


  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you have even a semblance of a life then you just can't compete with the people who play that don't. And yes, I'm sorry, if you're grinding nodes to 1 point...and then grinding some don't have a life. This game is your life. I shudder to think what the total would be if these players added up the hours they spend matching tiles.

    The devs could change this; they could make PVE, TRUE PVE, not this competitive garbage we fool ourselves into thinking is PVE. But they don't give a toss. "Play when you like" long as you don't care about placement.

    Luckily, I don't. CLs let me play up to a 4* cover, netting some CP along the way. It's slow progress, but it's still progress.

    The Anniversary's reversion to non-CLs has highlighted starkly, once again, how much I truly hate the systems that underpin this game that has so much potential to be amazing.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is a bloodbath in the top 100.

    The grind at end, (3 hits) equates to roughly 2 times full clear points. Plus the 4 clears at full points, means competition is only determined by the grind. Let's put max progress at 1x, that makes full grind roughly 1.5x. From what I'm seeing, the top 100 cutoff at the end of the last couple of events are approximately 1.3x. The spread is only 0.2x between the top 100 alliances.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pve isn't too bad for top 5i0
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    To the OP u cud try bracket sniping. Join line wait for bracket flip on final day. At least u wont need to grind 3 days straight icon_e_smile.gif
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    Let us not forget the old system also had nodes with capped scaling. I now have a mature 3 champed 5* roster and that means grinding level 440 nodes. This has dramatically changed the amount of time that PvE requires and really makes me wonder what the point of levelling is.

    I, too, remember saying that placement was going to get more difficult, but mainly for the people with lives and strong rosters. And I also predicted it was going to become BORING and it has. Instead of playing a little bit at regular intervals it is mind numbing repetition once a day. Not an improvement and the reason I am done with competitive PvE. (Which shouldn't be a thing)
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    This might make you feel a bit better (or not):

    theHunter - F2P (ot really) game about hunting. It has plenty of different competitions (longest shot, best scoring animal etc.). Every now and then there is a comp that goes for 48hrs and it requires you to hit as many specific animals as possible in that period of time.

    It's not unusual that top player plays for 48hrs straight just to win it. 2nd, 3rd place usually have well over 20hrs played in that period of time (2 days). Only top 3 players get rewards.

    Oh, 1st place rewards is in-game currency worth 1,5 USD...

    So, uhm... it could be worse.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    I reinstalled for anniversary. Sadly, I will be uninstalling afterwards. The development team just does not get it or they do not care. People want to have lives and be able to successfully compete with the top players.

    It's a shame. So many great characters and abilities. The gameplay is so much fun. The game itself is highly addictive.

    Unfortunately, pve is still set up as PvP with a story instead of true pve. IMHO, if I'm going to support a game with my two valuable resources, time and money, I should not have to "settle" for lower tier rewards because I have a job, family, and a life.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind PvP features. I'm sure some players thrive on those. I don't expect to do as well on those. But when a game advertises that it has a pve feature, which fits my life for every other game that I play, it genuinely hurts that it's a lie and I can't really play the game I would prefer.

    Just got clarification, dpdq is a true pve. That is how rewards for other "pve's" should be set up.

    I completely agree...for these reasons most of the playerbase asked for PROGRESSION REWARDS in PVE.
    They gave us a glimpse of what could have been with the cleareance ( a 4 star.png cover as progression reward)
    but soon after they took it back icon_redface.gif

    Progression rewards is the only thing that will fit the mantra : play when you want as much you want.( like David HI FI wrote months ago icon_e_confused.gif

    The actual system is only a grindfest 2hours at the beginning and 2h at the end of each sub, followed by another 2h grind to clear the new nodes 4 hours of continued playing if you want to be able to get at least in top 20 if you are lucky enough to find a NOT SO COMPETITIVE bracket.... otherwise you ll be screwed icon_e_surprised.gif

    It's way too much for "NORMAL" people who have a job, a family and a real life other than a puzzle game icon_cry.gif

