Fun Combined Arms teams

Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
I'm loving this event. Anyone can beat anyone for sure, and there is a counter to every team. OBW being bugged is ridiculously OP, so that stunts the utility of some teams, but what is everyone having fun running?

My fave so far has been Medusa/Fist/Bullseye. 2700+ in guaranteed attack tiles plus healing all over the place. More defensive wins with this team than the others but I suspect it's newer players seeing 30k health on Medusa and salivating, not knowing what she does. I hunt for Carnage/Nova/4pun teams.

One interesting team I fought was C4ge/Strang3/Bullseye. Gotta be careful using those powers.

Ultimately though, it seems stunners rule this event. Pretty quick to climb with OBW/IM40/Ice or Peggy. Ice can stun the opposing 4* pretty quickly and once IM40 recharges with either of them, the match is over.

I'm sure there are other combos that are fun/interesting/good counters?


  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Broken OBW/IM40/Peggy FTW
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Hendross wrote:
    Broken OBW/IM40/Peggy FTW
    IM40 broken too though - that 3rd yellow match (or 2 purple + 1 opponent yellow) makes him not nearly as OP as he usually would be this event.

    I'm with smokey, I like Medusa with MoStorm and OBW. People focus on OBW and if MoStorm gets black off it's pretty much and endless slog of constant healing to full health from there.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Hendross wrote:
    Broken OBW/IM40/Peggy FTW
    IM40 broken too though - that 3rd yellow match (or 2 purple + 1 opponent yellow) makes him not nearly as OP as he usually would be this event.

    I'm with smokey, I like Medusa with MoStorm and OBW. People focus on OBW and if MoStorm gets black off it's pretty much and endless slog of constant healing to full health from there.

    Honestly OBW is so over-powered atm I find her purple fueling IM40, but if IM40 wasn't broke in the wrong direction it'd be perfect.
  • johnnyzero
    johnnyzero Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Part of the fun of Combined Arms for me is making people say "wait,...that team beat mine?!" when they look at their retal nodes. Sure, I might get some wipe-outs, but with (almost) the entire roster available, wipes don't hurt that bad!

    Mr. Fantastic/Human Torch/ Bag-Man. is a personal favorite. Lot's of Switches running around out there,...bag-man's yellow comes in mighty handy keeping her countdown from going off. Use a Thing/IW team-up to complete the theme!

    Miles Morales/ 3*Spider-man play great together. I put Miles at 553 to generate blue for Pete...lots of webtile shennanigans!

    Another fun one I've used is Drax/Sentry. A champed Drax black after Sentry fires his green does about 30k damage. Yeesh!
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Patch/Storm/Medusa (level 270 today!) Destroys people.
    Hood/Carter/OBW is my D team
    4 Marvel/Magneto/Switch
  • JFisch
    JFisch Posts: 116 Tile Toppler

    SWitch makes purple for MNMag to make blue for Peggy to boss people around.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    edited January 2017
    Sadly, I just re-cycled my OBW, so she's only at 10 covers. And with IM40 broken, my "regular" team is benched: Thoress, IM40, OBW

    So far, FistBuster has been rocking all for me.

    Against Peggy teams, HulkBuster is actually at an advantage as the increased cost guarantees a killing blow. Plus a single Overdrive causes over 4k damage per turn (2k from match damage, another 2k from Iron Fist's tile).

    Couple of defensive wins so far, but it's too early to tell. I suspect the best retaliation team would be stun-lock Hulkbuster and take out IF.

    Has anyone tried a Dr. Strange team?

    I also like matching the opponent's team... interesting to see the combinations. OS far the worst 2* I've faced is Hawkeye (lucky cascade, paired with ProfX was insta-gib for my guys)
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lawling my way through it with Red Hulk/Scarlet Witch/Hawkeye. Switch makes purple and triggers Speed Shot, Rulk smashes, Hawkeye picks off the stragglers.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Jarvind wrote:
    Lawling my way through it with Red Hulk/Scarlet Witch/Hawkeye. Switch makes purple and triggers Speed Shot, Rulk smashes, Hawkeye picks off the stragglers.

    Oh lordy... that's diabolical!

