How satisfied are you as a customer/player with the current state of MPQ in 2017?



  • Qubort
    Qubort Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    I get what you're doing, but the forums is hardly the general player base.

    I'd venture to guess that 80+% of the player base was uneffected by anything mentioned in your list of 'disgusted' reasons.  Maybe more.

    I'd venture to guess a majority of that 80% have spent zero dollars on the game.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Meh : / It is a serviceable toilet game in its current state, fun in short bursts but repetive and lacking new modes.
    I voted meh, I'm kinda between meh and disgusted. I'm a little more positive on the changes than most, but I don't trust d3 at all to do anything "right". As broll said quite well, the character releases are for the most part so predictable and boring rehashes of characters already in the game. And on top of that every new patch brings new bugs into the game, sometimes altering things so much it changes how people play. I'm in the same boat with Rockett I guess - I'm not happy with the game, but I enjoy my alliance and all the friends I've made through LINE, and at the end of the day it's still a decently fun way to waste some time. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    If there was a 3-star Spider-Man rebalance that made him amazing again it would help me overlook a lot of other stuff.

    Yes, my love can be bought.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    I unsurprising gave is the disgusted vote.  I can take a lot when it comes to changes, but the vaulting has left the game feeling utterly broken to me.  I cannot progress under this new system without hoarding for likely the next 2 years and that doesn't seem at all reasonable.  Forcing the latest 12 makes pulling tokens make no sense as there are way too high of a chance of pulling someone I can't roster.  Not pulling tokens reduces the rewards I get to put together those resources.  I have no problem spending money but I am not going to start spending hundreds of dollars because it's the only way forward.  I am not going to gut my roster and lose characters I want and will have a hard time replacing for a lot of largely lame 10th characters and pointless variants.  Even if I did it would still take forever to put together the iso to do anything anyway so it's pointless with the new greed hamster wheel they are trying to make us run.

    The lack of response/communication for those of us that have the game killed by these changes is just flat out insulting.

    I went from playing daily whenever I had free time and spending some money every sale to know doing the DDQ ever 2-3 days just so I don't get kicked out of my alliance and hoping they come to their senses and make the game playable again.  It's depressing as I love the game and Marvel, but I am not going to support the game in such a broken state.
  • ArcanaMoon
    ArcanaMoon Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Has a returning player -abandon the game because it was unfair- i have to say i quite enjoy the new MPQ. There still some points i dont like, Vaulting 3* and 4* mostly.

    The 3* are the life of blood of players at my level and only having acces to half of them cut the longevity of the new, intermediated players, and thats no good for the game

    The vault of 4* have no reasome to, specially when whe have accest to 2 diferente CP stores: The lattes should have lattes 4* Characters, and the classic should have the rest. In order to satisfy the answers of a few, you harm the majority of the player base, not the wises decition of all

    Leving that out, if quite happy right now, have almost every 3* -except for Loki, screw that guy-, farming 2* characters and have almost 20 4* with 2 or 3 of them soon been playables with my 3*,

    I not amming to play the 4* land with champion characters, but to enjoy 3*-4* land and combine them every time i can, thats my goal and for first time... i can see the goal. However, i wont denny some of the changes have bring a lot of pain to a lot of players -i can include myself for the 3* vaulting* but overall... i fell amazing playing this game, i probably will enjoy some more time if i am not forced to leave or start to consume to much of my time.

  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Spectacular! You are absolutely in love with MPQ and are happy with the direction it has taken recently.
    I went with the first one as that seems to match my playstyle.  Not that I think everything is perfect, but in general things are moving in the right direction.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    I get what you're doing, but the forums is hardly the general player base.

    I'd venture to guess that 80+% of the player base was uneffected by anything mentioned in your list of 'disgusted' reasons.  Maybe more.
    Blissfully ignorant an uneffected are two different things.  They were effected by them, they just may not understand the ramifications...
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    Voted "decent".

    Very much like the return to 3* characters and the favorites system, which liven up packs.

    For me the things holding the game back from top grades are:

    * My brother gets loads of freebies as he plays on a tablet, while I play on PC!  :p

    * Doesn't have micro transactions for some reason; tokens of no money value vs crazy cost for 1/13th of a character. Surely with one of the biggest franchises in the world, diverse monetization options must be rife?
    Marvel Heroes (PC) charges less for a character - with unique look, animations & plentiful spoken dialogue - than MPQ charges for a single cover, and then smartly charges the same or slightly more for other costumes (some of which have their own animations & speech).

    * Aside from 'boss' encounters, MPQ doesn't really push the gameplay envelope very often - I have played plenty of different modes of match-3 in other games over the years. Even if not compatible with character powers (maybe own subset of characters), some variety would be nice.  :)

    * Personal bugbear, but it seems like character design has leaned heavily on special tiles for over a year now - will we ever see manipulators like The Hood and Loki again, or characters with fundamentally different passives e.g. matches damage whole enemy team, someone who generates AP passively like henchmen?

