Forum Thread

aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
Forum post.


  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    So basically you're trying to go both forward and backwards at once and having trouble managing it.

    If it was me I'd just relax about the 5*s and play to build out the 4*s while hoarding. No way the game gets more fun if you're working to achieve a set of goals which are self-contradictory.

    Someday in a year or so it'll be clear that they've made the transition to 5* play enough less painful that a decent hoard will get you there. In the meantime, trying to transition is just going to make the game suck. I'm sure we both know plenty of people who have gone (and are currently going) down that road.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd definitely hold off on pulling more Latest Legends tokens until Black Widow leaves the pool, shouldn't take too long. Perhaps it would be a good idea to not open any more Classic Legends at the moment either.
    A funny thing happened to me when I came back after the break... I ran out of fourstars to champion. Everyone with 13 or more covers is maxed now. It's a long road to get there, but as you know there is only one way to eat an elephant - one bite at a time. Once you have most fourstars championed the fivestar situation may be Worth reexamining.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Look to the bright side, almost all your covered 5s, have a very nice cover distribution. BBolt specially, you managed to pull just the useful covers. Even the new good cap powers are the ones you have icon_e_wink.gif

    I think the best you can do right now, is hoard, and go full LT-CPs with latest when BW goes out from latest. Then after Strange goes out from latest, you might reconsider doing something else from that moment on (this is going to be around 2 to 3 months from now, so depending how many CPs you already have, win every month, might not be enough to champ at least Strange too, so this is also worth considering).
  • TetsujinOni
    TetsujinOni Posts: 181 Tile Toppler
    I've got no regrets operating on a lonely OML on day 396. Finally finished my 3* tier and moving on to work the 4s.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    But but Aes, you're the great forum mathematician, use your statistical powers to figure this out icon_lol.gif

    Btw, your Phoenix makes me sad icon_e_sad.gif
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Still working on my 4*s... only got 15 champed so far.

    All my 5*s are still at 255:
    Black Widow 5/1/2 & 1/0/0
    Black Bolt 3/3/2
    Iron Man 1/4/0
    The Hulk 4/1/0
    Silver Surfer 0/4/0
    Jean Grey 1/3/1
    Wolverine 1/0/3
    Green Goblin 1/2/0
    Steve Rogers 2/0/1
    Thanos 2/0/0
    Spider-Man 1/1/0
    Doctor Strange 0/0/1

    Not looking to upgrade 5*s for a while, and perfectly OK with creating duplicates for them. They're end level characters anyway (at least until they come up with 6* characters, which I hope will never happen).
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Cap 5*'s at 370, don't level 4* over 300. It's not worth it, 5* play sucks and is immensely boring. You get to use 5*, and that's it, and they don't really work well together outside of a couple well known pairs.

    Use 5*'s as high tier 4*'s that way you have 50+ characters you can use to keep the game fun and interesting. Champed 5*'s aren't fun and smoke healthpacks.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hoard enough ISO to level up the 5*s of your dreams when you make your pulls!

    I'd love to see you go hard in PVP with a BW/SS combo.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    I'd love to see you go hard in PVP with a BW/SS combo.
    It's not as horrible as it sounds.
    Surfer tanks red and black for her, you can let him go down to sub 20% and kill stuff with her red, then heal him back to full.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm just gonna start posting my roster help threads in GD and disguise them with "not help thread but a cautionary tale" mumbo jumbo lol.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Similar boat, but I made the leap with Surfer/OML @anniversary time, so they're champed. I have IM46 @ 10 covers, PHX at 9 (12/3/0 that CS moved to 11/4/0), Bolt at 9 (lucky run), and then nothing else to write home about. All in classics now, all feel like lost causes.

    I know lots of people are saying wait til BW rolls out, but, um...lets say I'm not confident that Strange-Thanos-Next5* is a better group.

    I'm still hoarding anyway though, because I feel like something has to give here, and I want the CP in stock when it does.

    In the meantime, I'm good with just champing 4s as covers/iso allow and rolling with my current 5* allotment. Champing 4s means faster progress towards the hoard, with the hoard then feeding itself easier when there are less 'wasted' covers.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    But but Aes, you're the great forum mathematician, use your statistical powers to figure this out icon_lol.gif

    Oh, the answer is there, just not exciting.

    Keep leveling 4*s.

    Hoard all CP and LT until Widow rotates out, then resume opening Latest until another 5* is covered. Use CP as needed to cover any unfinished 5* about to slide into Classics.

