Guess tomorrow's 4* vault



  • Demolira
    Demolira Posts: 78 Match Maker
    My 0/5/5 Kate is skeptical about this blue cover business. I've had to toss a couple of her covers so far.

    My bet is that we'll get nothing until the Medusa one they mention in the reveal article.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    The interview about Medusa says that there will be a Medusa vault 12/4 through 12/9 so I'm thinking there won't be a 4* vault tomorrow. Of course they could run multiple overlapping vaults but I have a feeling that they won't.
  • TarjanVK
    TarjanVK Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    HaywireII wrote:
    The interview about Medusa says that there will be a Medusa vault 12/4 through 12/9 so I'm thinking there won't be a 4* vault tomorrow. Of course they could run multiple overlapping vaults but I have a feeling that they won't.

    They did for Agent Venom, so they'll probably do it for Medusa... The 'Medusa Vault' will be the Venom Bomb vault, which runs right after HoD, her release event.

    I'm with everyone else hoping for a non-bottom tier character for this next vault (Moon Knight black cover, plzkthxbye), but I'm being cautiously pessimistic, and will say it'll probably be Elektra or Mr. Fantastic.

    And I, too, seem to have been stealing all the Kate blue covers from RNG with my 4/5/2.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I feel like no players who can afford 3000 iso for 1 4 star cover, need 1 4 star cover.
    This drum keeps on being beaten, but it's not correct. You have to have extraordinarily bad luck to wind up paying 3000 HP for the 4* out of these vaults.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I feel like no players who can afford 3000 iso for 1 4 star cover, need 1 4 star cover.
    This drum keeps on being beaten, but it's not correct. You have to have extraordinarily bad luck to wind up paying 3000 HP for the 4* out of these vaults.

    I paid 3000 HP for the Deadpool Vault!

    I still support these vaults though. I have seven 4* characters sitting at 12 covers and I can afford 3000HP to max cover one of them.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Malcrof wrote:
    If they go alphabetically it should be Jessica Jones?

    Jessica Drew?

    Clearly the wrong Jessica is in game. Everyone calls her Jones for some reason, heh.

    Im suspecting reverse alpha order by last name....

    Wade Wilson
    Sam Wilson
    Sue Storm

    ... Who would be next?

    Oh marc spector. Then ross?

    But..scott summers would have came first..nope.

    Tony stark. Gwen stacy. As well. Can't believe I forgot them.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    thisone wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    If they go alphabetically it should be Jessica Jones?

    Jessica Drew?

    Clearly the wrong Jessica is in game. Everyone calls her Jones for some reason, heh.

    Im suspecting reverse alpha order by last name....

    Wade Wilson
    Sam Wilson
    Sue Storm

    ... Who would be next?

    Oh marc spector. Then ross?

    But..scott summers would have came first..nope.

    Tony stark. Gwen stacy. As well. Can't believe I forgot them.

    Hey, thanks, man, just pulled a green MK from a heroic icon_lol.gif

    It was a fanciful thought ... Deadpool and IW aren't referred to by their 'real' names in MPQ.

    Maybe the vaults are just .... RNG .... heh.


    Shame it didn't pan out. I was down with that theory. Damn you cyclops!
  • Felessa
    Felessa Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Why many of you are guessing the color too? Unfortunately, it's looks like it will be the first cover every time, until maybe, all 4*s got their vaults, and then they re-start with their second covers and so on... kind of a DDQ thing?

    But, on the dreaming side, I would be grateful with yellowflag.png Thing icon_e_smile.gif
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    They must be using the "debug name" order.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    Flaptain.....Invisible woman.....Spiderwoman.... icon_e_wink.gif

    I suggest to start talking bad about other characters like Moonknight, Peggy Carter, Quake, etc.
    maybe this is the only way to get soon a Vault for those ones icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,311 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why everybody keep talking about IW as though she's still bad? Jeez, this is going to be another uphill battle to convince people that she doesn't suck any more, like it was with Star Lord. I swear to God, some (a lot) of people won't believe a character is good unless it has a 1 AP power that says "you win the game and steal that person's HP, ISO and CP totals".
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Why everybody keep talking about IW as though she's still bad? Jeez, this is going to be another uphill battle to convince people that she doesn't suck any more, like it was with Star Lord. I swear to God, some (a lot) of people won't believe a character is good unless it has a 1 AP power that says "you win the game and steal that person's HP, ISO and CP totals".

    People usually change their tunes once they start using a character. I think the difference with IW is she filled a niche role with the ability to place bubbles. Now she's more attack oriented but there's better green attacks and better strike tile generators.

    Back to the vaults, pulled SW in 3 pulls. Plenty happy with that.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hilariously funny when the 3 star cover is wanted more than the 4 star. Tried for Strange ended up pulling Drew after about 850 HP. 2-0-0 Drew now, ready to do some damage.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    bigsmooth wrote:
    HaywireII wrote:
    rbdragon wrote:
    I dunno but I'm hoping for Kate blue - my 0/5/4 Kate would like that very much that I'd actually participate in buying from it.....

