6*'s: is it time?



  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    I remember reading somewhere that D3 said that they initially wanted to move towards more powerful characters, which is why they introduced the 5* tier.  But since then, they said they wanted to focus more on character variety and gameplay by introducing new characters and buffing unused characters.  They also said that they don't like nerfing characters unless they really have to.  So, it doesn't appear that 6* is a possibility.

    You can think of this like the Magic the Gathering brand where they continually come out with new characters/cards to keep interest alive, but they haven't created ultra-rare characters that only few players can get.  They have, more or less, stuck with the Common, Uncommon, Rare levels of characters/cards and just kept expanding those levels instead of creating higher ones.

    The 4* tier has existed since the beginning of the game, so we only have 1 example of a new tier being introduced and you shouldn't assume that the past dictates the future, which is a common fallacy. 
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    bbigler said:
    I remember reading somewhere that D3 said that they initially wanted to move towards more powerful characters, which is why they introduced the 5* tier.  But since then, they said they wanted to focus more on character variety and gameplay by introducing new characters and buffing unused characters.  They also said that they don't like nerfing characters unless they really have to.  So, it doesn't appear that 6* is a possibility.

    You can think of this like the Magic the Gathering brand where they continually come out with new characters/cards to keep interest alive, but they haven't created ultra-rare characters that only few players can get.  They have, more or less, stuck with the Common, Uncommon, Rare levels of characters/cards and just kept expanding those levels instead of creating higher ones.

    The 4* tier has existed since the beginning of the game, so we only have 1 example of a new tier being introduced and you shouldn't assume that the past dictates the future, which is a common fallacy. 

    I agree with this, but I'd add that balancing a field of 50+ and trying to keep them all useful/relevant is seemingly impossible without introducing elements like limited rosters which they already moved away from with the abolition of heroics.  Limited rosters over buffs, because with 50 different choices theres going to be some that just are worth it even buffed (unless you buff to the point of effectively making them the only choice, like 150+ level, which is just backing into a restricted roster anyhow)

    The choice comes down to: continue doing whats being done to the 4* tier (I guess if some people like it) or moving on...  I doubt its even worth considering a scenario where far less new characters are introduced.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just read this from an announcement made in Jan 2014:

    "4-star heroes are intended to be formidable, end-game caliber opponents."
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's another announcement from Sept 2015, which isn't true in practice:

    "Q: How strong will 5-Star characters be?

      A: 5-Star characters will be usable as soon as you earn them. Where 3 and 4-Stars need 8 to 10 covers before they match the power of a maxed 2-Star or 3-Star, 5-Star characters need only a few covers to match the power of a maxed 4-Star."
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker

    I agree with this, but I'd add that balancing a field of 50+ and trying to keep them all useful/relevant is seemingly impossible without introducing elements like limited rosters which they already moved away from with the abolition of heroics.  Limited rosters over buffs, because with 50 different choices theres going to be some that just are worth it even buffed (unless you buff to the point of effectively making them the only choice, like 150+ level, which is just backing into a restricted roster anyhow)

    The choice comes down to: continue doing whats being done to the 4* tier (I guess if some people like it) or moving on...  I doubt its even worth considering a scenario where far less new characters are introduced.

    The irony here is that they are creating so much variety and depth in the 4* tier, and then vaulting away so much of it that only vets will be able to enjoy that variety.
  • mrb
    mrb Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
  • Kross
    Kross Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I'll say "NO" as well.  I have been playing pretty much daily for over 900 days and I can't even get a good 5* above 6 covers, so please don't introduce a higher rank.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    mexus said:
    I also vote No. Not only would the 5* characters still be very diluted and difficult to obtain but with a 6* tier, 5*'s would likely become PVE Essential and Weekly Boosted.. sounds like a nightmare.

    I know this day will come and when it comes, I don't know if I would want to continue to play this game.
    I don't even wanna play the 5* game (so I keep selling every 5* I pick up)
    I'm gonna quit during or after the 4* phase - but so far I'm enjoying playing the game. :)

    I agree that I've got no real desire to play in 5* land, 4* land is where it will end in terms of fun...   but I think its because they have had a poor 4->5 transition, limited number of 5* heroes and in general kept the 5* game a fairly exclusive place to pump whales for money...   I'd rather they let those that want to move onto 6*s to clear the way to keep the treadmill moving from 4->5 for the rest of the players (all the ones who are looking at the lack of variety and barrier to entry into 5*s) 

    I just don't think they can fix the 4->5* transition and expand the 5* tier without giving those already there a new carrot to reach for...   or rather cant do it AND still make the money they want to make.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, but instead of a new tier I have this crazy idea.......those that are well established (and maybe bored) in 5* land could have the option to start over in a "new world" where everybody is starting from the beginning with 1*s.  Each month the Devs start a new "world" where any player can join it, you just have to start from scratch with nothing.  Any new players would automatically enter this world too.  This way, everyone is on a level playing field, except experienced players bring their knowledge with them. 