    Forget Classics exist, until multiple 5*s are covered out of Latests and a monstrous CP hoard is piled up. Then on that farflung future date, open classics until something needs leveling, level it, repeat.

    Until something changes.

    I'm in a different stage of life than you as an early 4* transitioner. I've been trying to build up my progresion plan(assuming no change which I hope to RNGsus isn't true). Here's what I have right now.

    3* > 4* Transition:
    Open exclusively classics. Horde all your Latest Legends and do not open any of them until you are ready to transition to 5*. Horde CP in big numbers so that when you open you can ensure you have ISO & HP to add/champ as needed. If you get unusables supplement 120 CP where needed, especially for top tier characters.
    Roster 5* when you get them but put no ISO or focus into them, they just collect dust.

    Once you have all/most of the top tier 4*s champed:
    There's a branching path here, the choice hinges on if you want to transition to 5*, which will likely depend on if you focus PvE or PvP. For PvE, don't go to 5*, until you have every (or the vast majority) of 4*s champed. For PvP it might behoove you to go for 5* once you've got a bare minimum of top tier 4*s champed.

    If you choose to not go for 5*:
    Continue opening Classics and champing remaining 4* until you champ all or enough that you choose to go to 5*.

    4* > 5* Transition:
    Switch to hording CP for Latest and forget Classics exist. Horde until you have 300-400 pulls and if they are your first 5* make sure the 3 in Latest are worth it, otherwise wait for them to cycle to better.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is a bit sad to know that you (in this case me) will never be able to champ Spidey, IM, Cap or Banner. But hey, I am part of the lucky ones that managed to champ OML, PH, SS and GG is at 12 covers. And I also champed BBolt just before going to classic. So yeah, I am part of the lucky few (yeah I don't have all 4s champed, but I have 6 champed 5s, a good indication that hoarding is not always the solution, even though it is right now :S)

    I guess that maybe someday SCL10 will be released and then maybe some individual 5 covers will be winnable, maybe in 2018 icon_razz.gif
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I'm in very much the same boat as you, Aes. I have a ton of classics sitting at 7-12 covers, none of which are top tier and none of which are likely to be leveled past 390 anytime soon. I decided after pulling my first unusable (GG yellow #6) cover that I would never subject myself to that and stopped immediately pulling classics. While it's going to suck to intentionally stagnate my roster for 6 months, once I have 1.5m iso saved and enough CP/LT to pull 300+ Latest Legends, I'm going to have a massive opening party and see what I get. I figure we'll get 2 more 5 star.png characters before my birthday in June, at which point I should have enough saved to pull the 3 latest, whoever they may be (I'm really hoping to still get Thanos and the 2 new ones).

    I can then immediately join the 5 star.png game and then decide whether it's actually fun or not, then go back and save for classics? Everyone says how boring the game is at the 5 star.png tier, is that really true?
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Much sympathy. I can't really see a way out for the 5*s either, not without giving up on months of progress plus all the half-covered ones in order to hoard and blow out on a set of Latest and I hate it. I'm now hoarding with a dim hope that d3 finds some way through this mess, maybe by bringing back set cover rewards like the first 2 runs of Civil War - that is my biggest wish with 5*s now.

    Meantime, the 4*s are satisfying to complete and rewarding to champ.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am a little bit behind behind you aesth, with 20ish 4* champs and several more waiting for iso, but no 5*s above 8 covers.

    I regret my LT/cp strategy for early 2016. I opened LTs during a semi-retirement in late 2015 after OML was released, but had terrible luck and hit champ day with 0 5* covers. As i champed my 3* and 4* roster, i opened LTs and managed to build a 6 cover phoenix, but no oml's.

    Since my 5*s were weak, i settled into a pattern of holding LTs until upcoming 5* changes were annoinced, and then opening my small stash before or after new changes as seemed best to. I saved up small hoard of 100-200 cp and spent them on classics to build put my 4*s (and doing this got me my first and only oml cover to date: a yellow in march 2016).

    (I also genrrally tried to avoid opening LTs when i couldnt afford to champ a 4* if i pulled a 14th cover. But nothing is perfect and i have definitely had to sell some elektra/fury/pre-buff SL covers)

    The net result is a roster with every current 5*, but none with more than 8 cover. I use my 1 yellow cover oml frequently to grind trivial nodes quickly, and i used im46 as a meatshield in later runs of civil war. Othereise my entire 5* roster provides no value to me. I try them out in ddq to experiment and get a feel for their skillsets, but i could never use them to good effect in a serious ove or pvp match.