    My 0/1/5 Kate is impressed by your 0/5/4 Kate. Random numbers go! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Amazingly, my Kate is also 0/1/5. Does the blue cover... really exist? icon_eek.gif

    My Kate is at 1/4/2, so I'm seeing a trend here. Blue is hard to get.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    bbigler wrote:
    bigsmooth wrote:
    HaywireII wrote:
    rbdragon wrote:
    I dunno but I'm hoping for Kate blue - my 0/5/4 Kate would like that very much that I'd actually participate in buying from it.....

    My 0/1/5 Kate is impressed by your 0/5/4 Kate. Random numbers go! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Amazingly, my Kate is also 0/1/5. Does the blue cover... really exist? icon_eek.gif

    My Kate is at 1/4/2, so I'm seeing a trend here. Blue is hard to get.
    My 0/1/4 Kate would like to join your support club. Without blue, she's futzing around.

    Back to topic... I don't plan on pulling from this vault to help out my 1/3/1 Spider-Woman; doesn't seem worth it. If I had a random Strang3 cover in there, I'd totally pull (but alas, I do not).
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Spider-woman vault is problematic for me because if I do it, then I would need to roster Spider-Woman for the first time - so it would cost me about 2500 HP total. But, I would probably get a GSBW cover as well, which would give me a champion reward of an IW cover. My IW has 13 covers at level 205, so she could be championed and I could get the LT Champion Reward, but it would cost 240K ISO over the next 2 weeks (before the cover expires). IW is better now, but this seems like a path I may not want to go down.

    But I suppose I could delay this considerably by waiting 6 days before clearing the vault, then wait 2 weeks before the GSBW cover expires, then wait 2 more weeks before the IW cover expires. That would buy me time. But by then, I may have more important 4*s to champion.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler wrote:
    bigsmooth wrote:
    Amazingly, my Kate is also 0/1/5. Does the blue cover... really exist? icon_eek.gif

    My Kate is at 1/4/2, so I'm seeing a trend here. Blue is hard to get.
    My 0/1/4 Kate would like to join your support club. Without blue, she's futzing around.

    Back to topic... I don't plan on pulling from this vault to help out my 1/3/1 Spider-Woman; doesn't seem worth it. If I had a random Strang3 cover in there, I'd totally pull (but alas, I do not).

    Weird, my Kate is 2/5/5 as well.

    I decided what the heck and tried to get the Spider Woman cover for my 2/2/2 Jessica. Got it on the 2nd try which is awesome because I still have plenty of HP left for Medusa and her vault.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    Hilariously funny when the 3 star cover is wanted more than the 4 star. Tried for Strange ended up pulling Drew after about 850 HP. 2-0-0 Drew now, ready to do some damage.

    The 3x 3*s in these vaults are RNG. Only fixed items are the 4* and the iso bombs. Lucky you having Strang3 in that vault!
    Hope you get em!

    Well lucky me, lol. Fter the simulator it'd probably just be easier to use CP to finish off strange nothing like a good token pull for that 5th yellow. Oddly enough, my only other token pull for him has been a standard token of all things.
  • TarjanVK
    TarjanVK Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    bbigler wrote:
    The Spider-woman vault is problematic for me because if I do it, then I would need to roster Spider-Woman for the first time - so it would cost me about 2500 HP total. But, I would probably get a GSBW cover as well, which would give me a champion reward of an IW cover. My IW has 13 covers at level 205, so she could be championed and I could get the LT Champion Reward, but it would cost 240K ISO over the next 2 weeks (before the cover expires). IW is better now, but this seems like a path I may not want to go down.

    But I suppose I could delay this considerably by waiting 6 days before clearing the vault, then wait 2 weeks before the GSBW cover expires, then wait 2 more weeks before the IW cover expires. That would buy me time. But by then, I may have more important 4*s to champion.

    GSBW gives Fury, Doom gives IW.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    TarjanVK wrote:
    bbigler wrote:
    The Spider-woman vault is problematic for me because if I do it, then I would need to roster Spider-Woman for the first time - so it would cost me about 2500 HP total. But, I would probably get a GSBW cover as well, which would give me a champion reward of an IW cover. My IW has 13 covers at level 205, so she could be championed and I could get the LT Champion Reward, but it would cost 240K ISO over the next 2 weeks (before the cover expires). IW is better now, but this seems like a path I may not want to go down.

    But I suppose I could delay this considerably by waiting 6 days before clearing the vault, then wait 2 weeks before the GSBW cover expires, then wait 2 more weeks before the IW cover expires. That would buy me time. But by then, I may have more important 4*s to champion.

    GSBW gives Fury, Doom gives IW.

    Oh that's right! I got them confused since Fury is one of my other 4*s with 13 covers, and I just max leveled him to 270. So, in that case I would only need to spend the Champion Fee of 12,500 to get the LT Champion Reward.