Thanos is...a fantastic boss.



  • I think I am in the minority but,  rewards are meh(ISO and HP wise really low) and the boss figh gives absolutely no challenge. I did not expect a boss rush hard level but there is a lot of room in between
    Honestly...I'm okay with the lack of challenge.
    It means they can slowly dial it up.

    The problem they've had in the past is they tend to start at 11 and try to dial it down after everyone's sick of the event. Remember back to Galactus 1.0, if you were there. Think back to Boss Rush. I still maintain Boss Rush has a lot of potential if it's tweaked and shouldn't be thrown in a dumpster fire, but people here hate it because it was way too hard.

    And it truely was. It was punishing hard, rather than fun...ishing hard.

    So if they make a new event, everyone has fun and comes away with possitive impressions and some suggestions saying "Hey, we liked that, but could you make it a little more challenging next time?" that's only a possitive, IMO.

    Better that than "Ugh, this event was just a way to make money out of health packs. "Supposed to lose" indeed! I hope it never runs again!"

    That is quite true,  all i say is between boss rush(finished it)  that was a mess and this event that you could finish with most 2/3/4/5* team without any thinking, there could be some middle ground 
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Agree that the concept is good - love seeing new mechanics and new puzzles to solve.  Still has that "the nodes shouldn't be 10x as hard as the boss" feel though.  I've won in round 5 or 6 making a single match just by matching a green infinity and black infinity tile in the same match 5.  Three crits on a board that's missing a full color tends to wrap things up pretty quickly.
  • Landale
    Landale Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad all of you love the boss battle so much. When it comes to its difficulty, I definitely believe they stayed cautious on the side of being too easy, rather than too challenging, so I'll be sure to let the developers know they can turn up the difficulty knob a little bit next time :)
    Er...well, I mean...don't go too crazy now ;).  

    Still, I'm having a great time with the boss this go-round.  Not because he's easy, but the gems, imo, add a nice bonus for smart play, and the rewards are attainable without the grind or the frustration I normally feel from boss events.  I actually look forward to fighting Thanos.
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad all of you love the boss battle so much. When it comes to its difficulty, I definitely believe they stayed cautious on the side of being too easy, rather than too challenging, so I'll be sure to let the developers know they can turn up the difficulty knob a little bit next time :)
    Now hooooollllldddd on there partner! No one said to lean on the up button quite yet. Let's get a full digestion, a few polls, and extra feedback first, please????. And as long as you're talking to them....more villians please.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    The AP gem seems to really like giving me green, so I started bringing Ares along. Dropping a 30AP Onslaught on T2 is awesome :smiley:
  • waywreth
    waywreth Posts: 303 Mover and Shaker
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad all of you love the boss battle so much. When it comes to its difficulty, I definitely believe they stayed cautious on the side of being too easy, rather than too challenging, so I'll be sure to let the developers know they can turn up the difficulty knob a little bit next time :)
    Just going to go ahead and assume this is a joke.  With the node scaling the way they are, it's going to be hard enough.

    A fun event so far.  Thanks for it!
  • rubix_qube
    rubix_qube Posts: 69 Match Maker
    I just hope that no one loses their job over this since more than 10 alliances will finish round 8. We can't have virtual rewards being spread everywhere all willy nilly can we?

    I have no problem with the devs tweaking the numbers a little (stress on the little). Just please be careful and don't go overboard with ridiculously high scaling and killing the event. We have enough boss battles now that they are all quite spread out so we don't play any one very often. Nothing wrong with having that "easier" event once in a while. Especially since most will be very excited to play an event they can do well in.

    I do think a boss should be a little tougher than going down in one turn in the middle rounds. Doesn't feel right IMHO. Overall, I did like this event very much. Mainly for the creative content during the boss battles, with using the infinity stones and their abilities. Feel free to run this event as much as you like.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad all of you love the boss battle so much. When it comes to its difficulty, I definitely believe they stayed cautious on the side of being too easy, rather than too challenging, so I'll be sure to let the developers know they can turn up the difficulty knob a little bit next time :)
    Dialing it up a teensy bit is fine...but bare in mind, I'm still only talking round 6 here. Or am I on round 7...I forget.

    As good as the boss itself is, I absolutely agree with the above comment that the minion node scaling is forever my biggest issue with boss events. Before too long it becomes such a chore taking them on that the fun gets drained away.

    But anyway, I'm straying from my own intended goal of speaking only about Thanos here...

    Yeah, we're okay with making him a little harder but...don't go crazy on us. Please. It just needs little things like...maybe black only creates one crit tile. Maybe blue gives you 30AP on round 1 but by round 8 it gives you 15. Keep the theming but don't gut the experience completely.

    Also I absolutely appreciate the devs erring on the side of "too easy" for this event rather than starting off punishingly hard. Thanks very much to them for that =)
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Both the Kaecellus and Thanos boss fights have been well designed and fun for me. I hope we continue to see more thinking along these lines. Great job on the event!
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    I would agree with you but the event and the boss after about 7 becomes unplayable by anyone that is not a 1000 day player with multiple champed 4s and some good covered 5s. When a open node has a 25000 health boss your only catering to your whales. Great way to scare off anyone that might actually spend money on the game but havent been playing that long.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would agree with you but the event and the boss after about 7 becomes unplayable by anyone that is not a 1000 day player with multiple champed 4s and some good covered 5s. When a open node has a 25000 health boss your only catering to your whales. Great way to scare off anyone that might actually spend money on the game but havent been playing that long.
    That's more than a little hyperbolic.  My first alliance event was Civil War's first run I believe.  I was a 3* player at the time with maybe half of them champed and a handful of 4*s with nowhere near max covers.  Past round 6 I wasn't contributing much.  

