Boss Rush - Enjoyment Poll



  • I gave up on boss rush when the bosses were only around 10k health so maybe round 2?

    I gave up because of a mistake I admit I made. I could have ended the round but I misplayed my move and the very next move Iron Man called in his friends. After I wiped them the very next move Iron Man called in his friends. After I wiped them the very next move iron man called in his friends again. At this point I said forget this and never opened boss rush again. I know it was my fault but to get stuck in such a stupid cycle is far too time consuming and plain old ridiculous.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    edited October 2016
    At round 7, my boss levels were at 547.

    There was no enjoyment in getting your dead heroes served back to you round after round.

    Do not want this event ever again.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    Pure 3* rosters probably couldnt do round8 and maybe even round 7 was too hard as well.
    I can´t imagine how they could even get past round 5. I tried a few things like Hulk/KK/xxx - but unfortunately KK is one of my unchamped characters (4/5/2) and has only 5,5 k health, so she was just a snack for GG, she died so many times after only a few moves because of a cascade and the following match damage. Same with Hood (Level 169, 5,1k health) and Iron Fist (2/4/5, 5,5k health). Maybe I´m too dumb to play the game icon_e_sad.gif
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I have a champed OML and I believe my Rd8 bosses were 519....but I still ran Hulk/KK/2*Storm. And with boosting B/G and All, I had about a 60% win rate....but that was either lose first/second turn or win the whole thing. So CRAZY luck dependent. Which speaks to HORRIBLE design decisions.

    I thought about starting a topic, but was afraid it would get me banned......but here goes (and Im genuine in my curiosity so please dont just flame the devs): how could something like this make it past testing? There had to be many fails in that process, or did it just not occur?
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    I got two Peggys but only because of some exploits with Prof X... good event, but need some ballance
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I could have gotten all 3 peggies, but it got annoyingly difficult and the battles took forever. If any of the bosses got a cascade I would lose, making random chance a huge factor to losing/winning. I quit after 2 because it just wasn't fun.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    20%. Everything after Round 4 was miserable.
  • xellessanova
    xellessanova Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    This gets 20% if only because I have hate-read every single post in the forums and am getting a perverse enjoyment out of how mad I am and how mad everyone else is about this event, since we expected an alliance effort to win cake and got a marathon solo hot-pepper-eating contest with ghost-chile salsa ladled over a side of randomness and despair at having wasted one's money, time, and finite lifespan playing a game designed not to be enjoyable.
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    One Peggy earn! Op Bosses in waves it's not cool in any way, not an alliance event, scores not counting...
    Summing up...

  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2016
    Someone earned 2.1 million points in the event (can find by checking the top 10 alliance leaderboards). It only took 1.4 million to get the last Peggy cover. That person has 2 max covered 5's at level 450ish.

    I wonder if they used their 5's or whether they dipped down into the 4/3 part of their roster.... impressive either way.
  • 658
    658 Posts: 51 Match Maker
    Voted 20%. There was a point, I think in rd 4, when it was a very stiff challenge, but beatable with good straightforward strategy. Once rd 5 (or maybe 6) came around and the only way to beat it was to use a winfinite variant and/or get really lucky, then it ceased being fun. Winfinite is monotonous and takes forever. Later, losing three heathpacks virtually every boss fight was the opposite of fun.

    They could salvage this event imo with a couple tweaks. Obviously, they need to turn down the difficulty. They could make what we just had for r4 the max difficulty and not really touch the rest of the event. That's the workable but not ideal solution, imo.

    I'd rather see them keep *some* of the advanced difficulty, but decrease or eliminate the penalties for losing, which were severe in this iteration. I see two easy fixes in this respect.

    1. If all characters used in the boss match restored to full health before the match started, the healthpack consumption necessary would reduce from obscene to reasonable. Would still need healthpacks for the side nodes if you wanted your A team, but no more 20+ per every round.

    2. Make the boss nodes optionally repeatable, until a max point threshold is reached. So, instead of losing half the points available every boss node loss, the player who chose to put in extra time could make up for the points loss with extra effort and still maintain pace towards the overall goals.

    If they did those two things, I wouldn't mind losing 60% of the time.
  • 658
    658 Posts: 51 Match Maker
    Voted 20%. There was a point, I think in rd 4, when it was a very stiff challenge, but beatable with good straightforward strategy. Once rd 5 (or maybe 6) came around and the only way to beat it was to use a winfinite variant and/or get really lucky, then it ceased being fun. Winfinite is monotonous and takes forever. Later, losing three heathpacks virtually every boss fight was the opposite of fun.

    They could salvage this event imo with a couple tweaks. Obviously, they need to turn down the difficulty. They could make what we just had for r4 the max difficulty and not really touch the rest of the event. That's the workable but not ideal solution, imo.

    I'd rather see them keep *some* of the advanced difficulty, but decrease or eliminate the penalties for losing, which were severe in this iteration. I see two easy fixes in this respect.

    1. If all characters used in the boss match restored to full health before the match started, the healthpack consumption necessary would reduce from obscene to reasonable. Would still need healthpacks for the side nodes if you wanted your A team, but no more 20+ per every round.

    2. Make the boss nodes optionally repeatable, until a max point threshold is reached. So, instead of losing half the points available every boss node loss, the player who chose to put in extra time could make up for the points loss with extra effort and still maintain pace towards the overall goals.

