Who's still angry about Boss Rush?



  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll mark annoyed. Angry isn't quite the right word. The stages of greif chart is appropriate, since I think the game is dying, no amount of anger or bargaining will change the devs' direction. It clearly isn't something I'm "happy" with, but have come to expect and accept. Letting my VIP expire helped.
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    My VIP is currently languishing.

    VIP is my contribution to the game when I'm happy with it. If it goes back.in track they can have my money again.

    I seriously resent buying into the pre-anniversary sale.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I'm not angry, nor was I ever angry, about Boss Rush. I was a little surprised that something that was clearly so broken after just 1 play attempt was unleashed on the player base... I suspect that there was zero testing of Rd 7 or 8 with a 5* team... but not angry.

    And, IMO, I don't think anyone should be angry about Boss Rush... they tried something new, it had some nice features, it was sloppy in its execution. It has potential and ultimately, I want them to keep trying new things.

    Directing your anger at the Boss Rush itself is misguided. The appalling lack of communication afterwards that approached "No Man's Sky" levels, however, is another story. D3/Demi could've absolutely done a better job at handling the post-BR interaction with the player base. Even at this point, they've said little beyond a canned "here at Demi/D3, we value your feedback" response.
  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    Mpq is a stress relief, time waster. If I got angry over anything to do with it, it would be time to move on. Disappointed at first, over it now - but never angry.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I really don't get the anger. The event was overscaled. Lots of events are overscaled. Big deal.

    Yes, it's stupid and makes the game worse, but it isn't anything out of the ordinary, except that people were set up for a bit of disappointment thinking it was going to be an alliance event and then it wasn't.

    The far more annoying thing is that we are given no reason to think the game will ever improve. No one ever comes in and says "okay, we learned a lesson and now we're going to try to minimize how much frustration we create during an event, by doing X." The devs have this open option for dialogue with people who know their game very well and have tons of useful input, and instead we get untested events with no commentary before, during, or after the fact.

    We already know the Strange event will be a disappointment, because the same thing is already happening: the details are being kept secret about an event which has had no beta testing. When the event opens, thousands of people will start it, find something irritating about it that could have been caught if they had been less secretive about everything, and the event will go down as a failure in the eyes of the players because it will be too hard to complete in a reasonable timeframe. We already KNOW this, the same way we know gravity will make things hit the ground after you drop them.

    And until we get some dialogue going between players and devs, that's never going to change.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't answer the poll because none of the options fit me.

    I have never been particularly angry about boss rush (i mean, i got frustrated like everyone else when phoenix wiped me in 1 turn, but never really angry). I have always been disappointed with boss rush, as i think it was an interesting attempt at a new boss event that was implemented poorly (and very obviously so). Demi clearly wants to make the game harder than we want it to be, and boss rush was just another example of this old news.

    I have been, and continue to be a little angry about the poor communication from demi (not d3, demi) about the event. The pre-event info was a mix of incomplete and inaccurate. The mid-event communication was a blatant stall. The total lack of communication post event has been borderline insulting to my intelligence as a consumer. Demi seems content to just ignore the problem until players forget about it and move on.

    And i am most upset that their chosen strategy will probably work. As a community we are too quick to lash out with insta-flames and personal attacks on the devs. But we have a minute attention span and are way to quick to move on if we don't immediate satisfaction from our rage. I wish we could engage in a persistent, low-level campaign to keep the pressure on demi to clean up earlier messes and not just ignore them. Alas, instead we just seem intent on cannibalizing ourselves with accusations of entitlement and fights over who is getting more screwed by the system.
  • Gari
    Gari Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Hands up who will quit boss rush from now on. Hands up who will quit MPQ. After 40 pages of garbage no one put their money where their mouth is
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    jobob wrote:
    Directing your anger at the Boss Rush itself is misguided. The appalling lack of communication afterwards that approached "No Man's Sky" levels, however, is another story. D3/Demi could've absolutely done a better job at handling the post-BR interaction with the player base. Even at this point, they've said little beyond a canned "here at Demi/D3, we value your feedback" response.

    When I say I'm very angry about Boss Rush, this is why. I agree them trying new things is good, but the lack of communication (before and after) and the apparent poor execution and seemingly poorly tested state of it are what make me angry. The fact that the difficulty issue is the same thing people complained about the exact same time last year also makes me angry that they will never learn from their mistakes. I don't know if it's because they aren't listening closely enough, don't believe we represent the player base as a whole, or just don't care about our concerns, I don't know, because they won't talk about it....
    Vhailorx wrote:
    And i am most upset that their chosen strategy will probably work. As a community we are too quick to lash out with insta-flames and personal attacks on the devs. But we have a minute attention span and are way to quick to move on if we don't immediate satisfaction from our rage. I wish we could engage in a persistent, low-level campaign to keep the pressure on demi to clean up earlier messes and not just ignore them. Alas, instead we just seem intent on cannibalizing ourselves with accusations of entitlement and fights over who is getting more screwed by the system.
    Areeed and that's exactly why I made this thread. Try and keep us pushing to (repsecfully) tell the devs that this is not OK and we aren't just going to roll over and take it.
    Henry Ford wrote:
    “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I am more mad about them being so extremely disrespectful to their paying customers, by not making ANY kind of apology, WHATSOEVER.

