XStatiX Alliances Chit Chat (40/40)
Season XII
Army of One
XStatiX Finished 76th
Spectrum514 1237
TMurphyNYC 1201
Mohio 1114
Sapphire 1112
afroless 1081
mrcookie 1076
KGarfield121 1000
Comrade VS 863
Angjo 748
Loulou 707
Zodiac 645
iBama 636
RockabillyNerd 635
Charred 603
Mike9966 593
Booster 582
ChrisUnbroken 540
Hotfuzz 538
l3ubbaq 535
oobinsnaffa 438
Total Score 15884
Average Score 794
Kithgar 728
Wade Wilson 403
PuddleMonster 385
Buddy Kooks 379
zot 339
Stimpybee 325
Dinobot 311
gotskott 300
Cäcilia 214
Poppy 155
Stormi 25
Total Score 3564
Average Score 3240 -
Season XII
Mind Games
XStatiX finished 113th
TMurphyNYC 1197
afroless 1032
Sapphire 1002
Mohio 906
Spectrum514 873
KGarfield121 865
Angjo 722
Comrade VS 705
ChrisUnbroken 682
Hotfuzz 649
iBama 646
Zodiac 637
oobinsnaffa 619
Charred 573
RockabillyNerd 565
Wade Wilson 551
Mike9966 550
gotskott 432
Buddy Kooks 422
Total Score 13628
Average Score 7170 -
Season XII
XStatiX finished 70th
XStatiiX finished 686th
Spectrum514 1153
l3ubbaq 1152
ChrisUnbroken 1042
TMurphyNYC 1034
afroless 1021
Comrade VS 894
KGarfield121 795
Angjo 745
Loulou 731
Sapphire 689
Hotfuzz 654
Zodiac 641
iBama 638
Wade Wilson 585
RockabillyNerd 583
Mike9966 556
oobinsnaffa 508
Booster73 435
Buddy Kooks 409
Charred 179
Total Score 14444
Average Score 722
mrcookie 1042
Mohio 664
PuddleMonster 485
Poppy41 453
zot 417
gotskott 311
Cäcilia 306
Kithgar 306
Crackers 284
Stormi 97
Heathermarie 25
Stimpybee 25
TenormanTears 25
Yachiyo 25
TMurphyNYCii 24
Total Score 4489
Average Score 2990 -
Season XII
Fatal Attraction
XStatiX finished 88th
XStatiiX finished 612th
TMurphyNYC 1102
afroless 1029
Sapphire 1020
l3ubbaq 1018
Mohio 1003
Spectrum514 936
KGarfield121 886
mrcookie 862
ComradeVS 804
Angjo 731
Zodiac 669
iBama 616
RockabillyNerd 580
Hotfuzz 564
Booster73 543
Wade Wilson 495
oobinsnaffa 455
Loulou 442
Charred 344
ChrisUnbroken 312
Total Score 14411
Average Score 721
lennXman 469
PuddleMonster 444
Poppy41 441
Kithgar 423
zot 403
gotskott 362
Cäcilia 350
Mike9966 342
Buddy Kooks 323
Stormi 303
TenormanTears 302
Crackers 258
Stimpybee 249
Heathermarie 61
TMurphyNYCii 25
Yachiyo 24
Total Score 4779
Average Score 299
Race for Star-Lord
l3ubbaq 8542
mrcookie 7501
Booster73 6057
Hotfuzz 5328
Mike9966 5025
ChrisUnbroken 49940 -
Season XII
XStatiX finished 71st
XStatiiX finished 817th
Spectrum514 1066
afroless 1019
TMurphyNYC 949
Mohio 936
KGarfield121 885
Sapphire 863
Tannen (merc) 773
Storm737 (merc) 702
Angjo 667
Zodiac 638
Loulou 634
iBama 632
l3ubbaq 627
mrcookie 614
ChrisUnbroken 590
Booster73 526
GandalfWhite (merc) 525
RockabillyNerd 426
Charred 353
Total Score 13425
Average Score 707
Crackers 519
lennXman 464
gotskott 359
zot 302
Buddy Kooks 279
oobinsnaffa 274
PuddleMonster 268
Mike9966 263
