Guesses for Next Rebalance

spghttihead Posts: 74 Match Maker
edited November 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm hoping at least for 3* Spider-Man. Give him a damage power and dump the fake heal yellow.


  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Mr Fantastic, I think. Invisible Woman already had hers.. they've messed with X-Force Wolverine enough times that they're probably wary to do it again and nobody else is really as bad as Cho was. Elektra?

    I'd be kind of surprised if they tinkered more with the 3* tier. They significantly re-balanced it in the past.
  • BassMuffinFIve
    xidragonxi wrote:
    Mr Fantastic, I think. Invisible Woman already had hers.. they've messed with X-Force Wolverine enough times that they're probably wary to do it again and nobody else is really as bad as Cho was. Elektra?

    I'd be kind of surprised if they tinkered more with the 3* tier. They significantly re-balanced it in the past.

    She may have had hers, but she is still complete garbage tier. She needs another.
  • Cabol
    Cabol Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    I'm hoping for some 3* buffs. Spiderman and Punisher are the first 2 that come to mind (one doesn't do any damage, the other does way too little damage)
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    We know they are coming for Iceman, OML and Rhulk it's just a matter of when. What I'd like to see them do is give Human Torch a boost and promote him from 3* to 4*. Psylocke, Punisher, Mr. Fantastic are all pretty terrible. Elektra has her uses but nobody really likes or uses her outside of required instances. Sentry is utter trash and I think Wasp is probably pretty bad though mine is poop house so maybe she gets a ton better when covered and leveled. The dreaded X-Force Wolvie that they gelded could use a retouch. Power creep has left him in the dust but he is decent when boosted. I know I'm always happy to see him in PvP because I chew him up pretty easily when he is on defense.
  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    xidragonxi wrote:
    Mr Fantastic, I think. Invisible Woman already had hers.. they've messed with X-Force Wolverine enough times that they're probably wary to do it again and nobody else is really as bad as Cho was. Elektra?

    I'd be kind of surprised if they tinkered more with the 3* tier. They significantly re-balanced it in the past.

    She may have had hers, but she is still complete garbage tier. She needs another.

    They just need to drop the cost of her blue to 5 (remove the protect tiles, who cares about protect tiles.) and either drop green to 10 or change it so that the tiles blow up individually instead of all at once. That way it would hit multiple targets, kind of like Peggy's blue. She's actually not terrible as is, just too slow to be competitive.
  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Cabol wrote:
    I'm hoping for some 3* buffs. Spiderman and Punisher are the first 2 that come to mind (one doesn't do any damage, the other does way too little damage)

    Punisher is perfect the way he is. If they change anything about him, they might mess up Retribution, which is one of the most important powers in the game.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Venom. He's a complete **** bag and needs a total overhaul. I would scrap all of his powers for new ones that don't suck and more accurately reflect the character. He's better when he's a delusional psychotic menace to Spiderman and not a conflicted anti hero.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the 3* tier, Psylocke and Spiderman are the obvious choices.

    For the 4* tier, Mr. Fantastic is probably the worst now.

    I'd also like to see a rework for 5* Cap. He clearly needs it to be even remotely competitive in the 5* tier.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would also improve falcap if possible. If you deny his red, then he doesn't really do anything.
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Buff X-Force Wolverine!

    I doubt they'll do that though so I'll say Buff 3* Spidey, nerf OML (we all know it's coming) and buff 5* Cap
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Who do I want?

    3* Spidey. Drop the crummy healing power, give him something offensive. Make his Spidey Sense responsive. It's one of the most badass reactionary/passive superpowers in all of comic books everywhere, and in this game it ONLY does something if YOU actively match purple. It ought to be offensive when I match purple, defensive when the enemy matches purple, and maybe do some third effect when web tiles are matched away. I don't care if they tone down the strength, honestly, so long as it feels like a power that DOES THINGS.

