Complain where it will hurt, to Marvel



  • kyo28
    kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    I think the sooner we accept that we are too inconsquential to even register on the dev's radar, the better off we'll all be. We can discuss things amongst ourselves of course, for all the good it does, but in the end, it's only the super-whales (some of whom have a direct line with the devs) that have any real impact on the way this game evolves.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    JHawkInc said:
    Beer40 said:
    JHawkInc said:
    Beer40 said:
    If Marvel continues to sell licenses to "shady door to door salesmen" then I will discontinue my business with Marvel entirely.
    I don't even know how to respond to something like this. "Shady door to door salesmen"? Are you just yanking words out of the sky that sound bad and using them to complain? In what world does that phrase apply to a game developer balancing a free-to-play web game? Did you read what you typed before you posted it?

    I swear, the hyperbole is so bad that no one is going to take the legitimate complaints seriously.
    A shady door to door salesman will say anything to get you to purchase their product. Much like saying "Low covered 5* will be stronger than high covered 4*"....and then that is not true. The ONLY reason this game is "free to play" for you is because others pay to keep it around.
    So why haven't you been complaining since Fall of 2015? When Silver Surfer was first released? If this were really that much of a big deal, clearly you would have quit some 18 months ago? Are you saying you've been unaware you were hoodwinked by the "dirty salesmen" for that long?

    Or are you just upset about OML's changes and using tantrums and asinine arguments to try and get your way instead of talking things through with the devs like an adult?

    The hyperbole is doing no one any good. Not you, not me, not the devs, not the rest of the people that play this game.
    I only discovered this game about 1 1/3 years ago. I was not around for the "nerfs" of any characters. I have been around to see some bad characters released and then later on, some were buffed in an attempt to correct their issues.

    Or, if I was, I was unaware this was happening because I was doing prologue stuff, early stuff, and also paying to catch up as best I could. Through friends I learned that the 5* were hard to get but they were the end game. Get them and you have it made. 

    I don't agree with "nerfing" any character...or "buffing" really. Test the characters extensively before release and once they're live, that's what they are.

    I am not allowed direct access to the developers, so I can't speak to them directly, so your argument is the asinine one. I voiced my concerns to customer support, Marvel, and on the forums. I have voiced my complaints respectfully in the past to get nothing more than a stock form response back.

    Selling a good that is advertised a certain way, and then arbitrarily changing the good, and then lying to the people that purchased the good, and then offering 50 cents on the dollar to replace something a shady salesman would do. 

    If you don't like my comments, skip over them. No one is forcing you to read them. Thanks.
  • Sykobanana
    Sykobanana Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Have just sent one through as well. 
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2017
    From the perspective of someone who's gotten the shorter end of the stick in terms of nerfs and other 'funbalance' changes since the beginning of my gameplay (pre-R47), I've seen a BUNCH of nerfs and other changes that have significantly altered my experience.

    And I get it; when 3 * Magneto, 2 * Storm, 2 * Thor, 2 * Black Widow, 4 * X-Force, and 3 * Daken got their abilities altered because they were 'unfairly' dominating PvP (there was little variance in terms of team building owing to said characters), a bunch of us including myself (as far as I can remember) felt that it was unfair. 

    For X-Force and 3 * Daken in particular, people bought into Daken... only to shortly see him get his claws clipped (along with his father's).

    Even though I never bought into the characters (I buy roster slots, but not pulls) myself, that really sucked and who wants to buy into something only to see the change happen.  I don't think anyone does.

    In fact, it sucked so bad for me (the 2 * characters and then 3 * character nerfs) that I left!

    ... But I also came back and it wasn't because I had no other game to play.

    I came back because even though it took a little while and a little more balancing, the dev team DID listen and make changes and where I still think nerfs and buffs are NOT the way to go (and could mostly be avoided by extensive play testing), I think the team is and would be still be open to listening and considering.

    Additionally, because I was gone for a while, I discovered that with the changes also came new synergies which opened up the possibility for more diverse team-building and that was something I personally really liked.  I'll make note here that this was something that the devs had promised - that they wanted to open up possibilities while still preserving the spirit of the character and letting the character mostly keep his or her place / tier in terms of power and potential usefulness.

    But... that's me and my experience and I get that it's my individual experience which has to do with my gameplay preferences and play style.

    Whether or not players should or should not decide to pitch complaints is not my place to say so I won't... but maybe sticking around a little longer to see what may come wouldn't be a bad idea, either?
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    8punch said:
    Marvel like any other big francise care about their brand name. this is the most important part of any francise. if enough people complain i can tell you right now they care. they will care a lot.

    Mac Donalds is build on the francise name. everybody can make a restaurant like mac donalds, but no one else can call it mac donalds. check the movie founder. it actually shows so well why that brandname of mac donalds was so important.

    i can create the coolest looking sci-fi toy. maybe sell 5 of it. now i add star wars on it. i will sell 1000 of it without blinking an eye.

    i give you a recent example.

    Ikea is one of the biggest companies in the world. recently they settled a lawsuit.

    just type in google for example. Ikea to settle for $50 million after its dressers tipped over, killing three young boys.

    now ikea was in its full right not to pay if you read the complete instructions. yet Ikea paid. why? because it tarnished the brandname. that 50 million may sound like a lot of money. but do you want to see headlines every time that your furniture killed 3 young boys? ofcourse not. so ikea settled. because brand name tarnishing hurts overall business, much more then that 50 million they had to pay.

    if you dont get satisfaction from D3, go to the licence holder which in this case is Marvel. explain to them that you dont like the recent changes and explain to them why it could hurt overall business for them too.

    because if your upset by the decision of marvel puzzle quest and invested a large amount of money into it, i can understand that you not looking forward to their new movies either or toys or whatever is associated with Marvel

    Comparing people upset over a licensed match-3 game to a lawsuit involving the deaths of children is ridiculous. They have way different impacts on a brand.