Feeling the 4* transition/ISO pain

Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Yikes, just fully covered another 4-star (Winter Soldier) out of sheer luck with a vault token. He gives me five fully-covered 4-stars and not enough ISO to champ even one of them. With another five 4-stars at 12 covers, I'm starting to feel the pinch!

This is not a complaint or a cry for more ISO. Deciding who gets the priority is part of the fun.

Anyone else in a similar boat? I have eight 4-stars champed and a loooong way to go, but I'll have some decisions to make very, very soon regarding how I spend my precious ISO.

13 Covers
Devil Dino (not a priority)
Drax (I like Drax - medium priority)
Ghost Rider (low priority)
War Machine (medium priority)
Winter Soldier (medium-high priority)

12 covers
Ant-Man (medium-high priority)
Carnage (low priority)
Moon Knight (medium priority)
Nova (medium priority)
X-23 (high priority)


  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't sleep on Nova - he's a powerhouse, especially when boosted. He's much better than the other 9 on that list.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Likewise Ant Man is a pve beast when boosted.
  • drag0n41
    drag0n41 Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I have 5 as well with 3 having extra covers.

    Spider-Woman (3 covers)
    Blade (2 covers)
    War Machine (1 cover)
    Ghost Rider

    I plan to champ Blade when I get the ISO, hope to get enough to champ Spider-Woman as well, but might need to sell a cover or 2 of hers.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    drag0n41 wrote:
    I have 5 as well with 3 having extra covers.

    Spider-Woman (3 covers)
    Blade (2 covers)
    War Machine (1 cover)
    Ghost Rider

    I plan to champ Blade when I get the ISO, hope to get enough to champ Spider-Woman as well, but might need to sell a cover or 2 of hers.

    How many 4* champs do you already have? After a certain point, playability takes a backseat to available covers. If you already have most of the top 4*s champed, then go ahead and champ Spider-Woman next.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have no 4 Star Champs
    All of my Max Covered 4's are either Vaulted or Limited (Devil Dino, Eddie Brock,Hulkbuster,Cyclops,Nova and ChoHulk)

    X-23 Needs 1 cover (have her as my only favorited 4, 18 LT's in no bonuses) (5/4/3)
    Kingpin needs 1 Cover but has two powers maxxed (2/5/5)
    Red Hulk needs 1 cover (3/5/4)

    Peggy will get her 12th Cover (3/3/5), SW already has 12 (3/5/4)

    I still have 4 max covered 3's to Champion (once I feed Thanos 9200 more ISO), plus Hawkguy (2/3/3)
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    Don't sleep on Nova - he's a powerhouse, especially when boosted. He's much better than the other 9 on that list.
    Consider your advice well-heeded!
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have 22 and working on making c4ge 23.

    Also got 2 war machine covers in my queue to make him 24 and a wasp cover waiting to make her 25.

    I'm doing these all back to back and they all started from level 70. Its not fun chain champing.
  • JohnnyBlood
    JohnnyBlood Posts: 85 Match Maker
    From my experience, I'd say Nova, Moon Knight and X-23 are all worthy ISO investments (too bad none of them are currently available with LTs). Ant-Man has his uses, and does some heavy damage when boosted (He pairs well with Star-Lord: Cheaper costs to do the purple/blue nukes and/or a nice amount of Countdown Tiles for Star-Lord's Red power)
  • Zappa
    Zappa Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Sitting on 15 4* champs
    18 4*s at 13 covers (including nova, c4rol, dusa, bl4de)
    I'm pretty much going to be hoarding for the next decade as I try and accrue 6.3+ million iso D:
  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    Seriously y'all, stop putting ISO into the vaulted chars. They are not going anywhere. Save the ISO for latest 12 and watch your champ levels 'splode!

    Also, make sure to play PVE as much as you can. Those intercepts are a great source of ISO.

    [full disclosure, I do plan on champing one--but no more than one--from vaulted 4 stars each month. But got to keep a limit on it!]
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    TimGunn wrote:
    Seriously y'all, stop putting ISO into the vaulted chars. They are not going anywhere. Save the ISO for latest 12 and watch your champ levels 'splode!

    Also, make sure to play PVE as much as you can. Those intercepts are a great source of ISO.

    [full disclosure, I do plan on champing one--but no more than one--from vaulted 4 stars each month. But got to keep a limit on it!]
    Vaults don't worry me. It's not like all sources of the old covers have suddenly dried up. I'm hoarding due to a lack of ISO, so I'm not going to be opening any of the newer characters either. My goal remains the same as it always has - champ every flippin one of 'em.
  • DJSquiggy
    DJSquiggy Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Right now, i have 15 Max covered 4*. I have essentially stopped pulling covers with CP. I still do tokens because i have no willpower, but at least CP can be used to fill in that last cover if needed (i should say, i have never used CP to buy a 4* cover, but having a 120CP buffer makes it a lot easier to pull tokens)

    13 champed are mostly old school vaulted characters.