    Who actually needs it? 3* Punisher and Colossus could use some work. First doesn't do enough damage, second isn't remarkable enough to get a lot of use. Give Punisher more damage and more targeted destruction (maybe like Cho, where it's reckless under some circumstances, and more focused under others?). Make Colossus's yellow passive, maybe? Only works when he's in front? Maybe make Fastball Special not work when he's in front (or more expensive)? Colossus is a great tank, so make his positioning interesting, so you have to put him into the line of fire for him to tank, but also give him a reason to not be in the line of fire. Then make the red function differently based on who's in front. A heavy smash if he's up front, a charging attack that puts him in front if he's not? I dunno. Something. Enough that I remember Colossus is in the game, at least.

    What'll actually happen? Mr Fantastic. I'd like to see his passive work with anyone, and for the AP generated to add more colors with more F4 members, so it is a decent power that gets stronger when used with F4 members, instead of a **** power that gets decent, you know? I could see an IW rework at some point, too. She's just too frustrating to use right now. An invisibility power you can't target, a protective shield power that can't cooperate with friendly tiles (F4 tiles ought to still work when behind her shields, you know?), and an offensive power that can't work without the protective power, and must be used twice to do any good on its own. Maybe make her yellow target-able (and maybe take that away when she's at low health, make it auto-target her? or make it a countdown that will go away?), make her green passively generate bubbles when you match green? Then let her choose at least one bubble that goes off, maybe more with more covers. So gathering green slowly gives you ammo to set it off (place passive, detonate active, none of this "if there are none, place some" ****), dropping blue is protective and more controlled, and also gives you more ammo/options for the green (though using blue and matching green should give you more bubbles than the green can pop on its own). She's got the potential, let her be badass.

    Elektra could use a tiny rework, too. Maybe have her purple switch powers depending on the board state (like so many other newer characters). Maybe have the default be "put tiles", so she actually fights for you before double-crossing. Then, once you have tiles, the power becomes "Double-Cross" and gives the enemy those tiles, and drops a countdown called "Double-Double Cross", which expires and gives those tiles back to you with a buff? Or something? I think you can keep the "double-double cross" name and the notion of her working with the enemy to help her allies, while also giving the power more strategy than "save up enough AP to use it twice." You could tie her generation/stealing to trap tiles, and maybe at max covers it's only a 1-turn countdown or something, but maybe it could be powerful/useful while still making you think whether or not you want to risk getting caught using it, you know?
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    If I were in charge, I'd choose the following for re-balance aka improvement:

    3* - Spider-Man - popular hero that doesn't work anymore. Yes he has his uses, but he really needs to be re-done ala the way that IM40 was fixed. I'd say that Doc Ock, Sentry, and Rags are all worse, but they are villains as well so less of a priority than fixing Spidey.

    4* - Mr Fantastic. I gotta believe he's now the worst 4* now that Cho has been somewhat improved.

    5* - Captain America. Nuff said.

    I hope the dev's will stay to their word and re-balance (aka buff) the not-so-good characters rather than re-balance (aka nerf) the "overused" characters for the time being.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I doubt they'll be buffing any 5*s. Cap might suck, but until the tier is more developed (and some actual Team Cap 5*s happen) it's impossible to really judge how viable he'll be going forward. New releases can still have too large an effect on the meta for nerfs/buffs to be a good way to deal with power differentials.

    I used to be all for an OML nerf but at this point it kinda doesn't matter anymore. It's easier to cover Black Bolt than OML and so you aren't seeing endless swaths of OMLs filling up PvP nodes anymore. He's still a boss in PvE but nobody's going to call for a nerf for that reason.

    The 5* tier was a **** hole for a long time, but it's developing into something that is probably better than the 4* tier in terms of balance.

    Far as 4*s go, MrF really needs more people to count as members of the FF. Spiderman, Black Panther, Storm, and many others have been official FF members, and ought to count. The added versatility would make MrF's yellow much more viable. Both of his other abilities are too constraining: his black could become a passive completely reasonably (or alternatively have a battery component), and his blue would be fine if his 5-cover version became his 3-cover version.

