POLL: Gauntlet Monthly



  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    deadtaco wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    There really is a glaring sense of entitlement when it comes to playing this game. So much "I should be able to finish every event regardless of my roster strength. "

    And before I get the whole your roster is so strong. I'm just on day 600 and was only able to beat the gauntlet for the first time last run through, and only able to green check the entire thing this time because I had the right 4s champed.

    It's actually a good thing for them to throw events that do check our rosters, because then we actually have something that will give us a sense of accomplishment when we can beat them.

    That's a good point and I agree with you. However, given the current reward vs. effort this is offering I have no desire what so ever to see if I can finally beat it. I played enough on day one to get a token or two and that was it. I wish something else was going on so I'd have a reason to open the app beyond the DDQ. And speaking of the DDQ - here is hoping they didn't mess that up with this new change coming.

    Absolutely they should rework the rewards, I don't think anyone would claim otherwise. I think they should do the following:

    1. Remove essentials or provide loaners for those nodes.
    2. Have first node rewards for sub two be 750 iso and 1000 for sub 3. Likewise increase iso rewards for final nodes.
    3. Sub 2 final nodes provide 3 cp (essential and last node) and sub 3 give 5 cp.
    3. Better progression rewards. 2 stars for first sub, 3 stars for second, 4 stars for third.
    4. LT for being final node.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    kyo28 wrote:
    I voted no because of the rewards. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.

    But this is not part of the poll !!!!

    Everybody agrees current rewards in Gauntlet are bad, this is not what we are talking about here.

    Again, I copy from main thread:

    "...So in that effort can I please ask for you to vote if this is something you'd like to see implemented? Lastly I know the rewards absolutely don't meet the efforts currently but please don't vote no just because you don't like the rewards let's take it one step at a time. This is about having more content that is entirely optional and an additional way to play and earn rewards..."
  • Hotnfresh
    Hotnfresh Posts: 55 Match Maker
    Perhaps vets are more inclined to enjoy the Gauntlet, I certainly do. I get tired of the same structure pve's. Quite frankly, reg pve is too easy... even without OML. And it's the same matches over n over.

    Gauntlet provides a gambit of unique matches that gives a lil more challenge than usual. Even then, I've almost green checked the gauntlet with little resistance.

    I wish they would meld pve events with the gauntlet to make lil mutant baby child events. I would love to see these synergized char combos, that they have worked so hard to create, included in other events.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    I voted "no" because playing the Gauntlet is the least fun thing I can do in the game at this stage of my progression. I recently cleared my first year and am nearing 30 champed 3*s. I have some 4*s at 8 or nine covers but am not dumping ISO into them yet. Then there are the seven 1 or 2 covered 5*s who define my scaling.

    The gauntlet is pure self-loathing tedium where I am. I'm playing waaay less this week than usual and somehow chewing through five times as many health packs as usual. Actually, I'm done with this lousy event as of now.

    At least I got a sweet 2* Bullseye to show for it.

    The Gauntlet is my tinykitty's litter box.

    You don't understand the "no" votes?
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I voted "no" because playing the Gauntlet is the least fun thing I can do in the game at this stage of my progression. I recently cleared my first year and am nearing 30 champed 3*s. I have some 4*s at 8 or nine covers but am not dumping ISO into them yet. Then there are the seven 1 or 2 covered 5*s who define my scaling.

    The gauntlet is pure self-loathing tedium where I am. I'm playing waaay less this week than usual and somehow chewing through five times as many health packs as usual. Actually, I'm done with this lousy event as of now.

    At least I got a sweet 2* Bullseye to show for it.

    The Gauntlet is my tinykitty's litter box.

    You don't understand the "no" votes?

    I really don't understand the "no" votes, or your reasoning, at all.

    The proposition of the poll was that Gauntlet could be added and run concurrently with regular PvE events, like Shield SIM in PvP. You can play regular events, and if you have some free time and want to hit some nodes in Gauntlet they're just sitting there for you. No time constraints, no placement, no optimal play, no alliance requirements, just some casual PvE for some minor rewards. And if you don't like it, or if you're not interested in the rewards, you just don't play. Who gives a **** if your roster is good enough right now? Right now you have Gauntlet and no other PvE event. How is that better??

    Buy why... the ****... would anyone argue that it just shouldn't be there, only because they don't think they'd like to play it. If Gauntlet is your **** litter box then don't play it. Are you really so obsessed with this game that if there was a Gauntlet running along side regular PvE events you'd be compelled to play it and by extension enjoy the game less?

    Edit: Maybe the poll should have had a third option, since people seem stuck in this binary.

    * Yes, I would play Gauntlet casually and it would add some more play to the game during periods where I have little else to do.

    * No, for purely personal reasons I don't want anything added to the game that doesn't directly benefit me immediately.

    * Indifferent, I don't like Gauntlet and wouldn't play it if it were in the game, regardless if it had no impact on other events in any way.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    My point was that, subjectively, I hate the Gauntlet. I understand that my opinion is far from universal, particularly here on the forum. Please understand that your opinion is also not universal. For me, this event is such that I stop playing when it's going on. I dislike it enough that I'd rather not even have it going on along with other events because it dashes my perception of making any real progress in the broader scheme of Marvel Puzzle Quest.
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    My point was that, subjectively, I hate the Gauntlet.

