XStatiX Alliances Chit Chat (40/40)
Enemy of the State PvE
XStatiX finished 64th
mrcookie 171966
Booster 156756
Spectrum514 147701
Mau (merc) 144591
JerNat (merc) 137014
TMurphyNYC 131078
TheSchbio (merc) 130309
JeniusJames (merc) 127238
Mohio 126304
ComradeVS 122940
Buddy Kooks 118144
Zodiac 117586
Charred 117024
ChrisUnbroken 104070
Loulou 94775
Sapphire 93427
TenormanTears 87895
Mike 83534
iBama 81116
Dinobot 40352
Total Score 2333820
Average Score 116691
Angjo 95751
gotskott 89378
afroless 84789
l3ubbaq 71158
Heathermarie 65681
oobinsnaffa 63165
zot 55231
Stimpybee 55169
PuddleMonster 52624
Poppy 48710
Kodie 44368
Crackers 15887
lennXman 14517
Stormi 10106
Cat Woman 6112
Wade Wilson 5646
CeeEssGee 200
Total Score 778492
Average Score 457940 -
Season XI
Eye for an Eye
XStatiX finished 84th
XStatiiX finished 575th
TMurphyNYC 1131
Sapphire 1106
Spectrum514 1039
Mohio 1014
ComradeVS 899
Kodie 897
Angjo 750
Kithgar 749
Dinobot 745
Charred 730
ChrisUnbroken 679
RockabillyNerd 658
Wade Wilson 641
iBama 637
l3ubbaq 615
TenormanTears 563
Booster 511
Zodiac 497
oobinsnaffa 433
Mike 358
Total Score 14652
Average Score 733
afroless 668
zot 604
awood 574
Stimpybee 545
Poppy 491
PuddleMonster 391
CeeEssGee 302
Buddy Kooks 279
Crackers 258
Heathermarie 216
Hotfuzz 213
Loulou 185
gotskott 157
lennXman 81
Yachiyo 48
TMurphyNYCii 20
Total Score 5032
Average Score 315
Race for Star-Lord
l3ubbaq 6128
Wade Wilson 5039
zot 4669
oobinsnaffa 4649
Booster 4603
mrcookie (Justin) 41150 -
Greetings XStatiXicians!
Just a shout out from the past. I've been cold turkey for a couple of months now, and just picked it up a couple of days ago to see how things are. Daily quest? 3* reward? Multiple enemy round battles?
Man ... what took them so long!
Hope everyone is well and has maxed 4*!0 -
Season XI
God of Lies
XStatiX placed 75th
XStatiiX placed 714th
ComradeVS 1054
Spectrum514 1033
TMurphyNYC 1014
Mohio 914
Charred 909
Angjo 836
ChrisUnbroken 781
Sapphire 773
iBama 770
Kithgar 719
TenormanTears 716
Zodiac 621
RockabillyNerd 605
l3ubbaq 589
Hotfuzz 587
Mike 564
Dinobot 535
gotskott 510
Buddy Kooks 346
Wade Wilson 320
Total Score 14196
Average Score 710
afroless 667
Loulou 548
awood 547
Crackers 462
Poppy 421
PuddleMonster 388
zot 384
Stormi 258
Heathermarie 191
oobinsnaffa 147
Stimpybee 77
TMurphyNYCii 23
Total Score 4113
Average Score 343
Race for Star-Lord
l3ubbaq 6454
Wade Wilson 5435
zot 5362
Booster 5202
ChrisUnbroken 5189
oobinsnaffa 4644
mrcookie (Justin) 41150 -
Season XI
Unholy Outlaw
XStatiX finished 89th
XStatiiX finished 368th
Spectrum514 1015
TMurphyNYC 951
Sapphire 894
Wade Wilson 826
Mohio 792
Geauxbotz 754
ComradeVS 724
Angjo 685
iBama 674
Kithgar 669
afroless 583
ChrisUnbroken 562
TenormanTears 562
l3ubbaq 560
Charred 550
Zodiac 544
Booster 507
Dinobot 502
zot 401
RockabillyNerd 321
Total Score 13076
Average Score 654
Hotfuzz 589
mrcookie 535
Loulou 493
Heathermarie 454
PuddleMonster 390
Cäcilia 377
Crackers 327
Buddy Kooks 324
gotskott 315
Poppy 286
oobinsnaffa 273
Mike 261
lennXman 234
Stimpybee 184
Stormi 175
awood 77
Total Score 5294
Average Score 3310 -
Season XI Final Results
XStatiX finished 96th
XStatiiX finished 529th
Season XI/X differential in 1st parens.
Calculated Sim score in 2nd parens.