    PROGRESSION REWARDS is the solution icon_cool.gif
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I accept a long time ago that I was never gong to really compete (got top 10 in Elektra release event which was a brutal level of grind and vowed never again).
    I get that they want to promote sales of tokens, but why be quite so stingy with the new release covers. Why not replace the 25cp with a new release cover, and put placement awards for these covers back to top 50, let those folks go nuts for more covers and make it easier for everyone else to play to our own schedule. If you want to gate it, you've got those shiney Clearance Levels to help with that. Then put Clearance Levels back into the next event and award another cover there in the normal progression spot. Then with pvp, a chance at one at 900. Play 3 events well, and I could have a 1/1/1 character. They are still going to sit there for months before they get many more covers, but you would at least be giving me the illusion of progress (and I still need to stump up the 1000 HP to roster it, and I've got 3 to chase, so it's more likely to happen). Stops people from feeling like the are being cut off for having a life, keeping them more engaged.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    CT1888 wrote:
    I get that they want to promote sales of tokens, but why be quite so stingy with the new release covers. Why not replace the 25cp with a new release cover
    No. No, no, no, no, no.
    Add a cover after or before the 25 CP but leave those alone.
    Chances at 5* covers >>>>> new releases, for a pretty big portion of the vet population.

    And yes, T10 in PVE requires about 3.5 hours daily, especially with a mature roster, which is insane.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Progression rewards are for the sane. Competitive rewards are for the insane. That's fine, because it means the game caters to different types of players. If you're a guy with a life outside of MPQ, ignore the competitive side entirely and just focus on progression.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a guy with a job and family I 100% agree with the OP. One thing that I think would help (certainly not fix) is more slices. The slices for PVE are horrible for someone with my schedule:

    7am - My start time for work.
    12pm - My lunch break, this would be workable if you didn't have play for 2 hours straight at the beginning of each sub.
    5pm - What I'm doing now. I leave work at 4pm and usually get home at 4:30 so I don't have enough time to do a proper final clear and traffic and wife aggro usually sideline me further.
    11pm - Again might be workable if only 1 clear is requried, but I need to sleep sometime.
    2am - Ha, you're funny.

    What I've currently been doing. Pick the 5pm slice. Grind out each node to 4, this usually takes me to sometime between 7:30 - 8:30 depending on scaling, availability of health packs, boosted character, etc. I then have to do any real life stuff in the last hour and half before bed.
    Do my DDQ in the morning before I leave for work.
    During my lunch break I do a 5th clear of as many nodes as possible, starting with the lower and working my way up. I know this isn't optimal, but I can't guarantee 2 clears per node at toughest scaling with my schedule so this is the best I can do. Sometimes if there's time I grind out the 6th on the 3 easy nodes.
    After I get home hit as many of the top point 6th nodes as possible, usually only get a handful before reset.
    5pm start it all over again.
    Usually get a disappointing rank like 50-100.

    SCL lessens this pain by putting better rewards in progression and making poor placement not feel like such an insult, but every event SCL is off it's like salt in wound.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    broll wrote:

    SCL lessens this pain by putting better rewards in progression and making poor placement not feel like such an insult, but every event SCL is off it's like salt in wound.

    Yes SCL is a little step forward....but for one step forward we usually get 2 steps back icon_cry.gif

    Anyway, I understand that they don't want to give many covers of a new character because they prefer to sell packs, but instead of eliminate SCL for the new release and the following PVE, they could have put another 4 star.png character in progression or add 25 commandpointsbig.png or even 20 commandpointsbig.png
    ......anything but the actual grindfest.

    Are we asking too much? I don't think so
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    I agree with OP that we have to play ridiculously lot to be able to achieve high ranks and with strict times. That's why I'm about to give up too placing well, just not happening. I already play nearly 4 hours every day this game and that is way too much. I think haven't played any game this much ever. Not even any individual Final Fantasies. So I focus on progress awards too.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calnexin wrote:
    I ground the nodes to 1 with 4 hours left to go.

    Then I went to mow the lawn for an hour.
    You should've mowed the lawn first. Cost you a few hundred points.
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I had the same issues as the OP: kids, wife, work. It all adds up and I hate ignoring my family to play a mobile game.

    I do get down time at work, but thats kinda iffy. Watching my back etc.

