"Would you play Boss Rush again, IF......."



  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    Part of me kinda wants to play it with the same difficulty just to see if I can beat it. Feel like all I missed were some Deadpool whales points so I've been hoarding them for that fateful day when they re-run the event.
    Whales doesnt help when you get wiped on wave 1, turn 1
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    fmftint wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:
    Part of me kinda wants to play it with the same difficulty just to see if I can beat it. Feel like all I missed were some Deadpool whales points so I've been hoarding them for that fateful day when they re-run the event.
    Whales doesnt help when you get wiped on wave 1, turn 1

    Not gonna discuss strategy details here. Suffice to say, it's possible. PM me if you want to discuss it.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Admittedly I don't have 5* scaling, but with some strategy and the boosted characters on the first run, I made it through everything. I'm not sure of whether I could repeat it with a different set of boosted characters.

    But Phoenix was terrible, and needs to be retuned.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    In seriousness, yes.
    What the event needed to be was a single player Boss Rush, much like how Gauntlet is a single player PvE.

    What it *didn't* need was personal scaling turned on. It needed the boss to level up depending on which round you were on. Perhaps tweak it a bit so the 2* players aren't excluded from round 3 onwards...maybe that's something clearance levels can help with?

    And I've said it many times before but it bares repeating...stop applying scaling to the minion nodes every 24 hours. I get that they need to get more difficult as time goes on, but that's what rounds are for!
    Round 1 - 0 scaling
    Round 2 - 10% personal scaling
    Round 3 - 20% personal scaling
    And so on. It's so frustrating seeing The levels take this massive leap just because 24 hours has passed.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nope. Throw in stopping the side node from insanely scaling too, and I'll consider it.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Would play Boss Rush again, if...

    ...they ran it. You will, too. Because:
    fmftint wrote:
    Let's be honest, most of us on the forums will play regardless

    Is exactly correct. Sad, but true. We complain endlessly about this, that, and the other thing, but we all keep coming back for more. Why would Boss Rush be any different?
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    I'll still play it but only cos i need the iso... (how sad)

    In addition to what the others here have said, i'd like to add

    1) being able to see the bosses we are going to fight against before we enter battle
    - each boss is different and unlike regular PVE/PVP nodes, we only have a fixed number of times we can hit the boss node before waiting for it to be refreshed.

    2) make the event more collaborative instead of competitive. Ditch the intra-alliance competition and have more global cooperation. In the past we used to have global scores in certain pve events to open up new nodes for more rewards. We play competitively in almost all pve and pvp events so have something cooperative.
  • ThatOneGuyjp189512
    ThatOneGuyjp189512 Posts: 543 Critical Contributor
    ᶰᵒ⋅⋅⋅⋅ᴺᴼ....no.....No....nO.....NO....and oh....NO....the way the bosses were ordered was stupid, we were beta testers cause none of the devs have high level rosters, so unless they knock it out of the park i will not be participating, though i might start my own alliance to get top rewards.
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Soooooooo....."Would you play Boss Rush again, IF.......the bosses were reworked, the rewards were increased, and the challenge was formidable yet DOABLE for the vast majority of players?"

    I voted yes but....

    IF the Bosses were reworked and tested properly at high levels

    IF the rewards were increased. They should be increased for this run just because of the last one.

    IF the challenge is formidable with my definition of formidable meaning I have 4-6 turns at highest scaling to gain control enough to win. If the Demiurge definition of formidable is more first turn losses well that would change my answer.

    Lots of IFs there and this next run of Boss Rush is where I am waiting to see if they really are listening and then following through with positive changes.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Of course I would play it again. Even as broken as it was I was able to get one peggy cover. They should keep the placement rewards between alliance members but keep the boss health cooperative. It incentivized not being in an alliance.

    For all boss events I want to get rid of the mission nodes and the 8 hour wait to fight the boss. I'd prefer it to work like normal pve nodes. Let us get 4 wins at full points then subsequent wins count less. That way losses don't hurt as much. And it lets you try different strategies.

    If boss events stay the way they are then I'd like to see the nodes reset when you beat a round. It all evens out eventually, but you get less points for getting in early and taking out the first round. You end up waiting 8 hours while late comers get more points in round 2.

    As for boss rush itself, some powers and scaling need to be changed, obviously. The phoenix passive that changed the board to red comes to mind. And there needs to be a passive added that drains ap from them. If you manage to take down the first boss the next one was waiting with 30 ap. That's another thing that should change overall, if you take down a full wave you should get the next turn.

    So I guess my issues aren't with boss rush itself that much.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Does Boss Rush feature Dark Avengers? No you say? Then yes, I'll play it.

    The only thing I really had an issue with was WTFPHX. The rest of the event was fine.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    If it was more about strategy, sure. The problem is it's almost never about strategy because they tune the bosses so high we're forced to use gimmicks that limits are roster composition to less than 10 characters. Until they can figure it a way to balance difficulty and strategy, I'm all set with boss rush.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought the difficulty of the last Boss Rush was a little bit too hard, but it wasn't way off the mark as some people on this forum have suggested. I was able to earn 2 out of 3 Peggy Covers using mostly 3* characters and a few 4*s. Of course, the only way that I could beat Boss Rush was with an infinite combo that could kill all bosses in 1 turn. Sometimes the winfinite didn't work because they died too quickly against the crazy strong bosses. The grind of the event was also difficult too. So, my suggestion for the next time around is to decrease the levels/scaling of the bosses and to increase the rewards. The rewards didn't seem to match the amount of effort it took to get them. I'm comparing this to regular PvE events.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Asked by whom?