    In retrospect, i over emphasized making ahort term optimal decisions (e.g. i will open all LTs today, and not tomorrow because phoenix is leaving the LT pool tomorrow), and ignoring the 800 pound gorilla (i.e. that the marginal value between 4 and 5 covers for a 5* makes little difference). My roster would probably be in better shape overall if i had just hoarded LTs and cp for all of 2016, my 4*s wouldnt be quite as far as along, but i would also have sold fewer useless covers. And i would now have 13/13 thanos/5bw/strange.

    (Demi/d3: consider that maybe the current 5* systems are bad when the optinal way to play is to hoard resources for almost a year).

    Moving forward, i am definitely going to hard an enormous pile of cp. Just to give myself some excitement, and since i already have strange, bw, and thanos rostered, i will likely open my current pile of LTs just before bw leaves the LT pool. Then i will wait and see how many CP i have in 2-3 months when thanos is about to leave. If it's 3k+. Then maybe i will try to chase him down. If not, i will keep hoarding.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    For all of you with mostly-covered 5*s and you're wondering if you should dip your toe into the 5* world, I have some advice...


    Just don't. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to champ 5*s right now. Do you want your PvE scaling to go through the roof? Then by all means, go ahead and champ those 2 5*s. Want to be stuck using the same 2 characters in every single fight until the end of time? Welcome to 5*-vile. Want to see the same group of 10 or so people in PvP forever? Champ that Black Widow then.

    You can reach max progression in PvE with a 4* roster quite easily, and probably quicker than 5* teams can. Can you get to 1200 in PvP with just champed 4*s? Honest question, I have no idea. But if you can, then why on earth would you mess that up by leveling up some 5*s? I have a champed Surfer and OML, with Phoenix, IM46 and Spidey at 11 covers. It usually takes me 1-2 hops to get to 1200, and that's with plenty of Line coordination.

    It's sad that reaching the top level of the game means so many more headaches. This game punishes progress harder than any other game I've ever played. So stay in 4* world and be happier doing it.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    For all of you with mostly-covered 5*s and you're wondering if you should dip your toe into the 5* world, I have some advice...


    Just don't. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to champ 5*s right now. Do you want your PvE scaling to go through the roof? Then by all means, go ahead and champ those 2 5*s. Want to be stuck using the same 2 characters in every single fight until the end of time? Welcome to 5*-vile. Want to see the same group of 10 or so people in PvP forever? Champ that Black Widow then.

    You can reach max progression in PvE with a 4* roster quite easily, and probably quicker than 5* teams can. Can you get to 1200 in PvP with just champed 4*s? Honest question, I have no idea. But if you can, then why on earth would you mess that up by leveling up some 5*s? I have a champed Surfer and OML, with Phoenix, IM46 and Spidey at 11 covers. It usually takes me 1-2 hops to get to 1200, and that's with plenty of Line coordination.

    It's sad that reaching the top level of the game means so many more headaches. This game punishes progress harder than any other game I've ever played. So stay in 4* world and be happier doing it.

    It's a compelling argument. I mostly want a stable of 5*s at 360-390 or so. Those would pair nicely with my 4* roster.

    As for pvp, you CAN reach 1.2k with just 4*s, but it's not at all fun for me. If you have a good boosted team you can climb to 900 or 950 pretty reliably. But in my experience, once you start hopping its 1-2 match hops. All the way up to 1.2k and 2 match hops are pretty risky (even steaks just take too long).

    (Note that.i have 20ish 4* champs ranging from 271-295. Perhaps those with 30+ at level 300+ have an easier time. . .)
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    This is exactly why I only open classics, and take whatever 5*'s I get. Sure the odds of getting a particular character/cover are small, but I don't see the fun in hoarding for a year just so that one day I will be able to champ a team of exactly 3 5*'s that I will then be stuck using exclusively forever.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    crackninja wrote:
    This is exactly why I only open classics, and take whatever 5*'s I get. Sure the odds of getting a particular character/cover are small, but I don't see the fun in hoarding for a year just so that one day I will be able to champ a team of exactly 3 5*'s that I will then be stuck using exclusively forever.

    You dont have to champ them if you dont want to. At least you will have 3x max covered 5* instead of all under covered 5*s.