What Was the First 3* Cover You Sold?

I just sold my first 3* cover--black Doom--because my Doom had 5 black already.

What was the first 3* cover you sold, and was it because:

1) you had maxed out that color on that character already; or

2) it was early in your roster development, and you ran out of space?

Edit: I have now sold my second 3* cover--also black Doom--on the same day I sold my first one. Damn you, Diabolic token!


  • I sold a Ragnarok green because I didn't have the roster space.

    It also looked as if I wouldn't have a use for him anytime soon at that point.

    Since then, I've built a Rags which is currently 5-2 and have sold another green because I'd maxed out, so I'm not exactly missing it.
  • I've sold a bunch of Green Hulk since apparently that's the only color that I can pull...
  • I sold a blue Hood very early on - I needed the space, and he actually gave my the last 25 HP I needed to expand a roster space. I was annoyed at one point I had done that because he was one of the last 3*s I didn't have for ages, and then stuck at 1 cover for ages. Now he's at 3/5/3, and I think I may have sold another blue due to having it maxed.

    I think the first I sold due to having too many was either a Patch green or a Punisher Black - both prior to respec being implemented.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    Just sold my first one, a Green Hulk. I get the feeling it won't be the last Green Hulk I'll be selling.
  • I sold a purple spidey before re-specs came out and I didn't want to go above 3 purple.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Badlands wrote:
    Just sold my first one, a Green Hulk. I get the feeling it won't be the last Green Hulk I'll be selling.

    Green Hulk will also be the first 3* cover I sell, once I get back to the game.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I sold a Black Widow Gray Suit early on, because I was confused by the *4* version of Black Widow, and I didn't have the roster space. If it said Widow, I sold it.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I sold a CMags R to make room for my first PvP Top 10 reward covers: 2 DD's.

    I still regret this decision.
  • I pulled a ridiculous amount of Purple Loki/Black Doom in my first few months of playing from Diabolical tokens. So, it was probably one of those two.

    Oddly, I still haven't maxed those two characters yet. Still waiting on Black Loki/Blue Doom covers.
  • I actually had this happen for the first time recently, sold a Black Punisher, it was my 6th.

    Funny related story, when I started playing about 2.5 months ago, one of my first tokens (i think it was a heroic, but could have been a standard) netted me a blue C Mags. At the time I only had like 4-5 roster spots. A 1 blue C Mags is pretty weak, but since he was a 3 star i obviously gave him a roster spot. I used him quite a bit in the early prologue since he started at lvl 15 which was better than most of my team at the time. Well a week or two later, I built up a bunch of 1 star covers that were about to expire (ie.Juggs, Venom). I was debating between giving up my Bagman or Mags to make space. Bagman had more covers so I almost kept him. This was before I was on the forums. Thank god, I axed the bagman and kept mags.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 531 Critical Contributor
    Punisher Black

    Weird RNG paired with progression awards on the last PVE.
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    I pulled a ridiculous amount of Purple Loki/Black Doom in my first few months of playing from Diabolical tokens. So, it was probably one of those two.

    Oddly, I still haven't maxed those two characters yet. Still waiting on Black Loki/Blue Doom covers.

    Ditto. Wasn't a fan of the villains early on. Although I learned how overpowered Rags was but could never get any of his covers. Still don't have him fully covered.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I sold a Magneto and OBWs due to roster space back in November. This was before I was spending money on Hero Points (not that I spend much now), discovering the forums, and realizing I could have sold my unleveled Venom and Juggernaut for space.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I sold a (color unsure) Rags when I was only a week or two into the game due to roster space. I had a bunch of new guys in the queue and I knew I wouldn't use him soon plus the extra HP was useful to open up another roster spot. Don't really regret it since I still don't really have the roster space, although he's one of the only 3*s I don't have.
  • I sold a very early Loki because I didn't have roster slots available.
  • GigerHR
    GigerHR Posts: 54 Match Maker
    The first one I sold was a yellow Hood, due to lack of roster space... which my 4/4/5 Hood regrets me doing. It's also the only 3* I've sold since then for reasons other than having 5 of a cover/being cover maxed - definitely learned my lesson!
  • Black Punisher because I'd maxed it (since the respec became available I've then unmaxed black as I'm trying to max green). Followed closely by not 1 but 2 black Lokis because I'd maxed it (the first of those before I'd even pulled a single purple Loki) and after today's Fearless Defenders awards a green Hulk because I've maxed that. I think that's it so far.
  • farlus
    farlus Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Before I knew what the heck I was doing, I believe I sold off a Hood cover very early on.

    Now knowing a little better, the first 3* cover I've sold intentionally was a green Hulk (been 5/0/1 for ages...)
  • purple GSBW because the game doesnt want to give me red or green icon_e_sad.gif
  • My dumb **** accidentally sold the blue Cap (Lazerdisc) that I got as an alliance reward from the last tournament.

    I may have sold a Hulk in the last Hulk event... can't remember. The lazerdisc is the one I'm going to remember for all time though.