    Perfectly valid.
    I dislike it enough that I'd rather not even have it going on along with other events because it dashes my perception of making any real progress in the broader scheme of Marvel Puzzle Quest.

    Complete nonsense.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Well, considering the bottle of rum I'm now finishing, I'll consider that breaking even. Have fun.
  • MrTrix
    MrTrix Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    smkspy wrote:
    There really is a glaring sense of entitlement when it comes to playing this game. So much "I should be able to finish every event regardless of my roster strength. "

    For me, it's not so much the "I should be able to finish every event", but more a "I should be able to do something useful with my time playing this event (read: make some kind of progress), during the time this event is up". They could make longer side branches for people with lower rosters, with a suitable reward at the end for that roster strength (for example side branches specifically requiring 2*, 3* and/or 4* roster teams - as opposed to the short side branches you have now, that require specific covers). Then somebody with a 2* or 3* roster could take the side branch and progress there.
    Or they could (as with other PvE events atm) offer you a choice at the start of the event, what level of event you want.
    In both of these situations, people would know that they're not able to finish the main branch of the max level event with their roster, but they would still be able to progress in (part of) the event, as opposed to being stuck at a dead end for the majority of the event duration.
    Offering everyone an event that is leading nowhere unless you have a good 5* roster, means people will most likely spend their time playing a completely different game instead... and I don't think that's what D3Go intended here.

    As I said earlier, if they want us to see this as a valid PvE event, then they should look for some kind of option to keep everyone playing, even if they cannot finish the main branch at full strength (and provide suitable rewards). If they just want to offer a test environment for all kinds of team compositions, then they should make this a permanent testbench environment, remove all rewards, and unlock all nodes by default.
  • Blergh
    Blergh Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    I think with the introduction of intercepts they do need a secondary PVE. I know people who are rationing out Gaunlet to get their 20 a day.

    If you play a two day sub optimally you only get 9 -10 clears a day. You kind of run out of things to do in game on those days too. So I think people would appreciate a secondary PVE on those days. Whether it should be the gauntlet run for a month or not... I dunno.

    With waves and stuff I think there could be more fun alteratives that would have longer replay value. Would love a 3 vs 100 survivor style node. Lots of goons and sporadic bosses.

    You could do a lot of challenge content too instead of the standard progression. Defeat 200 goons with loaner bagman, get over 30 attack tiles on the board, no powers matches or something. Think they have enough characters from teams to do team challenges too.

    Doing character specific challenges could address a lot of problems experienced end game too most probably. 5* players may get to use the rest of thier roster again for something meaning full.

    Just saying the month long thing with no alliance reward could lend itself to more interesting stuff than plain match three model they have.

    But I'm a self admitted weirdio... so it could be the worst suggestion in the world.

    I personally would be against the PVE season thing. Seven day events seem to drag already, think a PVE season would make that worse for me.

    So yes for a secondary event unsure on the monthly long gauntlet because I think there are better and more interesting things to run. I'd take a gauntlet over nothing though.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    With these rewards? No.

    I don't mind more events running to let players choose their game style. And a question of this style comes up with almost every gauntlet run.

    I've been asking forever to have a constant mini-DDQ running (The Ant-Man/Cho types). At this point I think if they ran that once a week it's to slow; daily 4* DDQ alongside it would be fine (At this point, a daily 4* DDQ would get you 9 of each 4* cover in a year).

    It would be great if there was a 4* PVP running alongside the 3* PVP so players could choose both or either of those to play as well.

    Edit - while we're add it: run a boss event constantly as well. And 24/7 LR's.

    Run lots of stuff, let players choose what to play.
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    With these rewards? No.

    Aren't the rewards pretty similar to Shield Sim? And if it was run concurrently with PvE events couldn't you just decide not to play it if the rewards weren't to your liking?

    I don't understand how the reward argument has any relevance. If Gauntlet were running at the same time as regular PvE events than any rewards you got would be a bonus, and if the rewards are underwhelming you're not really missing out if you decide not to play it.

    Anyway, this is beating a dead horse. If the Devs ever decide to implement something like this we can argue about the reward structure then, but I don't understand the argument that having some optional, supplementary PvE play with no consequences or requirements is somehow a bad thing.
  • dvn
    dvn Posts: 3

    The gauntlet is my favorite event and I enjoy it much more than the standard events, aside from some of the alliance special events. The rewards need to be updated, sure. But the gameplay is actually varied and interesting. Escalating difficulty, varied opponents, less incentive to play single nodes multiple times, and no time restrictions except for the event length make for an actually challenging, puzzling, fun event. Beating up the Dark Avengers in the 100000th run of The Hunt or Unstable ISO or whatever, 4+ times per node, every day, is just mindless tedium. There's no challenge, no surprises. The first time I completed the Gauntlet with my 2* team way back in the day it actually felt like an accomplishment. If they're not going to introduce new story events more often then I'd much rather play something like Gauntlet.

    I don't really agree with the mindset that the rewards are all that matters, content is worthless if it doesn't give big rewards, and you must complete every event 100%. It's a game, slow down and actually have fun playing it.