Boss Rush - Enjoyment Poll



  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 786 Critical Contributor
    Was a little bit fun at the beginning and I enjoyed the challenge but it was just too difficult for about 99% of users and the rewards were poor and legendary token was never going to be reachable.

    I got to round 7 but I felt a storm 3* cover was a poor reward for finishing top

    Boss rush will be a lot more fun if you do it again but with better rewards and less mission impossible
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    No pity from my side - 0% it is.

    Until round 3, things looked like a regular boss fight. It was basically a warm-up for the real thing. But then the real thing was terrible.

    Then after round 3 I pretty much had to use Greenfinite (like a lot of other people) and battles took so horribly long. It was basically choosing between losing against the bosses or spending 15+ minutes in a single battle. (EDIT: in addition, at some points I got bored in the middle of the battle, so I was tempted to jump to other apps on my device, for example to my Alliance chat. But I couldn't because switching apps often causes MPQ to crash, and I couldn't risk having the game crash after 10 minutes of Storm green and Kamala purple. YAY!)

    All while knowing the rewards were mostly underwhelming (apart from Peggy tokens), that some people had been affected by bugs in the points rewarded per battle, that the next round could be basically impossible, etc.

    This was the worst PvE event I've played, no doubts. Give me Juggernaut Heroic over this any day.
  • AlexxKats
    AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
    a 20% enjoyment rating was given.

    Mainly due to my own need to constantly test limits and overcome them if remotely possible.

    Let me start by saying that i'm a day 880+ veteran (recently got a disappointing mr."Fantastic" from daily) with the extreme unluck to sport a champed Silver Surfer, and two nearly usable 5*s (oml and phoenix at 10 covers each and leveled to 405 and 390 respectively).

    Scaling for me was something that could be logical. Galactus at round 8 was about 541 or so. But it was near impossible to play with my silver surfer since round 7, as he can't beat boss mode Phoenix. Not enough damage to do so. Not constantly at least. So i resorted to my "1st run of Galactus" (which we cleared as an alliance) victory team, the infamous hulkfinite (too long per fight, but i did manage to do a 23min Boss node once, my fastest of 5 wins).

    Galactus 1st run, if luck wasn't on your side, you'd lose @ round 3. But boss mode Phoenix and her constant cascades could spell flaming defeat on even my A team on 1st round. And speaking of that, i decided to not try enough to clear round 8 (missed 2 full clears and tried a few tactical teams for round 8, and still made maximum progression, so if i was a tad more serious i would have cleared it). But the main problem was the super cascading hell I was put through. And with a few simple math it showed a stunning 80% chance to wipe, with a pure ~60% chance to wipe at phoenix 1st round no matter what team i used (in case anyone wondered what was the lowest points you could take from the boss with your A team, it's 10. i have screenshots (plural)). And that isn't called playing a game. That's pure sadism.

    Add to that the closing of the season, so simulator and pvp needed to be played as well. Not enough health packs, as everyone else probably.

    The first fight was enjoyable as i proved to myself that even that untested over-scaled super-powered cruel and brutal mode that was to climax during once again developer's weekend off and featuring way too many hit points and awarding way too little points towards progression (comparing with any other boss fight that they awarded the actual damage done as points) could be beaten given time, patience and thought (and luck and the proper roster in this dreaded example). 1st round 8 waves clear took about 40 minutes. 40 minutes takes a full game of basketball. So as expected i fine-tuned and dropped that time to ~25 minutes average. That is 25 minutes of firing the same 3 powers over and over and over... Would you enjoy it? I definitely didn't after the first time.

    And to add insult to injury: The 3* storm reward. Thanks devs. Really needed that. Someone had to keep company to other lame rewards.

    Wanna publish a new and shiny event? We want you as well to do so. But for the love of whatever God(s) you believe in, PLAYTEST THEM. Ain't that hard, either ask volunteers to beta test new events (and freaking reward them properly), or hire some extra stuff (i should clarify here, hire gamers, not dancers or anything else) to playtest them any idea you have while playing the rest of the game (new pve, pvp, simulator, ddq) in order to have realistic data.

    Overall, the boss rush was the final event i've been waiting for in this half bad 3rd anniversary season. Don't call me a liar, i did enjoy those double iso, but i feel that should be the normal, not the special. Won't comment on anniversary as a whole, as this is not the thread for it, so i'll just leave my thoughts here, in vain, knowing that players and mods will read them, while developers probably won't.

    [Edit: I should add, that i find the long discussed lack of alliance progression towards a common goal as was in previous moss modes extremely bad, while at the same time i find the competition between alliances completely wrong. This is PVE. Alliances shouldn't have to compete each other (not at boss mode nor at any PVE mode in my opinion). If anything leave each be like other boss modes, or make a damn global boss mode where alliances work together for a damn change.

