MARVEL HEROS Alliance Chat Room ( FULL )

Welcome to the Marvel Heros team chat room!

Hey guys.... After putting season 1 behind us (top 100) and starting 2 with a bang! And a melt down ( sry Amorgus I had to) the team is goin though some restructuring and new member are joining. We are seemingly getting stronger still! The new members seem to be bringing their own strengths to the like to thank everyone for their contributions to the team thus far. We are still a group of non free riders but what makes a FR? How many points do you count? I was looking at the current events lists and checking scores which I normally do, I was thinking and I know this has been brought up in the past do we go on an average? Do we kick the " bottom of the totem pole" ??? Do we want this??? I've been getting many pm with people how want in! What do i do if someone seems to be slacking or lacks the requirments of the alliance?I know we are not a hardcore team nor do I want to be one. I like real life! This is a game a addictive game but a game non the less. I get we have priorities and that's fine! That's why we notify on this forum when we are gonna be off for some time. Speaking of ,I'm giving a heads up the first 2 weeks of July I will be on vacation I know it's a bit away but I'm just preparing you guys. I'm not saying I won't be playing at all but my scores won't be great! During my hiatus I was think maybe I could put someone in charge or just let you guys manage like to hear back from you guys .more on this forum then the in game ,you can say more without cut others text off,I'd like to see D3 fix that but until then it's nice to see members post here! It can be on any matter really. Tips are really good because you can go more into detail. Character combos,event tips even teaching people on the team who might not know how to tank or rubberband anything really. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!! I'm sure some of you older members might get that reference lol idk.any ways I hope we continue to make our goals of placing at least in top 100 in events and we have been doing very well in that department but most importantly continue to have fun playing MPQ
I'm also happy to see that when real life stuff comes between our ability to play everyone's been good with saying something (I'm sure we all appreciate it) Some of our members might not get as many points as the next but to be honest some members are better equipped and play more! Not making excuses. Anyways back to informing the alliance of hiatus, I feel it's much better for members to post on the forum due to the fact that the in-game chat cuts the teams chat after 50 msgs or so. Plus there's always the chance of forgetting! I should say thx to all of you as well without you guys and girls the alliance wouldn't be as powerful as it is! I've watched it grow from 4 to 20 and seeing how we all have grown from helping each other earn rewards kinda makes me proud of what we came from a team who's leader bailed, I'm happy I started posting on the forum and recruited some of you and really got the ball rolling. Again thx guys!

We are starting a sister alliance! Marvel Heros 2 the team will be made shortly! 20/20 start!!
The team will play at a more casual level. Members who do not reach the required points per PVP event (2691) will be cycled into team 2 and one of those members who get to see daylight from team 2 will be welcomed into our untanned alliance! Besides after he or she plays on our hardcore squad they will become just as pale as the rest of us! On the plus side team 2 gets alcohol and hookers! They get to be cool and have a life yeah but hey at least we hit top 3 every event!

Hope you enjoyed! Got bored since the "fix" was happening.
Ps guys keep up the great work seriously!
Thx to Ape we now have a proper team sig.copy this and put it as your team sig if you'd like. ... 2284_n.jpg

Play every day and contribute to the team.
Members will have to pull their own weight!! No free rides to rewards sry
If a member continues to contribute low scores.(it will be noted)I'll have no choice but to
Kick them!!!
*********If your gonna be on hiatus then you need to NOTIFY US!!*********
Be respectful to each member!
And most importantly have fun playing MPQ!!
Hey guys I thought a record of events might be a good idea,tell me if anything is incorrect and if you know any more details I'll add them. I will try and stay on top of things and keep it accurate.