Geauxbotz 12688
TMurphyNYC 12523 (+3695) (2150 Sim)
Spectrum514 12085 (+2506) (2156 Sim)
Mohio 11462 (+601) (1417 Sim)
Sapphire 10188 (-114) (1684 Sim)
Angjo 9036 (+994) (1519 Sim)
ComradeVS 8994 (+1130) (1222 Sim)
TenormanTears 8582 (-374) (1148 Sim)
Charred 8227 (-175) (1053 Sim)
iBama 8065 (+530) (1462 Sim)
Kithgar 8031 (+160) (1323 Sim)
afroless 7856 (-378) (695 Sim)
l3ubbaq 7270 (+226) (1550 Sim)
Dinobot 7198 (-571) (562 Sim)
Zodiac 7010 (+205) (1355 Sim)
zot 6680 (+1611) (1534 Sim)
RockabillyNerd 6647 (+758) (719 Sim)
Wade Wilson 6465 (+315) (1192 Sim)
ChrisUnbroken 6234 (+423) (1015 Sim)
Booster 5668 (-402) (1585 Sim)
Total Score 170909
Average Score 8545
oobinsnaffa 5025 (+831) (915 Sim)
Poppy 4729 (+40) (925 Sim)
mrcookie 4650 (-1214) (859 Sim)
PuddleMonster 4644 (-344) (594 Sim)
Buddy Kooks 4586 (+1807) (1284 Sim)
Loulou 4548 (-1529) (524 Sim)
Stimpybee 4288 (-882) (unknown Sim)
Crackers 4055 (-360) (1035 Sim)
Mike 4039 (1272 Sim)
awood 4039 (+1492) (1314 Sim)
gotskott 4017 (+6) (368 Sim)
Hotfuzz 3222 (-3232) (634 Sim)
Heathermarie 3010 (+1438) (741 Sim)
lennXman 2563 (-1060) (524 Sim)
Stormi 2121 (524 Sim)
Cäcilia 1431 (unknown Sim)
CeeEssGee 302 (-747) (0 Sim)
TMurphyNYCii 181 (36 Sim)
Yachiyo 121 (-1773) (0 Sim)
Cat Woman 50 (-410) (0 Sim)
Total Score 61621
Average Score 30810 -
Nice job everyone on the top 100 finish for the season. Good to see XStatiX keep rolling on.
Hello Noob!0 -
Prodigal Sun PvE
XStatiX came in 84th, thanks is no small part to a few mercs who helped us get there.
Thanks to them for the help.
Mohio 120993
Sledge (merc) 110848
Spectrum514 102017
Kithgar 90640
Dear Bluey (merc) 88283
qiwi (merc) 85881
TMurphyNYC 84765
Argon Flame (merc) 80300
mrcookie 71868
AJRooke (merc) 62294
Booster 61925
ComradeVS 57895
Charred 55942
semiazn (merc) 55535
RockabillyNerd 52284
Zodiac 51825
oobinsnaffa 48873
Sapphire 40119
afroless 39435
Dinobot 18326
Total Score 1380048
Average Score 690020 -
Nefarious Foes
XStatiX finished 55th
Sapphire 1041
TMurphyNYC 1026
Nighthawk81 (merc) 980
Spectrum514 903
ComradeVS 685
Charred 672
RockabillyNerd 590
Wade Wilson 576
mrcookie 576
Angjo 560
l3ubbaq 546
Zodiac 512
TenormanTears 507
oobinsnaffa 491
PuddleMonster 470
afroless 420
Booster 408
Buddy Kooks 363
Mike 286
Dinobot 148
Total Score 11760
Average Score 5880 -
Deadpool vs. MPQ PvE
XStatiX finished 94th
TMurphyNYC 31456
l3ubbaq 30621
kero79 (merc) 29223
Booster 26713
Korulag (merc) 26529
Zodiac 23515
Argon Flame (merc) 23483
Charred 20302
Angjo 19671
Spectrum514 19513
gotskott 16633
mrcookie 15489
oobinsnaffa 15217
iBama 14843
ComradeVS 13725
RockabillyNerd 13200
afroless 13103
Sapphire 13046
PuddleMonster 12198
Dinobot 451
Total Score 378931
Average Score 189470 -
Women of Marvel
XStatiX finished 61st
TMurphyNYC 1477
afroless 1390
Mohio 1130
Spectrum514 1054
ComradeVS 1034
Sapphire 984
mrcookie 920
Zodiac 850
Angjo 713
l3ubbaq 702
Kithgar 664
Hotfuzz 622
iBama 620
Charred 616
Loulou 560
Dinobot 548
Booster 509
RockabillyNerd 501
Wade Wilson 494
gotskott 402
Total Score 15790
Average Score 7900 -
Season XII
Fist Bump
XStatiX finished 84th
XStatiiX finished 491st
Spectrum514 1057
TMurphyNYC 1031
Mohio 1016
afroless 927
Sapphire 923
Charred 922
ComradeVS 916
Angjo 746