    I'll play up until the point that it's obvious I can't win. That was round 4 for me, last time.

    I'd prefer if there were alliance rewards in the next run. I'm fuzzy on the details, but in the last one the "alliance" rewards were at the expense of your teammates. I think that might be a fun thing to do as a separate event, but it should be highlighted as such. And I don't think PvE is the appropriate venue for intra-alliance competition.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    bbigler wrote:
    I thought the difficulty of the last Boss Rush was a little bit too hard, but it wasn't way off the mark as some people on this forum have suggested. I was able to earn 2 out of 3 Peggy Covers using mostly 3* characters and a few 4*s. Of course, the only way that I could beat Boss Rush was with an infinite combo that could kill all bosses in 1 turn. Sometimes the winfinite didn't work because they died too quickly against the crazy strong bosses. The grind of the event was also difficult too. So, my suggestion for the next time around is to decrease the levels/scaling of the bosses and to increase the rewards. The rewards didn't seem to match the amount of effort it took to get them. I'm comparing this to regular PvE events.

    You had to get lucky and not allow the AI more than 1 turn on the first fight or risk a loss and your don't think that was really off the mark?
    I hit top progression and most of the final round was spent getting killed by round 2 of Phoenix. A "win" was getting enough TU with TU boosts to use whales and that usually took sacrificing two characters to pull off. That seems way off considering there was 2 other fights left.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    The wording left me uncertain how to answer. If the question is "Would you play Boss Rush again, IF.......Yes," then probably no, but for "Would you play Boss Rush again, IF.......No," I'd have to say maybe.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    You had to get lucky and not allow the AI more than 1 turn on the first fight or risk a loss and your don't think that was really off the mark?
    I hit top progression and most of the final round was spent getting killed by round 2 of Phoenix. A "win" was getting enough TU with TU boosts to use whales and that usually took sacrificing two characters to pull off. That seems way off considering there was 2 other fights left.

    Are you saying that you lost on the 2nd turn? I usually had about 5 turns to get things rolling with a winfinite before they fired off a power and downed a character. I used XFW, Magento, Loki with AP boosts. Next time I would try the traditional ProfX, GSBW and Switch.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler wrote:
    You had to get lucky and not allow the AI more than 1 turn on the first fight or risk a loss and your don't think that was really off the mark?
    I hit top progression and most of the final round was spent getting killed by round 2 of Phoenix. A "win" was getting enough TU with TU boosts to use whales and that usually took sacrificing two characters to pull off. That seems way off considering there was 2 other fights left.

    Are you saying that you lost on the 2nd turn? I usually had about 5 turns to get things rolling with a winfinite before they fired off a power and downed a character. I used XFW, Magento, Loki with AP boosts. Next time I would try the traditional ProfX, GSBW and Switch.
    1 of several turn 1 wipes...
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    bbigler wrote:
    You had to get lucky and not allow the AI more than 1 turn on the first fight or risk a loss and your don't think that was really off the mark?
    I hit top progression and most of the final round was spent getting killed by round 2 of Phoenix. A "win" was getting enough TU with TU boosts to use whales and that usually took sacrificing two characters to pull off. That seems way off considering there was 2 other fights left.

    Are you saying that you lost on the 2nd turn? I usually had about 5 turns to get things rolling with a winfinite before they fired off a power and downed a character. I used XFW, Magento, Loki with AP boosts. Next time I would try the traditional ProfX, GSBW and Switch.

    5* players had horrible scaling where match damage alone would have torn your "solutions" to shreds. Phoenix was one shotting teams when she got a match 5. So yah second turn is not surprising.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    thisone wrote:
    bbigler wrote:
    You had to get lucky and not allow the AI more than 1 turn on the first fight or risk a loss and your don't think that was really off the mark?
    I hit top progression and most of the final round was spent getting killed by round 2 of Phoenix. A "win" was getting enough TU with TU boosts to use whales and that usually took sacrificing two characters to pull off. That seems way off considering there was 2 other fights left.

    Are you saying that you lost on the 2nd turn? I usually had about 5 turns to get things rolling with a winfinite before they fired off a power and downed a character. I used XFW, Magento, Loki with AP boosts. Next time I would try the traditional ProfX, GSBW and Switch.

    5* players had horrible scaling where match damage alone would have torn your "solutions" to shreds. Phoenix was one shotting teams when she got a match 5. So yah second turn is not surprising.

    I understand that the 5* scaling was ridiculous, but that scaling was broken before the Boss Rush event, so don't blame Boss Rush for 5* scaling problems. Boss Rush probably revealed how bad 5* scaling is, though. "thisone" didn't mention 5*s, so my solution may work for him or her.