Welcome to 2* Savings and Loan Bank!

HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
edited November 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Have you raided your 2* farm to come up with ISO to champion one of your characters? Did you pay it back and rebuild your farm afterwards?


  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2016
    To me, it's more like a weekly ISO boost, similar to the SCL reward. Once my 2* reaches 144, I start saving their covers for 2 weeks. Before they expire, I sell and restart the character, but I don't have enough covers to champion, so the character goes to level 60 or 70, and the rest of the ISO I take as a profit. As the remaining covers come in, I give that character about 3K to 4K ISO per day until championed again (about 2 weeks). In reality, I'm not gaining ISO (probably losing it), but I am gaining HP, CP, XP and 3* covers. When you have 12 x 2* characters all giving you daily champion rewards, the benefits are significant.

    It was painful (in terms of ISO and roster slots) to get the 2* farm started, but now that it's running on autopilot, I like it. Plus, it makes getting 2* covers fun again.
  • kobu
    kobu Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    I built up all my 2*, then raided all but 3 to champ 3* as their covers expire. I have since rotated two of those 3 out when I had a ton of 2* covers waiting and am about to do the last one. I'll be running on two low level 2* champs for a bit, but I will have 24 3* champed. I'm over the hump now on 3* so most covers I get I can immediately apply. It's a little sad though to be collecting this many 2* covers I can only sell.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doesn't seem worth it unless you're super close to the ISO you need. Like, at 132, Moonstone is only selling for 16,300 ISO. I haven't paid attention to levels 133-143, but I don't think they scale up close to the 65k max selling price; you need the last cover for that.

    If you're 10-20k short of what you need to champion your 4*, I could see robbing Peter to pay Paul, but if you're 80k or so away, selling 8 champions at 10k or so per means you get to pay back an additional 440k or ISO when you go to rebuild the farm.

    Which would be enough to champion a whole 'nother 4*.

    Not sure I value the legendary token from that first champion level greatly enough that I'd forego adding another 4* champion to the mix for it.

    I recycle my maxed champion 2* regularly, though. I just try to time it so that I never have more than half of them recycled at a time, and so that upcoming essentials are championed.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    It's less of a raid, more of an ongoing pump and dump operation. Moving on to generation 6 now!

    I sell every maxchamp the second I draw another cover to recruit in its place.

    I level each 2* to its cap every time a cover is applied.

    Whenever iso piles up high enough, I champ a 4*.

    Occasionally level a desirable 5* when I draw a new cover to it, until they hit 367. Parking them there for now (forever?).

  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I sold off 2* characters more to free up slots to start accumulating 3* covers. Now that (I think) I've got all of the 3* and 4* characters rostered, I've been going back to acquire 2* characters for farming purposes.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Sold 2 to champ Invisible Woman. Just champed 2* Thor for the third time. I usually wait to sell a max champ until I have another 2* champ ready, but thats pretty easy nowadays. Currently have 5 at lvl 15, none fully covered. 8 Champs, highest at lvl 135.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I needed 140k to max Rhulk on his last boost week, happened to max bullseye, moonstone and marvel all on the same day. Sold them all, maxed Rhulk, now I'm rebuilding them and maxing to level cap with each cover.
  • 2* farms make LR's your new addiction.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pump and dump here as well. I keep an eye of which 2 star is going to be essential, but otherwise once they hit 144 they are gone and time to rebuild another.

    Finally was able to add enough roster spots for 2 stars so I can just keep them in rotation now. Just need to play a bit of champ catch up. Champed baby torch today, have tiger stripe wolverine ready to champ. Then hawkeye, ares, and moonstone are all low covered at the moment.

    And 4 covers away from selling off ms Marvel.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've occasionally borrowed from the Two Star Champ Bank. Mostly I just get my 2* up to 144, immediately recruit the duplicate, then sell off the MaxChamp version to pretty much bankroll the replacement champion.

