Whats your current ISO count?

supbullcoc Posts: 77 Match Maker
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Title is simple, whats your stash currently hold. feel free to add your HP and CP to the list

Im sitting at
632,449 ISO
19075 HP
130 CP (just spent 720 on a logan cover)

spend $0 on the game


  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just over 100k ISO
    Less than 500 HP
    Less than 10 CP

    Just champed star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_blackwidow.png from base though.
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Approx -400k ISO after selling maxed 2* and using ISO to champ 3*
    Another ~600k needed to champ fully covered 3* characters.

    300 HP
    22 CP

    Nowhere close to even usuable 4* chars.
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    ISO: 2,015,130
    HP: 2,140
    CP: 64
  • supbullcoc
    supbullcoc Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Kishida wrote:
    ISO: 2,015,130
    HP: 2,140
    CP: 64

    omg 2 mil thats awesome
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    0 Iso, 1,885 HP, 12 CP
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    ISO: 190,657
    HP: 3,875
    CP: 7

    I champion all 4*s as soon as they are ready, and I champ-farm 2*s. I'll level up good 5*s to 400+ and okay but poorly covered ones to 285. Since I'm always leveling someone up, I rarely have much ISO available.

    I try to keep my HP at 4,000 to 5,000 minimum. I'll often do daily vault token specials until I pull one of the 4*s or the LT, and I'll sometimes buy the 10-token daily special if it's a holiday vault with better prizes. I hope to save up to 10,000 HP by the time the next anniversary roles around.

    I open all classics and legendaries immediately. I know I should hoard, but I just can't. Maybe when my 5* game is better, I'll start hoarding. For me currently though, it's more like "be disappointed now, or be disappointed later."
  • supbullcoc
    supbullcoc Posts: 77 Match Maker
    mpqr7 wrote:
    ISO: 190,657
    HP: 3,875
    CP: 7

    I champion all 4*s as soon as they are ready, and I champ-farm 2*s. I'll level up good 5*s to 400+ and okay but poorly covered ones to 285. Since I'm always leveling someone up, I rarely have much ISO available.

    I try to keep my HP at 4,000 to 5,000 minimum. I'll often do daily vault token specials until I pull one of the 4*s or the LT, and I'll sometimes buy the 10-token daily special if it's a holiday vault with better prizes. I hope to save up to 10,000 HP by the time the next anniversary roles around.

    I open all classics and legendaries immediately. I know I should hoard, but I just can't. Maybe when my 5* game is better, I'll start hoarding. For me currently though, it's more like "be disappointed now, or be disappointed later."

    not a bad strategy. im currently hoarding monthly with my brother (have friendly competition) i have 16 champed 4* and have 3 that i have not yet. I typically dont spend iso until im ready to champ or when i finally pull a spare cover of them
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2016
    424 ISO (leveling up Colossus)
    3485 HP
    13 CP
    Still a fairly new player (less than six months) spent a lot early on, but not as much as one might think
    Currently in 3 Land, 24 3 Star Champs 5 3's not at Max Covers (Doom, Dock Ock, Punisher, Thanos and Strange
    2 4's at 13 Covers (Eddie Brock and Devil Dino), Cyclops at 12, Hulkbuster and Nova at 11
    Highest leveled 4 is X-23 (5/4/1, level 213)
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    275K ISO
    775 HP
    6 CP

    All of my characters are level maxed, except for all of my 5* characters, Cho, Fury, Elektra, and 4* Venom.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    560 489 ISO
    1 895 HP
    7 CP
    I recently returned from a two-month pause, so right now HP to get roster spots for the new characters is my main priority. I should be able to roster the Bl4de and Medusa covers I have in queue with my current HP stash (more or less), then I have a week to get the HP for Thano5.
    I have also championed all my fourstars with a double-digit number of covers, so I have no immediate need for ISO. When I get Another fully covered fivestar (Silver Surfer and Spider-man are the most likely ones at 11 and 10 covers respectively), I'll have enough ISO to get them to level 450 immediately. I suppose I'll just stockpile the ISO until then...
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Currently at 25k iso
    2220 hp
    3 cp
    Just champed Pun Max bringing me to 11 4* champs. I have 6 other 4*s with 13 covers, 3 with 12 covers. I have 10 days to get 270k iso to champ miles, electra, or antman.
    Have all 5*s except Thanos, 1 with 8 covers, the rest all under 5 covers
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Iso: 1,579,991
    HP: 425
    CP: 16

    My 3*'s are all champed or maxed out for the covers they have. My two 13 cover 4*'s are champed (Dino & Fury), with five in the 9-11 cover range at Lv 180 and the rest generally at their max level below that. I have all the 5*'s, except Strange, between 1-3 covers, but I haven't leveled them past 255, yet.

