Boss Rush - Enjoyment Poll



  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2016
    This was totally not fun, spending ~25-30 minutes to finish _1_ round against OML in Rnd 6, then meeting Phoenix and getting wiped.

    Yes, Peggy covers are a great reward, but spending 2 hrs to clear 1x round is ridiculous, IMO. I'm stopping after 1x battle in Rnd 6, sorry Peggy but I don't need the stress.

    Which this event (to me) is totally high, because all of the battles are "high pressure"/"high performance". There are no "Trivial" nodes to breeze through and be on "autopilot". Every node was kick-your **** hard if you screwed up (or had the potential to). That's _NOT_ fun. The great unknown of the wave nodes (of who you're fighting, if you don't research it on the msg. board), is another kick in the gut.

    The powers for the Bosses which aren't listed suck to boot. Somehow GG was draining me of AP. How? None of his powers state it, but I suspect that it's from his Pink power and selecting "Blue" to stun my team, and then drains AP also. Where does it stay it? IDK, maybe on the countdowns. IM46 gaining power from having 8x Charge counters on the board, he doesn't say it, but he does, thanks, that makes Cho worthless now as a battery.

    The powered up characters selection sucked for this event, why didn't you just go with the "Weekly" powered up characters like every other event? Having Champed HB/Fury would have been a lot better (Iceman wouldn't help on Bosses, but would have been on other nodes).

    EDIT: Oh, the Bosses ALL having the same damage from all of the colors, so this meant that XPD/Blade/XF/etc that are all dependant on the target's "strongest color" was yellow. It's not like the players could use Blade and try to drain Phoenix's Red (or whatever). So it denied legitimate tactics to slow down the bosses b/c of their damage power. Gee, could you have just made their active powers +1 point over everything else? Is that too much to ask?

    I could go on I think...
  • Knaaks
    Knaaks Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I gave it a big, fat zero. I really wanted that Peggy cover since she is the last 4 Star I don't have, but I wasn't willing to put up with all the ****. I typically am not a PVP player, but I had much more fun doing the PVP this time around, and got much, much, much better rewards out of it than if I had killed myself on this event. I'm not an expert because I stopped pretty early on, but I think if they made some changes, like let you take 6 characters, and tweeked some of the difficulty, it could be fun.

    In an event like this, why not just make all the characters boosted? Or maybe make none of them boosted, but scale the leveling of the bosses back. There was teams that I thought might be good to take, but since they weren't boosted, they wouldn't survive one round.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    This event was very low enjoyment for me because I really want peggys and I despise being taunted with prizes that the devs know damn well I have 0 chance to earn. Its insulting. It sucks. Its infuriating. But at least I got two Mohawks...
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, passed round 7 cheesing through with Hulk, Storm, KK, but Phoenix is too fast to the kill. I was able to do earlier rounds with Cho, Kingpin, and Cyclops (poor XF Wolvie so fragile can't play). Thing is, it just feels so wrong to me that I had to rely on those boosted champions so early on (starting round 3, and even then risking hero death). Without relying on KK's heal or a massive health pool, rounds all the way to 5 should have been fine without putting out the best. The prizes in those rounds are more like "prizes". Well, thankfully the new (well, old) PVE and post-season PVP started. Now I just have to stick with dealing with the regular attacks there without relying on the big guns all the time (seriously, why do people start immediately playing with boosted Red Hulk? Put some effort into the game for crying out loud. It doesn't take something that big to deal with a seed team.)
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    The game demands sooooooooooooo much time to see any success. Why criticise people for going as fast as they can? My seed team killer always has OML and iron fist. Gotta have fun/save time where you can.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had a lot of fun with the first two rounds - the side enemy pins were surprisingly kind, and the bosses were fun to blow through. My round 3 scaling went bonkers though - from 115 in round two to 285-353 in round three. At that point I thew in the towel and went to play a comparatively more relaxing game - Salt & Sanctuary. At least there I knew I died because I screwed up, not because of an unlucky cascade/crazy match damage.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I gave it 60%. Phoenix was really the only boss that was way out of line for me. There was nothing I could do about her if I couldn't kill her almost as soon as she showed up (and that's not fun). Luckily I had a decent enough Red Hulk that I could keep Bruce Banner in check, so I got through Round 7. I had a champed Cho and he provided a lot of interesting options (damage from his blue resolving, board destruction from his green against Galactus, Ultron, Silver Surfer). I felt that I had to think hard about when the appropriate time would be to transform OML so that I could handle the turn ending as well as balancing his health vs. available AP for future rounds (which was the most interesting his character has ever been to play).

