This is not the baral i purchased

Gormhaus Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
The baral i purchased could cycle better than 6 spell cards at 4 mana. I could easily cycle twice that and disable or moon prison every card my opponent had. If you want to change baral then you need to add 8 mana to EVERY card at the beginning of each turn. Sorry you originally sold such an op card but this is a horrible nerf. Guess you should play test your cards before selling them for real money.


  • Infested
    Infested Posts: 98 Match Maker
    edited April 2017
    Sorry you are upset with your purchase. The belief is that the changes are fair and balanced and do not allow all spells in your deck to be cast in the same turn.
  • Gormhaus
    Gormhaus Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    not upset with my original purchase. I loved buying a card that could cycle through 8 or 9 low mana cards over and over and do extremely well. That was an extremely amazing purchase on my part. Im upset that the card was nerfed to less than half its original value. If the card was play tested before it was released then all this could have been avoided. 
  • Onion_lotion
    Onion_lotion Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Please explain how to get a refund. You can also have this card back too. Why is Olivia still able to buff tokens? Why is barral part of so many master deck lists?
  • Infested
    Infested Posts: 98 Match Maker
    No one has successfully gotten refunds. You buy it then you have to live with it.
  • Gormhaus
    Gormhaus Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    I dont want a refund. I want an equivalent card. If you dont want to cycle through 20 cards at 3 mana then give me 6 cards at 10 mana. Not 6 cards at 4 mana. It would have been easy to see how powerful baral was in 5 min of play testing.

  • Onion_lotion
    Onion_lotion Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2017
    I have Barral. I used it for events. I didn't play PvP. Tapping on the screen as cards are cast makes them go away. 40$ for a card that is now as good as a regular rare or mythic isn't right. It's now not in my decks as there are better cards. I don't buy every mythic for sale but this one was awesome. Now it's a 10$ card respectively. 

    //Removed Reference To Other Comment's Insult -Brigby
  • Onion_lotion
    Onion_lotion Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2017 here is another endless loop the AI can do I use. Better nerf it too.
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gormhaus said:
    not upset with my original purchase. I loved buying a card that could cycle through 8 or 9 low mana cards over and over and do extremely well. That was an extremely amazing purchase on my part. Im upset that the card was nerfed to less than half its original value. If the card was play tested before it was released then all this could have been avoided. 
    It was play tested and I've built my decks prior to the update to handle the new Baral. Half the original value? Have you even tried using him? The fact that he gives 4 mana to all spells at every start of your turn is huge. He frees you up to swap for mana for lower cost cards while he continually keeps adding 4 mana to a larger and far more game changing spell that if done right will create huge cycling effects for a short time,  this is especially so for green/blue decks. I've a dovin deck that is doing very well and it has Consulate crackdown...which by the way is incredible. The old Baral was heavily restricted to X number of cheap cards to create the loop. The new Baral opens huge options for deck building and is easily one of the most powerful blue cards in the game. A 5/5 creature for 8 mana and loads ALL spells un hand with 4 mana (an average total for one swap... for only 4 whereas he can load up up to a possible 24 mana depending on how many spells are in your hand) all this while you play your swap mana for other non spells cards. Your 8 mana spells are now 4,  your 5 are now 1. While I get that the original created a fun effect and indeed it was empowering,  but it was definitely in need of a nerf.  As for a refund... you've now got a far better card than before and more versatile for future sets Imho. 
  • Gormhaus
    Gormhaus Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    I bought a v12 engine and was given a v4 after a few months. You can be happy but im not. I could prisoner of the moon my own cards, buff them and get over 8 extra mana per turn. Get 2 damage and 2 healing per spell cast with the right supports and win without the other 4 or 5 combo decks that already exist.
  • Infested
    Infested Posts: 98 Match Maker
    Congrats on your new v4. I am sure there are many advantages to it over the v12.
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    Gormhaus said:
    I bought a v12 engine and was given a v4 after a few months. You can be happy but im not. I could prisoner of the moon my own cards, buff them and get over 8 extra mana per turn. Get 2 damage and 2 healing per spell cast with the right supports and win without the other 4 or 5 combo decks that already exist.