    - Alexx
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    I made it to the end of Round 6 for the first Peggy cover. It was definitely a slog!!! My highest level character is 278 Hulkbuster. Even the boosted characters (Dr. Doom, Kingpin) when boosted were only 298. By Round 3, I was facing bosses at around the 375 level. SERIOUSLY???????? icon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gif I got more points from the side nodes than I did from the Bosses. For the most part, after round 3, I was able to get past the first boss and if I got a few lucky cascades and/or match 5's able to get through the second boss but was never able to complete the boss nodes in rounds 4, 5, and 6. Ok, I'm supposed to lose but how about at least giving us a fighting chance???
  • danuutz
    danuutz Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    20% enjoyment for me.

    I was able to get the icon_peggycarter.pngredflag.png cover at round 6 but lost interest to continue further.

    My team for boss rush:

  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    20% here.

    The idea is interesting, but the execution abysmal. The Peggy covers were out of reach and I didn't feel like throwing myself in the meat grinder for some boosts and a MoStorm cover so I quit at round 3 when things started spiralling.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    0%, not funny.
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    I suspect the devs designed the event as an alliance battle. Then, out of nowhere, they decided to flip it to individual event; then forgot to soften the scaling. It must be a D-1 decision. Gave it 40% because my Hulkfinite/Green Party worked so well, I got 2 Peggy covers; but, man, it was a blood bath.
  • I reached around 3rd round before I gave up trying to find good team for beating the bosses. They seemed a little OP for me. Instead I focused on PvP.

    Generally I like the idea, but the bosses need a little nerf.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I did finish round 8 thanks to super Wales but 0 fun had. There are ways to make something a challenge without being completely unfair. This was roulette, we want poker.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went with 60%, because the early rounds were quite fun and even in 6+ when I was dying like crazy the scoring was such that I still made consistent progress. I'd have liked it a lot more if the boosted characters weren't such a poor fit for the Hulk and Phoenix fights that gated rounds 7 and 8 -- make this a "use anyone you want" event and it'd solve a bunch of problems.
  • Saintsfanuk
    Saintsfanuk Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    None for me, got to round 3, found out how badly scaled it was and that it was just going to get worse so couldn't be bothered.

    Never not played a boss one to max progression but it just wasn't worth my time. Need the Peggy covers badly as well. Also most of my motivation went when I realised it wasn't an alliance event and I should have just created my own to get the top reward, as bad as it was.

    What is more annoying and something they should fix is when the side nodes scale, it should be round by round not every 8 hours. I went back to give it another go on the last day, but the nodes had scaled so high there was no point.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    I gave it a 40%.

    I have multiple champed 4* and 2 5*s in the 400+ range. My scaling was kinda bonkers.

    I liked the redesign of most of the bosses, except Phoenix. Phoenix was the wall that you needed to get past. If you could beat her, the rest of the wave was easy. Starting against Phoenix in Rd 8 made it next to impossible to play with any other team other than Champ Hulk, Champ MoStorm and Champ KK, use boosts, and have a decent starting board. I was able to beat Rd 8 3 or 4 times, each resulting in a 30+ minute wave battle. Ain't nobody got time for that. All of the other times I tried rd 8 (I think it was 15) I wiped within the first few moves, some on the first move thanks to bad board plus lucky match-5 from Phoenix, or just from trying a team other than Hulk, Storm, KK (like, you know, my nearly-champed 5*s).

    I ALMOST feel like this was meant to be an actual alliance event, letting people contribute to an overall goal, but the devs tested it and saw that SO MANY PEOPLE WERE GOING TO WIPE AND NOT EARN POINTS that it was would be impossible for an alliance to meet said goals en masse. So they made it individual instead, brought the goals down to individual levels, and let God sort them out.

    Also, while I don't mind the "get as far as you can; you're going to lose but gain as much points as possible" aspect, it falls flat when you have a finite resource (healthpacks) against a timer, and there is basically only one team you can play to beat the dang round. This required too many healthpacks. The wave boss battle should maybe not result in actual health being taken away from our team once the round is over, that would have helped in the enjoyment level, but only a little.

    As above, a wave battle should not take me 30+ minutes to complete.

    I did not finish rd 8. I missed my last Peggy cover, and I was about 90K (one last full wave node) away from making 25 CP, but I could not get a good starting board at all on my last few attempts and just kept getting crushed by Phoenix.

