How satisfied are you as a customer/player with the current state of MPQ in 2017?

Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
A general poll to gauge the overall mood and satisfaction of the overall customer/player base. Lets keep it fair and have a general discussion about what we currently love and hate about MPQ right now.

How satisfied are you as a customer/player with the current state of MPQ in 2017? 204 votes

Spectacular! You are absolutely in love with MPQ and are happy with the direction it has taken recently.
DuckyMojoWildacescrackedjohnnyzeroTrilateralushalirinNewMcGlike1tigerHulksterUnsmashableTimPants1000GenPhnixFuryFightmastermpqastrp3Arix90Impaxcible1 16 votes
Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
KaeyneTheVultureDragon_NexusStarfuryantreas1911WilsonFiskHadronicrixmithJamieMadroxGrumpySmurf1002Dartmaster01dr tinykittyloveTiggidaSquareferaldayorJVRealmpqr7StiffanoidChipster22creepo 75 votes
Meh : / It is a serviceable toilet game in its current state, fun in short bursts but repetive and lacking new modes.
DauthiKolencesinnerjflelvy75mohiotrat73slaxer723aargyleJexmancarrion_pigeonsmadsaladTheDobotVarg138MPQ_KerbHendrosstanis3303El SatannoudonomefoostatnutNepenthe 53 votes
Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
brisashiWobbyPolaresfirethorneLegallyUndeadStonykillercoolJonny1PunchCNashxKOBALTxawood227seshomaBlazingIKONHoutrochris0001rawfsumoss04grunth13xellessanovafrachr 60 votes


  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    As often as people around here throw around the phrase "slap in the face" while sticking around, I half-feel it's some kind of kinky relationship we're negotiating. Not that there's anything wrong with that... 
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Sorry mate but I think the responses are not comprehensive enough. As you have put you you might as well go with: Do you like MPQ - yes or no.

    Maybe drop the extra description (i am definitely not in the part: "don't mind spending $5 occasionally" yet I can call a game I play for an 1h+ a day a simple toilet game so Meh is not my answer as well. 
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    Its fine as is. Great, good, mediocre and terrible. Just a general base for where everyone is at nothing fancy.
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    I am disgusted!  However, I keep playing with the attitude that I had when TA Hulk was released.  I was excited for a new character (even though it was ANOTHER Hulk!) and when I tried playing him and saw how terrible he was in his original iteration, I still didn't sell him (by then I think he was around 3/3/3).  I kept him on my roster hoping that he would eventually get an improvement and he most certainly did.  That is how I feel about this game right now.  My OML is at 12 covers (3/4/5) and I have just been waiting for that 13th one so that I can start putting ISO into him, with the hopes/expectation that I could, at some point, eventually break past the 900 point ceiling in PVP (I have hit it a few times when I absolutely felt that I needed the 4* cover).  I like the game and while not a whale, in the past 2.5 years I have been playing, I have sunk almost $1200 into the game.

    And with vaulting, my 4* roster advancement has gone from 2-3 per month to 0.  I do have some of the recent 12 at max covers but I am more interested in champing my favorite characters, i.e. Moon Knight (need two covers) and Winter Soldier (need 1 more purple).  Even though I have only those two 4* flagged as favorites, I have yet to receive a bonus 4* cover.  All the bonus covers I have received, have been 3*'s and I don't have any 3*'s flagged as favorites.

    So, I keep playing, hoping it will improve.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    As much as I Love Marvel, if it was not for the LINE community, i wouldn't be playing anymore.  That is what keeps me here and I have spent a good amount of money on this game as well.  Too many major changes to the game recently (some good most bad) the loss of trust in Demi/D3 to take care of ongoing issue (token exploit/bugs/etc)  non testing of events at a high level (we will find out soon enough for Thanos if we are Beta testers) it is just sad to see this happen. It seems the player base it's self is shrinking at a shocking rate.

    This is SO TRUE. The awesome community on LINE is 99% of what keeps me logging in each day even if just for the DDQ ( which I can barely muster up the motivation to play anymore).

    Playing the game with real life friends, some of whom are my fellow officers and military buddies along with amazing people on the other side of the planet I may never meet is infinitely cool. D3 has no idea how lucky they are for LINE, without it I doubt this game could survive.

  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Meh : / It is a serviceable toilet game in its current state, fun in short bursts but repetive and lacking new modes.
    I voted meh but I'm probably more in the disgusted range after looking at the full description.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    Apart from Bonus Heroes (not the bundled assassination of my old 4* champs called vaulting), there haven't been many changes lately that have left a positive impression. I'm also less than impressed by the utter lack of QA demonstrated with recent patches.