    Sure, it's a couple extra roster slots, but it makes it so much less work.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am commenting to say that I like the title of your post.. that is all icon_lol.gif
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    2* farms make LR's your new addiction.
    You say this like they weren't already. icon_e_smile.gif
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes. I decimated my farm when I got to a point where I had close to have of my 3* characters with 13 covers and regularly having covers I could not use. I stripped my farm down to no more than 3 2*s champed at a time during that period. Last week I finally got to a point where I only have 2 non-champed 3*s and they both have fewer than 13 covers. Currently I'm rebuilding my farm until those last 3* covers come in.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a little more methodical - I take one to 144, then start building a dupe. I'll level the dupe to somewhere in the 45-60 range as the covers come in, and then leave it at that level. Then when I need ISO for a champion, I sell off the max champ and immediately re-champ the dupe, for a gain of 10-20k ISO depending on how high it was leveled.

    It's not efficient and it requires keeping a few extra roster slots handy, but it avoids having to dump most of my ISO into a 2* for a week, which I hate doing because it feels like I'm putting "real progress" on hold. Before I started doing it this way I at one point sold off three or four at once and it was miiiiiiserable re-leveling them all.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    It's less of a raid, more of an ongoing pump and dump operation. Moving on to generation 6 now!

    I sell every maxchamp the second I draw another cover to recruit in its place.

    I level each 2* to its cap every time a cover is applied.

    Whenever iso piles up high enough, I champ a 4*.

    Occasionally level a desirable 5* when I draw a new cover to it, until they hit 367. Parking them there for now (forever?).

    I did champ Star Lord after his buff which resulted in some slight delays in being able to keep all my 2*s at max cover level, but I've caught back up and the recycling is back in full swing.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    The Shield Level introduction boosted my iso stash past a million and I've haven't dropped below 800K since then, so no early harvesting needed.

    I'm a collector, so I kept all my original set of 2*s maxed championed (one day Bagman will be max champed, one day...). I bought a roster slot for a duplicate of each. I then added covers as they came. Once they reach 13/13, I hit the Max level button to get them to 94 and champ them. I've only harvested one crop so far (Moonstone of course) and I only did so when I had a Moonstone cover to resow the plot. Mainly because I forgot if the game still automatically adds a character to your roster if you have an empty slot available.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    If you are using it as savings and loan bank. You might be better off to just not level up your 2* and just sell the covers.

    I realized I need the iso more than anything else. There's an elecktra cover expiring in 8 hours and am short 12,000 iso. (gonna champ her regardless of what people say because I have 3 in the queue, but one expiring today) I didn't think I would be so close. If only I didn't max champ and sell my two 2*, I might have champed her and not wasted the cover. Now I am faced with the option of grinding what's left of prologue and just hitting 10 pt nodes in the pvp shield event and mystic's event hoping to scrape enough or selling the cover.

    Watch out for me coming after the people attacking just seed teams. I am coming for you and your iso!
  • JFisch
    JFisch Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I don't farm 2*s; all my ISO gets invested into my 4*s.

    That said, I did sell and rebuild my maxchamp 2* Cap when I had to max and champion Miles, Nova, and Venom in a span of 14 days to ensure I made it in time. But poor Steve is still sitting at 15th level because Thing, Peggy, and Elektra need the ISO now.

    It never ends.

    At least I have more than two weeks to do it in though.
  • Step 1: champion level a 2* to level 134
    Step 2: roster a 2nd copy of that character
    Step 3: cover up the copy to 13 covers, any duplicates along the way going into the original's champ levels
    Step 4: sell your original 2* that is now level 144 for the sexy sexy 65000 iso and 125 HP
    Step 5: level the copy to 94 and promote the baby!
    Step 6:
    Step 7: profit.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've calculated the net result of 2* farming, and there is no ISO profit but an ISO trade off instead:

    You end up trading 7,779 ISO to get 375 HP, 5 CP, 5 HT and 3 x 3* covers

    If you like that deal, then farm away! I've rostered all 2*s and cycle them all. Keep in mind that the Heroic Tokens could get you 3* or 4* covers. The 8 total covers you get also give you more champion levels and rewards. So, I think it's a good trade off, plus it makes the game a little more fun.

    Nevertheless, the system can also be used like a bank where you borrow ISO when selling a level 144 and then you pay it back later when you re-champion that character.