    I'm sure it sounds crazy to throw away years of work in this game, but isn't this game more about the progression than about reaching some imaginary end?
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    bbigler said:
    No, but instead of a new tier I have this crazy idea.......those that are well established (and maybe bored) in 5* land could have the option to start over in a "new world" where everybody is starting from the beginning with 1*s.  Each month the Devs start a new "world" where any player can join it, you just have to start from scratch with nothing.  Any new players would automatically enter this world too.  This way, everyone is on a level playing field, except experienced players bring their knowledge with them. 

    I'm sure it sounds crazy to throw away years of work in this game, but isn't this game more about the progression than about reaching some imaginary end?

    Personally, I'd find this entertaining for a lot of games, however I expect to be in the EXTREME minority...  specifically for mpq its a rather slow moving game in which to exploit efficiencies...  you'd see massive differences in months, but its real slow moving when compared with other games where the first week or so at the start accounts for the majority of progression.

    It would just be an impossible sell, it would be interpreted my many as: "Hey you can either have the 6* tier and continue on your way or we can delete everyones account!"  I'd absolutely expect new characters and a new tier to win out in a landslide.

  • Neuromancer
    Neuromancer Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2017
    A rank you have to work toward wouldn't be a bad idea. This wouldn't be too unlike a "build a headquarters" idea I was toying with. I'd like to see a character start at 1* tier, and after it hits level cap, can pay to graduate the character to 2*, then progress through champion, and pay to graduate to 3*. So forth through 4* & 5*, then when it hits max, you pay for it to gain an Infinity Symbol enhancement or Vertical Hair Syndrome Super Saiyan or some such nonsense. How they regulate it is up to them. I'm not paid by D3 to come up with solutions to their game.

    MPQ is obviously looking for ways to expand the demographic, which is why the "would you recommend this game to your friends" question keeps popping up in surveys. They need to start thinking outside the box, or they won't expand. Simply adding a new tier won't net you any new players, and escalates burnout of the current player base. Game needs to change to do that. Expansion time.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    A rank you have to work toward wouldn't be a bad idea. This wouldn't be too unlike a "build a headquarters" idea I was toying with. I'd like to see a character start at 1* tier, and after it hits level cap, can pay to graduate the character to 2*, then progress through champion, and pay to graduate to 3*. So forth through 4* & 5*, then when it hits max, you pay for it to gain an Infinity Symbol enhancement or Vertical Hair Syndrome Super Saiyan or some such nonsense. How they regulate it is up to them. I'm not paid by D3 to come up with solutions to their game.

    MPQ is obviously looking for ways to expand the demographic, which is why the "would you recommend this game to your friends" question keeps popping up in surveys. They need to start thinking outside the box, or they won't expand. Simply adding a new tier won't net you any new players, and escalates burnout of the current player base. Game needs to change to do that. Expansion time.
    They already are thinking outside the box to expand their player base, it was called Vaulting!  Now new players can compete with old players in no time!
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    A rank you have to work toward wouldn't be a bad idea. This wouldn't be too unlike a "build a headquarters" idea I was toying with. I'd like to see a character start at 1* tier, and after it hits level cap, can pay to graduate it to 2*, then progress through champion and pay to graduate to 3*, and so forth to 4* & 5*. Then when it hits max, you pay for it to gain an Infinity Symbol enhancement or Verticle Hair Syndrome Super Saiyan or some tinykitty. How they regulate it is up to them. I'm not paid by D3 to come up with solutions to their game.

    MPQ is obviously looking for ways to expand the demographic, which is why the "would you recommend this game to your friends" question keeps popping up in surveys. They need to start thinking outside the box, or they won't expand. Simply adding a new tier won't net you any new players, and escalates burnout of the current player base. Game needs to change to do that. Expansion time.

    I'd be curious when it comes to an expansion...  done right I think it would be fantastic, but I'm a pessimist when it comes to most things video game related, execution just isn't good far too often. 

    MPQ is a fun game that hits on collecting superheroes and progressively getting more powerful.  I'm OK if that's all it is, they do a better job at it than just about any other mobile game I've ever played.  I just don't think they can do it without power creep... I'd just rather they embrace it than try to change the script on players that get to the 4* tier and tell em now its time to stagnate cause we're not focusing on releasing the next tier and we don't even have a tier after that to let the crazymoney people move to. 

    So long as they gate it well so that you don't have 2* players drawing 6* characters, I'm fine with em going all the way up to 10+, just get a transition model in place that has a player likely to get half the current tier before being ready to make efficient progress on the next tier.  The game is still absolutely playable and fun at the 3* level, you get a bunch of new heroes regularly (less now than prior to the majority of the tier being vaulted away)  It starts to get cramped moving into 4* land because the resources used is also the only way to get 5*s and the 5* transition is predicated on either a lot of money or a lot of hoarding, which rewards you with fewer characters to play.