    However, the core gameplay (i.e. match-3 fighting game) is still more engaging than 99% of other mobile games so I'm still playing.

    My main gripes:
    • Just trying to keep up with new releases means you have to play this game like a part-time job, several hours a day, 7 days a week.
    • No way to disable animations. You call me a VIP yet think I've got nothing better to do than watch the same animations dozens. (Yeah, basically a repeat of the first point)
    • Stale content. Yay, it's a new boss fight! Oh, it's the same thing as every other boss fight with the same ridiculous scaling on goon nodes. (Maybe I'll be proven wrong on this one)
    • PVP treadmill. Who ever thought fighting a PVP match only to return to a screen informing you you've just lost 130 points wouldn't be motiviation to continue.
    • UI niggles. Each day, you throw 10 standard tokens my way. Yet you give me no better way to open those than to hammer my finger on the middle of the screen again and again until I'm done.

    Funnily enough for a mobile game, MPQ offers nothing worth purchasing (apart from the first purchase each month for ad-less Shield Intercepts).
    • HP: To spend on what? Once you've climbed the initial mountain, you earn enough hp to roster new releases in normal play. And I'm not spending over 50 bucks for 1 LT and 40 heroics that I can get for a third of the price in the daily deal. I'm also not spending 12 bucks for a single 4* token (+random ****) in the new shop. There's fifty of those guys nowadays, they're not worth that much anymore.
    • VIP: 10 bucks for 2 LT, 10k iso and a hodge-podge of other stuff. Meh...
    • ISO: :Do:)

  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kevin61 said:
     Even though I have only those two 4* flagged as favorites, I have yet to receive a bonus 4* cover.  All the bonus covers I have received, have been 3*'s and I don't have any 3*'s flagged as favorites.

    I will chime in on this one. It's not how making a favorite works. Not selecting a 3* as a favorite gives you only one result - when you receive a bonus hero it will be random among the complete list of 3*. It will not force the game to give you a 4 or 5* bonus hero. So it's rather advisable to target specific 3* to progress them faster (I did that with Strange and Thanos - both lvl 200+ now, stopped with Thanos as he went a bit too high in terms of damage needed vs inflicted to the team). Or specific set of 3* heroes - for example all that are close to giving an LT or 4* cover.

    I know that BH happen on all levels but only the rate they happen in the 3* land is somewhat acceptable. The 4* rate is definitely too small (and so is the 5* but to a smaller degree).
  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    1. The ISO is ridiculously expensive considering how much you need to level up 4 and 5* characters- buying it is basically useless.
    2. Rooster slots costing 1000 coins- also ridiculous.
    3. A single cover of a 4* costing 2500 coins- also ridiculous considering how high the drop rate is.
    4. The prologue- is just totally useless now.
    5. The clearance level is messed up. Regardless what level you choose in PVP events, you'll fight those with strong 4* and 5* who are out for a quick win.
    6. The events are becoming repetitive
    7. A lot of characters have powers that are complicated, dependent on other powers, on AP in other colors, on the enemy etc- it's no fun to play if you have to do a lot of math for it.
    8. Too many characters who get with several variants, instead of more characters from the MCU and comics (that Marvel still has rights to).
    9. No fun surprises: no birthday present, no Easter special, useless daily rewards like grey covers, 100 ISO or boosts.

    I understand they want our money- I wouldn't work for free either. But I'd be more willing to spend occasional small amounts if something was worth buying, but everything is either way too expensive or really not worth it. There's no middle ground.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    broll said:

    1.  While I don't particularly care about OML, I don't like the idea of nerfing anyone, it's better to boost the weak ones (plus their rational was total tinykitty either a deliberate attempt to mislead us or they are totally out of touch with the game).
    2.  Vaulting is the worst thing since vomited bread.  It's clearly a love note to mega-whales at the expense of the majority of the community.  It 'fixes' the vaulting problem in the same way that cutting your arm off fixes a problem with an in-grown fingernail.
    3.  They continue to get lazier with the characters, now variants aren't even getting new artwork.  The 5/3 releases were bad enough but it looks now we're gonna have 3 versions of Star Lord with tinykitty near identical artwork and 2 Gamora's.
    4.  Major bugs every new release, they typically stay for at least 2 weeks, the countdown bug stayed for what 6, 8?

