Complain where it will hurt, to Marvel

Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
edited April 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm in the process of asking them to refund my OML level. I don't ask more then get back the iso investement. Iso is too scarse to loose it on Hero I will not use. I would have not leveled OML knowing that.

I already contacted Marvel itself. If enough people complain to marvel, this will make D3Go move. I don't think Marvel will be happy to know that D3Go is using their license to create bad vide. Right now I decided to not go watch Logan, GOTG or other Marvel license.

I suggest that anyone that is not happy with the situation to let Marvel know:

Use consumer product

Right now, this is a litteral fraud, I'm a paying customer, Iso is worth a lot in this game. A compagnie cannot advertise a product and then change their mind and not refund this product.

I already quit the game for 8 months, I'm not an addict, I will be more then happy to go put my money somewhere else, there is lots of other game. But I will file a complain to my credit card.

Think about it, is it worth loosing customer and having lots of bad press over something that equal 0 cost to you.

Refunding 194909 iso and removing my level cost you nothing...


  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    I doubt that Marvel told them to nerf one of their most popular name. I doubt that Marvel would really be happy right now. They may be aware of what D3Go do, but are they really aware of the complain.
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Probably won't matter, but did send an email to Marvel.  Every little bit helps.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    The game's TOS allows them to make these changes. I highly doubt Marvel is going to do anything about it.

    Here's an idea. Why not wait for the change to go live and then try the character for a bit? It honestly doesn't look like that bad of a change.

    I'm not saying I agree with the change, just that it doesn't look that bad to me.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    It is not about sueing Marvel, it is about showing they may loose money in the future. The fact they reviewed the nerf and said ok, go with it, does not mean that they thought or see the bad press it create.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I seriously doubt anyone at Marvel HQ gives a fart in a high wind about this. They're busy **** out as many movies as they can before people get burned out on superheroes.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    I highly doubt Marvel is going to do anything about it.
    I can garantee you that if Marvel see potential degradation of the license image, they will do something about it. But to see it, people must complain about it.

    You are happy, then this post was not meant for you. It is meant to people that are not happy about it.

    TOS or not, if I stop purchasing Marvel product, the accountant will not say, well, these are not really lost in revenue, D3Go had the right to change the game.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    bbigler said:
    Reality check people: Marvel (mega-corporation) owned by Disney (evil mega-corporation) will not care about the complaints of 1 or 1000 people about this game.  It's a business, not a religion.  They don't care about you, just the bottom line.  If their bottom line net profit is falling, then they'll talk to them about it.  They don't care if you quit the game either.  You're 1 of 5 million or so people that play it.  I know this sounds harsh, but face the reality of this's a business.  They track their own metrics and make their own decisions mostly ignoring feedback. 

    It should be clear to anyone following this forum that the devs rarely listen to any suggestions or complaints made here.  They realize that they shouldn't make overall game decisions based on a minority of outspoken players.  Now I bet someone is going to try and prove me wrong citing some instances where forum complaints made a real change in the game, but shall I list all of the complaints that made no difference to the game as well? 
    Yet I complained in the past and receive compensation to many big "Coporation" like you say. You are the one that need to have a reality check and stop being a servile customer.

    I complained to Subway and received a phone call and refund. I complained to Walmart and received compensation. I complained to my Internet provider and got compensation. Complaining work way more then you think. Why, because luckily for them, you are not in charge. And big compagny know that they must act to keep customer before they leave, because a customer that leave never get back.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Megdar said:

    Yet I complained in the past and receive compensation to many big "Coporation" like you say. You are the one that need to have a reality check and stop being a servile customer.