    More generally, characters that scale poorly when boosted (like MrF and Spider-Man both) ought to be changed to have some part of their toolset scale better with level. Imagine if either one of them started creating 1k shield tiles when boosted, . That would start getting some notice, and would contribute to having some events here and there that have a slower, more interesting meta, which would aid roster diversity.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Elektra would be nice. She only needs a tweak here and there to be great. Like, create multiple red traps, not just one and boost the damage they do. Black is fine as it is. Purple is the ability that needs more work. Maybe a passive that creates strike tiles.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here are my recommendations (I would rather improve bad characters than nerf good ones):

    Invisible Woman - change Blue power to Stun and Special Tile removal; make Green hit hard and destroy all purple tiles
    4* Deadpool - reduce cost of Out of Bullets to 10 Red
    Elektra - increase Shadow Step damage by 50%
    Ghost Rider - increase red and green damage by 30%; reduce cost of Penance Stare to 10 Black
    Thoress - make Blue power stuns for 4 turns, not 3
    X-Force - increase green base damage by 100%
    Sam Wilson - reduce cost of Yellow power to 8 and Red power to 13
    4* Punisher - increase Green damage by 150%
    War Machine - increase Red damage by 100%

    Gamora - make Skull Cracker deal 100% more damage; reduce cost of Bad Reputation to 10 Black
    3* Punisher - Increase Molotov Cocktail damage by 40%; Increase strike tiles by 50%;
    Beast - change lvl 5 mutagenic breakthrough to put down 4 tiles of strength 150; Increase Animal Inside damage by 25%
    Colossus - increase Punch damage by 30%; change Fastball Special so that you can choose the power that activates
    3* Spiderman - change Yellow power to deal 4000 damage + 700 damage for each web tile removed (up to 4)
    The Hood - increase health by 25%
    3* Hulk - increase Thunderous Clap damage by 35%; increase Smash damage by 20%
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    Elektra would be nice. She only needs a tweak here and there to be great. Like, create multiple red traps, not just one and boost the damage they do. Black is fine as it is. Purple is the ability that needs more work. Maybe a passive that creates strike tiles.

    Add also an effect for if her trap is matched. That would be nice.
  • SangFroid
    SangFroid Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2016
    I doubt they'll be buffing any 5*s. Cap might suck, but until the tier is more developed (and some actual Team Cap 5*s happen) it's impossible to really judge how viable he'll be going forward. New releases can still have too large an effect on the meta for nerfs/buffs to be a good way to deal with power differentials..

    Well I think this is actually incorrect as what you would need to make him viable in the future is another 5* who has: 2 amazing skills and a third skill that litters the board with useless special tiles, is green purple black, and is on team Cap. Only under those conditions would it make 5* Cap somewhat usefull. Even then why would I use Cap when IM is better even without a team IM member. He undeniably needs a rework to be a 5* as currently he is at the bottom of the pile by a huge margin.

    Some great suggestions in this thread to make D3's job easier for rebalancing 5*Cap
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler wrote:
    Here are my recommendations (I would rather improve bad characters than nerf good ones):

    4* Deadpool - reduce cost of Out of Bullets to 10 Red
    4* Punisher - increase Green damage by 150%

    Umm....these are both arguably top tier characters already. At worst top of the 2nd tier.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Omega Red wrote:
    Elektra would be nice. She only needs a tweak here and there to be great. Like, create multiple red traps, not just one and boost the damage they do. Black is fine as it is. Purple is the ability that needs more work. Maybe a passive that creates strike tiles.

    Ballet of Death needs to do a ton more damage but I don't think there needs to be more than one out at a time. Purple could sure use work because it's too conditional. I like her black power but it's only really useful in her Clash DDQ because she doesn't tank anything. It should protect the entire team even if she isn't out front.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    5*s that obviously need a rework: 5*Cap and Banner (5cap even more than banner. He is just awful on paper and just as bad in-game according to reports.)

    4*s that obviously need a rework: fantastic. Some others are close but he is the standout weakest.

    3*s that could see more use with a rework: psylocke, gamora, mystique