair bit of it, I really can't see Juggs really being as 'iconic' as most villainous options out there. Honestly beyond this game and maybe the 90's X-Men cartoon I would have had a hard time even remember he was much of a thing, Toad and Blob stand out to me more then Juggernaut does. Toad and Blob.

    Really though, not to throw the word around to the point where it loses it's meaning, but I kind of would rather relevant characters then vaguely nostalgic ones. In terms of villains specifically while sure not everyone can get their own mini-series like Kingpin or Venom I do think you are underestimating the presence many of the classic villains have. Characters the likes of Red Skull and MODOK to smaller fries like Kraven or Batroc the Leaper. When I talk about relevance it's less about in-your-face stuff but I at least would like to see more characters that are at least alive and/or active in recent memory if not currently, be it comic-wise or just in movies. There's still so many options out there to be wasting time on just dumb muscle like Juggs. I mean, with a third Thor movie coming out soon how is it that Loki never got a variant yet?
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor

    Odin and Juggernaut here. I would like for them both to be 5*

  • Naked_Samurai
    Naked_Samurai Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    God Emperor Doom or X-Force Psylock... dood!
  • Stick
    Stick Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I think I picked Magick... was she on the list? Maybe Emma. For variant I think I picked Juggernaut. It's been too long.

    In any case, I'd love more X-Men if that's on the table again. I'd also like to start a campaign for Cathead-Thor Loki. It's the best version of Loki, if not the one with the shortest duration.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2017
    Stick said:
    In any case, I'd love more X-Men if that's on the table again. I'd also like to start a campaign for Cathead-Thor Loki. It's the best version of Loki, if not the one with the shortest duration.
    Question is, would 'Cat Thor' be a Loki character or a Thor character?