What was Your First?

SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
Just curious about various "firsts" for other players

First 2 Star Champion
First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember)
First 3 Star Champion
First 4 Star Unlocked
First 4 Star Champion
First Five Star Unlocked
First Five Star Champion
First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish)
First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish)


  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    First 2 Star Champion Magneto
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember) Quicksilver
    First 3 Star Champion Captain Marvel
    First 4 Star Unlocked X-23
    First 4 Star Champion X-23
    First Five Star Unlocked Phoenix
    First Five Star Champion none
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish) no win T50 in my first run of Venom Bomb
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish) no wins, 2nd in Black Vortex a few weeks after I started playing
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Her name was Megan. It was summer of 2001. Oooh you meant game wise.

    I don't remember my first 2* champ as I champed most of them at once. Wolverine was my first fully leveled 2*.
    First 3* - Black Panther right before he was vaulted way back when.
    First 3* champ - I Black Panther if I was going alphabetical by the 20 or so I wanted champed.
    First 4* - X-Force, who is still not fully covered after 2+ years.
    First 4* champ - Fury.
    First 5* - Silver Surfer.
    I've finished 2nd in PvE a few times and only made the top 10 in PvP once.
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker

    First 2 Star Champion - I only had 4 2s when champing was introduced - Thor, Widow, Storm, and Hawkeye. I champed all 4 the first day. 

    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember) - ****, that was 3 years ago. So probably Captain America? No idea. 

    First 3 Star Champion - I had about 30 3s at 166 when championing was introduced. I had a ton of iso saved up, and did a bunch the day it started. I think my first was Daken though - he has always been one of my favorite 3s.

    First 4 Star Unlocked - I started playing go when there were only two, and it was a long time before I got one. Pretty sure it was Invisible Woman though. 

    First 4 Star Champion - Hulkbuster. I was pretty psyched about it too. That was about a year ago, and now I'm up to 22. Still exciting most every time.  

    First Five Star Unlocked - Silver Surfer, a few weeks after he was first introduced. 

    First Five Star Champion - Al my 5s are at 255, and they'll stay that way until I champ all the 4s. The most covers I have for any single 5 is 8.

    First PvE Win - Got 16th in the release event for Cloak and Dagger. That was my highest ever. I don't have the time to play 4 or 5 hours straight to do ideal clears. 

    First PvP Win got a 1st place on a 4* Thor lightning round. They did them once she she was first released, and this one ended at 3 or 4am CST.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was 16yrs old.. it was at a party, this girl came up to me and she grabbed my.. oh.. MPQ firsts.. uh yeah see below:

    First 2 Star Champion: It was likely OBW cause she's awesome.

    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember): Spider-Man. I remember playing PvP for the first time and somehow placing T100.

    First 3 Star Champion: I champed a bunch at once cause I had 3M ISO when it was announced but I'm sure I chose Steve Rogers as he was my most often used 3*

    First 4 Star Unlocked: Nick Fury. I somehow pulled him from a Standard token. I only know this is true cause I posted it on the forums when it happened.

    First 4 Star Champion: JG, Cyke, SL and Rhulk champed at same time when I was ready for 4* land 

    First Five Star Unlocked: Cap. I was unlucky pulling the original 5*s then I retired. When I came back I pulled back-to-back Caps and Bruce cover from less than 10 LTs

    First Five Star Champion: You can champ 5*s? Lol

    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish): I've placed T10 in a few subs but the highest has been within the T20.

    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish): I've placed T20 before but I was lucky. Ironically I finished #1 for PvP season.. my greatest accomplishment but I've barely played PvP since then.. too time consuming for me to play every event.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,177 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    First 2 Star Champion: Hmmmm, can't remember for sure. Might have been Wolverine. 
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember): I think it was Quicksilver, won from PvE placement. 
    First 3 Star Champion: Iron Fist
    First 4 Star Unlocked: I think it was Winter Soldier, from PvE placement. 
    First 4 Star Champion: Medusa
    First Five Star Unlocked: Thanos
    First Five Star Champion: Lolwut?
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish): I've won a couple subs, but no first place overall. Placed T5 a few times. 
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish): Not even close. Maybe was T10 once or twice, but for sure I've been T20.
  • Swish
    Swish Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Oh, a stroll down memory lane....