    I complained to Subway and received a phone call and refund. I complained to Walmart and received compensation. I complained to my Internet provider and got compensation. Complaining work way more then you think. Why, because luckily for them, you are not in charge. And big compagny know that they must act to keep customer before they leave, because a customer that leave never get back.
    If this is the analogy you want to use, it would be more like complaining directly to the president of Ford Motor Company because you don't like the air freshener the dealership put in your new pickup. It's not something they control directly, and ultimately it's such a minor fraction of their day-to-day that it just doesn't matter.
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    But you complained directly to the company that you felt wronged you. In this case, you're complaining to the company that sold a license to the company that you feel is wronging you. Look at it this way: you go in to Subway, you have a bad sandwich with some Lay's potato chips. You complain to Lay's that you didn't like the sandwich. They don't care. Marvel doesn't care. This tiny, tiny corner of their licensing market is not ruining their image. It's not going to significantly effect their profits in any way. They don't care. Complain to D3, complain to Demiurge. Those are the people who are supposed to care. Those are the people whose bottom line you will most effect. If they don't seem to care, why on earth should Marvel?
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Megdar said:
    bbigler said:
    Reality check people: Marvel (mega-corporation) owned by Disney (evil mega-corporation) will not care about the complaints of 1 or 1000 people about this game.  It's a business, not a religion.  They don't care about you, just the bottom line.  If their bottom line net profit is falling, then they'll talk to them about it.  They don't care if you quit the game either.  You're 1 of 5 million or so people that play it.  I know this sounds harsh, but face the reality of this's a business.  They track their own metrics and make their own decisions mostly ignoring feedback. 

    It should be clear to anyone following this forum that the devs rarely listen to any suggestions or complaints made here.  They realize that they shouldn't make overall game decisions based on a minority of outspoken players.  Now I bet someone is going to try and prove me wrong citing some instances where forum complaints made a real change in the game, but shall I list all of the complaints that made no difference to the game as well? 
    Yet I complained in the past and receive compensation to many big "Coporation" like you say. You are the one that need to have a reality check and stop being a servile customer.

    I complained to Subway and received a phone call and refund. I complained to Walmart and received compensation. I complained to my Internet provider and got compensation. Complaining work way more then you think. Why, because luckily for them, you are not in charge. And big compagny know that they must act to keep customer before they leave, because a customer that leave never get back.
    People complain about 2 week character releases and nothing changes.
    People complained about health bursts vs true healing and nothing changed.

    People complain about many things and if you're lucky, they may make a small tweak to appease you, but it's usually not what people wanted.

    People complain about characters getting nerfed, so they gave you better sell back deals, but it only recuperates about 50% of your investment in the character.

    People complain about ISO shortages and they've increased ISO handouts, but it still falls short.

    People complain about vaulting and they give you vintage heroic packs, which is an insulting solution.

    Don't you see?  Complaints don't make a big difference; D3 does what they want to do, especially when the majority of their players are FTP.

  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Then, they are welcome to do nothing, not give me back iso and remove level from my OML and I will stop using any Marvel license. This will cost D3Go and Marvel a small amount of money, for nothing, because refunding iso cost them nothing.

    I stopped playing the game in the past, I have no problem doing it. For the rest, I complain to Marvel in the hope they do something about it. They may ignore me and loose my small income or they can contact D3 and plaid in my favor. Marvel feedback CS are there for that.

    In the end, I will go have fun some where else. I do not depend about Marvel product for my fun.
  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Marvel like any other big francise care about their brand name. this is the most important part of any francise. if enough people complain i can tell you right now they care. they will care a lot.

    Mac Donalds is build on the francise name. everybody can make a restaurant like mac donalds, but no one else can call it mac donalds. check the movie founder. it actually shows so well why that brandname of mac donalds was so important.

    i can create the coolest looking sci-fi toy. maybe sell 5 of it. now i add star wars on it. i will sell 1000 of it without blinking an eye.

    i give you a recent example.