Cäcilia 247
Kithgar 148
Stimpybee 143
Heathermarie 137
Poppy 25
Yachiyo 25
Total Score 3453
Average Score 2470 -
Season XII Final Results
Player - Score - Change from Season XI - SIM Score
TMurphyNYC 12929 (+406) (2175 SIM)
Spectrum514 12700 (+615) (2191 SIM)
Mohio 11502 (+40) (1938 SIM)
afroless 11361 (+3506) (1282 SIM)
KGarfield121 10890 (N/A) (2001 SIM)
Sapphire 9740 (+1110) (-448) (1110 SIM)
l3ubbaq 8781 (+1511) (SIM N/A)
Angjo 8548 (-488) (1531 SIM)
Tannen (merc) 8184
mrcookie 8115 (+3465) (SIM N/A)
GandalfWhite (merc) 8047
Zodiac 7627 (+617) (1356 SIM)
iBama 7576 (-489) (1259 SIM)
Storm737 (merc) 7415
Loulou 7061 (+2513) (1485 SIM)
ComradeVS 6708 (-2286) (0 SIM)
ChrisUnbroken 6588 (+354) (SIM N/A)
Booster73 6553 (+885) (SIM N/A)
RockabillyNerd 5676 (-971) (0 SIM)
Charred 5642 (-2585) (0 SIM)
Total Score 171643
Average Score 8582
Mike9966 5288 (+1249)
Buddy Kooks 4917 (+331)
oobinsnaffa 4780 (-245)
PuddleMonster 4221 (-423)
Kithgar 4163 (-3868)
zot 4038 (-2642)
lennXman 3997 (+1434)
gotskott 3990 (-27)
Stimpybee 3732 (-556)
Crackers 3725 (-330)
Cäcilia 2662 (+1231)
Poppy 2243 (-2486)
Dinobot 2169 (-5029)
TenormanTears 927 (-7655)
Stormi 607 (-1514)
Heathermarie 579 (-2431)
Yachiyo 99 (-22)
awood227 49 (-3990)
Total Score 52186
Average Score 28990 -
Balance of Power
XStatiX finished 48th
XStatiiX finished 1229th
Loulou 954
KGarfield121 800
TMurphyNYC 748
l3ubbaq 718
Mohio 706
Spectrum514 700
mrcookie 653
Zodiac 624
Sapphire 597
Mike9966 558
WaterRat 501
gotskott 478
oobinsnaffa 475
Buddy Kooks 470
Charred 321
Angjo 275
NYC10021 245
ChrisUnbroken 90
Dinobot 87
Total Score 10000
Average Score 526
afroless 516
zot 485
Crackers 363
Stormi 322
Wade Wilson 205
Poppy 174
PuddleMonster 172
Kithgar 131
Heathermarie 126
Booster 92
Yachiyo 25
Total Score 2611
Average Score 2370 -
Season XIII
Heavy Metal
XStatiX finished 81st
XStatiiX finished 809th
TMurphyNYC 1151
Spectrum514 1149
l3ubbaq 1020
KGarfield121 940
Mohio 930
Sapphire 871
WaterRat 862
afroless 782
Dinobot 669
iBama 637
Angjo 631
Mike9966 598
Zodiac 540
oobinsnaffa 479
lennXman 455
Buddy Kooks 452
gotskott 450
PuddleMonster 437
Charred 421
Total Score 13474
Average Score 674
zot 571
Kithgar 483
Crackers 418
Poppy 378
Stimpybee 378
Wade Wilson 321
ChrisUnbroken 311
Loulou 308
mrcookie 279
NYC10021 86
Heathermarie 68
TMurphyNYCii 25
Total Score 3626
Average Score 3020 -
I only recognize a handful of you guys from back when i used to play but I was one of the original 20 members and created the signature template y'all still use. My brother got me back into the game after a six month break and I'm sort of looking for an alliance that finishes below top 1000. I'm scoring ~550 in PvPs and top 50 or better in most PvEs. Please let me know if a spot ever opens up again.