    The plan is to keep champing my 4*'s as I get them, but at the rate I get 4* covers, I expect that my iso won't dip below 1M in the foreseeable future. I'm nowhere near a Top 100 PVE player, much less one who can get 4*'s from placement, so with PVP MMR an unspeakable nightmare I'm on the slow-but-steady PVE progression-based route to 4* land.
  • KingDon
    KingDon Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    iso8.png = 1,632,157 (it was up around the 2 mil mark, but HB, XFW and Elektra have all been champed in the last couple of weeks, and this will take another hit as I have 4 Prof X covers expiring in 8 days and just gotten the 13th cover for XFDP and Fury)
    imcoin.png = 6305 (although I have 4 new chars to roster so that is more like 2305)
    commandpoints.png = 37
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kishida wrote:
    ISO: 2,015,130
    HP: 2,140
    CP: 64

    I'd spend some of that ISO-8 soon - I've been sandboxed twice, and both times it was for having more than two million ISO. Support told me it was an automatic flag by their system to catch cheaters. Granted, this was over a year ago, so the policy may have changed, but acting on advice from a red name I've kept my ISO-8 at 1.9 mil or less to be on the safe side.
  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    67000 iso8.png
    6385 imcoin.png
    526 commandpoints.png

    I'm hoarding command points until i finish championing everything I have that is champion-able, then i'll decide what to spend them on (latest or classics or maybe a new 5* special token). Right now I'm working on championing Peggy, then I have four four-stars and five three-stars that are champion-able.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    15,347 ISO
    10,405 HP
    236 CP

    Another 25k ISO to get Punisher Max to 270 then need to champ him and apply three covers. Covers for Elektra and Spider Gwen ticking off in queue and probably will end up selling them all off, they are both at 13 covers and not champed but I need more ISO.

    No vault good enough to spend HP on right now.

    Can't open more tokens with my command points because I have covers ticking down for 13 cover characters that I don't have ISO to champ.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    20280 iso8.png -2265 imcoin.png -110 commandpoints.png

    But in the last week I've spent ~15k imcoin.png on the naughty or nice vault, and champed GR/Cho for 365k iso8.png each
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I currently keep a minimum of 200K ISO on hand at all times. Plus, I can easily see how much ISO it takes to champ someone without the dumb buy option in the way. If you're interested, here's my totals:

    214K ISO
    1570 HP
    790 CP
    25 LT

    I'm hoarding for a massive LL pull in the distant future.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    1.5M ISO
    6K HP
    4 CP

    Only starting the 4 star transition (I still don't have a fully covered one), so opening classic legends as soon as I get the CP. I'll worrk about the 5 stars once I actually start getting the 4 stars covered (That being said, I do have an 8 cover Jean, a 5 cover Surfer, and a 4 cover OML (1/2/1, so usable on easier nodes)).
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    Currently iso8.png 780 imcoin.png 800 commandpoints.png 7

    13 4* champs, 2 more I'm working on now. I have been regularly champing 4s for a while now, so my ISO is rarely above 1000. I suppose I didn't have to champ those 4s, and if I hadn't, I'd be sitting on another iso8.png 5,000,000.

    HP I have been spending on vaults lately, but with no new character coming up, and literally every character in 3*, 4*, and 5* tiers rostered, I don't really need any new roster slots just yet.

    The only time I have more than 20 CP is when a new 5* is coming, or when I'm saving up for 120cp to add a 13th cover to a 4*. I don't see the point of hoarding any kind of tokens or CP when I already have all the characters rostered. The only reason for me to hoard is for the next 5* release.