Kithgar 736
l3ubbaq 696
mrcookie 674
iBama 629
Zodiac 627
Loulou 625
Booster 561
Dinobot 538
Wade Wilson 531
RockabillyNerd 504
oobinsnaffa 469
Buddy Kooks 394
Total Score 14522
Average Score 726
KGarfield121 818
ChrisUnbroken 648
Hotfuzz 601
gotskott 431
lennXman 420
zot 391
PuddleMonster 305
Stimpybee 305
Mike 292
Cäcilia 290
Poppy 136
Stormi 109
Crackers 100
Heathermarie 70
TenormanTears 48
TMurphyNYCii 25
Total Score 4989
Average Score 3120 -
Simulator PvE
XStatiX finished 95th
XStatiiX finished 2390th
TMurphyNYC 107917
Spectrum514 103711
Buddy Kooks 65423
l3ubbaq 54070
Booster 48386
Charred 45170
Mohio 37676
Cäcilia 35383
Angjo 33904
KGarfied 23986
Zodiac 23586
Poppy 23135
Kithgar 20371
Mike 20343
mrcookie 19073
afroless 14399
iBama 10253
Wade Wilson 8707
Comrade VS 5316
Total Score 700809
Average Score 36885
ChrisUnbroken 23051
Sapphire 16318
PuddleMonster 14449
zot 14444
Crackers 13369
Hotfuzz 9502
Stormi 5186
lennXman 4692
Heathermarie 4452
Stimpybee 3727
oobinsnaffa 3268
gotskott 2400
Loulou 1843
TMurphyNYCii 649
Cat Woman 410
TenormanTears 361
Total Score 118121
Average Score 73830 -
Season XII
Sticks and Stones
XStatiX finished 74th
XStatiiX finished 503rd
Spectrum514 1176
TMurphyNYC 1071
Mohio 1040
Sapphire 938
afroless 904
KGarfield 901
Kithgar 732
mrcookie 674
l3ubbaq 663
Charred 658
iBama 636
Angjo 630
RockabillyNerd 619
Comrade VS 577
Loulou 556
ChrisUnbroken 554
Booster 539
Wade Wilson 536
Mike9966 512
oobinsnaffa 501
Total Score 14417
Average Score 721
Zodiac 560
Hotfuzz 551
Poppy 518
Buddy Kooks 458
gotskott 413
lennXman 400
Stimpybee 398
Cäcilia 384
Crackers 368
Dinobot 244
PuddleMonster 225
zot 197
TenormanTears 177
Heathermarie 70
Stormi 48
TMurphyNYCii 24
Total Score 5035
Average Score 3150 -
Season XII
Blind Justice
XStatiX finished 101st
TMurphyNYC 1021
afroless 1014
KGarfield121 810
Mohio 778
Spectrum514 749
l3ubbaq 700
Angjo 687
iBama 618
Kithgar 578
Loulou 574
Charred 557
Hotfuzz 553
Comrade VS 549
RockabillyNerd 547
mrcookie 533
Sapphire 455
Wade Wilson 446
Mike9966 372
Buddy Kooks 306
oobinsnaffa 99
Total Score 11946
Average Score 597
ChrisUnbroken 572
Zodiac 556
Booster 469
Stimpybee 326
gotskott 319
PuddleMonster 309
zot 202
Crackers 201
Poppy 112
Stormi 25
Total Score 3091
Average Score 3090 -
Season XII
Hollowpoint Kiss
XStatiX finished 100th
Mohio 1074
Spectrum514 1045
afroless 1040
TMurphyNYC 950
KGarfield121 851
Sapphire 809
Comrade VS 706
Charred 690
Zodiac 661
Angjo 657
iBama 643
RockabillyNerd 642
Loulou 577
Wade Wilson 563
Hotfuzz 556
Mike9966 530
Booster 502
Buddy Kooks 410
oobinsnaffa 213
Total Score 13119
Average Score 6900 -
mytisbrewin wrote:Nice job everyone on the top 100 finish for the season. Good to see XStatiX keep rolling on.
Hello Noob!
I almost sniped a ProfX yesterday ... but alas my timing suxxor.0 -
Boop be doop0
Season XII
Doctor's Orders
XStatiX finished 80th
Spectrum514 1217
TMurphyNYC 1198
KGarfield121 1078
Mohio 1033
afroless 1012
l3ubbaq 909
Sapphire 819
Charred 763
Loulou 730
Comrade VS 694
Angjo 684
Hotfuzz 662
Zodiac 637
iBama 623
RockabillyNerd 575
Booster 537
Mike9966 463
PuddleMonster 422
Buddy Kooks 390
ChrisUnbroken 198
Total Score 14644
Average Score 7320
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