Tournament Buff and Tile damage

I just leveled up my Juggernaut to level 40 and entered battle in FFA Tournament. I was surprised to see that Jugg has only Black tiles as his.

When I check his profile, damage from tiles is listed with buffed values, however, it seems not to affect the board. Only Black tiles deal damage shown in his profile. All other colours have symbols of two other characters and deal damage as described in Thor's (Red and Yellow) and Storm's (Blue, Green, Purple) profiles.

His Headbutt skill damage seems to be doing buffed damage.

The Ladder reports similar issue with Iron Man (Model 40) in new weekend tournament -> link


  • Same problem here.

    I did notice that the juggernaut does do the correct amount of damage (~150 with 3 red tiles at lvl30), it just appears that the game is using non-buffed damage info to select which character attacks with each tile color.
  • Same here. Is it a bug or a new feature?
  • My guess is that the game first compares unbuffed dmg for tiles, chooses character for each colour on that basis and then applies any buffs.
  • Thanks Shikao, I hope they look at this. Totally defeats the object of the buffs if they don't even apply. Abilities seem to be buffed up, but not tile damage.
  • its probably a hotfix to combat c.storm abuse off of free buffed characters
  • Tile damage is being buffed, just for whatever reason, the buffed damage isn't taking priority when matching tiles.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    its probably a hotfix to combat c.storm abuse off of free buffed characters
    Jugg has over 3k HP and he isn't a free bait.
  • Reremnu wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    its probably a hotfix to combat c.storm abuse off of free buffed characters
    Jugg has over 3k HP and he isn't a free bait.

    obviously not for this tournament but its a fix for future tournaments in mind like the boosted IM MK40
  • Kitekiller wrote:
    Tile damage is being buffed, just for whatever reason, the buffed damage isn't taking priority when matching tiles.

    This. Well put sir, I've had a few drinks and couldn't make the point as well as that!
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Reremnu wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    its probably a hotfix to combat c.storm abuse off of free buffed characters
    Jugg has over 3k HP and he isn't a free bait.

    obviously not for this tournament but its a fix for future tournaments in mind like the boosted IM MK40

    Then that defeats a large part of the point of boosts and it should've been in the patch notes.

    And, really, patch notes should be in game... although not another bloody unending pop-up please. Or, hey, are those gone too?
  • Zathrus wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    Reremnu wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    its probably a hotfix to combat c.storm abuse off of free buffed characters
    Jugg has over 3k HP and he isn't a free bait.

    obviously not for this tournament but its a fix for future tournaments in mind like the boosted IM MK40

    Then that defeats a large part of the point of boosts and it should've been in the patch notes.

    And, really, patch notes should be in game... although not another bloody unending pop-up please. Or, hey, are those gone too?

    How does it defeat a large part of the point of boosts? The character boosted still does more damage, but doesn't end up becoming a cheapo damage sponge to prevent the rest of your team from taking damage.

    Did you think the devs expected players to abuse c.storm + free low hp characters that hit hard and thus always take hits to trigger her passive?
  • And so if you're not using C Storm or a free character? Like, oh say, the current FFA tourney with buffed Juggernaut?

    Frankly, it's even more unbalancing if you're doing the damage of the buffed character even if they're not making the matches -- it even further cripples the AI since it cannot target the main damage dealer.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    How does it defeat a large part of the point of boosts? The character boosted still does more damage,
    They don't do any damage from matches, which was a large point of the boosts. So my Juggernaut is almost useless now in that tournament - he never does any damage from matches, as he is no longer rated as doing most damage. I don't want to use his red skill as I can no longer heal him from levelling up, and Storm (either of them) can better use the green skill.
    If the other two team members die, your Juggernaut solo team is a lot better - as he will do a lot of damage from the matches. Which is totally stupid.
  • Humphrey wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    How does it defeat a large part of the point of boosts? The character boosted still does more damage,
    They don't do any damage from matches, which was a large point of the boosts. So my Juggernaut is almost useless now in that tournament - he never does any damage from matches, as he is no longer rated as doing most damage. I don't want to use his red skill as I can no longer heal him from levelling up, and Storm (either of them) can better use the green skill.
    If the other two team members die, your Juggernaut solo team is a lot better - as he will do a lot of damage from the matches. Which is totally stupid.

    People are reporting even though juggernaut is not going to the front of the line, the matching damage is still that of juggernaut's

    I can't verify because my juggs is too low lvl
  • Zathrus wrote:
    And so if you're not using C Storm or a free character? Like, oh say, the current FFA tourney with buffed Juggernaut?

    Frankly, it's even more unbalancing if you're doing the damage of the buffed character even if they're not making the matches -- it even further cripples the AI since it cannot target the main damage dealer.

    The AI is already terribad in the first place. All this does is stop giving people free high-damage meat shields when they attack.

    Also, your first point is moot because 90% of people are forced to use c.storm. Maybe this change (along with health pack changes) detracts from her usage.

    But please, keep QQing.
  • I don't think I was getting my buffed Juggernaut's damage with matches.
    For example, his green damage is 71 buffed, and matching 3x green tiles was only hitting for ~75, which was my modern Storm's match damage.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    People are reporting even though juggernaut is not going to the front of the line, the matching damage is still that of juggernaut's
    It isn't, I don't think.
  • It's not hitting for Juggernaut's buffed damage.

    FFA, matched 3 reds and it's hitting for Thor's damage which is 34. Jug's buffed damage should be 70+.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    All this does is stop giving people free high-damage meat shields when they attack.

    Hey, you know a better way to do that? Don't give a free character at all!

    And then it doesn't ruin things for people who use their own character anyway. Or don't use C Storm. If C Storm is such an issue (and I rather agree she is OP'd) then maybe fix the problem rather than breaking other things?
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    But please, keep QQing.

    Please, keep pulling random ideas out of nowhere to justify a major gameplay change that wasn't mentioned in either the App Notes or the Patch Notes and seems to have surprised the lone developer/rep on the boards.

    This has really screwed the FFA tournament for those of us who were actually competitive. And I say that being on the good side of the issue -- I only leveled my Juggy to the low 20s, so it doesn't hurt me nearly as much as someone with a L40 Juggy.
  • there's actually pros and cons to this buff, con being less damage from basic matches, but pro is during fights, ur juggernaut is affectively support and protected. so you can headbutt and greensmash all you want, and not take that much damage for it (only his self hitting does damage to him now)