    It was rough having stun completely eliminated as that made some good characters (like Iceman) irrelevant. Or, for example, if Jean Grey could have stunned Phoenix on her match 5, that might have provided a counter. Or if some characters took extra damage from a stun attack...

    Overall I thought the concept was good but the scaling was about 15 - 20% too high and I had no way to handle Phoenix. With a few minor adjustments it could be a good event.

    I didn't mind the intra-alliance competition, as in many alliances there are people who pull much more weight than others and it is nice they get a little extra reward (and the extra reward in this case was pretty small).
  • From announcement thread

    "We'll look at our data to see how people did and combine that with the feedback to help improve future runs of the event. "

    Day 990 player.. If they bring this POS back, I would highly consider quitting the game.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Events like this and Demiuge's attitude regarding them really make me wonder why I keep playing. What is this a celebration of? Who is celebrating?

    Day 792 player and a commander of a premier PVE alliance
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    The moment I started using Prof X so he could stay invisible after his teammates died was the moment that I quit enjoying the event. That was somewhere in Rd5.

    I'm starting to finally understand that winfinite and other "cheap" tactics are how players respond to badly designed events. There are ways to win any Event, no matter how broken, but that doesn't mean it's fun.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    fnedude wrote:
    EDIT: Oh, the Bosses ALL having the same damage from all of the colors, so this meant that XPD/Blade/XF/etc that are all dependant on the target's "strongest color" was yellow. It's not like the players could use Blade and try to drain Phoenix's Red (or whatever). So it denied legitimate tactics to slow down the bosses b/c of their damage power. Gee, could you have just made their active powers +1 point over everything else? Is that too much to ask?

    This alone proves just how little thought went into it. "Strongest colour" is a massive part of the meta now, with loads of characters having abilities that are directly linked to it. Completely negating it in an event that needed extreme tactical nous to get through is nothing short of incompetence.
  • AntiLeni
    AntiLeni Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I gave it a pity point and thus my vote is 20% instead of 0. It was neat learning about a couple of perverse "winfinite" teams I wasn't aware of. Round 1 was okay. Other than that...

    I pushed through round 7. I'm not sure why. To see if I could, because I'm a masochist, because it was raining all weekend. By the end of round 7, I was questioning my life choices. If I never seen MoStorm cast Lightning strike again, it'll be too soon.

    I know balance has been a topic of discussion lately, but balancing around a couple of perverse teams just makes everyone miserable. Would it really be so bad if it were less punishing? You'd sure curry a lot more favor among the player base, which seems overwhelmingly pissed off about this event specifically, and a hyped anniversary that still kinda felt like the devs ascribe to the "we don't really like our players" model.

    I'm burned out. I don't want to play this game anymore. I will probably log in and do Deadpool's daily until my VIP sub runs out. After that, who knows.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 533 Critical Contributor
    My alliance completed the first run of Galactus.

    I quit this event after completing round 4.

    Could I have thrown a ton of boosts and health packs at it and completed the event? Sure.

    But it wasn't any fun. I'm in 4* world and the bosses were incredibly OP with regard to match damage and around 150 levels higher than they should have been.

    The bosses I was facing in round 4 were what I would expect in round 8 for an event like this.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    The vast majority of the problems with this game come down to this very thread. And I don't mean the topic of this thread, but the fact that this poll was created by a user and not a mod, not an admin, not someone from D3 or demiurge. I realize that there is a lot of toxicity on these forums, but there is quality player feedback here as well as evidenced by this thread. The problem isn't that the event was too hard, or too easy, or the scaling, or the rewards, but rather that no one on the development team or publishing team bothered to solicit any feedback from the playerbase either before or during the event. When the players attempted to reach out to the developers a mere 8 hour into the event their concerns were essentially dismissed. So regardless of my feelings about the mechanics and details of this event, my overall enjoyment level took a huge hit thanks to what IlyaF pointed out as a complete lack of respect.

