Mission Accomplished! PVP above 900 is awful!



  • JFisch
    JFisch Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    For me, Fist Bump was not bad. I played in SCL7 and fielded a team of IF 189\T4or 271\IM40 190 (before boosts, of course). I saw a good variety of teams that gradually winnowed down to IF\Champ T4or\OML as I got closer to 900.

    Confession - I'm not a shield-hopper. "Too much work" for me. I'd rather get up to between 500-600, wait until the last three hours of the event, then try to brute-force my way to the 4* progression in one go. The 25 CP was never my goal. Previously I'd get up around 850-900 before I ran out of steam and hits came faster than my victories so I'd cut losses, shield up, and work toward the 10K season goal. On 4* release PVPs I could usually hit 1K.

    On this event, I got to 900 with no problems whatsoever. I started my final push at 518 and only got tapped a couple times along the way by someone I was trading retaliations with (BlendedReality of some such. Sorry, man, it wasn't personal. You were just the highest point person I was finding.)

    For the records, I'm a 4* tier player with 12 champion 4* characters. I wish the reward had been someone other than Kingpin (who I have championed), but oh well. I can always use champion levels.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    It may have just been a random thing or accidental correct timing...but I loved the new format. I went from 450-1200 with one hit along the way. I actually ended at T50 when stopping just over progression, when before I could be just over 1300 and not even end T100!

    That said, I have been on the "widen MMR" bandwagon for a long time. Apparently similar-MMR teams can attack each other across shield clearance levels....if matchups are purely MMR dependant, and the scl doesn't matter, why is MMR so tight?
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Playing scl 7, slice 4. I have eight champed four stars. Played with Thora, and IM40, all toons champed.

    The climb was somewhat easier. Less five stars and lots of offensive teams (switch, prof x, IM 40), but 50% slower due to low-value targets. Best targets were worth between 40 and 50 where in the past they would be worth 60, 70.

    I wasn't attacked until I reached 800. By then I only had two health packs left so I dropped it but otherwise I probably would've been able to reach 900 without shielding. I remained unshielded for the rest of the event. I finished with 507 points and got hit a lot.

    So, the experience was not better for me. I guess we had reached a point where we were too comfortable and earning the rewards was easier than it should be. In the past I could go from 0 to 1000 in a single session in ninety minutes or less. Now it looks like it will be back to those days where you climbed all the way to 800, shielded and then waited for health packs to regenerate and then hop. The progression probably needs to be lowered more if the three star guys are meant to get those four star covers currently at 800.