How satisfied are you as a customer/player with the current state of MPQ in 2017?



  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    I'm disgusted. Not for myself, but for all those effected by the OML. I especially feel for those who dropped thousands of dollars into a character and have nothing to show for it. I think the compensation offered these players was ridiculous as well. It's beginning to appear that no matter the circumstances, players will be the ones left high and dry.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    rawfsu said:
    I'm disgusted. Not for myself, but for all those effected by the OML. I especially feel for those who dropped thousands of dollars into a character and have nothing to show for it. I think the compensation offered these players was ridiculous as well. It's beginning to appear that no matter the circumstances, players will be the ones left high and dry.
    Agreed 100%. 

    This oml nerf was the most disgusting, cheap and pathetic thing I have ever seen from D3 / MPQ devs. So many robbed of $1000s and left with nothing ...... that was truly the lowest of the low and will surely happen to more 5*. Don't get me started on the compensation .
  • Echoseis
    Echoseis Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    Although I could say spectacular because I uninstalled immediately after OML nerf, and haven't played since, giving myself lots of free time. I just lurk around the forum hoping they will bring the old game back. Until then it's now plants vs zombies 2 lol. 
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Meh : / It is a serviceable toilet game in its current state, fun in short bursts but repetive and lacking new modes.
    How could a match-3 suddenly get boring after more than three years of play? By eliminating what I was striving for during most of those years: a nearly functional 4 star roster, now left to wither undercovered while they try to get me to start over with characters I don't care about. Still Dark Avengers after 3 years. Boring.
  • PFellah
    PFellah Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2017
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    Put me in the 2nd bucket. It's still a fun enough game, I'll still plunk down for Hero Points or VIP every once in a while, but I have some minor concerns/frustrations. Specifically:
    • Would prefer more truly new heroes as opposed to upgraded versions of the ones that already exist. I was playing Avengers Alliance before moving to MPQ, so maybe I'm spoiled, but they rolled deep with their roster.
    • I'm a little leery of making it harder to get the older 4*s, but since I'm still in grow mode, I'm willing to actually GET to the point where I have a full (or mostly full) roster and get some 4s close to champing before I start howling about something that -- so far -- doesn't really cause me any pain yet. 
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    Trash game. I actually tried to come back after selling my OML; I ended up getting enough covers to champ IM46 to replace OML as my only 5*champ. Sadly, he's also not a great 5* to have as your only champ so I ended up spending WAY more health packs to even play the game at a basic level. I got scaled out of PVE and I got buried alive in PVP against better/higher level/more 5* teams so I couldn't even place 1200 in PVP anymore despite being in a Line check room and having access to grills. 
    Broken game, broken scaling, penalizes you with random covers so you don't get to choose who you get, boring old events over and over again, no new content, vaulting, insulting compensation for selling a 5* after nerf, and AI Miracle Cascades over and over again. 

    They got their time and money out of me and now they don't care, so whatever. It feels good to vent now that I uninstalled the game again. Maybe if they actually fix the game to be playable and give me better rewards for selling my OML (haha /sarcasm) in the future I'll give it another try. I'm done wasting my time with this game, I'm going to go play games I enjoy playing. I hope more people wake up and realize they're in an abusive relationship and end it before they spend more money on this greedy company.
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Spectacular! You are absolutely in love with MPQ and are happy with the direction it has taken recently.
    Although I don't love absolutely everything, overall, I still love it. Been playing close to 1000 days, seen many changes, but I keep coming back. 

    Ultimately it can't be too bad if you're still playing, even better spending time outside the game talking about it. 

    Change is inevitable. Not all is good, but way more good than bad
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Spectacular! You are absolutely in love with MPQ and are happy with the direction it has taken recently.
    Jexman said:
    How could a match-3 suddenly get boring after more than three years of play? By eliminating what I was striving for during most of those years: a nearly functional 4 star roster, now left to wither undercovered while they try to get me to start over with characters I don't care about. Still Dark Avengers after 3 years. Boring.
    17 champed 4*s and you are still striving for a "nearly functional 4 star roster"???  You must be joking.
  • sandalsnopants
    sandalsnopants Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    I think it's still a great game despite the vaulting.  The vaulting is absolutely awful, though.  My 3 and 4 star rosters are completely unbalanced, and now I'm being forced to save ISO so not to waste 4 star covers since maxing them out now is so easily done compared to before the recent vaulting.  So that's wayyyyyy worse, and I feel like I'll never max out great characters like Teen Jean, Classic Cyclops, and now even Peggy, who was just vaulted.  Really sucks, but the game still plays well.