    It honestly feels like they've done some major changes internally for the worse and/or they are trying to squeeze the last bit of money out before this goes under.
    This ^^^^

    spot on, well written. Even if the oml nerf didn't phase you the entire community recognizes it was a total disaster and extremely disrespectful to us. So many characters that need buffs and so SO MUCH that needs fixing in this game. 
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Meh : / It is a serviceable toilet game in its current state, fun in short bursts but repetive and lacking new modes.
    If I were truly "Disgusted" I'd have quit, so I went with "Meh". Sometimes I grind a node or two down, and lately I've restarted my 575 pushes in PVP to pick up some CP (Thanos's was surprisingly easy), but then I pull a bunch of junk from tokens, or a cover I can't use (looking at you Cage), or see 360+ 5* in SHIELD Sim (I've nobody beyond 275) and I'm reminded of the very forceful pay-to-win model going on here. That plus vaulting almost has me itching for one more bad change that would let me kick this game once & for all.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    I'm one of those players that vaulting helpe more than. I had the majority of vaulted characters either champed or decently covered. Those latest twelve were all in a sad state. For example Carol was at 2 covers, she is now champed. Now the only two latest 12 characters that I have below 11 covers is mordo (9) and danny (5).

    And bonus heroes has pretty much worked out well, if not a bit slower than I expected. Was able to bring my moon knight from 6 to 12 covers and my winter soldier from 5 to 11 (current bh). One day I'll get around to Drax and Spider gwen my least covered vaulted fours.

    Though I have to say I'm worried about the decrease in 3 star BH drops. They seemed to rain down in the beginning, but now they're about as come as 4 star drops. Not good, and wondering if a quiet nerf has happened to them (along with elite tokens).

    5 star drop rates are a joke on top of a joke, least I did get one once.

    OML nerf didn't affect me, but I feel for those that it did. Carnage nerf was hard to take. Ultimately the compensation is disgraceful to its customer base.

    HFH and off season tokens have been blatant money grabs to fix vaulting, but that's kinda to be expected.

    Overall though, I'm extremely satisfied with the game itself have firmly reached the 4 star mountain with 20 champs. It feels like all the effort was worth it and I'm having more fun than ever playing despite the repetition.

    Only thing that I ask for at this point is one freaking double iso week. We really do need it. I've always got 10 four stars champ. Every time I champ one, some rises up to take their place. hamster wheel.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    As far as my vote, I still enjoy playing though I have slowed down significantly.  It's still the longest I've ever played a mobile game of any kind.

    @Kevin61 "Even though I have only those two 4* flagged as favorites, I have yet to receive a bonus 4* cover.  All the bonus covers I have received, have been 3*'s and I don't have any 3*'s flagged as favorites."

    The bonus hero feature will only give you a bonus here of equal rarity to the cover you pulled.  3* pull will give you a shot at a 3* bonus hero... etc.

    The Bonus Hero's are selected from your list of "favorite" characters.  If you do not have any selected as favorite from the rarity you are receiving a Bonus Hero for... one will be randomly selected for you.

    For this reason you should select at least one 'favorite' from each rarity you are allowed to select from.

    (I actually received a 5* Bonus Hero last week, so I'm pretty excited about that)
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    I get what you're doing, but the forums is hardly the general player base.

    I'd venture to guess that 80+% of the player base was uneffected by anything mentioned in your list of 'disgusted' reasons.  Maybe more.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Decent. The game satisfies your marvel candy crush itch and you dont mind spending $5 occasionally.
    I get what you're doing, but the forums is hardly the general player base.

    I'd venture to guess that 80+% of the player base was uneffected by anything mentioned in your list of 'disgusted' reasons.  Maybe more.
    While that's true, the forum is certainly quite representative of the paying player base.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Disgusted! 5-star nerfs, vaulting, broken scaling/mmr,regurgitated events and a myriad of other "slap in the face" changes lately have left you extremely unsatisfied or you have quit completely.
    I am really 'depressed' as a MPQ player right now, I have completely stopped paying money in this game (not even VIP), and I am closer than ever to stop playing after 3 years (in the last PvPs I have barely played, just to get to 575, when I usually play for 1200, I have not even started shield sim, and I am really having trouble to motivate myself to do the 4 clears for PvE).

    Vaulting and the perpetual lack of iso that has produced has killed the will to keep playing the game (nerfing the first 5 for the reasons they mentioned doesn't help). And we still don't have any plan for previous problems like scaling, scl9+, etc. Also the fact that these Devs are the lamest I have ever seen, not even a double iso week after Vaulting is a sign of how lame and cheap they are.

    I will see how the Thanos event goes because I love Thanos, but after that I don't know what I am going to do...