Poll: Emrakul's Corruption



  • yunnnn
    yunnnn Posts: 168 Tile Toppler
    khurram wrote:
    majincob wrote:
    yunnnn wrote:
    Tilikum wrote:
    Well apparently the guy who won made a brag thread so that was pretty hilarious.
    Gotta give it a thumbs up now.

    You're welcome icon_e_wink.gif

    You gonna post your super secret tech? I know they closed the other thread.

    He mentioned BtB. Probably just used cards that could easily cast off of it. Which is the most obvious and logical thing to do if you own BtB.

    Also he did not post his final scores. Many people had perfect in those first 15 matches.

    I updated the original screenshot with the final perfect score (another coalition mate got perfect in plat using the same decks).
    And khurram is exactly correct, I just played cards that worked well with BtB. Behold the Broken is a good card.
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tjoffen wrote:
    Liked the fact that it only lasted 24H (in part because it was too tedious)

    Brace yourself becauae this time its gonna be 48 hours icon_e_wink.gif
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    yunnnn wrote:

    I updated the original screenshot with the final perfect score (another coalition mate got perfect in plat using the same decks).
    And khurram is exactly correct, I just played cards that worked well with BtB. Behold the Broken is a good card.

    Ah yes.... so you did. I did not notice.

    Impressive. icon_e_smile.gif
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    Abenjes wrote:
    but if you want us to play with eldrazi/werewolves please design better more playable creatures
    Honestly, I think they actually tried to - we have Eldrazi Werewolves.

    The problem is that that's on the night side of the card - the day side is a Werewolf Horror (or similar) and as a result, only counts for one of the objectives. The idea behind the Terror in the Shadows event was the make players utilize the cards from SOI in interesting ways. This one is making us use... eldrazi from BfZ?

    It just feels ... off. I think they had good intent but forgot the (bug? feature? quirk?) that transformed cards don't count as "played" cards for secondary types.
  • jetnoctis
    jetnoctis Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    octal9 wrote:
    Abenjes wrote:
    but if you want us to play with eldrazi/werewolves please design better more playable creatures
    Honestly, I think they actually tried to - we have Eldrazi Werewolves.

    The problem is that that's on the night side of the card - the day side is a Werewolf Horror (or similar) and as a result, only counts for one of the objectives. The idea behind the Terror in the Shadows event was the make players utilize the cards from SOI in interesting ways. This one is making us use... eldrazi from BfZ?

    It just feels ... off. I think they had good intent but forgot the (bug? feature? quirk?) that transformed cards don't count as "played" cards for secondary types.


    As to the event, I found it tedious, grindy, tiring and just... Ergh. I am dreading having to play it again, and dread is not an emotion any game should makes players feel. Avacyn, which I initially didn't think was a great event because of how long some of the encounters went for, is amazing in comparison because you can actually craft interesting decks to meet the objectives and push toward a win, whereas this event essentially comprises repeatedly denying yourself the win for, often, more than 15+ minutes ...

    I like the suggestion of including a number of themed cards in your deck, to win, now that would be interesting because you'd still be pushing towards winning rather than practising this weird ascetic form of self-denial!
  • fox1342
    fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
    shteev wrote:
    fox1342 wrote:
    Don't like it = don't play it. More space for those who do.

    I do like all the events, especially PvE, I like the challenges of deck building (although a less fiddly editor would be good).

    If you don't like the deck builder, don't use it. The fact is that you can play ANY level of the game with the default deck you are given when you buy a planeswalker... the desire to change your deck is a restriction you are placing on yourself. If you're making the game a more miserable experience through your own choices, that's nothing to do with the game itself.

    Strangely enough that's precisely my point, and I listen to my own advice. Which means I sometimes play with sub-optimal decks in an event or QB, because I CBA to go and change them. My enjoyment for playing the game my way, for a few minutes of downtime in real life. You don't need to win every single ribbon. Honest. The world won't end if you miss a few.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    fox1342 wrote:
    You don't need to win every single ribbon. Honest. The world won't end if you miss a few.

    You don't know that for a fact. And you'd never forgive me if it did.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    shteev wrote:
    fox1342 wrote:
    You don't need to win every single ribbon. Honest. The world won't end if you miss a few.

    You don't know that for a fact. And you'd never forgive me if it did.

    I'll just be over here pouring myself a cup of tea from Russell's teapot.
  • Abenjes
    Abenjes Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    so far my games today have gone. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. I cast BTB/Days undoing hoping to draw an eldrazi. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. AI cascades into Olivia and many many zombies, and I die, I scream at phone and curse D3
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Abenjes wrote:
    so far my games today have gone. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. I cast BTB/Days undoing hoping to draw an eldrazi. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. AI cascades into Olivia and many many zombies, and I die, I scream at phone and curse D3

    Suggestion : play with some of the numerous Eldrazi that have defender so they kill your creatures for you. That leaves you with the crucial removal for Olivia.
  • HomeRn
    HomeRn Posts: 330 Mover and Shaker
    Ohboy wrote:
    Abenjes wrote:
    so far my games today have gone. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. I cast BTB/Days undoing hoping to draw an eldrazi. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. AI cascades into Olivia and many many zombies, and I die, I scream at phone and curse D3

    Suggestion : play with some of the numerous Eldrazi that have defender so they kill your creatures for you. That leaves you with the crucial removal for Olivia.
    Problem... Olivia usually has FLYING. Last thing I knew, most Eldrazi are not the flying kind of creature. You need something with reach - such as World Breaker. However, World Breaker is also a joke against Olivia.
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    HomeRn wrote:
    However, World Breaker is also a joke
    full stop
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    It would really help get the objectives if the cards that transformed into an objective actually counted as an objective.