    Challenges are fun as long as they are challenging and not outright impossible.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    But, I think the most infuriating thing is the blatant disregard for the players exemplified by this event. History has repeated itself. The devs have tried this, "You're supposed to lose," bull tinykitty before. And that statement caused a huge backlash. The devs absolutely know that, or if they don't, they're obliviously inept. But, they double down on that exact design. You're supposed to lose. You're supposed to burn all of your health packs, not progressing one round. Your side nodes are supposed to raise insane amounts, and raise by a function of time, not your progress though the actual event. All the same **** that we have told them we hate, again and again and again.
    And yet, as I said in another thread, the metrics are going to show Demiurge that players played it anyway. You yourself rate it 20% but made it to round 6.

    Like anything else in life, actions count much more than words. Raging and fuming for nearly 40 pages about how much an event is hated, while continuing to play it and grind out the covers, tells Demiurge they really need change nothing, because so many of the players are such addicts that they'll swallow anything.

    I scored it 20%. I sort of enjoyed round 1, but when I realized the scoring mechanics (no alliance progression was completely, totally unjustified) I quit after clearing round 2, and I only cleared that because I saw I just had to beat the bosses once more to do so. Even so, 2/3 of my heroes died in that final play and there was no way in hell I was going to put myself through any more of that garbage.

    I much enjoyed doing little other than DDQ for the weekend.
  • Dimh
    Dimh Posts: 50 Match Maker
    My biggest issue was the amount of resources this one event required. I spent every Health Pack, gold Boost, and most of my characters were down for pretty much all of Round 8. I never ended up beating it, although *almost* killed Surfer. What this ended up doing was prevent me from getting progression in the Gwenpool PVP event. That is fairly frustrating, and sure the choice was mine to grind out the Boss Rush mode, but no single event should demand EVERY resource you have, when multiple other events are running.

    Random thoughts:

    I disliked the slot machine style of Round 7+, but I did feel like I was solving actual puzzles once my teams got going.
    ^ Phoenix killed me on her turn 1 four times.
    Phoenix is a little too dumb, and the frustration of the "did I get a playable board" certainly got to me.
    RIP phone case. icon_hulk.png SMASH
    I felt completely exhausted at the end of the event.
    I was a little less than 150k short of the last Peggy cover (30k points per killed boss in Round 8).
    I think I would have hit that progression had I swapped to the icon_hulk.png :storm icon_kamalakhan.png team sooner. I stuck with icon_cyclops.pngicon_storm.pngicon_kamalakhan.png too long.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I gave it a 20%. The battles were winnable, and it was set up so that you could beat round 8, even if you only won around half the battles.

    I personally made it midway through round 7, and my alliance actually came in number 2!!

    The main problem was that after round 4, I couldn't win a single battle without using a Winfinite team. This is because any of the bosses could immediately one-shot kill my entire team with just a single move. Spam a color onto the board, cause a match-5, cause a special attack, boom, that's three more healthpacks I need to spend.

    So as a result, when you're taking on enemies with 80,000+ hit points, and each move takes around 300 hit points damage, the matches ended up being around 20 minutes each. Often times it would take hours, as I was busy doing other stuff, and then the game would crash somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd boss, because I tried to take a photo or video of my kids in the middle of fighting a round.

    It was just extremely draining and exhausting to play. Boss fights in general are stressful to need to play every 8 hours, expecially on the weekends, but when each refresh takes around 3+ hours, it's just way too much. I spend my weekends with my family, not entirely on the phone, so as a result, I missed most of the battles. Thankfully because each individual battle was worth a lot of points, I still had a good score.

    And it was tough that the only team progress was for placement that only won you a 3* cover. Seemed a bit pointless. I'm glad that my team did well, but somehow it seems that a top-placing team should've won something better than a 3* cover for everyone's effort. Heck, everyone should've won an LT just for participating and making it past the first few rounds.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    As a 3* - 4* transitioner with no champions in 4* land, the event was only enjoyable from rounds 1-3 at which point it became literally impossible to beat even the first boss. I gave up with two days to spare because even points from essentials wouldn't have gotten me any rewards.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    I rated it 20%. Even with the change from an "alliance event" to a "sort-of-competing-against-others-in-your-alliance-event," I was enjoying the "puzzle" aspect of the game. However, when it became obvious that the only strategy was "keep the bosses from taking any turns" with wave battles that drew out 15+ minutes, I tapped out. Ain't got time for that.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    I stopped after I went 0 for 6 in the second clearing of round 7. Hulk's match damage along with his never ending match 5's and cascades just sucked all of the fun out of it. If there was an alliance goal to work towards or if I wasn't already going to get my 5th blue Peggy cover from ISO 8 progression I may have had some motivation to continue but it just wasn't there.

    The event just chewed through healthpacks mercilessly and I didn't have fun anymore so it was time to bow out.
  • shusheshe
    shusheshe Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Like a lot of people, I made it to round 4 then gave it up. Too much work/unpleasant > rewards