    If they did those two things, I wouldn't mind losing 60% of the time.
  • TheDrStrange
    TheDrStrange Posts: 89 Match Maker
    I gave it a 20%. I suspect it was supposed to be really hard to win, and that we were supposed to lose pretty often. I actually don't have a problem with that on a conceptual level. The issue I had was that I found a team that I could get through 2/3 of the bosses and then they either died or were very injured. I don't have a stash of health packs or anything, so I often had to wait for them to heal or for health packs replenish. If the guys used in the boss run didn't get wounded as a result, this event would have been way more fun. No worrying about health packs. Just do your best and see how far you get. That, in my opinion, would have been way cooler.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    20%. I liked that the bosses changed every round, made the whole thing less tedious. The last couple of rounds however were infuriating and a shameless money-grab.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Chronicler wrote:
    Gave it a 40%. I made it 2/3rds of the way through round 8 but couldn't get enough traction on Phoenix to get the last cover...

    IM46 was awful but, again, manageable. Bring in an AOE specialist, hoard AP, and blast him through his armor shield.

    Galactus didn't need to be able to make matches, but since he always came in with 18-25 "free" black AP, he was basically a two turn chance to do as much damage before he ate you.

    But Phoenix. Oh god Phoenix. Who thought that was a good idea?

    Chronicler, I really like your individual boss breakdown. One thing I really like to add is the hidden benefit of 3* Storm with 5 black claiming half the board for herself: Even weak strike tiles don't get turnt by "transform basic tile" moves like Girl Friday or Trick or Treat. It's immensely gratifying to watch IM46 fire it off and watch it fizzle for no damage.
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    0% It sounded fun in other anniversary announcements & I was pretty excited, but the bloom fell off that rose almost immediately. Echoing other's sentiments the scaling was brutal by round 4, rewards were significantly worse than they should have been & progression targets were far too high. D3 won't bother giving us a decent response, even Hi-fi's posts Friday seemed condescending. A few have suggested we should all receive the progression rewards as an apology, but even all the Peggy covers would still make me question if it's worth it. At 850+ days I don't even spend my free Google Rewards money on this game anymore.
  • Going with the 20%...

    I got a Peggy cover, it was brutal...
  • vcorsac
    vcorsac Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    cardoor wrote:
    Someone earned 2.1 million points in the event (can find by checking the top 10 alliance leaderboards). It only took 1.4 million to get the last Peggy cover. That person has 2 max covered 5's at level 450ish.

    I wonder if they used their 5's or whether they dipped down into the 4/3 part of their roster.... impressive either way.

    My boss levels were at 520. My only wins on Round 8 were with Phoenix/OML/XFDP and a ton of boosts (5 match damage, 5 whitecrit.png , 2 bluetile.png / purpletile.png ).

    It was essentially a war of attrition. If I lucked my way into beating Phoenix with my 5 star.png s around half health or better and XFDP alive, I won 100% of the time. Most of the time I defeated Phoenix, but lost a 5 star.png and had the other at half health. Those matches usually ended with SS at half health. I should note that Phoenix's match-5 AOE didn't outright kill XFDP which netted me some extra points during those inevitable wipes (except that time she got 2 match-5s and killed my team on her second turn, no extra points).

    I attempted Hulkfinite a few times. Most of the time they died before they could get off the ground. Usually, I'd lose a character or two on Phoenix's first or second turn. The few times they did get off the ground, I'd lose a character when I ran out of powers to use. Additionally, this would have taken forever and a day to do since each boss had 100k+ hp.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler

    This is the event that broke me in general. Every other Alliance style event I've finished all eight rounds. (Though not both sides al la Civil War. I settle for beating round eight bossses, and my alliance likes the 7/6 or 7/7 split.

    Even Slot machine Galactus I cleared my end out. This one I couldn't be bothered. I got all the tokens, a MoStorm, and that was that. Still good for second in my alliance. I really need the Peggy covers too, but I was unwilling to sacrifice this kind of time to it. And when they said in the second day they would look at who completed this to determine what they should do. I didn't play a single mission after.

    Round five was beatable, and I saw shots for what other people did, but this was event was almost criminally hard at around Round 5. Round 6 with Phoenix was obscene. She murdered someone every turn if you couldn't drop her instantly. And Considering my OML healed for some 1800. I had to waste explosiveness on him. Who had the brilliant idea to allow so many of the bosses to heal? I'm again fairly glad I stopped playing. I hear horror stories of banner in round seven, and I didn't like him in round TWO.

    But this was painful, and had very little redeeming for me. I suppose I liked the challenge of How they set up each boss, but ONE would have been enough, and should have been enough for a reward. It is in every other event. Most of my bosses were around 500, with 70k health in round 6. That's well more than even Round 8 clears in other events.

    What I thought, and what I was envisioning might have been harder, but I thought it would be much more fun. Run a gauntlet of all eight. Start to finish, each round is just the one person. Puzzle through, find out who and how to beat these people, and then play it that way. Why wouldn't that have worked. You had more than eight bosses. Heck make the last round the big cosmic one. Surfer, Phoenix, Galactus. Or not use a Surfer and just do this.


    Why would that have been so bad? Would it have? In any case, I am glad that after last year's anniversary screw up prizing rates, being worse than heroic tokens, I didn't drop money on the sale. Rationalizing that after the event, even though I'd get less, if I had a good time, I'd pay. I dropped $120 for Civil War. This gets $0.
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I thought it was an interesting idea but I really just didn't care to play through it.

    Especially since it was against my Alliance rather than all of us working together.

    That was my least favorite part of it.