Thanos Boss Event: Come and Get Me * Updated (4/27/17)



  • shobi6669
    shobi6669 Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited April 2017
    Which one is the purple one?

    That is something I wish they had clarified in the announcement.  The color of each infinity gem if you are chasing a certain result or wanting to time them in a certain order.  This is my recollection/guess as to the colors, but maybe someone who is more certain can correct my work.

    Time Gem (orange): Creates a random duplicate non-Purple Infinity Gem
    Mind Gem (blue): Generate 30 AP of a random color
    Reality Gem (yellow): Give a burst of healing to your entire team, restoring them to full health.
    Power Gem (red): Deal a massive amount of damage to Thanos (a little more than third of his max health).
    Space Gem (purple): Create 2 Critical tiles
    Soul Gem (green): Destroy all Green tiles, dealing damage but not generating AP
  • Freelancer
    Freelancer Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    That Infinity Gauntlet power is probably going to be a nightmare in the later rounds.
  • TeamStewie
    TeamStewie Posts: 357 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    Not happy about boosted 5 stars. All it's going to do is mess up my scaling and none of them have enough covers for it to be worth it. Seriously tempted to just sell them. 
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    I seriously hope the boss is individually level by my team or my roster, last boss event my alliance members in earlier time zones had leveled Ultron to the point I could not beat him.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2017
    smkspy said:
    Nova is a great choice for progression rewards, definitely more enticing than Antman. And very happy to finish off my hawk guy with that purple cover. 

    Overall, oolong forward to this event.
    I hate to break this to you but the purple Hawkeye is for 2* Modern not 3* Hawkguy.

    I still find it offensive that Boss events still yield 2* covers as Individual Progression like it's a great prize. Nothing feels more gratifying than reaching Round 6 of a Boss getting a 2* cover. At least give us 3* covers.
    You´re absolutely right! As I mentioned in the last run of "Civil War", the individual progression rewards need a complete rework. Please get rid of all these boosts, 2* covers, little ISO rewards and little HP rewards!

    Is someone out here who is really glad about getting 250 ISO (the equivalent of 100 pts in LRs) or 25 HP after beating a round 6/7 Boss?

  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone,

    Thanos (Infinity Saga)

    • Doesn’t make matches
    • Infinity Gauntlet
      • Black Passive
      • If there isn't already one on the board, create a 2-turn Gauntlet tile that charges and destroys the entire row, dealing massive damage and gaining triple AP.
      • The Gauntlet tile can't be matched and won't fall

    But.. For anyone that didn't read the article at, this bit might be important:

    Thanos can also create Infinity Gauntlet Countdown tiles that can’t be matched and won’t fall; the player will have to destroy them via abilities or match four otherwise the player will receive massive damage if the Countdown ends. 
    I can't delete this code block. Le sigh. 
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Outside of the Nova covers, these rewards are terrible for a boss event.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,977 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can Star Lord overwrite the tiles?  That will be a big help.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    @bluewolf - I was wondering that myself. Then I wondered if Thanos would trigger his yellow.
  • waywreth
    waywreth Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Can Thanos be sent airborne?
    This is an excellent question - I noticed this wasn't mentioned either, and considering the rewards, plus history with Nova it'd be an interesting option.  I would guess it'll be prevented by his green, but we will see.
  • matthatter
    matthatter Posts: 151 Tile Toppler

    But.. For anyone that didn't read the article at, this bit might be important:

    Thanos can also create Infinity Gauntlet Countdown tiles that can’t be matched and won’t fall; the player will have to destroy them via abilities or match four otherwise the player will receive massive damage if the Countdown ends. 
    I can't delete this code block. Le sigh. 
    Me neither. *eye rolling emoji*
    Looks like Redwing is going to get a lot of play time if overwriting is an option. 

    Wait... will he capture the Gem tiles? OMG! The uncertainty!
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,432 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    My recently champed Bag Man might actually get some play here because Snarky Remark can be used to extend that count down timer to prevent Thanos from destroying a row and murdering my team.

    Brigby can you find out if the Infinite Power count down timer will stop us from creating count down tiles of our own or modifying them in any way (ie are ours frozen while that count down is on the board, can we increase the time on Thanos timers etc)

    Oh and one other thing. Will Gwenpool's Sploits be available if Thanos has his Infinte Power tile out? I hope it will be since it is a cheat code afterall ;)


  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards

    Would you kindly confirm if either 3* or 5* Thanos will be usable in the boss battle?
  • oni_889
    oni_889 Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Two questions on format:
    1.  Assuming this is a traditional boss battle setup with side pins, will the Boss node unlock after each round completion?  

    2.  Is the crazy 24 hr side pins scaling still in the design?  (<side question but no expectations on answer> Why do these side nodes not scale based on round level?)
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    shobi6669 said:
    Which one is the purple one?

    That is something I wish they had clarified in the announcement.  The color of each infinity gem if you are chasing a certain result or wanting to time them in a certain order.  This is my recollection/guess as to the colors, but maybe someone who is more certain can correct my work.

    Time Gem (orange): Creates a random duplicate non-Purple Infinity Gem
    Mind Gem (blue): Generate 30 AP of a random color
    Reality Gem (yellow): Give a burst of healing to your entire team, restoring them to full health.
    Power Gem (red): Deal a massive amount of damage to Thanos (a little more than third of his max health).
    Space Gem (purple): Create 2 Critical tiles
    Soul Gem (green): Destroy all Green tiles, dealing damage but not generating AP

    You're right about comic Infinity gems, but the movie Infinity stones are different.

    Space - Blue
    Mind - Yellow
    Reality - Red
    Power - Purple
    Time - Green
    Soul - Orange

    Soul hasn't appeared yet in the movie, but it's safe to assume it's orange. The game tends to lean more towards the movieverse, but you never know.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    KGB said:
    My recently champed Bag Man might actually get some play here because Snarky Remark can be used to extend that count down timer to prevent Thanos from destroying a row and murdering my team.

    Brigby can you find out if the Infinite Power count down timer will stop us from creating count down tiles of our own or modifying them in any way (ie are ours frozen while that count down is on the board, can we increase the time on Thanos timers etc)

    Oh and one other thing. Will Gwenpool's Sploits be available if Thanos has his Infinte Power tile out? I hope it will be since it is a cheat code afterall ;)


    It should work like 5* Thanos' Infinite Power: you can't make special tiles (Starlord's yellow won't activate, no other CDs, no strike, protect, attack. Even traps probably can't be placed. Lightning strike and Mistress of the Elements won't destroy tiles. Same with 'Sploits. Resetting CD tiles (Blad3's, Human Torch's, Black Panthers) will disappear when they hit zero.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker

    Well, this event seems... Interesting.  I want to be positive about it, and say the new mechanics look fun, but I can't help and feel dread, expecting it'll be a bugfest and/or scaling nightmare, as that's what MPQ offers of late.

    I'm curious that you guys nerf OML, then boost 5* (for the first time as far as I know) and include OML.  What-tha-?!?  <SMH>

    The rewards are disappointing overall.  I can't believe the individual rewards have so many 2*s and no 4* in it.

    So...  yay?

  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    This might be the 1st time I've ever seen a 5 star boosted and its oml.

    Thats quite the slap in the face to those that sold him because you nerfed him.

    Like I literally can't remember the last time a 5 star was boosted if ever and it def wasn't oml.