    First 2 Star Champion - pretty sure it was Thor or Storm
    First 3 Star Unlocked - No clue whatsoever
    First 3 Star Champion - I champed a few right away when that became a thing; most likely it was GSBW or Patch
    First 4 Star Unlocked - either IW or XF Wolvie - because they were the only two available at the time
    First 4 Star Champion - XF Wolvie, pre-nerf
    First Five Star Unlocked - Surfer
    First Five Star Champion - not even close, but I do have three max covered now; Dr. Strange was the first one
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish) - When XF Deadpool was released, I went after him hard on a DP VS MPQ pve. Definitely Top 5, maybe Top 2. I remember doing the same for Colossus because I thought he was going to be a lot better than he was. 
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish) - I had a string of 2 or 3 in a row. I remember Patch & Thor being the events, but that was a long time ago. I did a last minute steal of an offseason 1st place a couple months ago. Bet that guy was mad at me. 
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    First 2 Star Champion: Storm, Thor and Magneto. maybe one or two more. The day the champion system started.
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember) Blade green.
    First 3 Star Champion Black Widow and Blade. They have stayed the highest level champions since then.
    First 4 Star Unlocked: Captain Sam. Must have been during his release, as I got it from somewhere and it still had the new character bonus for some time.
    First 4 Star Champion: Red Hulk, since the latest Galactus run.
    First Five Star Unlocked: Silver Surfer, when there were like two 5-stars. Ended up selling because scaling.
    First Five Star Champion: None
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish): Don't know highest, but during my first PVE I ended up high enough to get three Sentry covers.
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish) Have sniped several top 10s.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Asking me to remember stuff when I'm past day 1095, this isn't going to go well when I'm not one who tracks anything, but I'll play along.

    First 2 Star Champion: Umm... can't remember, didn't pay that much attention
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember) No idea, probably Patch?
    First 3 Star Champion: Pretty sure it was Patch on this one, he was one of my go-to characters in the early 3* transition
    First 4 Star Unlocked: XFW, pretty sure.  Him, Fury, or IW, but I sold IW a ton until I finally outpaced the need for roster slots with HP production after they swapped to CP cover purchases instead of HP purchases
    First 4 Star Champion: 4Thor, but XFW finally rocketed past her in champ levels before they implemented vaulting
    First Five Star Unlocked: Stretching the memory here, but I think Phoenix
    First Five Star Champion: lol no
    First PvE Win (if none what was your highest finish): 6th place in the initial run of Webbed Wonder.  Don't think I've had a consistent enough work/school/life schedule to attempt to play optimally enough for that before or since
    First PvP Win (If None What was your highest finish): T10 I think, but I rarely play PvP so I don't know or care
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    First 2 Star Champion: Umm... Ares maybe?
    First 3 Star Unlocked: Might have been Ragnarok.
    First 3 Star Champion: It was either Patch, Daken or Blade
    First 4 Star Unlocked: Invisible Woman
    First 4 Star Champion: Xpool
    First Five Star Unlocked: Silver Surfer
    First Five Star Champion: I'm not yet ready to screw up my scaling
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish): Top 5. Forgot the event.
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish): #2. I think it was Patches event like 2 or 3 years ago.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    First 2 Star Champion: not sure, but I think it was Thor
    First 3 Star Unlocked: Patch
    First 3 Star Champion: Did  six within a few days of one another (3 then 3 more): Thor,Patch, Switch, Strange, Kamala Khan, Rocket & Groot
    First 4 Star Unlocked: Moon Knight
    First 4 Star Champion: none yet (started playing 11/17)
    First Five Star Unlocked: Strange or Thanos, but I sold the first 13 5* covers I got
    First Five Star Champion:none
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish) 7th
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish)  14th
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    First 2 Star Champion
    2* wolvie for the memories, Bagman 2nd, but really all champed on day 1.

    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember)
    Nope! But first to 13 covers were Punpun and IM40 if I remember right.

    First 3 Star Champion
    Patch because I could. All champed day 1 except poor Ock, who had to wait a day or two for his iso.

    First 4 Star Unlocked
    XFW. Since the only 4*s at the time were him and IW...

