Thanos Court Death Sometimes Fails [Fixed in R126]



  • TYGRHobbes
    TYGRHobbes Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Court Death goes off for me most of the time but it's also ending my turn after it triggers most of the time. Even before I make a gem match. Example:

    Start my turn,
    Down an opponent before making a gem match (with an ability)
    Court Death triggers and does damage and stuns,
    Thanos is not stunned,
    Ends my turn,
    Opponents turn, they are all stunned (though vary rarely some of their continuous or passive abilities have gone off),
    Opponents turn ends, they are no longer stunned,
    My turn starts, all are unstunned

    If you noticed, I never got the chance to make a gem match. Nowhere in Court Death's ability does it say that it ends your turn after it triggers. Vary rarely do I get to make a gem match after the ability triggers.