    Example: Any card that transforms into an eldrazi creature should count as an eldrazi. I'd be fine with it only counting if it actually transformed during the match.

    I also agree with everyone that they should reduce the threshold required to meet an objective. Even a reduction from 8 to 6 eldrazi required makes a huge difference. I mean, the supports one is fairly easy since the Clues proc as a support, but otherwise it would be ridiculously tedious to get 8 supports down.

    When all decent strategy gets thrown out the window just to meet objectives, you know that the system is broken.

    (I don't really suffer the problem too much because I only try to get the progression rewards. But I do try and design decks to meet the objectives so I know what it takes to meet them.)
  • Nitymp
    Nitymp Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Agree, **** was annoying, but at least that was a requirement of 2 for each objective.... 6 and 8 is just mind numbing and frustrating!
  • galro
    galro Posts: 14
    Now, I will say that I AM doing rather well in the event, but I still don't like the fact that it is placing artificial limitations and constraints on your deck, if you want to compete for the extra ribbons.

    Going for the extra ribbons does take extra time and leads to greater probability of suffering from crash and causing extra server load (tracking more games at the same time, the games being more complex, etc, etc).

    So, please DEVs get things together, listen to us and make the changes that need to be made.

    I did like this event better when it was 1 day rather than 2.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    How is it for everyone the third time around? Constructing those decks still as much fun as it was the first time?
  • BayTamago
    BayTamago Posts: 50 Match Maker
    I think between the secondary objectives being a little too far to reach reasonably (consistently only casting 4 eldrazi with a deck that is all eldrazi, with scion token) and the node timers being hard to use effectively to either avoid cool down or at least time it reasonably when I can't have my phone in my face all day, EC could use some changes.

    I like the PvP events, but this one needs some tweaks. I'd also like to see a better matching of deck scaling. (Don't throw my C/U deck up against an all Mythic deck)
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    HomeRn wrote:
    Ohboy wrote:
    Abenjes wrote:
    so far my games today have gone. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. I cast BTB/Days undoing hoping to draw an eldrazi. I kill their creature, I kill my creature, I kill their creature, I kill my creature. AI cascades into Olivia and many many zombies, and I die, I scream at phone and curse D3

    Suggestion : play with some of the numerous Eldrazi that have defender so they kill your creatures for you. That leaves you with the crucial removal for Olivia.
    Problem... Olivia usually has FLYING. Last thing I knew, most Eldrazi are not the flying kind of creature. You need something with reach - such as World Breaker. However, World Breaker is also a joke against Olivia.

    But you now have the removal saved up for Olivia. Was I not clear when I said "that leaves you with the crucial removal for Olivia"?
  • MageKnight
    MageKnight Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    It's very difficult to achieve both the Werewolf and Eldrazi conditions with Red/Green Node, without almost killing your opponent (those werewolves gets really big very fast) I end up killing the werewolves myslef or letting them purposely get killed by the opponent, which often times gets me killed! and then theres the Eldrazi which are not cheap to cast for Red decks (both for chandra and Nahiri) unless you have Koth (I don't have Koth),This Node is the most grindy and tiring of the three

    Nissa is out of the question since you don't have much choice for creature removal (to remove both yours and your opponent) and the werewolves are have the highest cost.

    Blue Node has it the easiest, especially with Kiora since she has access to spells that can stall the game and lots of spells and supports that can generate mana, and eldrazi tokens.

    Black - with Liliana's Abilities Corrupt and Raise Dead lets you recast the vamps and Eldrazi over and over, but the setup is slow, I often have my HP reduced to less than half before completing the objectives

    overall this event feels very grindy and frustrating since one mistake or cascade from your opponent can spell defeat as you try to balance out your creatures- trying not to kill your opponent and keeping up you defenses
  • Heh. I don't have the super-quick-game-over-now cards (Olivia, BtB / FutF), and I found the games were pleasantly quick. With a correctly built deck, my blue Jace2 will naturally drop 2xDrowner and 15+ supports en route to winning. Kiora on green needed a little tweak - Sage of Hours got too big too quickly, so I went with the smaller cheaper werewolves that don't grow so fast. Enough draw spells and her 2nd ability meant I could get 6 werewolves and 2 Drowners down without needing to stall excessively.
    Black was the hardest, but Blight Herder + Grip and/or Catacomb Sifter made the Eldazi objective achievable, again mostly without having to sit around durdling; just be slightly careful when to ultimate Nix and I can still win pretty quickly.

    Of course, I've avoided going up to platinum, which is the best decision I ever made in this game.