    By the second run of Civil War I had Howard with a few purple covers and was able to beat even round 8 Iron Man if I didn't mind very slowly cheesing him down with match damage.  Would take over 40 minutes per match but I did manage to hit top progression since I had the weekend free.  Eventually scaling on the side nodes pushed me out of competition but my alliance was able to finish 8 rounds on the IM side and 7 on the Cap side.  

    The next alliance event I believe was Galactus and I was starting to get close to finishing the 3* tier.  I was definitely able to contribute points to my alliance and we finished it.  I don't think I hit top personal progression but got most of the good rewards.  

    It takes a while before you can actually beat these events.  A handful of 4*s will get you there, especially if the right ones are boosted or if you have some winfinite type 3* teams or are willing to play longer matches with characters that can go invisible.  Eventually your roster progresses to that point.  For me it took under a year although YMMV.  

    For specific 4*s in packs to target I'd go with Capt. Marvel, Blade, Cloak & Dagger and Coulson.  All of those will make even boss events much easier even if not boosted.  
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,794 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would agree with you but the event and the boss after about 7 becomes unplayable by anyone that is not a 1000 day player with multiple champed 4s and some good covered 5s. When a open node has a 25000 health boss your only catering to your whales. Great way to scare off anyone that might actually spend money on the game but havent been playing that long.
    That's simply not true. This has been a excellent event, perfectly balanced, I'm day 724 and I bought HP in my first month or so and since then the odd VIP. I've whaled nothing. This is an alliance event, it's not about personal progression, if you get it fine but the goal is to get as many as the rewards as possible for your alliance. As such this is the best event yet for that and for 3* rosters to keep adding to that damage even in R8.

    Everyone that knows me knows I am cack at this game but I could get through R8 with a 3* roster in this at least 50% of the time, even if I was only doing the boss every 8 hours if I could no longer get through node scaling. There's gems that do enough damage to make sure you keep scoring for your alliance. That said if I didn't sit out the early rounds I'm 100% sure I could have hit personal progression on this with nothing but a 3* roster. A rainbow team with one tank that can take a hit once and you are set to do lot's of damage. I rarely took more than 1 hit. Even if it creamed your 3* team you can get 20k+ hit on thanos easily. Chip away as a team.

    3* alliances have rarely faired well in R8 but this event gives you the best chance.
  • DrDevilDinosaur
    DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker
    Thread got moved. Great job
  • TheLadder77
    TheLadder77 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I would agree with you but the event and the boss after about 7 becomes unplayable by anyone that is not a 1000 day player with multiple champed 4s and some good covered 5s. When a open node has a 25000 health boss your only catering to your whales. Great way to scare off anyone that might actually spend money on the game but havent been playing that long.
    Rubbish. Players that struggle with the later rounds need to accept that the developers cannot cater to everyone. Besides, you do not need 5s at all to take this on and even if you can't make max progression, you can't be telling me three 4* covers are scant reward for the level you mentioned (beyond round 7).

    MPQ needs more events like this, it finally brings the puzzle back into Puzzle Quest.
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    This is truly a great event. Please don't change a thing because alliances are finding it fun and easy.

    Not all of us want every event to be a challenge. Challenging fights are what PvP matches are for or the gauntlet (which gets a lot of bad press although I love it and want it as a permanent feature running monthly)

    @Brigby I would say the thing to feedback to the developers is that this is the first new event where there has been absolutely no negative feedback from the forum. (Upping difficulty is not negative feedback it's masochism lol).
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    I am in round 8 now and my boosted fourstar team (Ant-Man, Drax, X-Force Wolverine) are still dispatching Thanos with little difficulty. Very nicely tuned difficulty here IMO.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2017
    I don't understand thanking devs for doing their job. If they suck then money doesn't flow, if they do well, it does. They aren't doing charity or a favor. Not sucking is kinda expected when you want to make money, no thanks necessary. 
    Good point! We should hear zero complaining too!
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    I would agree with you but the event and the boss after about 7 becomes unplayable by anyone that is not a 1000 day player with multiple champed 4s and some good covered 5s. When a open node has a 25000 health boss your only catering to your whales. Great way to scare off anyone that might actually spend money on the game but havent been playing that long.
    If you're talking about this event (Come and Get Me), that certainly hasn't been the case for me. I'm not close to 1000 days, have  a 3* roster with no 4* champs, and have found this one much easier than previous boss events. My alliance is in Round 8 now. I beat Thanos every time in earlier rounds and so far, a bit over half the time in round 8 (though I've had pretty good luck). And my side nodes have been much easier than previous events - actually easier than the boss node in round 8 (though others have reported typical huge scaling increase). My alliance is finishing this one faster than ever despite the fact that we lost a few top players and have a number of players with 2 and 3-star rosters.