    Ikea is one of the biggest companies in the world. recently they settled a lawsuit.

    just type in google for example. Ikea to settle for $50 million after its dressers tipped over, killing three young boys.

    now ikea was in its full right not to pay if you read the complete instructions. yet Ikea paid. why? because it tarnished the brandname. that 50 million may sound like a lot of money. but do you want to see headlines every time that your furniture killed 3 young boys? ofcourse not. so ikea settled. because brand name tarnishing hurts overall business, much more then that 50 million they had to pay.

    if you dont get satisfaction from D3, go to the licence holder which in this case is Marvel. explain to them that you dont like the recent changes and explain to them why it could hurt overall business for them too.

    because if your upset by the decision of marvel puzzle quest and invested a large amount of money into it, i can understand that you not looking forward to their new movies either or toys or whatever is associated with Marvel
  • Blergh
    Blergh Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    I think what the original poster was getting at was that a large number of complaints could be percieved to be harmful brand identity.  

    Big company's like Marvel and Disney invest millions in creating this to appeal to select target audiences and generate customer goodwill. 

    So if a licence was creating an image or working against the companies desired brand identity then they'll be dropped like a hot potato.  

  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Stop spending or stop playing.  Those are the 2 ways that they will feel an impact.

    Complaining to marvel is spitting in the wind.  They're not going to drop the hammer on d3 for nerfing a toon.  They will however be inclined to take a look at things if the revenues being generated drop by an incredible amount.  
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Stop spending/playing. That's what they pay attention to....
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blergh said:
    I think what the original poster was getting at was that a large number of complaints could be percieved to be harmful brand identity.  

    Big company's like Marvel and Disney invest millions in creating this to appeal to select target audiences and generate customer goodwill. 

    So if a licence was creating an image or working against the companies desired brand identity then they'll be dropped like a hot potato.  

    Sure, complaints can hurt a brand identity...if the complaint is about a well known product.  This marvel product is not well known.  None of my friends have even heard of this game.  If it tanks, the Marvel brand will be unaffected.  Imagine a news post: "Marvel match-3 mobile app game tanks from dissatisfied players...."

    I can already hear people laughing about it and not caring.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Megdar said:
    bbigler said:
    Reality check people: Marvel (mega-corporation) owned by Disney (evil mega-corporation) will not care about the complaints of 1 or 1000 people about this game.  It's a business, not a religion.  They don't care about you, just the bottom line.  If their bottom line net profit is falling, then they'll talk to them about it.  They don't care if you quit the game either.  You're 1 of 5 million or so people that play it.  I know this sounds harsh, but face the reality of this's a business.  They track their own metrics and make their own decisions mostly ignoring feedback. 

    It should be clear to anyone following this forum that the devs rarely listen to any suggestions or complaints made here.  They realize that they shouldn't make overall game decisions based on a minority of outspoken players.  Now I bet someone is going to try and prove me wrong citing some instances where forum complaints made a real change in the game, but shall I list all of the complaints that made no difference to the game as well? 
    Yet I complained in the past and receive compensation to many big "Coporation" like you say. You are the one that need to have a reality check and stop being a servile customer.

    I complained to Subway and received a phone call and refund. I complained to Walmart and received compensation. I complained to my Internet provider and got compensation. Complaining work way more then you think. Why, because luckily for them, you are not in charge. And big compagny know that they must act to keep customer before they leave, because a customer that leave never get back.
    There's something else to consider here.  Complaining to a company that handles your power, water, cell, gym, car loan, house loan, etc, is going to resolve your complaints because it would affect their bottom line.  But this game is not like that.  Most players are paying $10 or less per month, not $150 a month like a cell phone or cable company. 

    But what about whales?  Won't they heed their complaints? Well, did they listen to their complaints about scaling?  Does the OML nerf upset whales?  There's your answer....they don't care too much about anyone's complaints (just a little bit).
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    Marvel is not going to do anything about this.  I'm sure the licensing of the game to D3 says D3 is in charge of the game as long as they respect the character's image.  So unless OML is going to be change doing explicit things like porn, Marvel is not going to do anything about it.

    Character balance isn't something Marvel would care about.  Nude or another creative licenses with the character images would be.
  • Megdar
    Megdar Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Marvel will care because I will stop using their product. That is my goal, showing them that i will stop using their product if D3go do not act properly.

    For the rest, I've put 500$ in the game through VIP or other purchase, I call mysell a good customer.