THE HUNT ( overall ). - ( APR 18 to 27 ) Top 100
THE SIMULATOR - ( APR 29 to MAY 06 ) Top 40
OSCORP: HEROIC - ( MAY 08 to MAY14 ) Top 80
PRODIGAL SUN ( overall ) - ( MAY 19 to MAY 28 ) Top 110
PS: ISO-8 LAB ASSAULT CHINA - ( MAY 20 to MAY 21 ) Top 50
PS: SHIELD BASE: LOS ANGELES - ( MAY 21 to MAY 23 ) Top 100
PS: SHIELD BASE: WAKANDA - ( MAY 21 to MAY 23 ) Top 100
PS: SHIELD BASE: WASHINGTON D.C. - ( MAY 23 to MAY 27 ) Top 70
THE SIMULATOR - ( MAY 29 to JUN 04 )
SEASON 1 - ( APR 23 to MAY 21 ) Top 60
WIDOWS KISS - ( APR 23 to APR 25 ) Top 100
DOCTOR'S ORDERS - ( APR 25 to APR 27) Top 150
TOP GUN - ( APR 28 to APR 30 ) Top 40
ARMY OF ONE - ( APR 30 to MAY 02 ) Top 30
GOD OF LIES - ( MAY 02 to MAY 04 ) Top 25
DOCTOR'S ORDERS - ( MAY 05 to MAY 07 ) Top 50
TOP GUN - ( MAY 07 to MAY 09 ) Top 60
KRAKADOOM - ( MAY 09 to MAY 11 ) Top 100
GOD OF LIES - ( MAY 12 to MAY 14 ) Top 90
HEAVY METAL - ( MAY 14 to MAY 16 ) Top 100
FATAL ATTRACTION - ( MAY 16 to MAY 18 ) Top 100
KRAKADOOM - ( MAY 18 to MAY 21 ) Top 100
SEASON 2 - ( MAY 21 to JUNE 15 )
FRESH CUT - ( MAY 21 to MAY 23 ) Top 65
HEAVY METAL - ( MAY 23 to MAY 25 ) Top 120
FATAL ATTRACTION - ( MAY 26 to MAY 28 ) Top 55
FRESH CUT - ( MAY 28 to MAY 30 )
Hello guys.
I am Eduard, the last member of the aliance
If someone wants to add me on Facbook for reward sharing, my name is
Eduard El-Mestre Lopez Plans.
I am curently trying to get as many 3* covers as possible, I try to score on all events, event the current one with the new cptn whom I personally don't like much.
I hope next week we have another cool pve with rewards and missions every 2 days XD
So, does everyone here know how to tank properly, on the prologue?0 -
0 -
Hey guys ...
Our members are ( 18/20 ) :
▶ Millrus / Ontario (east) - Canada
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ newtron14 / Jakarta - Indonesia
FB :
▶ Suzumebachi / Sydney - Australia
FB :
▶ theboss / Amsterdam - Netherlands
FB :
▶ Atrophy Annie / Chicago, Illinois - USA
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ Friseal / King's Lynn, Norfolk - UK
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ Geekgirl / King's Lynn, Norfolk - UK
FB : ... f=bookmark
▶ Loffma3 / Nova Scotia - Canada
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ Jonaksbill / (Philippines) lives in Calgary - Canada
FB :
▶ Discernment / Singapore
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ Sabz / (Southwick, Massachusetts - USA) lives in Columbus, Ohio - USA
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ shunt / Plymouth - UK
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ Doc Strange / ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
FB : ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
▶ Saints2Death / (Louisiana - USA) lives in Monetery Bay area, California - USA
FB : ... b&refid=17
▶ Zonatahunt / San Francisco Bay Area, California - USA
▶ thanatoss / Moscow - Russia
FB : using STEAM and apparently there's no sharing rewards options
▶ Dolphinmoo / California - USA
FB : ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
▶ Myumz / California - USA
FB : ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Attention for all members ... Please checking in ...
so at least we know that you have some commitment to this alliance ...
and don't worry about using your personal Facebook account because we won't Interfere your privacy ....
your Facebook account ONLY for sharing rewards ...
as you know our alliance are growing bigger so we have a dream to be on the top 10 alliance ranks ...
so we need help as much as we could ... and by sharing rewards between members are one of them ...
so for those who haven't share your Facebook account please inform us ...
and we can help each other ... after all we are one big family .... right .....
PS : for those who still worries about using personal account there is a way to change it with your secondary account without losing your game progress ...
check out this link ... viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8260 -
News and announcements
Hi all, checking in. I also need to change my Facebook account. As soon as it goes through, I will give everyone the link. I'm currently in 8th place in the unstable iso8 event. I think the alliance is at 129. We need to push for under rank 100.0
Oh, yes, we should always push for top 100
BTW where are you guys from? I usually play like 3 matches in the morning, between 3 to 6 during the day and a lot at night, but at my night, I am fron Barcelona (Living on Poland now, same Timezone )
Ed0 -
Hey guys I think we just got lucky! There's a upcoming patch R50 check it out, it's everything we want!!
In game alliance chat
Alliance tracking
Awards for top three members of event
I'm excited0 -
We should think about getting some more slots.
I may get one if the aliance is working out
We could also agree that when we have earned enough hero points on the aliance ranking, we could spend them on slots or something of the sort.
Well, anyway, I don't mind getting a new slot if we manage to hit the cap of 20 right?
Ed0 -
Actually, if the top 3 players get rewards it may not be the best to increase the size... hmmm we'll have to think about it XD
Ed0 -
millrus wrote:Thx Newtron
Now that you mention it,do you know if you can change the Facebook account attached to MPQ I could make a game account!
hey guys ...
I think i found the solutions for this problem ....