    Counter? Hmm, stun-lock SWitch, or 4* Jean for the passive... interesting.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    OBW - Switch - Peggy probably. Don't need IM40 to accelerate Peggy when you just steal everything the AI collects every few turns.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    alaeth wrote:
    I also like matching the opponent's team... interesting to see the combinations. OS far the worst 2* I've faced is Hawkeye (lucky cascade, paired with ProfX was insta-gib for my guys)
    Yep, been using PX, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye. QS is such an underrated character, incredible board control and overall tactics with his black. Which by the way, PX awards more black for each match-5 you make, so you can usually do it repeatedly while big-heading everyone and getting speedshots everywhere.
    I too like matching the opponents team often, usually during PvP climbing. Maybe it seems like you outsmarted the AI? Lame I know!
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Definitely OBW / Peggy for me, but I went for Cyclops instead of IM40. I didn't want OBW tanking so many colors and Cyclops yellow is a really good red battery. You don't need IM40 with broken OBW stealing everything.

    I'm surprised at the lack of Peggy teams. Is she just not covered enough for most?

    And for those playing Fistbuster, who's your third? Not many 2*s play nice with those 2.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Rick OShay wrote:
    alaeth wrote:
    I also like matching the opponent's team... interesting to see the combinations. OS far the worst 2* I've faced is Hawkeye (lucky cascade, paired with ProfX was insta-gib for my guys)
    Yep, been using PX, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye. QS is such an underrated character, incredible board control and overall tactics with his black. Which by the way, PX awards more black for each match-5 you make, so you can usually do it repeatedly while big-heading everyone and getting speedshots everywhere.
    I too like matching the opponents team often, usually during PvP climbing. Maybe it seems like you outsmarted the AI? Lame I know!

    Wouldn't PX generate blue as that teams' strongest color? If you have him underleveled to generate black, that would not be a very good defensive team. PX has very little health to begin with.
  • spiderpool
    spiderpool Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Been using fistbuster. Also 2* Thor is there to fire yellow occasionally and fuel iron fists green.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Orion wrote:
    Definitely OBW / Peggy for me, but I went for Cyclops instead of IM40. I didn't want OBW tanking so many colors and Cyclops yellow is a really good red battery. You don't need IM40 with broken OBW stealing everything.

    I'm surprised at the lack of Peggy teams. Is she just not covered enough for most?

    And for those playing Fistbuster, who's your third? Not many 2*s play nice with those 2.

  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Orion wrote:
    Definitely OBW / Peggy for me, but I went for Cyclops instead of IM40. I didn't want OBW tanking so many colors and Cyclops yellow is a really good red battery. You don't need IM40 with broken OBW stealing everything.

    I'm surprised at the lack of Peggy teams. Is she just not covered enough for most?

    And for those playing Fistbuster, who's your third? Not many 2*s play nice with those 2.
    OBW doesn't really replace IM40 as she can only steal what your opponent has collected. I still run OBW with IF/IMHB for that very reason - if enemy has useful AP I can steal with OBW, otherwise I generate black with IF.
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I'm surprised no one mention about mnMag's red at all. It is broken as well and now costs only 8 ap to generate up to 24 ap in random color. not as great as OBW but still a very powerful.
  • NoUpside
    NoUpside Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    I just ran 2CaptMarvel, KK and XPool. Really enjoyed the symmetry and firing off all of CM's cheap powers kept everyone healed up real nice.

    Tried Medusa, 3Storm and 2Mags, and it worked just great but I don't know how that team might play it out in defense.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Sm0keyJ0e wrote:
    Rick OShay wrote:
    Yep, been using PX, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye. QS is such an underrated character, incredible board control and overall tactics with his black. Which by the way, PX awards more black for each match-5 you make, so you can usually do it repeatedly while big-heading everyone and getting speedshots everywhere.

    Wouldn't PX generate blue as that teams' strongest color? If you have him underleveled to generate black, that would not be a very good defensive team. PX has very little health to begin with.
    Correct, underleveled just enough to ensure black is the bonus, and I agree this team is for climbing but not for defense.

    aa25 wrote:
    I'm surprised no one mention about mnMag's red at all. It is broken as well and now costs only 8 ap to generate up to 24 ap in random color. not as great as OBW but still a very powerful.
    And that's who I switched to when Hawkeye ran low on health. mnMags is just a bit of a deterrant for 4K damage for 8 red and the AP gain.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Running PunMAX/Black Panther/OBW (My PunMAX is 3/5/5). Strikes from Pun and BP and of course broken OBW. Did get crushed against a Peggy/Hood.OBW team though having Peggy cascade 12 Red on turn one made that academic from the start.