    I play what I can when I can, I normally place top 100 for release PvE's but with this being double iso, and a genuinely tough PvE it was hard. Hit 150 ish, so its still a 3clops cover. Means venom bomb will be a harder slog, but that's fine.

    This wouldn't have been so bad if we had clearance levels......
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Calnexin wrote:
    I ground the nodes to 1 with 4 hours left to go.

    Then I went to mow the lawn for an hour.
    You should've mowed the lawn first. Cost you a few hundred points.

    It's harder to mow the lawn once the sun goes down.. With the days getting shorter that's not really an option like it was in the summer.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    j0nats wrote:
    To the OP u cud try bracket sniping. Join line wait for bracket flip on final day. At least u wont need to grind 3 days straight icon_e_smile.gif
    In this particular case, terrible idea. Missing out on all of the double ISO for a hope of getting a new cover is giving up way too much. Bracket sniping occasionally has its place, but it is better served in PvP, not story mode, and certainly not in double ISO story mode.

    I empathize with the OP. Sometimes you get a death bracket where 6x clears isn't enough, but that's rare in my experience. For me, I find 4x clears on day one followed by 4x semi-optimal (within 8 hours of start) with 2x clears about 3-4 hours before the end on the remaining subs to be reliable enough for T100 in slice 5 new releases.

    One thing to keep in mind perhaps: Don't pre-join events, and don't try jumping in right at the event's start. If you do this, you're generally getting into the more hardcore crowd. I usually join 8-16 hours after my preferred slice begins. YMMV.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pessi wrote:
    I hate ignoring my family to play a mobile game.
    Who are you people that can actually do this & get away with it for very long? I didn't even grind Simulator for spit. Finished, I dunno, T500, T600, something like that. Mostly just doing 1-2 clears for some ISO and progression rewards. Even that was too much for my wife; she notices when I stare at the phone a little too much, and called me out on it last night after our son had gone to bed.

    If I ever tried a 4-clear grind session in the presence of my wife I'd likely be staring down divorce papers. And you know what? Rightfully so.

    If you've got a family, just don't try to play this game competitively. It's not worth it. You're not going to remember or care in your old age that you won 3 covers of some new character in some phone game from ~30 years ago.

    And yeah, I gotta do better myself at putting the phone away at night.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you've got a family, just don't try to play this game competitively. It's not worth it. You're not going to remember or care in your old age that you won 3 covers of some new character in some phone game from ~30 years ago.
    If my wife can spend 2 hours watching novellas, I can spend two hours grinding PvE...
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pessi wrote:
    I hate ignoring my family to play a mobile game.
    Who are you people that can actually do this & get away with it for very long? I didn't even grind Simulator for spit. Finished, I dunno, T500, T600, something like that. Mostly just doing 1-2 clears for some ISO and progression rewards. Even that was too much for my wife; she notices when I stare at the phone a little too much, and called me out on it last night after our son had gone to bed.

    If I ever tried a 4-clear grind session in the presence of my wife I'd likely be staring down divorce papers. And you know what? Rightfully so.

    If you've got a family, just don't try to play this game competitively. It's not worth it. You're not going to remember or care in your old age that you won 3 covers of some new character in some phone game from ~30 years ago.

    And yeah, I gotta do better myself at putting the phone away at night.
    With the new setup, if I wanted to, I could. I choose Slice 4, which is 11 pm for me. My youngest is in bed at 9, my other children are in high school/college and can put themselves to bed, my wife goes to bed at 10 and well asleep before 11. I could grind for hours for the start of the sub if I wanted to, but would rather get to the CP nodes and get the CP, then read a little and go to sleep. When my daughter goes to bed at 9, my wife puts on a show she enjoys and I sit in the living room with her listening to her show and playing my game. We go to bed, chat for a bit, say good night and she's out within minutes and I go back to finishing my end of sub grind. It was much more time consuming when it was every 8 hours, or every 2 hrs 40 minutes or whatever it used to be. THAT did not fit in my family and work schedule. THIS does. My limits for placement are self imposed. I value my night time hours as MY time, and I choose to use some of it on MPQ, some of it on watching a Netflix episode of a show my wife doesn't enjoy, and some of it reading a book. None of it interferes with Family time anymore. For me... this mode is much more family friendly.