It'd be nice to use my old sig again0 -
your brother is the devil.0
Season XIII
Teenage Riot
XStatiX finished 91st
ChrisUnbroken 1088
WaterRat 1066
TMurphyNYC 1059
l3ubbaq 1042
Spectrum514 985
Mohio 881
Dinobot 803
Geauxbotz 803
KGarfield121 746
Angjo 732
Sapphire 728
Zodiac 653
iBama 651
DaPuzzler 598
afroless 598
Mike9966 563
PuddleMonster 543
RockabillyNerd 421
gotskott 408
Buddy Kooks 406
Total Score 14774
Average Score 7390 -
Season XIII
Smash Hit
XStatiX finished 94th
WaterRat 967
Spectrum514 942
TMurphyNYC 902
Mohio 854
KGarfield121 755
Loulou 726
Geauxbotz 607
Sapphire 570
l3ubbaq 563
DaPuzzler 549
Angjo 521
iBama 516
Wade Wilson 72 512
oobinsnaffa 500
Buddy Kooks 434
Mike9966 368
PuddleMonster 343
RockabillyNerd 326
ChrisUnbroken 320
Dinobot 307
Total Score 11582
Average Score 5790 -
Season XIII
Blind Justice
XStatiX finished 91st
XStatiiX finished 876th
TMurphyNYC 928
Geauxbotz 845
Mohio 836
KGarfield121 804
afroless 803
Spectrum514 800
WaterRat 710
l3ubbaq 636
Loulou 630
Sapphire 607
Zodiac 591
mrcookie 564
iBama 469
DaPuzzler 463
oobinsnaffa 463
Wade Wilson 72 454
Dinobot 439
PuddleMonster 370
RockabillyNerd 355
Mike9966 259
Total Score 12026
Average Score 601
Angjo 445
Poppy 334
Booster 302
gotskott 270
Kithgar 242
MadMarty 236
Stimpybee 177
zot 161
Buddy Kooks 149
Crackers23 148
Heathermarie27 66
TMurphyNYCii 25
Total Score 2555
Average Score 2130 -
Prodigal Sun PvE
XStatiX finished 61st
TMurphyNYC 143804
Spectrum514 142497
KGarfield121 125682
noobprime 100001
Mohio 96642
l3ubbaq 74762
Zodiac 73669
Mike9966 70928
Crackers 67553
WaterRat 58564
Sapphire 56748
mrcookie 56563
oobinsnaffa 54655
DaPuzzler 46915
Angjo 43820
Geauxbotz 32535
PuddleMonster 30926
Buddy Kooks 30317
RockabillyNerd 27046
Dinobot 20163
Total Score 1353790
Average Score 676900 -
Season XIII
Hostile Takeover
XStatiX finished 78th
XStatiiX finished 1000th
TMurphyNYC 1140
l3ubbaq 1070
Spectrum514 1042
Mohio 1035
Geauxbotz 1016
KGarfield121 964
mrcookie 815
WaterRat 809
Sapphire 784
Angjo 725
DaPuzzler 649
Zodiac 603
iBama 595
Mike9966 559
RockabillyNerd 505
Booster73 495
Crackers23 470
Buddy Kooks 463
oobinsnaffa 462
Dinobot 204
Total Score 14405
Average Score 720
afroless 480
Cäcilia 478
MadMarty 458
Loulou 429
zot 376
Heathermarie27 300
PuddleMonster 261
Wade Wilson 111
NYC10021 98
lennXman 95
ChrisUnbroken 70
gotskott 25
TMurphyNYCii 24
Total Score 3205
Average Score 2470 -
Season XIII
Lord of Thunder
XStatiX finished 46th
XStatiiX finished 1085th
Geauxbotz 1146
l3ubbaq 1074
TMurphyNYC 1064
Spectrum514 1023
KGarfield121 1003
afroless 908
Mohio 878
Dhaden 836
WaterRat 727
Angjo 713
Sapphire 708
Zodiac 690
mrcookie 631
iBama 614
DaPuzzler 581
oobinsnaffa 537
Buddy Kooks 519
Mike9966 473
RockabillyNerd 464
Dinobot 437
Total Score 15026
Average Score 751
Crackers 382
Loulou 366
PuddleMonster 318
Booster73 307
MadMarty 299
Poppy 264
Kithgar 222
ChrisUnbroken 195
Stimpybee 192
zot 114
Wade Wilson 111
NYC10021 105
Heathermarie27 25
TMurphyNYCii 25
Total Score 2925
Average Score 2090 -
Season XIII
Lethal Intent
XStatiX finished 86th
XStatiiX finished 648th
TMurphyNYC 939
KGarfield121 933
Geauxbotz 828
Spectrum514 818
afroless 811
Angjo 737
Dhaden 709
Mohio 705
iBama 677
WaterRat 672
l3ubbaq 653
oobinsnaffa 637
Zodiac 633
Sapphire 595
DaPuzzler 582
Dinobot 580
mrcookie 571
Buddy Kooks 524
Mike9966 449
RockabillyNerd 415
Total Score 13468
Average Score 673
Wade Wilson 547
zot 463
Poppy 411
PuddleMonster 381
ChrisUnbroken 358
gotskott 301
Kithgar 295
MadMarty 262
lennXman 234
Stimpybee 231
NYC10021 220
Loulou 192
Crackers 143
Heathermarie27 53
Total Score 4091
Average Score 2920 -
Season XIII
Identity Theft
XStatiX finished 54th
l3ubbaq 1079
TMurphyNYC 1058
Spectrum514 1042
KGarfield121 1031
afroless 1027
Mohio 770
mrcookie 725
noobprime 692
Zodiac 661
Angjo 646
iBama 593
DaPuzzler 567
Geauzbotz 517
oobinsnaffa 507
RockabillyNerd 447
Mike9966 383
Sapphire 363
Dhaden 323
Dinobot 321
WaterRat 298
Total Score 13050
Average Score 653
Booster73 531
Kithgar 507
Buddy Kooks 439
Wade Wilson 302
PuddleMonster 231
lennXman 215
zot 194
Crackers 126
gotskott 114
Cäcilia 71
Total Score 2730
Average Score 2730
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