check out this link : viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8260 -
Hey guys I'll have my new Facebook account on in the morning!
Mike Millrus add me0 -
Facebook account up and running ( very easy to switch) thx for the link Newtron
Now to get you guys some rewards!
Plus anyone got any tips on for the ISO 8 heist with like 230 Daken,Bullseye and Thug?0 -
millrus wrote:Facebook account up and running ( very easy to switch) thx for the link Newtron
Now to get you guys some rewards!
Plus anyone got any tips on for the ISO 8 heist with like 230 Daken,Bullseye and Thug?
Every day go to the simulator on the prologue, get any fight, get your worst team, fight and retreat untill your whole team is dead, if you can do it with 2 teams even better.
This lowers your hiden matchmaking rank and will make upcoming events easier by matching you against players with lower levels, lower level enemies.
Everyone shoudl do this once per day
Ed0 -
millrus wrote:Facebook account up and running ( very easy to switch) thx for the link Newtron
Now to get you guys some rewards!
Plus anyone got any tips on for the ISO 8 heist with like 230 Daken,Bullseye and Thug?
A part from that, the easiest would be to use spiderman with lvl5 blue power and tie them up forever
Otherwise... well, I would try to defeat bullseye first cause pof the defensive tiles, then the thug and I'd leave Daeken for when you have enough special attacks to kill all his life0 -
millrus wrote:Facebook account up and running ( very easy to switch) thx for the link Newtron
Now to get you guys some rewards!
Plus anyone got any tips on for the ISO 8 heist with like 230 Daken,Bullseye and Thug?
i have a thought ... what if save data that we have save on Facebook can be duplicate to other people & other device ... i think it can be done ...
for example if you have friends that want to play but don't want to play from beginning so after your friends install MPQ on their own device than use your Facebook account, just to restore your data after that your friends can change it with their own account ... it will save time and money for your friends and can keep up with your progress ...
but if that really works i think the dev will loss some profits ...
maybe you can try it my theory ...
but I'm not suggesting it .... because playing from beginning, upgrade your roster and achieve the rewards by your own effort is the goal of playing the game ...
i want to try it myself just to prove my theory but all of my friends don't want to play this game ... because they don't want to play a game that they have to spend money on it ... just want free to play games
as for deathly level on ISO 8 I think you should use 3* roster especially hulk & patch who's got power up and don't forget to use boost, with your current roster i think you can defeat it ...
as for me i didn't play on the deathly level, my current roster didn't support it ...If i try just end up dead ...
0 -
Hay guys
I've tried once and got smoked using Mags,Caps and Thor with boosts!
My Spider-Man is grab and Hulk creates green so no good for Daken!
Maybe I'll try that lowering their levels thing but I'm not sure if will work
And as far as the FB thing I'm thinking a banned will happen if you try it. I think it's a bad idea!0 -
That losing thing does nothing!0
Eduardet wrote:Oh, yes, we should always push for top 100
BTW where are you guys from? I usually play like 3 matches in the morning, between 3 to 6 during the day and a lot at night, but at my night, I am fron Barcelona (Living on Poland now, same Timezone )
I'm from Indonesia ( GMT + 7 ) ...
i play more than 3 hours a day ...
how about you guys ...
as for tanking I'm agree with millrus, I've tried but so far doesn't make much difference ... just wasting heal pack ...
as for me ... i just challenge everyone .... but I skip if I'm confront with 3* level 80 up ...
and as adding slots I think we should wait for other members to join in this thread ... because if they still unreachable than it only wasting our HP to add the slots ...
because we don't know if they play this game or not ... and base on their rosters ( besides the forth of us ) most of them at least has one 3* with level over 100 ( even i don't have it) so I think our alliance should have been on top 100 ...
i hope that in game alliance chat can be apply soon so we can get connected with them ...
This is what I thought ... what about you guys ???0 -
Hey guys
Names Mike I'm from ontairio canada EST, I work nights so I'm on mostly then and the morning for a few hrs.
I play about 4-5 hrs a day, more on weekends. I'm on day 154 but I was playing before daily rewards
Absolutely addicted to this game!
I'm seeing your point on the buying a spot thing,I'm kinda regretting buying the 10 in the first place!!!
I'm noticing we are going down in rank idk If we are gonna get the Torch cover, this is ****!
Maybe all members should make a MPQ FB account for reward sharing, Ed I saw you have like 700 friends on yours! Think the likeliness of me or any member to get anything is slim. Just saying it'll take 5 mins and very simple process to change.
Annie and IShinz should do this as well seeing they use the forum and again it's very easy! The R50 update needs to come soon! We still need to figure the whole Commander thing,that's if anything can be done. I emailed the Dev but no reply yet0
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