Orb of Agamotto token missing

Astroy Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
So I completed Orb of Agamotto PVE and defeated hood. Was suppose to get a token but it's missing when I scroll to the limited vault.

Think it's a glitch because I got all 3 limited vaults open for me to pull even before the start of my PVE in S2. So I jumped the gun and pulled 9 pulls on all 3 vaults and now a free token went missing.

Anyone else have the same problem?


  • Markot
    Markot Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I have exactly the same problem. The free token is counted in overall token count (shows 8 for me, but going through all types of tokens I see only 7 LTs and nothing else). As well, screen "Taco vault: sweet" shows "?" at the arrow button going to "Orb of Agamotto". But on "Orb of Agamotto" I have the only option to buy tokens for 350HP and not to collect the free one (and there is no "?" on arrow button going to "Book of the vishanti").
  • Dhaunas
    Dhaunas Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Same for me w/ the Orb of Agamotto vault /
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same here! When I opened up the game this morning, the event was still not available to me for a few hours, but I had access to the Orb of Agamotto and Book of the Vishanti vaults. I decided to spend my HP and grabbed 6 pulls from Orb of Agamotto and 3 from Book of the Vishanti. I was fortunate enough to land the 3-star Doctor Strange from one and the Sanctum Santorum token from the other... which got me a 5-star Strange! I'm pleased.

    But now that the event has started, I'm thinking I shouldn't have been able to purchase from those vaults yet without the earned artifacts. I can now see the Wand of Watoomb vault as well, which still requires an artifact before I can spend HP in the vault. Furthermore, the Orb of Agamotto token I've now earned by clearing the appropriate mission seems to be between worlds; it appears as a '1' on the 'Recruit Heroes' tab, and when cycling through the various vaults the upper arrow navigation shows the existence of a token no matter what side I approach the Orb of Agamotto vault from... but when I'm on the actual Orb of Agamotto vault page it doesn't exist and I can only buy a pull for 350 HP. I was wondering if the resets that occur at midnight would trigger its appearance, but that was not the case.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    I have the exact same problem. I bought the 9-packs from all three vaults, but now I can't redeem my token.
  • CoffigDarkGravity
    CoffigDarkGravity Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Orb token not showing up for me either, however, I only bought a 1-pack before the event began.
  • DalekGAF
    DalekGAF Posts: 52 Match Maker
    I'm experiencing this too. I earned the token and it shows in the counter but on the actual vault there's no button to redeem it.
  • Same problem, earned the token it's showing on my counter but not in my vault..
  • Kurt9
    Kurt9 Posts: 1
    I am having the same problem
  • Lycurgus
    Lycurgus Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Same here, with the Book vault. Token notification shows, can't redeem it. For the record, I submitted a ticket request for this a few hours ago and haven't heard anything.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    It looks to me like everyone affected bought tokens from the vault before winning the token. Until we get some official word, I'd recommend anyone reading this wait to win the token before accessing the vault.
  • Tiggida
    Tiggida Posts: 64 Match Maker
    I have the same problem but I didn't buy any tokens. Showing 57 tokens unopened on main screen but I only see 56 taco tokens when I open up the vaults screen.
  • Markot
    Markot Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I finished "Wand of Watoomb" sub and now I have two tokens hidden already. As I bought at least one token from each vault before start of event, I suppose, tomorow I'm going to get third one with the same problem. I would prefere my pulls in current vaults as in Orb i have only 7 rewards available and 2 of them are 4* and LT so the chances for good reward are higher. But CS reactions are so slow that the vaults can vanish before they do something.
  • same for me only . book and wand , submited 2 tickets . makes me not wanna play orb to finish
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Same, on Orb of Agamotto (1st day). I had bought 2 pulls from that vauld before starting the event.
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Same issue for me. Just bought a few 1 packs spread around from the 3 vaults and I am unable to use my Orb and Book free tokens, but they get counted in my overall token count.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    As expected, I now have the same issue with the Book of the Vishanti vault as that was the other vault that was open to me prior to the start of the event. The Wand of Watoomb vault had no issues and I claimed the token as was intended, as this was the only vault that was not available to me until after the start of the event.

    I've updated this information and provided screenshots to Customer Support.

    I hope this gets resolved ASAP as it's put any additional HP expenditure in the vaults on hold until it's worked out.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    Same for me. Orb token missing. I did purchase 2 from Orb vault before earning the 1.
  • Same for me with one token of each of the three days
  • RoboDuck
    RoboDuck Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Same issue here. Cleared the Orb vault before I started. Now have an hidden Orb token that the game won't let me use.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am experiencing the same issue. I have not pulled anything from any of the three vaults (all showing 0/10), and I do not have any of the tokens I earned in the Orb, Wand, and Book subs. I take it the best bet at this point is to submit a ticket and cross our fingers?