    As far as my feedback on the event goes.....I like the concept of Boss Rush. A series of challenging battles that really makes you think about your every move. The execution was mostly a failure for a number of reasons, but quite frankly I don't care to dive into the details knowing that they will fall on deaf ears. So here is my TL;DR...
    • If you are supposed to lose that failure shouldn't make it impossible to hit progression rewards due to a finite amount of points in the event.
    • Difficulty should be increased by requiring more skill, not more luck.
    • Stop penalizing players for progressing through the game - the most successful rosters in this event were those whose best teams were not 5*s, but some winfinite variant.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Double acceleration is ridiculous. You want to make sure your bosses can actually use their abilities, so you let them place their color on the board. I get that. It made Banner a challenge, but he could be managed in a number of ways. Letting Phoenix passively collect that much red on top of dropping 5 tiles on the board every turn was absurd.
  • Steellatch
    Steellatch Posts: 85 Match Maker
    my big complaint is that it was supposed to be a fun celebration event. Why make it so challenging? The civil war event, I understand being hard because earning 5* covers were on the line. The dev's said ti was to be a fun time with your alliance for friendly competition. There's no reason to make anniversary events so frustrating. If they don't want to give good rewards for easy challenges, fine. But the main focus of an anniversary celebration is "fun". This was not "fun". This poll is perfect.
  • dan54321
    dan54321 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    I agree with Smudge, this event felt tired and stale. The devs were so lazy, all they did was rebadge an existing boss format, throw in 3x the number of bosses, and pump up the boss powers to ludicrous levels without much thought of the consequence to gameplay. There was a minimal amount of thought, care, and creativity put into this event. The devs seemed to think they could just bribe players with double ISO and a generous vault and that would be enough. There was no new story event that would have required actual story writing and put the "RPG" into "Puzzle RPG". It was a throw-away event, half-baked, half-hearted, simply going through the motions with a minimum of effort. It spoke volumes to the level of interest the devs are showing in this game after 3 years. They think they can get away with lackluster effort and creativity and that players will keep playing.
  • MLDB
    MLDB Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I finished r8 24 hrs before the end, earlier than most. I rate my enjoyment at 20% because the first few rounds were alright, but then the rest was a horrible slog with RNG being way too large a factor on whether you won or lost (stupid Boss Phoenix). I run an alliance that loves pushing as a team, even if some of us carry a little more than others because of our different rosters. This event denied us one of the best things about alliance based Boss events- the joy of competition as a team. Losing alliance progression rewards for some individual intra-alliance ranking awards? No thanks. Would rather have won Peggy covers for the team than a Mohawk just for myself.

    If they run this again, make it a TEAM event and delete Phoenix or otherwise nerf her passives into the ground. Nobody enjoys being beaten by RNG.

    Until then, this was a crazy horrible waste of resources for me and a bad ending to an otherwise enjoyable anniversary week.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went 60%. I cheesed round 1-5 with Angels, then round 6 was the absolute sweet spot for me, running combos with Chulk alongside RHulk and Kingpin amongst others; I lost lots, but I won lots, and there was a sense of achievement there, a battle well won. Once I hit 7, after a few attempts with others I flipped to Hulkfinite as nothing else was working well, and ground it out. Had anyone else but Phoenix been first, I may have tried for round 8, but that was brutal, and alongside the fact that the side nodes were costing me health packs to get through with my big guns, I called it a day before I got too frustrated.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I rated 20%. The concept is a good one, but changes I would make:

    1st - why does scaling have to be all or nothing all the time? Start with wherever you want to in the first round and then increase like 50 levels each round. The easier rounds are just that - easier.

    If we're fighting bosses in a wave node, why do we need wave node side pins? Get rid of them.

    While were on the side pins - they should never be more than 1/2 the boss level.

    Make the prizes match the difficulty. It was so disheartening to win 25hp at the 872000 point mark.

    Phoenix - take her design and kill it with fire. No one should be killing champed 5* characters in 3 moves, but that was happening often in rd8.

    *This was a non-alliance alliance boss battle. Bring that back.

    *This is for all boss battles - let the boss refresh when the side pins refresh so we all get 6 shots at the boss every 8 hours no matter when we play it.

    Just my 2 cents...

    *added after first submission