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    Chose option two as although I am totally addicted to the game and would not stop playing, recent changes have been negative but as I'd already champed quite a few of the vaulted characters it doesn't matter too much to me, though I do feel sorry for new players who were unable to get those characters 
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    I say decent because the game has come a long way since 2013. But I cannot for the life of me understand the "why do they do this?" aspect of decision making. If changes need to be made why not include the player base, you know the people who prop you up with their money. We are consumers, your market, try marketing strategies with us. Not heavy handed, like it or not attitudes that offend and displease.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    Starfury said:
    While that's true, the forum is certainly quite representative of the paying player base.
    Are they?  Because there's quite a number of high level players that I've never seen on the forums, others only sparingly. 

    Yes, there are quite a few paying players here, but don't assume that not being an active member of the community means you're FTP.
  • StarScream
    StarScream Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Extremely dissatisfied, but mostly towards the business aspect. 

    Rule #1 in an existing business- keep your loyal customers happy while continually bringing in new customers. 

    Not too easy to do, but with the way these people handle business, they shoot themselves in the foot before they get the chance to hook in new customers. When a game hamstrings new players by taking the majority of powerful characters off the market almost completely, that shows a lack of good will towards new players. It takes years to catch up. Do the developers care? No, they just roll right along, release new characters, and dilute the pool even more. 

    If I wanted to tear out my jugular, I would care as to why this is. I have been playing for 8-9 months and my *** roster is not even half done. There are, I think, seven characters I have yet to even roster because hero points are far too rare. Why not allow people to get **** characters at the same rate as *** characters? It will not be done overnight unless a ton of money is spent, and that is what they want in the first place. Sometimes, when the solution is too simple, the weak-minded can not see it. 

    Bonus heroes are an insult. They are extremely rare and half the time, it is the color I have maxed. Thanks for nothing. 

    Wait for an event and get the one cover as a reward? What? Wait months and get one cover? Why not cover me in honey and let fire ants have their way with me instead? 

    Or maybe they assume that the shelf life of an internet game is only x years and they are trying make as many dollars as they can before they go under. 

    Who really knows?
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    Agreed starscream. Customer satisfaction and customer retention are the #1 goals of any business. The priorities of D3 lately are very self-serving and disgusting, definitely do not have our best intentions at heart.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    Meh : / It is a serviceable toilet game in its current state, fun in short bursts but repetive and lacking new modes.
    I think the game itself is okay. I wished more devs would come on the forum and explain things like scaling and other mysterious behind the scenes mechanics.
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Spectacular! You are absolutely in love with MPQ and are happy with the direction it has taken recently.
    I went with the first one, as the rest were basically just different tiers of (at best) "this is ****, but tolerable". 

    Also, at what number of posts do the constant vocal complainers about the game actually leave the game? 500? 1000? I would have thought if the whole direction of the game was so "slap in the face" insulting, maybe actually stopping playing the game instead of talking about stopping playing the game would be the effective tactic.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I don't fit on the spectrum. I still enjoy and play the game quite a bit, but I wouldn't say I'm happy with the unimaginative character rehashes, lack of modes and grindy PvE that's really PvP.

    My disgust is reserved for whatever it is they call customer service.
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    Magic said:
    Kevin61 said:
     Even though I have only those two 4* flagged as favorites, I have yet to receive a bonus 4* cover.  All the bonus covers I have received, have been 3*'s and I don't have any 3*'s flagged as favorites.

    I will chime in on this one. It's not how making a favorite works. Not selecting a 3* as a favorite gives you only one result - when you receive a bonus hero it will be random among the complete list of 3*. It will not force the game to give you a 4 or 5* bonus hero. So it's rather advisable to target specific 3* to progress them faster (I did that with Strange and Thanos - both lvl 200+ now, stopped with Thanos as he went a bit too high in terms of damage needed vs inflicted to the team). Or specific set of 3* heroes - for example all that are close to giving an LT or 4* cover.

    I know that BH happen on all levels but only the rate they happen in the 3* land is somewhat acceptable. The 4* rate is definitely too small (and so is the 5* but to a smaller degree).
    Oh, I understand that I wouldn't get a 4* as a bonus cover from a 3*.  I'm just saying that none of the 4* covers I have opened have given me a bonus, only 3*'s.
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    Spectacular! You are absolutely in love with MPQ and are happy with the direction it has taken recently.
    Kevin61 said:
    Magic said:
    Kevin61 said:
     Even though I have only those two 4* flagged as favorites, I have yet to receive a bonus 4* cover.  All the bonus covers I have received, have been 3*'s and I don't have any 3*'s flagged as favorites.

    I will chime in on this one. It's not how making a favorite works. Not selecting a 3* as a favorite gives you only one result - when you receive a bonus hero it will be random among the complete list of 3*. It will not force the game to give you a 4 or 5* bonus hero. So it's rather advisable to target specific 3* to progress them faster (I did that with Strange and Thanos - both lvl 200+ now, stopped with Thanos as he went a bit too high in terms of damage needed vs inflicted to the team). Or specific set of 3* heroes - for example all that are close to giving an LT or 4* cover.

    I know that BH happen on all levels but only the rate they happen in the 3* land is somewhat acceptable. The 4* rate is definitely too small (and so is the 5* but to a smaller degree).
    Oh, I understand that I wouldn't get a 4* as a bonus cover from a 3*.  I'm just saying that none of the 4* covers I have opened have given me a bonus, only 3*'s.
    To be fair to their response, the initial phrasing you used seemed to imply a basic misunderstanding of the concept.