    First 4 Star Champion
    Dear Hulkbuster...

    First Five Star Unlocked
    Probably OML. Started opening lts when he joined tokens.

    First Five Star Champion
    Had Phoenix fully covered first, then Surfer. But I waited to complete OML and champed him and Phoenix together. Only scraped together enough iso for poor Surfer much later.

    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish)
    I haven't really bothered often with playing for t2, but the one memorable event was long before cl and championing, for 4thor covers. - I was lagging slightly all the way, then on the last day, the player in 1st with a maxed 4thor stopped grinding and let me overtake them for the last blue cover I needed. Still gives me warm fuzzies though I don't remember their name.

    Also won the one heroic that was overlapping the first run of Ultron... not many people crazy enough to play both when the top prize for the heroic was a pre-buff Starlord cover.

    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish)
    Also don't bother to play for top placement in pvp. Since the introduction of cls, I've sniped a few brackets, but the one I remember is a long ago off-season event where I didn't need the Fury cover and found myself in first anyway. Right at the end, #2, who really needed the cover, broke shield to try to hop over me, but got hit. I broke my own shield, found them and donated. That was enough to get me down to 2nd. :)
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    First 2 Star Champion: Ms Marvel
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember): Iron Fist
    First 3 Star Champion: Vision. Yes, really.
    First 4 Star Unlocked: I got a cover for totally abysmal Hulk in my first couple of days, but sold him early on. The first one to stick in my roster was Peggy.
    First 4 Star Champion: Peggy
    First Five Star Unlocked: Silver Surfer
    First Five Star Champion: Yeah, no.
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish): My alt Steam account won the Jessica Drew release event, thanks to an accidental bracket snipe, before clearance levels existed. My main account was very envious. I think my highest legit finish was twenty-something in Coulson's release event. 
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish): I lucked into an empty bracket in the 4* Carol LR, and won after fighting one match. That was nice, but doesn't feel like it counts. I don't have any idea what my highest placement has been - I play PvP for progression only.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just curious about various "firsts" for other players

    First 2 Star Champion
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember)
    First 3 Star Champion
    First 4 Star Unlocked
    First 4 Star Champion
    First Five Star Unlocked
    First Five Star Champion
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish)
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish)
    1) championed all the 2* at once.
    2) Man, no clue. When I started playing, I had separate games going on PC and laptop. Then they turned Steam Cloud saves on and my laptop save - which was far the weaker of the two since I really only played in between classes - overwrote my 'main' save. That main save had some 3*, but I could not tell you who. Laptop save I think the first couple were Loki and Ragnarok.
    3) Probably 3* Cap, because he was a mainstay of my 3* team for a long, long time. The fact that he's the only one of my 3* to hit 223 yet (Groot is a cover away) supports that theory.
    4) Who's the first one in the daily resupply? X-Force Wolverine, I think?
    5) Star-Lord and Nick Fury were championed not far apart at all. I think it might have been Fury, then Star-Lord. But it could have been the other way around.
    6) Green Goblin
    7) I'm sorry, what?
    8) T20 (more usually in the 50-100 range)
    9) T10 on a bracket snipe
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2017
    I'm as rusty as some of the others here in terms of my memory.

    First 2 Star Champion
    Was into 4* land when they introduced championing, so I guess it was all of them, really.

    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember)
    IM40 (pre buff, when he sucked, but I was blown away by his blue AE which seemed really powerful to me at the time, even if it did cost 20 AP or something)

    First 3 Star Champion
    Similar answer to the first question, I guess.  I might have champed Steve Rogers first out of nostalgia, since he was my first maxed 3 star, though.

    First 4 Star Unlocked
    Fury.  There were only 3 4-stars when I started playing this game, IW, XFW, and Fury.

    First 4 Star Champion
    XFW, one week before they nerfed him, lol

    First Five Star Unlocked

    First Five Star Champion

    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish)
    Venom Heroic.  This was before Heroics had subs, and scaling progressively got more and more horrible as the event went on, since it would ramp up more and more due to personal and community scaling.  You'd end up being unable to beat half the nodes on the map.  I think I won Beast for that event, and he was the worst 3* around at the time, although he was still a 3*, dammit, and it was his release event, so we all didn't realise how badly he sucked until later.

