6*'s: is it time?

crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
I believe we are heading to a place where 6*'s are the next logical step.  And not just as a money grab, but as a true enhancement to the game.  Just a few thoughts:
1) clearance levels are a perfect way to gate this class, so, um, let's get a couple more levels released.
2) these should be unique additions to the game.  In other words if they kick this off with 6* wolverine then it's already a loss, but more than that I see this as an opportunity to release game-altering characters and powers that can reimagine the game for users that have by that point invested countless hours and dollars into this game.  Changes to the physics, damage calculation, ap accumulation etc.
3) in line with that sort of power, thus should be the heaviest hitters in the universe...the Dormammu and Galactus types.  And Dazzler obv.
4) no RNG.  These are attained by hitting tangible goals and cannot be bought.  There would be an edge to the haves only provided their in-game performance matched their roster advantage.  Also key: the have nots can also hope to cover these, provided their accomplishments merit the reward.
5) a unique cover dynamic.  With cover acquisition tied to accomplishments, then completing different tracks would yield specific and related colors/powers.  Voila, no more disappointments.
6) only one allowed per fight.  Now you have to find synergy across tiers instead of instantly making 5*'s obsolete.
7) let us cover the older 5*'s.  End the insane hoarding that is required for non-whales to ever cover a 5*, through reasonably priced 5* only tokens, targeted 5* tokens/vaults, rewards for accomplishments, or read the dozens of other suggestions that are out on the forum.  Let the whales spend on the new characters which are still needed because of item #6.
8) keep this game a journey through all stages.  I've found unique enjoyment at every point, and that's how you keep happy and engaged customers.
tl/dr: make the 6* tier a complement to the existing product and not a replacement for it.


  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    6* Aunt May
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    6*s would have been a better solution to dilution than vaulting IMO
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    irwando said:
    No. No no no.  No.  
    Pretty much sums up my opinion.  I already dread the day when I finish the 4* tier and have to move to 5*s with the requisite scaling.  

    The game has plenty of play right now with 5 tiers.  No need to add a sixth.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Until 5* are as easy to acquire as 4* (which still isn't exactly "easy"), then hell no.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    Adding new tiers of play is one common solution to the oressures that develop in freemium game like this one.  Basically a new star tier or serious power creep are inevitable over the long term.

    But i don't think they are coming in 2017.  There are still too few players maxing out the 5* tier and too many 4* vets grinding hard to build into the 5* tier.  

    Eventually the 5* tier will start to feel stale for enough vets and whales to threaten the game's cash flow.  When that happens the devs will start to feel pressure to add a 6th tier.
  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    No no no !
  • DrDevilDinosaur
    DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker

    Yep. Lock it in.

    New 6* tier and a new "crafting" system (6*'s will all be crafted from specific recipes rather than drawn from RNG).

    Why not? Everybody should know by now that none of the other 5 tiers are actually ever going to get fixed, so let's just go full steam ahead!

  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nope..not time yet! 
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    One word: no.
    More words: No. Not ever.
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I also don´t like to have 6*. Im @ day 1050. I don´t level my 5* at all. Im forced to hoard in order not to sell any 4* covers I obtain. I understand how scaling works... devs need to fix that first before introducing 6*..
  • Felessa
    Felessa Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Add me to the "No" group. It would be a mistake, like the 5* tier...
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anon said:
    Until 5* are as easy to acquire as 4* (which still isn't exactly "easy"), then hell no.
    I would see that as part of it.  When I said that 6* would be a better solution dillusion I think they should do this:
    - Completely eliminate the 1* tier and revamp the prologue with 2*s.  
    - 1* node drops from DDQ, Behemoth Burrito starts dropping a 4* cover per day similar to Dat Required Character.
    - Legends tokens become only 5* and 6* and probably get a cost increase until there are more 5*s.
    - ST is completely removed and ETs replace them everywhere.  ETs start dropping 4*s
    - A new token is made above HTs that offers 3* 4* and 5*s (at a very rare rate or could be just 3* & 4*)
    - SCL 9 & 10 released.  In PvE 9 offers 1 3* and 2 4* from progression, 4* available at T50.  10 Offers 2 4* and 1 5* from progression 4* available from T100, 5* for T1 (or T1 and T5) only.
    - They stop making new 3*s, if they have to keep their lazy low level copies start making them 2*s instead of 3*s.
    - They stop making new 4*s, new character releases become 5* 5* 6* instead of 4* 4* 5*,
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    No it's not time. I imagine it might be one day, but I hope not. It seems like a 6* tier is just your idea of addressing all your current complaints with the game. No RNG, no variants, make 5*s easier to get, no dupe covers, etc. But the idea of just shifting the goal posts so 6s are just what 5s are now, and 5s are like 4s and so on does not excite me. The 5* tier was a 2 tier jump over 4*s anyway. If they did make a new tier, I don't want to see any higher max levels. Make it a 4.5 tier, turn the current 5*s to 6*s. Making a tier higher than 5*s would be a mistake
    I agree if they do put in a 6 tier they need to make it a unique tier. Different mechanics overall, not talking about gameplay or characters. Something like all 6*s are only 1/1/1, don't require iso, you cover them with colorless covers and once you have 3 you never get a dupe. Or one cover gets them all 3 powers, and they max at 5 covers. They aren't at a fixed level, they scale with the opponent. They don't have regenerating health after matches, they only get a certain amount of plays per day.

  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    I completely understand the negative reactions, I just wonder where we're going from here if it's not time.  I don't have any 5*'s at more than 6 covers, and I must hoard for 6+ months in order to probably max cover a set of 3 characters.  All signs point towards no desire to make it any easier to cover older characters, so this doesn't seem likely to change until there is a new shiny above them.
    I don't see it as the end of mpq if they don't move forward, but I do see a lot of people eventually completing their realistic goals in this game, understanding the sisyphean task of completing even 9 or 10 5*'s to give them solid options in the tier, and losing interest.
  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    6* Aunt May
    I would actually LOVE this as a trophy/collector's item or something.  Like Bag-Man.  Powers:

    Yellow: 18 AP (at 5 covers it costs 12 AP): Golden Oldie.  We all grow old.  And there's not much we can do about it.  Places a 10-turn fortified countdown tile in the bottom right corner.  While tile is on the board, all players on both teams lose 1 health per turn.  This damage is not effected by strike tiles or any other multipliers.

    Blue: Passive: I Love Peter Parker.  Peter is Aunt May's nephew and she loves him.  While Spider-Man is an active ally, Spider-Man receives true healing of 5 health per turn (10 at max covers).  Otherwise, this power becomes MISSING PETER PARKER.  Missing Peter Parker.  Aunt May is upset that her nephew is missing.  Maybe he's a team-up.  For 10 AP (5 AP at max level), generate three team-up AP.

    Purple: 15 AP: Spirit of Uncle Ben.  Aunt May misses Uncle Ben but he is always around to help, if only in spirit.  Creates a protect tile equal to Aunt May's level (1.5x at max covers).
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also vote No. Not only would the 5* characters still be very diluted and difficult to obtain but with a 6* tier, 5*'s would likely become PVE Essential and Weekly Boosted.. sounds like a nightmare.

    I know this day will come and when it comes, I don't know if I would want to continue to play this game.