The game we would like to play vs the game THEY want



  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    The OML nerf is/was a farce. He may have been overused but he wasn't broken. He wasn't skewing the game either at low covers or high. The only thing he was good for was to soak up damage for your weaker characters and for those with cheap AP abilities eg Iron Fist. If people enjoyed using him out of a 100 characters, what is wrong with that especially since he's not broken? It's not as if he couldnt be taken out with a 4* team if he's softcapped at lvls 300+. I know cos i do it in PVP. 

    We collect the characters and we should be allowed to use who we like barring specific gameplay modes eg Essentials. Why decide for us that we're using too much of one character and then nerf him instead of properly rebalancing his powers eg Cmags to match that of the newer 5*s while adjusting his healing ability? it's because he's one of the first 5* and most whales have him covered so there's no money in doing that. Meanwhile 5* like Thanos, BB, Strange continue to see increased usage. Based on their reasons for nerfing Logan, how soon will these newer 5* be nerfed? When most have started covering them sufficiently and usage hits 10%? Will they nerf these too?
  • Partyof5
    Partyof5 Posts: 62 Match Maker
    All of the recent changes have me at the point where I am just about ready to uninstall the game and try to kick the addiction that is MPQ. 

    I have spent some money (around $100) on this game.  A drop in the ocean I'm sure, but I did put money into supporting this game.  The only other video game I've spent more on is probably Rock Band.  The difference is that I will always be able to play the songs I purchased in RB.  When this game goes offline, everything I put into it goes with it.  I understand the addiction to playing, but I don't get spending thousands on something that has no lasting value, and zero value outside of the game itself.  

    The majority of my investment has been in time.  I play almost every day, most days multiple hours.  It has become an addiction of sorts.  Have to play in order to get HP in order to roster the new character I just got.  This is supposed to be game, but it has turned into a job.  I have gone in stretches where I only play a few matches a day, but that only puts me further behind.  The only progression is the never ending chasing of characters and covers.  The goal is always being  moved out by the release of another new character.  Someone like me can never hope to keep up.  

    The recent changes have made "keeping up" even more difficult.  I don;t have any 4* with more that 8 covers.  The ones I do have somewhat covered have all now gone into semi-retirement, making my goal of getting them complete a near impossibility.  Maybe I should free up the roster spots and cut loose a bunch of the 1-4 cover 4* I have now.  Then again, I fear the rules will change again 6 months from now and I'll wish I kept them.  I would like to roster and develop the character I like, and not feel obligated to try and keep them all.  I tried that, and now the recent changes have cut that plan off at the knees.  I also found out that I did not qualify for the free 5* token for OML because even though I had him rostered, I never used him. Well, I never used him because for the past 6 months I only had a single cover of him, just recently getting a second.  I don't like playing with a 1-2 cover character. 

    All of that leads me to the place I'm at today. I still love the idea of this game, and I love Marvel.  I do not love sinking hours every day into something that is becoming more of a chore with each new "improvement" they make.  I see that this game is not meant for me.  It's not meant to collect what you like and be able to play with the characters you choose to build up.  It's meant for those that will spend hundreds on digital items that have no value outside the game. It's meant for those that are addicted to the point that they will spend any amount of time and money to collect everything.  I paid as a contribution for providing me with something I enjoyed.  That enjoyment is fading fast.  I am going to try and quit for a while, but I can't make the promise to myself that it is gone for good.  This is now an addiction more than a fun way to spend some free time.  

    1 question.  If I uninstall the game, does all my progress go away with it or I can I re-install in 6 months and pick up where I left off?       
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    ***As this has turned into another complaint thread regarding the OML nerfs, I'm locking it. Additionally, if other players' views differ from yours regarding a character rework, you have all the right to disagree but attacking them is against the rules and will not be tolerated.***
This discussion has been closed.