R114 Bug - Adding Levels Shows "Recruit" Screen

udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
I was opening some tokens and applying levels to champs and noticed an odd bug. 2* champs seem to add levels normally, but 3* champs go to a separate screen with a "recruit" button and no other option. I was afraid that it was going to use my HP to roster a separate character, but it still applied the level. I couldn't see if it gave me the appropriate reward for the level.

Moderator edit: merged several threads on this and updated the title. It does sound like no ISO, character levels, or champion rewards are getting lost. -Dayv


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    I specifically applied some 3* champs levels from the rewards screen. I can verify that I got credited with the correct amount of iso,hp, and cp. I also verify that I never got an on screen notification of what reward I got, but I did specifically log my iso,hp,cp numbers. I saw the same recruit screen that udon did.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2016
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I was opening some tokens and applying levels to champs and noticed an odd bug. 2* champs seem to add levels normally, but 3* champs go to a separate screen with a "recruit" button and no other option. I was afraid that it was going to use my HP to roster a separate character, but it still applied the level. I couldn't see if it gave me the appropriate reward for the level.

    On the PC / Steam version of the game 2* champs have this bug as well: I just had it with 2* Storm.

    It seems to only happen when you use the "Add level" button from the list of unslotted backlogged covers. If you use the "Add level" button directly from the character's own stats screen, everything works as expected.

    Also; while the game did pop a notice for SHIELD level gain when it erroneously opened onto the recruit splash screen, in my case it neither applied a cover level to my champion nor gave me the associated reward: Storm was level 100 beforehand and she remained level 100 afterwards. The game simply 'ate' the cover and left me empty-handed.

    (I hope this doesn't ruin her champion award track and require me to rebuild her before hitting 144. That would suck. Takes long enough to raise a character as is when playing with Steam, even if it is a lowly 2* like Storm.)
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Was coming here to post this same topic. Screenshot.

    I did not check Psylocke's level beforehand so I don't know if the game ate the cover or not.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also; how the hell does a bug like this pass even basic regression testing? This is a basic UI feature that should be fully testable. With automated testing even. Seeing it out in the wild like this, I cannot help but wonder if the game software even undergoes any actual structural testing procedures such as unit testing, integration testing or manual regression testing with smoke testing.

    This is certainly not confidence inspiring. Not at all...
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of course they don't test. Testing interferes with sprint deadlines!
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of course they don't test. Testing interferes with sprint deadlines!

    The irony is ofcourse that if you have proper testing procedures, you can avoid spending half the sprint frantically trying to unscrew what you screwed with in the preceeding sprint and would actually increase your feature delivery velocity manyfold.

    Maybe they should clue management in on that, if they really don't get the time for proper testing. icon_razz.gif
  • steakleather
    steakleather Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    Happening to me too, with both 3 star and 2 star covers when I level up a champion. I play on Steam, Windows PC.

    Has anyone submitted a ticket?
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel like the "everything is AOE" bug from last month is all the evidence we could possibly need that they don't test patches for anything less game-killing than unavoidable app crashes.
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    I for the heck of it spent 1300 Hp to test this for them (300 to pull from the sam vault to get a 3 star I could champ and then 1k for a slot icon_razz.gif)

    here are the results.


    so indeed it seems like adding champ covers is still working as intended, it is just popping up the recruit page, but even if you hit recruit it doesn't net you an extra copy of that character.

    though I agree i am not sure how you miss this one, but at least it isn't actually negatively affecting anyone.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor
    lucked out after lightning rounds with both 2* Caps Marvel and America giving me their 3* equivalent. Champed one as normal from the recruit screen, looked weird and I hit back rather than the "recruit" button, but still was credited correctly for level. Champed the other from within the character screen and it went as normal

    As others have pointed out, more a weird display issue than a case of missing rewards.
  • Uthgarprime
    Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    I used to work in the cube farm as a programmer, if I let as much bad stuff go live as this company, I would have been fired many times over. That is the frustrating part. Still getting hit with the game freeze bug at match start up at least once a week. Here again the screams for beta testers would point these things out, but who knows if they would even care.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hey everyone.

    I just spoke with the developers regarding this issue. They said they've already identified it, and developed a fix. Unfortunately due to the nature of the bug/fix, it won't be able to be hot-fixed in and will need to be added during the next scheduled patch.

    On the bright side, and seemingly confirmed by several other players, this is just a visual bug and there shouldn't be any loss of character level. For those who claim to have lost covers/levels from this issue, I would recommend sending in a support ticket with as much information as you can remember about the incident.

    Thanks for your patience.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    Uhm, I just opened a character from my roster page to add a few levels to my Rulk, and got presented with the character cover screen and a recruit button. The recruit button didn't do anything and I could not exit the screen, so I was forced to force-quit the app.

    Playing on an iPad.

    Possibly caused by the same as this? If it's the same bug, I don't mind if you merge this into it, but you should probably update the topic title in order to prevent more duplicates.

    /edit : it seems to happen when you open a character's page from the 'train' menu (the roster overview with the small icons)
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    mrjeffreyj wrote:
    After updating to 114 when I try to add a level to my champions it is taking me to the recruit hero screen.
    It is doing this from both the roster page and the training page.
    If I even just select a champion that has a cover to add on the training page it puts me directly to the recruit page with no way to back out.
    Non champions are able to train powers normally.

    ticket submitted
    Merging this post to relevant thread
  • Kaazz
    Kaazz Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    This just happened to me. I earned a Hulk cover as progression reward in Sim event. Got the screen for XP added for training a char, but then the screen froze with the Hulk cover, a phantom recruit button, AND I don't think I actually got the new level added to my character. I can't swear to this, because I don't remember what level he was, but I never saw the screen showing the new level added to the char, and didn't get whatever reward I was supposed to get for adding a level.
  • bob554
    bob554 Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    Kaazz wrote:
    This just happened to me. I earned a Hulk cover as progression reward in Sim event. Got the screen for XP added for training a char, but then the screen froze with the Hulk cover, a phantom recruit button, AND I don't think I actually got the new level added to my character. I can't swear to this, because I don't remember what level he was, but I never saw the screen showing the new level added to the char, and didn't get whatever reward I was supposed to get for adding a level.

    Same as this, almost exact same situation. I'm fairly sure the cover applied and the level added, but I can't be sure...
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2016
    This appears to be fixed already, on Steam anyway.

    *Nevermind, sometimes it works fine, most of the time the bug occurs.
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    Happened to me with the Hulk cover from PvE progression. I updated my gamependium roster earlier today, so I can confirm that it did add the level, but it was annoying to not see the proper animation play.
  • nyck1118
    nyck1118 Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    Happened to me when I went to add a couple levels via Iso to the Peggy I am leveling to champ.

    Showed a recruit button after going into train then selecting the level button.

    I have a cover of here's in my queue currently as well.
  • I have to agree. I have the same issue. I tried to add a level to my 3 star hulk only to show a recruit button and after clicking it I lost the token and did not get the level. I also tried to level up my 3 star Daken only to get stuck at a recruit screen and unable to get out. I had to force close to get out.