    Even if it is just to say "Hey guys we understand that everyone is upset and we validate your feelings and we're going to do our best to make sure something like this nevr happens like this again."

    That wouldn't even be ADMITTING that they were in the wrong, but it would at least be validating their paying customers FEELINGS towards the situation. That's the very least that any human being can do for one another;and they can't even bring himself to do that. lmfao. Truly. Really really really just gross. And very Trumpish.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Once I accepted early on that there was no way I'd ever get close to getting a Peggy cover, I put my phone away and instead spent the time earning some Overwatch loot boxes. I call that lose-win-win.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gari wrote:
    Hands up who will quit boss rush from now on. Hands up who will quit MPQ. After 40 pages of garbage no one put their money where their mouth is

    That's a blanket statement that you can't possibly prove. And an asinine one at that, given that skipping Boss Rush says absolutely nothing (if you're a free player, who cares? if you're spending money, who cares? if your spending habits don't change, the only think skipping Boss Rush does is save them some money on server bandwidth)

    Further, your statement is false. I'm not a big spender, by any means, but I've spent some in the past, and figured with the amount of time I've spent with this game, I was more than comfortable spending some more. Perfect timing, I could invest in Doctor Strange. Hell, I even got lucky and won some money in Vegas mid-October (AFTER Boss Rush, but during Anniversary) that I had planned on adding in.

    But given the complete lack of communication, I'm not really inclined to do so anymore. Since we can't actually engage with the devs in dialogue about things, the only way left to communicate is with our wallets, and mine can stay right where it is for now, truth be told.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gari wrote:
    Hands up who will quit boss rush from now on. Hands up who will quit MPQ. After 40 pages of garbage no one put their money where their mouth is
    Never use absolutes. icon_lol.gif

    When the devs implied it was intentional and gave no indication of fixing it, I did quit Boss Rush. I could have climbed higher, pushed through to round 8, etc, but did not. I stopped playing it.

    Every time I consider spending they do something like this and I withdraw my support.

    In those 40 pages a lot of people said they'd quit the event, and did. Some said they'd quit the game, some did. To say No One put their money where their mouth is isn't quite true. Several did... but apparently not enough did.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Boss Rush? Bah! I'm still angry because they nerfed Ragnarok one week after I covered him.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ohh....and I had almost completely forgotten these repressed memories....

    There was a bad test event that was run once. As long as we never see it in that form again, I'm not angry.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll wrote:
    Areeed and that's exactly why I made this thread. Try and keep us pushing to (repsecfully) tell the devs that this is not OK and we aren't just going to roll over and take it.
    Your best chance at a response would be to contact a developer directly, Demiurge_Anthony or Demiurge_Kabir
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gari wrote:
    Hands up who will quit boss rush from now on. Hands up who will quit MPQ. After 40 pages of garbage no one put their money where their mouth is

    I think a lot of people won't play another run if it's the same format with the same scaling and the same broken lazy bosses. I'll be one of them.
  • Uber303
    Uber303 Posts: 85 Match Maker
    TLCstormz wrote:
    I am more mad about them being so extremely disrespectful to their paying customers, by not making ANY kind of apology, WHATSOEVER.

    Even if it is just to say "Hey guys we understand that everyone is upset and we validate your feelings and we're going to do our best to make sure something like this nevr happens like this again."

    That wouldn't even be ADMITTING that they were in the wrong, but it would at least be validating their paying customers FEELINGS towards the situation. That's the very least that any human being can do for one another;and they can't even bring himself to do that. lmfao. Truly. Really really really just gross. And very Trumpish.
    Good point well made.

    The very least the devs could do was apologise for everyone (or the majority) disliking the event.

    Didn't even need to admit fault with scaling etc, just a simple apology wouldve been nice.

    I knew from my first battle the scaling would be out of control. Ultron hitting like a 6.3 and that was the first boss in rnd1 lol


    If they want to get scaling right in boss rush then all they had to do was was nerf each bosses damage by 2/3, then the event would have been enjoyable.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Far as I know they never even acknowledged the point discrepancy issues, let alone apologized for it. It's the communication around it that still bothers me.

    1. They should have come out beforehand and told us that the rewards were good, but that it would be very difficult.

    2. They should have told us that the event had its own boosted character list (and chosen better ones). There was a lot of disappointment when people saw the boosted list for the week (HB, Ice & other good ones) and then saw who was boosted for the event.

    3. They should have apologized for the point discrepancy bugs, and provided some kind of low level blanket compensation. Normally people would have been upset about health packs as comp, but here it would have been ok.

    The event itself didn't bother me so much. I kind of enjoyed the chaotic nature of the battles.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Angry at Boss Rush? Nah. Upset that they never acknowledged, let alone compensate a bug that robbed players of tons of points, potentially costing rewards? Yep. Biggest ball-dropping this year since when they nerfed buffed levels of 3*s when they introduced championing.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Who is still angry?