    Also, slightly off topic, but I was also one of those fools who actually finished Boss Rush, just because I wanted to prove a point.  I'm still not quite sure what that point actually was.

    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish)
    Red Shift.  I think I won a single Starlord cover for it (pre-SCLs), and this was pre-buff too.  I seemed to have a track record of mostly winning the worst character in each tier, lol.
  • Mattjimf
    Mattjimf Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    First 2 Star Champion - Probably Thor
    First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember) - Not sure, possibly Thor again
    First 3 Star Champion - Deadpool
    First 4 Star Unlocked - Fury
    First 4 Star Champion - Deadpool
    First Five Star Unlocked - Logan or Pheonix
    First Five Star Champion - HaHaHaHa
    First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish) - Think it was the Thing release PVE
    First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish) - 20 bracket Anniversary LR
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    First 2 star champion, Thor
    First 3 star unlocked, Falcon
    First 3 star champion, Iron Fist
    First 4 star unlocked, Invisible Woman
    First 4 star champion, Devil Dino (too many covers from the anniversary event lol) 
    First 5 star unlocked, Phoenix
    First 5 star championed, none 

    First PVE win, when Jean grey was brand new, I got four covers 

    First PVP win, got four 3* luke cages. Got lucky with a horrible score and perfect timing 

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    First maxed two-star: Thor. He was a powerhouse back then.
    First unlocked three-star: I think it was Dr Doom blue who I got from a standard token. GSBW purple was another early one, but that was from PvP I think.
    First maxed three-star: Punisher, back when he was scary. He and Spider-man were the backbone of my game back then.
    First unlocked fourstar: Probably X-Force Wolverine. Might be Invisible Woman though, they were the only fourstars then and neither was any good.
    First maxed fourstar: Definitely X-Force Wolverine, after his first rework made him truly scary.
    First unlocked fivestar: Probably Silver Surfer, possibly OML.
    First maxed fivestar: OML.

    First PvE win: I think I managed first place in an early run of the Simulator, maybe when Psylocke was released? Some time in early 2014 at least.
    First PvP win: I remember bracket sniping my way to first place to get a Jane Foster cover. Spring of 2015 maybe?
  • cubnad
    cubnad Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    First 2 star Champion: Storm. Love me some AoE and Stun.
    First 3 star Unlocked: Quicksilver won in PvP placement.
    First 3 star Champion: Quicksilver. Spent CP to do it. Oh how I didn't understand Scaling back then. 
    First 4 star Unlocked: Thor. Placement in PvE when I was in a noob brackets.
    First 4 star Champion: Cyclops and only about 2 -3 weeks before Vaulting.
    First 5 star Unlocked: Iron Man
    First 5 star Champion: haven't leveled a single 5 star yet

    First PvE win: Never won one but have gotten a few T5s and a lot of T10s
    First PvP win: Play mostly PvE and with only recently having Championed some 4 star best I've done is T50.
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    First 2 Star Champion Storm
    First 3 Star Unlocked Hood
    First 3 Star Champion Mohawk
    First 4 Star Unlocked XFW
    First 4 Star Champion Fury
    First Five Star Unlocked Surfer
    First Five Star Champion none
    First PvE Win TOP5 when Teen Jean was introduced
    First PvP Win #2 once
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    • First 2 Star Champion  Most of them? I had about 200 tokens and covers saved up in my expiration queue when champions went live.
    • First 3 Star Unlocked (if you can remember)  Ragnarok
    • First 3 Star Champion  Again, I had a lot, but at the time She-Hulk and Steve Rogers were my highest level with a start of 7 champion levels.
    • First 4 Star Unlocked  X-Force Wolverine (been playing since 2-3 weeks after game launch)
    • First 4 Star Champion  X-Force Wolverine
    • First Five Star Unlocked  Probably Silver Surfer
    • First Five Star Champion  None
    • First PvE Win (if none what was you highest finish)  I've only had a few at 1st place and it was a while ago. Thick as Thieves, or a run of The Hunt?
    • First PvP Win (If None What was you highest finish)  Only happened once or twice and don't remember which it was. Outside of 20-person Lightning Rounds, which I don't count.