    2 are waiting on ISO Moon knight (Will def champ) and Mr. F (maybe someday)

    Anyone on Discord probably knows i am getting my 13th Peggy cover with this PVE, so she is my #1 focus right now. Probably Wasp and Star Lord after that.

    a lot of my 2*'s are getting ripe for the picking. but i have to be careful now with the Behemoth Burrito.

    but yeah, definitely have a firm step into 4* territory, but iso is holding me back.

  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    If anyone is wondering who to champ, the Character forum has a really good ranking thread:


    It doesn't have the newest guys on there, but it ranks everyone else.
  • drag0n41
    drag0n41 Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Orion wrote:
    drag0n41 wrote:
    I have 5 as well with 3 having extra covers.

    Spider-Woman (3 covers)
    Blade (2 covers)
    War Machine (1 cover)
    Ghost Rider

    I plan to champ Blade when I get the ISO, hope to get enough to champ Spider-Woman as well, but might need to sell a cover or 2 of hers.

    How many 4* champs do you already have? After a certain point, playability takes a backseat to available covers. If you already have most of the top 4*s champed, then go ahead and champ Spider-Woman next.
    I have 30 4* champed. Thinking Blade as he is the essential for the next PVE after simulator. I will try for both, but Blade's first cover expires first.
  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    I have 16 champs: icon_quake.pngicon_spidergwen.pngicon_antman.pngicon_cyclops.pngicon_hulkcho.pngicon_invisiblewoman.pngicon_jeangrey.pngicon_professorx.pngicon_redhulk.pngicon_thor.pngicon_thing.pngicon_venom.pngGwenpoolIcon.PNGicon_deadpool.pngicon_punisher.pngicon_wolverine.png

    13 covers: icon_ironman.pngicon_starlord.pngicon_moonknight.pngicon_blade.pngicon_nickfury.pngSpiderWoman_icon.PNGicon_lukecage.png
    12 covers: Peggy, Howard, WS, Miles, Nova, Ghost Rider and X-23.
    9-11 covers: Everyone but Wasp.

    I'll champ Blade next and probably hoard untill i can finish the remaining 6 3* (Haykeye, Thanos, Spider-Man, Hood, Ragnarok and Iron Man). Depending on upcoming pve rewards my 3* plan will be put on hold.

    While i agree to some extent that there is "fun" in the choosing process, it is turning into frustration fast. They need to do something about iso. Make double iso standard, There's just no way to catch up.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    Don't sleep on Nova - he's a powerhouse, especially when boosted. He's much better than the other 9 on that list.

    Also, level 183 Doctor Strange gets you a yellow Nova cover, if that's one you need adding Strange to your faves would be a good way to go.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have no 4 Star Champs
    All of my Max Covered 4's are either Vaulted or Limited (Devil Dino, Eddie Brock,Hulkbuster,Cyclops,Nova and ChoHulk)

    X-23 Needs 1 cover (have her as my only favorited 4, 18 LT's in no bonuses) (5/4/3)
    Kingpin needs 1 Cover but has two powers maxxed (2/5/5)
    Red Hulk needs 1 cover (3/5/4)

    Peggy will get her 12th Cover (3/3/5), SW already has 12 (3/5/4)

    I still have 4 max covered 3's to Champion (once I feed Thanos 9200 more ISO), plus Hawkguy (2/3/3)

    Sorry for the double post.

    2* Daken leads to 3* Daken which leads to X-23. Cycling your 2* Daken will lead to some covers for her eventually. Plus cycling 2*s is good to do anyway.
    That said, I'd really focus on champing Cyclops, if you can. He's very, very powerful in both PvE and PvP. A self sustaining nuke. Red Hulk and ChoHulk are an awesome pairing, too.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    TimGunn wrote:
    Seriously y'all, stop putting ISO into the vaulted chars. They are not going anywhere. Save the ISO for latest 12 and watch your champ levels 'splode!

    Also, make sure to play PVE as much as you can. Those intercepts are a great source of ISO.

    [full disclosure, I do plan on champing one--but no more than one--from vaulted 4 stars each month. But got to keep a limit on it!]
    I feel like this entire forum is in denial. The correct answer is none of them, as none of them are of the 12 newest.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    I just champed Bl4de as my 40th 4* champ. Next I've got six and a half days to raise the iso for Luke Cage. After that, I need to put a few 100k iso back into my 2* farm because of the 2*s I sold for iso to champ recent 4*s instead of putting it back in the dupes.

    Maybe if I don't have another 4* dying on the vine by that point I'll be able to level some 5*s a little.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I have 22 champed and 9 more with 13 covers. Of those 9, 7 are old and 2 are in the latest 12, so those 2 are my priority. I probably won't champ any of those older 7 for a very long time.

    For older characters I might make an exception for Rulk or Nova, both of which have 12 covers, so I couldn't champ them yet even if I wanted to.