    Correction.  You bought a v12 engine and you got a v8 twin turbo with nitrous boosters.  Learn to drive (ie. build a deck) then stop complaining.  If you want your money back, ask Google/Apple.  You're not going to convince anyone that Baral has been made worse.  He is no longer a one-trick pony.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Onion_lotion said:
    Please explain how to get a refund. You can also have this card back too. Why is Olivia still able to buff tokens? Why is barral part of so many master deck lists?

    Why shouldn't Olivia buff tokens? 
  • morgue427
    morgue427 Posts: 783 Critical Contributor
    olivia does buff tokens until you run out of cards. i am happy with him honestly was boring a **** playing him before now i can actually play yes i can lose my god i should cry up a storm but i would rather have him giving me 4 mana every turn to better spells and i dont know use anticipate to help get the cards i need right then in the game, plus all the loyalty from my harness the storm mythic that makes small matches from time to time to help me get my 4 heart of kirans out yeah i will keep it thank you devs a decent solution to barals endless looping. i am sure not everyone will be happy though so i will at least let you have one attaboy lol
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    You're basically complaining that you don't get to do what everybody was complaining about with this card. You're not going to win this argument, ever. However, I wouldn't fault you for trying to get a refund. 
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    Steeme said:

    I hate to be a buzzkill but you are being selfish.  You want to keep your cycle deck but you don't care if anyone has to face that nightmare.

    How selfish it is to ask for card that you are PAYING for and their original description is the main reason you got it in the first place. Where is the common sense you brought in earlier post. Why he hasnt thought in advance that D3 may use bait and switch technique after all we all supposed to know that anyway ? right ????
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Steeme said:

    I hate to be a buzzkill but you are being selfish.  You want to keep your cycle deck but you don't care if anyone has to face that nightmare.

    How selfish it is to ask for card that you are PAYING for and their original description is the main reason you got it in the first place. Where is the common sense you brought in earlier post. Why he hasnt thought in advance that D3 may use bait and switch technique after all we all supposed to know that anyway ? right ????
    Normally I would agree with you, but this was the most broken card ever created by far; not just OP, but literally broken. The designers were warned we'll in advance that this card was going to be abused, and were told exactly how, yet they still released it in its original form. The outcry was huge, and it took them over a month to do anything about it. They were forced to change it, because the players demanded it for the sake of the game. Most of us who bought it knew that it would eventually have to be changed.
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    Steeme said:

    I hate to be a buzzkill but you are being selfish.  You want to keep your cycle deck but you don't care if anyone has to face that nightmare.

    How selfish it is to ask for card that you are PAYING for and their original description is the main reason you got it in the first place. Where is the common sense you brought in earlier post. Why he hasnt thought in advance that D3 may use bait and switch technique after all we all supposed to know that anyway ? right ????

    First of all, it's not a bait and switch because the card was modified as per the community's demands.  They did not actually want to change the card, they intended to keep it as sold.

    Second of all, you're purchasing Baral, you're not purchasing an infinite loop.  This is common sense.  If an exploit is detected in any card or mechanic in the game it is most definitely corrected in order for the health of the game.  They've removed the exploit and instead given you an even more powerful card.  If you still want a refund, fine, just get the refund and stop complaining about all this nonsense about how you've been cheated.

  • wolfger
    wolfger Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    The moral of this story is: don't spend real money on a card, because they will make it OP so people want to buy it, then nerf it once it becomes a widespread problem. 
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Infested said:
    No one has successfully gotten refunds. You buy it then you have to live with it.
    That's not true. People have successfully gotten refunds. You have legal rights as a consumer. However, people seem to have been much more successful getting refunds through the Apple store than from the Google Play store or from D3 directly.